32 research outputs found

    Bioactive peptides generated from meat industry by products

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    There is a large generation of meat by-products, not only from slaughtering but also in the meat industry from trimming and deboning during further processing. This results in extraordinary volumes of by-products that are primarily used as feeds with low returns or, more recently, to biodiesel generation. The aim of this work was to review the state of the art to generate bioactive peptides from meat industry by-products giving them an added value. Hydrolysis with commercial proteases constitutes the typical process and a variety of peptides result from such extensive proteolysis. This review focuses on the potential of meat by-products for the generation of bioactive peptides through enzymatic hydrolysis. The potential of some of the identified peptides to be used as bioactive supplements in foods has also been considered. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Grant AGL2010-16305 from MINECO and FEDER funds are fully acknowledged. JAEDOC-CSIC postdoctoral contract to L.M. is also acknowledged. This work was developed under the Unidad Asociada IAD-UPV/IATA-CSIC framework.Mora, L.; Reig Riera, MM.; Toldra, F. (2014). Bioactive peptides generated from meat industry by products. Food Research International. 65:344-349. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2014.09.014S3443496

    The relationship of psychological capital with leader-member exchange, socialization of newcomers and their psichological well-being

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    The relationship of psychological capital with leader-member exchange, socialization of newcomers and their psycological well-being Agnietė Šližytė Supervisor: Doc. dr. Irena Žukauskaitė Vilnius: Vilnius University, 2018, 90 p. Psychological capital is a set of individual resources associated with the desired employee attitudes, behaviors and performance. Employees with high psychological capital have high expectations about the results of their performance, faith in their ability to cope with emerging requirements. Falling into a new organization can become a considerable and difficult challenge, and the way a newcomer learns to do his job and socializes has a lasting impact on the success of further activities. Based on the fact that the socialization of newcomers, the quality of relationship with a leader and the psychological well-being are one of the cornerstones of ensuring effective workforce and its prosperity, the aim of this study is to evaluate the relationship of psychological capital with leader-member exchange, socialization of newcomers and their psychological well-being in organization. The study included 112 newcomers of two service sector companies, among them 69 women and 43 men, the age range of the subjects ranged from 19 to 58 years. Scale of Positive and Negative Experience (SPANE), Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), Leader-Member Exchange Scale (LMX), Psychological Capital Questionnaire (PCQ-24) and Organizational Socialization Inventory were used in the questionnaire survey. It turned out that the psychological capital of newcomers is an important indicator in predicting the leader-member exchange, organizational socialization and psychological well-being: the higher psychological capital of newcomers – the better quality of the relationship with a leader, the socialization in the organization and the psychological well-being. The employees who have established better leader-member exchange are more likely to socialize and experience greater psychological well-being, but the quality of the relationships between a leader and a member affects neither the relationship of psychological capital with organizational socialization nor the relationship of psychological capital and psychological well-being of newcomers. The study allows to add knowledge about the predictive factors of the positive experience of newcomers, to confirm the importance of evaluating personal resources in the selection and socialization processes

    The Peculiarities of Prejudice Lexis in J. Basanavicius Black Book

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    Šio darbo tema – J. Basanavičiaus ,,Juodosios knygos“ prietarų (tikėjimų) leksikos savitumas. Ši tema yra nauja leksikos savitumo atskleidimo būdu – prietarų (tikėjimų) leksikos suprantamumo tyrimu, atliktu mokyklose. Tokio tyrimo iki šiol nebuvo, tad nebuvo galimybės remtis ankstesniais darbais ar kritine literatūra, todėl kad visas darbas buvo orientuotas gautų duomenų analize. Šio darbo tikslas yra ištirti, ar dabartiniai moksleiviai suvokia ,,Juodosios knygos“ tikėjimų (prietarų) leksikos savitumą, minties gilumą, išsiaiškinti, kaip reikėtų parengti moksleiviams skirtus tokio pobūdžio tekstus, kad jie duotų kaip galima daugiau naudos perteikiant lietuvių tautos pasaulėjautą ir pasaulėvaizdį, kalbos savitumą. Siekiant išsiaiškinti, ar moksleivių amžius turi lemiamos įtakos suvokiant prietarus, buvo tiriami skirtingo amžiaus, t. y. 6–8 kl. ir 9–12 kl., moksleiviai. Daroma prielaida, kad glaudesnius ryšius su kaimo aplinka turintys moksleiviai geriau suvokia liaudies vartotą leksiką ir prietaruose aptariamas realijas, todėl tyrimui pasirinkti moksleiviai iš Anykščių miesto ir Vilniaus miesto, kur, kaip žinia, moksleiviai dažniausiai neturi jokios tarmės, mažiau yra susiję su kaimo aplinka. Tyrimui naudojami metodai – anketavimas ir duomenų analizė. Iš viso tirti 27 skirtingi atsitiktinai išrinkti ,,Juodosios knygos“ prietarai (tikėjimai). Į kiekvieną anketą įeina po 3 prietarus. Buvo apklausta 112 Vilniaus Pilaitės vidurinės mokyklos moksleivių (53 žemesniųjų klasių (6-8) ir 59 aukštesniųjų klasių (9-12 ), bei 80 Anykščių A. Baranausko vidurinės mokyklos moksleivių (40 žemesniųjų klasių (6-8) ir 40 aukštesniųjų klasių (9-12 kl.)). Iš viso yra 192 anketos, kuriose atitinkamai išdėstyti 576 moksleivių apibūdinimai apie 27 prietarus (tikėjimus). Atliktas tyrimas įrodė, jog XIX a. pab. – XX a. prad. prietarai bei juose esančios realijos yra per daug nutolę nuo dabartinio gyvenimo būdo, todėl moksleiviams mažai suprantami. Kaip parodė prietarų suvokimo tyrimas, Vilniaus moksleiviai visiškai nesuprato 12 iš 27, Anykščių - 9 iš 27 ,,Juodosios knygos“ prietarų . Tad galime daryti išvadą, jog dauguma moksleivių nesuprato trečdalio jiems pateiktų prietarų. Remiantis atliktu tyrimu, galima teigti, jog moksleiviai nesuprato prietarų dėl: 1) juose esančių dabartinei lietuvių kalbai neteiktinų skolinių (barbarizmų) Pvz.:sūdas, patropyti, zauzos, mizernas, knatai, blėdis. 2) nesuprantamų tarmybių ir visai nebežinomų lietuviškų žodžių, pasitraukusių iš aktyviosios vartosenos Pvz.: lytus, ypata, skalsa, drapanos, myris. 3) žodžių (pasakymų), kurių reikšmė yra per daug nutolusi nuo gyvenimo būdo (nebežinoma realija) Pvz.: galvą ieškoti, kryžiavos dienos, pelai, neužkukuotas krienas, valgomosios dienos. Tyrimu įsitikinta: 1) moksleivių amžius neturi lemiamos įtakos leksikos (prietarų) suvokimui, nes žemesniųjų (6-8) ir aukštesniųjų (9-12) klasių moksleiviai prietarus suvokė panašiai. 2) glaudesnius ryšius su kaimo aplinka turintys moksleiviai gyvenimo realijas ir liaudies vartotą leksiką suvokia panašiai kaip ir moksleiviai, neturintys tokių ryšių ( ryškaus skirtumo nėra). 3) tarmės turėjimas nedaro didelės įtakos senovinių prietarų suvokimui. Taip pat tyrimas parodė, kad žodžių su nutolusiomis realijomis suvokimui neturi įtakos nei moksleivių amžius, nei gyvenamoji vieta. Kadangi darbo objektas XIX a. pab. – XX a. prad. prietarai, šiuo pasirinktu tyrimo objektu buvo siekiama senovinius prietarus (tikėjimus) integruoti į mokykloje dėstomą tautosaką. Ši pasakymų tautosaka iš dalies primena patarles ir priežodžius, tačiau jei su patarliu pasauliu supažindinami žemesniųjų klasių moksleiviai, prietarų (tikėjimų) pasaulis būtų orientuotas į vyresniųjų klasių moksleivius (9-12 kl). Tuo labiau, kad 9 klasėje moksleiviai pradeda gilintis į tautosakos rūšis ir žanrus, aiškinamasi atutosakos kilmė bei stengiamasi suvokti tautosakos meninį savimumą. Turtinant kalbą būtina mokytis iš tautosakos, nes ji yra didysis mūsų kalbos lobis, todėl turime ją tinkamai perduoti ateities kartoms. O kad galėtume ją perduoti, būtina, kad ji būtų parengta tekstologiškai – išnagrinėta, tinkamai pateikta. Tokią tautosaką jau galima būtų diegti mokiniams. Tautosakos pateikimo būdas – pats svarbiausias dalykas norint, kad tautosaka mokinį ,,paliestų”, praturtintų ir duotų kaip galima daugiau naudos perteikiant lietuvių pasaulėjautą ir pasaulėvaizdį, atskleistų kalbos savitumą. Tad mokant tautosakos, reikalinga tinkamai paruošta metodinė medžiaga (jos šiuo metu trūksta), kuri būtų naudinga tiek mokytojui, tiek mokiniui.The topic of this work is the peculiarities of prejudice lexis in Basanavicius Black Book. This topic is new by its revelation of lexis peculiarities – the research of prejudice lexis understanding that was carried out at schools. The object of the work is lexis of the end of 19th centuries and the beginning of the 20th century, i.e. 27 ancient prejudices that were chosen randomly from Black Book. The aim of this work is to research whether pupils understand the peculiarities of prejudice lexis of Black Book, the depth of thoughts and to find out how such texts should be prepared for pupils that they would most intelligibly reveal emotional attitude and world-view of the Lithuanian nation and peculiarities of the language. Methods that were used for the research are questionnaire and data analysis. Questionnaire method was performed in Anyksciai A. Baranauskas secondary school and Vilnius Pilaite secondary school among pupils of lower (6-8) and higher (9-12) grades.Švietimo akademijaVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Derotational splint effecton children fine motor and independence.

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    Valda Šližytė. Derotational splint effecton children fine motor and independence. Master„sthesis. Supervisor – PhD Audronė Prasauskienė. Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Medical Academy, Faculty of Nursing, Clinic of Children Rehabilitation. Kaunas, 2018; 63p. The aim of the research: To evaluate the effect of correctional splint on children with cerebral palsy, fine motor and independence. The tasks of the research: 1. To evaluate the effect of derotational splint in developing independence on children with cerebral palsy. 2. To evaluate the effect of derotational splint in developing children with cerebral palsy fine motor. 3. To investigate the parents' opinion about derotational splint use and the impact on children with cerebral palsy in dependence and fine motor. Methodology.1. Functional Independence Measure (WeeFIM). 2. Jebsen Hand Function Test. 3. Peabody Developmental Motor Scales, Second Edition (PDMS-2). 4. Statistical data analysis was performed using the data collection and analysis \"SPSS 25\" program pack age. Participants. 24 children with cerebral palsy, who had fine motor and independence dissorders. During the research, the target group was divided in to research and normal groups. Conclusions. 1. Children with cerebral palsy independence have a statistically significant improvement in both groups, p<0.05. 2. Children with cerebral palsy fine motor skills were statistically significantly improvedin there search and usual groups p <0.05. 3. The major it of parents' of children with cerebral palsy, answers to the use of derotational splints for the development of fine motor skills and independence skills are positive, but they would like to see a greater impact on the use of the sebelts in various activities

    Paprastosios pušies (Pinus sylvestris L.) jaunuolynų, augančių amoniaku užterštose vietose, spyglių eterinių aliejų pokyčiai

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    Tirta paprastosios pušies pirmamečių ir antramečių spyglių, surinktų azotinių trąšų gamyklos „Achema“ (Jonava) įtakos zonoje augančiuose jaunuolynuose, eterinių aliejų cheminė sudėtis. Spyglių mėginiai buvo surinkti 0,5–22 km atstumu nuo gamyklos. Hidrodistiliacijos būdu gauti eteriniai aliejai buvo analizuojami dujų chromatografijos/masių spektrometrijos metodu. Eterinio aliejaus išgava kito nuo 0,25 iki 0,47% pirmamečiuose ir nuo 0,25 iki 0,49% antramečiuose spygliuose. Monoterpeniniai angliavandeniliai vyravo visuose tirtuose aliejuose ir pirmamečiuose ir antramečiuose spygliuose sudarė atitinkamai 58,4– 72,4% ir 45,0–60,8%. Seskviterpeniniai angliavandeniliai sudarė 14,5–25,7% aliejaus pirmamečiuose ir 18,5–33,1% antramečiuose spygliuose.Eterinio aliejaus kiekis šiek tiek padidėjo spygliuose, surinktuose 5 km atstumu į šiaurės rytus nuo gamyklos augančiuose jaunuolynuose. Vyraujančių eterinių aliejų komponentų – monoterpenų a-pineno ir d-3-kareno – koncentracijos taip pat padidėjo spygliuose, surinktuose vietovėse, esančiose 5 km atstumu nuo taršos šaltinio. Pramoninės taršos sąlygomis pušys gamina daugiau terpeninių angliavandenilių, turinčių trumpesnę anglies atomų grandinę ir mažesnį kiekį lakiųjų terpeninių junginių su ilgesne atomų grandine. Ši tendencija labiau pasireiškia pirmamečiuose spygliuoseContent and composition of needle essential oils of young Scots pine stands (Pinus sylvestris L.) growing along an ammonia gradient (in the impact zone of a nitrogen fertilizer factory, JSC Achema, Jonava, Lithuania) have been studied. Eight young pine stands growing at a distance up to 22 km from the factory were chosen for sampling. Volatile components of the current-year and one-year-old needles were obtained by a simultaneous hydrodistillationextraction of dried material and analysed by GC and GC/MS. The yield of the essential oil varied from 0.25 to 0.47% and 0.25–0.49% in the current-year and one-year-old needles of pine, respectively. A slight increase of the oil yield was observed in the needles collected in pinewoods located at a distance up to 5 km from the factory. The chemical composition of the volatile oils of the dried needles collected at different distances was investigated. The most predominant fraction was found to be monoterpene hydrocarbons (58.4–72.4% and 45.0–60.8% in the current-year and one-yearold needles, respectively) with the major constituents a-pinene (19.8–35.0% and 18–28.0%) and d-3-carene (22.7%–33.7% and 19.9–25.9%). Variability of the amounts of these major constituents in the needles of the stands growing at different distances from the factory were represented. Sesquiterpene hydrocarbons were the second dominating fraction in the oils and formed 14.5– 25.7% and 18.5–33.1%, in the current-year and one-year-old needles, respectively. Under the effect of ammonia pollution, higher amounts of shorter chain terpenes and lower amounts of longer chain ones were produced, and this dependance was stronger expressed in the oils of the current-year needlesChemijos institutas, [email protected] medicinos universitetasVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademijaŽemės ūkio akademij

    Functional, bioactive and antioxidative properties of hydrolysates obtained from cod (Gadus morhua) backbones

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    Fish protein hydrolysates (FPH) have good and well documented functional properties. Peptides obtained from various fish protein hydrolysates have also shown bioactive and antioxidative activities. The aim of this study was to evaluate how storage and preparation of cod (Gadus morhua) backbones influence the yield, functionality, bioactivity (CGRP and gastrin/CCK related molecules) and antioxidative properties of fish protein hydrolysates. A series of hydrolysis trials have been carried out using backbones from cod that were initially fresh or frozen and further hydrolysed for different times (10, 25, 45 and 60 min). Use of fresh raw material significantly increased yield of dry FPH, gave lighter and less yellow powders with better emulsification properties. Longer time of hydrolysis gave higher FPH yield, increased degree of hydrolysis and decreased water holding capacity of the powders. Among the hydrolysis times tested, 25 and 45 min hydrolysis demonstrated the best emulsification properties. FPH have potential to enhance product stability by preventing oxidative deterioration. The DPPH scavenging activity showed that antioxidative activity of hydrolysates could be due to the ability to scavenge lipid radicals. The ability of hydrolysates to inhibit iron induced lipid oxidation was not influenced by time of hydrolysis. This work also shows that it is possible to obtain bioactive molecules from cod backbones by protein hydrolysis. The content of bioactive peptides (gastrin/CCK- and CGRP-like peptides) could make the cod hydrolysates useful for incorporation in functional foods.The authors wish to thank Nordic Innovation Centre (project no. 04252) and the European Community (Seafood Plus CT-2004-506359) for financial support to carry out experiments and to prepare this paper. Dr. Ekrem Misimi is thanked for the assistance in the statistical data treatment. Author Martínez Alvarez was under a Spanish fellowship of the Ministry of Education and Science.Peer reviewe

    Added energy value from application of fish industry co-streams

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    Added energy value from application of fish industry co-streams for biogas production and use of substrates for soil fertilising is discussed in the paper. The analysis of added value of fish co-streams was done by comparing two different scenarios. Scenario 1 represents the system of the fertilisation of arable land intended for summer barley growing and Scenario 2 – arable land is fertilised with a digestate of mixture of fish co-streams and cattle manure after anaerobic digestion. The farm system corresponding 600 milking cows producing 12000 t/year of manure having 600 ha of cultivated land has been used and the mass of fish waste is estimated to be 2400 t per year. The energetic evaluation has been performed including direct and indirect energy inputs for all technological operations and processes. Results of the study suggest that fish waste used for biogas production and soil fertilization generates additional energy value for the farmVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Energetic and economic evaluation of zero-waste fish co-stream processing

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    This study evaluates the possibility of recovery of high-quality valuable fish oil and proteins from fish co-streams by traditional means or a combination of several technologies. A techno-economically feasible and sustainable zero-waste process is needed for full utilisation of this co-stream’s potential. This study aims to determine the energy efficiency and economic feasibility of four different zero-waste bio-refineries based on salmon filleting co-streams. The study covers four concepts: (I) biogas and fertiliser production from salmon co-streams, (II) fish silage production, (III) thermal processing of salmon co-streams for producing oil, protein concentrate, and meal, and (IV) novel two-stage thermal and enzymatic process for producing high-quality oil and protein hydrolysate, while the solid residue is converted to biogas and fertilisers. Monte Carlo simulation is used to evaluate uncertainties in economic evaluation. The results show that the two-stage processing of fish co-streams leads to recovery of both high-quality marine oil and proteins, showing the largest profitability and return on investment during the economic analysis. It is a more tempting option than the currently used thermal treatment or traditional silage processes. The possibility of producing food-grade fish protein hydrolysate is the biggest benefit here. Concepts studied are examples of zero-waste processing of bioproducts and illustrate the possibilities and benefits of fully utilising the different fractions of fish as fillets, oil, protein, fertilisers, and energy productionVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Concepts and profitability forutilisation of fish-industry side-stream

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    This study evaluates the possibility of increasing the oil and protein utilisation of the fish-processing side-streams and also of applying these side-streamsfor the co-generation of biogas and fertilisers on a farm. The study introduces three concepts: 1) processing of the fish side-stream at a farm biogas plant; 2) the fish protein concentrate (FPC) process, wherein oil is thermally extracted and protein concentrate and meal are used as a feed; and 3) a two-stage process for producing high-quality oil and protein-rich hydrolysate and meal. The possibility of utilising meal at a farm biogas plant is also considered, for concepts 2 and 3. Production costs and revenues associated with the processes are evaluated, and the uncertainty of the process parameters is analysed. The results shows that the fish side-stream examined here is too expensive for direct utilisation at a farm biogas plant, but with a lower-cost side-stream the process could be profitable.The processes producing concentrate and hydrolysateare both profitable;in addition, thehydrolysate concept, with value-added more expensive products,shows advantages over the concentrate conceptVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij