78 research outputs found

    Nonlinear system modeling based on constrained Volterra series estimates

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    A simple nonlinear system modeling algorithm designed to work with limited \emph{a priori }knowledge and short data records, is examined. It creates an empirical Volterra series-based model of a system using an lql_{q}-constrained least squares algorithm with q1q\geq 1. If the system m()m\left( \cdot \right) is a continuous and bounded map with a finite memory no longer than some known τ\tau, then (for a DD parameter model and for a number of measurements NN) the difference between the resulting model of the system and the best possible theoretical one is guaranteed to be of order N1lnD\sqrt{N^{-1}\ln D}, even for DND\geq N. The performance of models obtained for q=1,1.5q=1,1.5 and 22 is tested on the Wiener-Hammerstein benchmark system. The results suggest that the models obtained for q>1q>1 are better suited to characterize the nature of the system, while the sparse solutions obtained for q=1q=1 yield smaller error values in terms of input-output behavior

    Stateczność zdelaminowanych cienkościennych kompozytowych kolumn poddanych ściskaniu.

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    The vibrational relaxation of CO₂ isolated in solid argon

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    For description of the vibrational relaxation of CO₂ molecules embedded in Ar matrix the model based on multiphonon transitions is applied. Rates for the VT and VV processes are determined from a fitting of simulated and experimental data. The calculations confirmed that radiative processes influence significantly the vibrational energy relaxation of CO₂ embedded in solid Ar, e.g., the determined rate for energy transfer between n₃ and n₂. mode is significantly lower than that predicted under assumption of the nonradiative relaxation

    Life satisfaction and risk of burnout among men and women working as physiotherapists

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    Objectives: Recently in Poland as a result of the high rate of aging population and high rates of morbidity, a growing demand for the physiotherapist profession is observed. The results of this study can be used to formulate principles for better organization of physiotherapist's workplace in order to prevent occurrence of burnout. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of gender on satisfaction with life and burnout among active physiotherapists. Material and Methods: The survey was anonymous and voluntary, and involved a group of 200 active physiotherapists working in health care units and educational centers in Poland. The study group was selected randomly and incidentally. Each respondent received a demographic data sheet and a set of self-rating questionnaires (Life Satisfaction Questionnaire, Burnout Scale Inventory). Results: Burnout among men decreased along with increasing satisfaction with one's work and occupation, friends, relatives and acquaintances, sexuality, and increased due to greater satisfaction with one's housing status. Burnout among women decreased along with increasing satisfaction with one's health, free time and friends, relatives and acquaintances, and increased due to work at a setting other than a health care unit or educational center. Statistical analysis failed to reveal any significant differences with regard to the BSI domains and with regard to the overall burnout index as well as with regard to the assessment of satisfaction with life between female and male physiotherapists. Conclusions: Satisfaction with children, marriage and partnership, with one's work and occupation, interactions with friends, relatives and acquaintances and sexuality may contribute to reduction of burnout among men. Women who are satisfied with their children, family, health, free time and contacts with friends, relatives and acquaintances are less prone to burnout. Weak financial situation among women and deficiency of free time among men can induce burnout. Improving staff happiness may contribute to decreasing burnout

    Why are the δ 13 C org values in Phanerozoic black shales more negative than in modern marine organic matter?

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    The δ 13 C org values of Phanerozoic black shales average −27‰, whereas those of modern marine organic matter average −20‰. The black shale isotopic values mimic those of continental organic matter, yet their organic geochemical properties mandate that they contain predominantly marine organic matter. Hypotheses that proposed to explain the low δ 13 C values of black shales include diagenetic losses of isotopically heavier organic matter components, releases of isotopically light carbon from methane clathrates or extensive magmatic events, greater photosynthetic discrimination against 13 C during times of higher atmospheric p CO 2 , and greenhouse climate stratification of the surface ocean that magnified photic zone recycling of isotopically light organic matter. Although the last possibility seems contrary to the vertical mixing that leads to the high productivity of modern oceanic upwelling systems, it is consistent with the strongly stratified conditions that accompanied deposition of the organic carbon‐rich Pliocene‐Pleistocene sapropels of the Mediterranean Sea. Because most Phanerozoic black shales contain evidence of photic zone anoxia similar to the sapropels, well‐developed surface stratification of the oceans was likely involved in their formation. Existence of isotopically light land plant organic matter during several episodes of extensive magmatism that accompanied black shale deposition implies massive release of mantle CO 2 that added to the greenhouse conditions that favored oceanic stratification. The 13 C depletion common to most Phanerozoic black shales apparently resulted from a greenhouse climate associated with elevated atmospheric p CO 2 that led to a strongly stratified ocean and photic zone recycling of organic matter in, augmented by magmatic CO 2 releases. Key Points Photic zone recycling of organic carbon is responsible for their low δ 13 C values Black shales deposited during periods of strong surface ocean stratification Periods of greenhouse climate established conditions for black shale depositionPeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/108327/1/ggge20506.pd

    Assessment of Ultrasonic Noise Hazard in Workplaces Environment

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    The hazard assessment of ultrasonic noise impact on human body at workplaces presents an open problem; it is not satisfactorily solved comparing the fund of knowledge and standard regulations established for the case of audible noise. Some research carried on in the Central Institute of Labour Protection - National Research Institute, Poland, are essential for elaboration reliable procedures for the assessment of ultrasonic noise hazard and they have to bring to modernization and creation the corresponding standards in this field. In the presentation, some problems related to measurement procedures applied as well as to the interpretation of results essential for hazard assessment of ultrasonic noise impact on human body will be considered; in particular such cases where some procedures elaborated for audible noise assessment are being transferred to apply in the ultrasonic range without taking fully into account some specific aspects of the high frequency components of the noise

    On the Noise Hazard Assessment within the Intermediate Range of the High Audible and the Low Ultrasonic Frequencies

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    In parallel to the ultrasonic noise assessment procedures and research activity in the field there have appeared several papers in the domain of so called high-frequency audiometry which covers the range of frequencies 8–20 kHz. They are important for recognizing the harmfulness and hazard of the audible high frequency sound components in the same range as the one of the low frequency ultrasonic noise. On the other hand there exists a certain inconsequent situation in the general approach to the problem of ultrasonic noise hazard assessment in work places environment which concerns the convention to include the frequency range of 10–20 kHz to the domain of ultrasonics. The range consists of one third octave bands of central frequencies: 10, 12.5, 16, 20 kHz and conventionally is called low frequency ultrasonic noise though at least the components of the two lowest bands are naturally audible by a majority of population (mainly young people).The paper presents a discussion related to some achievements of the two domains and some conclusions which could be useful for a more consequent description of the subject and could be taken into account in the future regulations for the ultrasonic noise assessment in work places environment

    Field Calculations Automation and Results Presentation Environment

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    W artykule omówiono system do automatyzacji obliczeń polowych oraz ich prezentacji. W ramach badań opracowano skrypt w języku LUA do programu FEMM, umożliwiający automatyczne tworzenie modelu generatora w oparciu o zdefiniowaną liczbę zębów stojana oraz wirnika. W programie zaimplementowano możliwość obrotu wirnika o zadany kąt θ. Skrypt ten umożliwia wykonanie obliczeń masowych uwzględniających zależności parametrów generatora od kąta θ, prądów w pasmach oraz parametrów konstrukcyjnych generatora, tj. szerokości zęba stojana, szerokości zęba wirnika czy szerokości jarzma stojana. Po zakończeniu obliczeń wyniki są zapisywane do pliku tekstowego w celu ich analizy oraz prezentacji w postaci graficznej. Program do prezentacji został wykonany w postaci strony internetowej. Pozwala on na filtrację wyników, sortowanie, generację wykresów w czasie rzeczywistym z możliwością porównywania parametrów różnych konstrukcji lub tych samych konstrukcji przy różnych wartościach kąta obrotu wirnika oraz prądów pasm.The article describes a system for field calculations automation and the calculations presentation. The research has involved creating an FEMM program script in LUA language that enables generator model automatic generation, based on a stator and rotor's defined number of jags. A possibility for the rotor to rotate at a chosen angle has been implemented into the program. The script enables mass calculations that include generator parameters dependence of the θ angle, band currents and generator's construction parameters, i.e. stator jag width, rotor jag width, stator yoke width. After the calculations have been done, the results are saved into a text file to be further analyzed and presented graphically. The presentation program has been devised in the shape of an internet website. It allows results filtration, sorting, real time graphs generating, comparing various constructions parameters or the same constructions with varied rotation angle and current values

    Autonomus control systems speech recognition possibilities research

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    W artykule omówiono zagadnienia dotyczące procesu rozpoznawania mowy w odniesieniu do układów sterowania. Projektowany system przewidziany jest dla prostych platform sprzętowych. W ramach pracy zastosowano do analizy szybką transformatę Fouriera FFT w celu utworzenia identyfikatorów słów. Określono czasy analizy sygnałów. Przeprowadzono wstępne testy opracowanego oprogramowania dla kilku różnych słów wypowiadanych przez osoby różniące się płcią oraz wiekiem. Uzyskano rozpoznawalność około 80% przy czasie obliczeń o połowę krótszym niż czas wymawiania komend. Krótki czas obliczeń pozwala na stosowanie opracowanego oprogramowania w systemach działających w czasie rzeczywistym np. na platformie Raspberry PI z procesorem 700 MHz.The paper presents issues related to the process of speech recognition in control systems. The system to be designed is dedicated for simple hardware platforms that do not have high computing power. In order to create word identifiers, Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) was used. The project specified signal analysis time, after which, preliminary software tests were carried out for several different words pronounced by people of various gender and age. The result was voice recognition at the level of approximately 80%, with calculation time being half of command pronouncing time. Due to short calculation time, the software may be used in systems working in real time, e.g. on 700 MHz processor Raspberry PI platform