403 research outputs found

    Evaluating The Effectiveness of Blended Learning during Covid-19 on Students’ Learning Achievement: A Case Study in terms of Islamic Education

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    Purpose – This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of blended learning during the Covid-19 pandemic on students’ learning achievements at SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Prambanan. Design/methods/approach – This research was conducted by means of a descriptive qualitative method. The data were collected through observation, interviews and documentation. The collected data were analyzed by reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. Findings – This study revealed that blended learning had not been able to achieve the desired learning objectives, since it had not been able to reflect the value of Islamic education as seen from students’ lack of manners, particularly to teachers. This fact is attributed to several factors: 1) Teachers’ lack of monitoring on students’ development and associations during the pandemic 2) lack of motivation to learn, 3) lack of adequate facilities for online learning. To overcome the aforementioned problems, teachers have done the followings based on several aspects: 1) the cognitive aspect, the teachers were proactive by helping students who had learning difficulties during the online learning. 2) affective aspects, teacher set an example to students, trained them to practice regular worship, sharpen their ability to behave honestly, and monitored the development of their attitudes and behaviors through their parents. 3) psychomotor aspect, teachers reopened several extracurricular activities. Research limitations – The limitations of this research are mainly centered on the limited number of samples observed as case studies at SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Prambanan. Originality/value – The research findings provide an explanation on the effectiveness of blended learning during the Covid-19 pandemic and teachers’ efforts in achieving learning outcomes

    The Role of Madrasah Culture in Formation Self-concept of Religious Students

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    This study aims to: (1) Determine how the socio-cultural-educational Madrasah Aliyah, in city sub-district, city districts, and the Municipality of Yogyakarta. (2) Determine how buildsthe self-concept of students in the process of religious education in Madrasah Aliyah in the Sub-District city, districts city, and in the Municipality of Yogyakarta. (3) Determine how the important of culture Madrasah, in buildsthe self-concept religious Madrasah Aliyah students in the Sub-districts city, districts city, and in the Municipality of Yogyakarta.The results shows that (1) Images of the madrasah culture "material culture" of third-MAN in the state programmed, organized, neat, clean, and some have "shade/green", because of the power figures are consistently portrayed by Principals or Head of Administration. Portrait madrasah culture "culture activities" of religious MAN was almost the same third tadarusin the morning, dhuhur congregation prayers, Friday prayers, Quran reading guidance. There are two supplements that add madrasah activity, madrassa adding that the self-development activities "Missionary Candidate" and "Saturday Islamic School Sunday" (Wisdom). What distinguishes the three madrasas in this field is the intensity and istiqomah in guarding program. (2) in the formation of students\u27 self-concept of religiosity is the third MAN, not just rely on PAI learning in the classroom, but they also build activities outside the classroom, although the "spirit" of the managers "equal" that is sought to enable the students to have high religiosity, but MAN municipality has a higher spirit. (3) in terms of the role of culture in fostering religiosity madrassa students, the existence of an identity Principals or other figure, very involved, and the presence of factors "habituation" and activities "istiqomah". In municipality,MAN environment teacher more progressive, critical and reactive. It is a hallmark of positive bias control "vision". In an environment where getting to the bottom (at the district and sub-district town), and control the character look even weaker. Besides, that "Work Ethics" Municipality MAN also more awake than the other two MAN


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    This study aims to: (1) Determine how the socio-cultural-educational Madrasah Aliyah, in city sub-district, city districts, and the Municipality of Yogyakarta. (2) Determine how buildsthe self-concept of students in the process of religious education in Madrasah Aliyah in the Sub-District city, districts city, and in the Municipality of Yogyakarta. (3) Determine how the important of culture Madrasah, in buildsthe self-concept religious Madrasah Aliyah students in the Sub-districts city, districts city, and in the Municipality of Yogyakarta.The results shows that (1) Images of the madrasah culture "material culture" of third-MAN in the state programmed, organized, neat, clean, and some have "shade/green", because of the power figures are consistently portrayed by Principals or Head of Administration. Portrait madrasah culture "culture activities" of religious MAN was almost the same third tadarusin the morning, dhuhur congregation prayers, Friday prayers, Quran reading guidance. There are two supplements that add madrasah activity, madrassa adding that the self-development activities "Missionary Candidate" and "Saturday Islamic School Sunday" (Wisdom). What distinguishes the three madrasas in this field is the intensity and istiqomah in guarding program. (2) in the formation of students' self-concept of religiosity is the third MAN, not just rely on PAI learning in the classroom, but they also build activities outside the classroom, although the "spirit" of the managers "equal" that is sought to enable the students to have high religiosity, but MAN municipality has a higher spirit. (3) in terms of the role of culture in fostering religiosity madrassa students, the existence of an identity Principals or other figure, very involved, and the presence of factors "habituation" and activities "istiqomah". In municipality,MAN environment teacher more progressive, critical and reactive. It is a hallmark of positive bias control "vision". In an environment where getting to the bottom (at the district and sub-district town), and control the character look even weaker. Besides, that "Work Ethics" Municipality MAN also more awake than the other two MAN


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    This study aims to determine the tendency of aggressive and explosive behavior of adolescents (student delinquency actors) in the Yogyakarta area, which in this case the researchers conducted research at the Sleman Police, Class 1 Child Correctional Center (BAPAS), and the Youth Social Protection and Rehabilitation Center (BPRSR). ) Yogyakarta in Sleman. This qualitative research in collecting data using in-depth interviews / in-dept interviews, observation/observation, and documentation. The data analysis applies Miles and Huberman's theory, with the following steps: data reduction, data display, verification. The results showed that the tendency of adolescent aggressive and explosive behavior had elements of revenge and trial and error. The factors causing aggressive and explosive behavior are caused by the underdevelopment of adolescents regarding the development of social cognition, the development of moral reasoning, and the development of a lack of understanding of religion. Besides that, family attention that is not optimal and the negative influence of "gang" are also factors that greatly influence this aggressive and explosive behavior. The solutions that the researchers offer are strengthening education in the family (the power of family), strengthening religious values, developing skills and there is a follow-up on the guidance program provided from the BPRSR at home, in this case, guided by the family

    Pengembangan Model Pendidikan Nilai Humanis-religius Berbasis Kultur Madrasah

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    : This study aims to find a model of humanistic-religious value education based on the Islamic school culture. The method employed was the research and development using the qualitative approach. The process of the data analysis applied the method by Miles and Huberman, while the analysis steps employed the model by Spradley; the data analysis was also supplemented by the descriptive statistical analysis. The findings of the study are as follows. The development of a model of humanistic-religious value education was made through the steps of: (1) describing the Islamic school culture, including the material culture and behavioral culture; (2) setting the Islamic school\u27s vision, mission; and (3) designing and implementing the humanistic-religious value education through the Islamic school culture channel

    Manajemen Evaluasi (Muhasabah) Diri

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    The research was carried out with the aim of discussing evaluation management (self-reflection). Muhasabah is a medium for self-improvement, self-introspection, and a belief in reckoning actions against oneself before the reckoning is carried out by Allah SWT. The research method used is the method of literature study / study research. The data collection method is done by summarizing, reading, taking notes, understanding, and studying various literatures that are in line with the research theme. The research resulted in the presentation of: 1) evaluation (supervision) of the perfect management of the Qur'an and Hadith, 2) the basis of self-evaluation management (muhasabah) in the perspective of the Qur'an and Hadith, 3) the last discussion regarding the implementation of self-evaluation. (muhasabah) management perspective, the following management efforts are carried out in muhasabah management, namely: 1) planning (planning) in muhasabah management. Planning muhasabah is aimed at building character values, considering actions, and improving worship (spiritual values) towards Allah SWT. These efforts come from a positive heart and mind. 2) organizing in muhasabah management. The purpose of organizing efforts in muhasabah is more directed to setting habits / tips to improve oneself. Then 3) implementation (acting) in muhasabah management. The purpose of implementing muhasabah management is the implementation of muhasabah efforts that have been planned on the basis of good planning and time management. And 4) controlling or controlling in muhasabah management. Evaluation means knowing how far, or how optimally the effort is carried out

    Males and females’ complimenting behaviour on the celebrities’ Instagram comments

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    A compliment is a sincerely positive comment, remark, utterance, or expression about the speaker’s intention to have a good relationship with others by delivering positive or good values toward someone else. This research is purposed to analyze complimenting behavior by males and females found on celebrities’ Instagram comments. This research employed descriptive qualitative research through a documentaries method. 250 comments from 10 most-followed celebrities’ (five males and five females) comment columns were used to identify the complimenting behavior in the form of words, phrases, or clauses containing compliments. This revealed that the differences between males and females in complimenting behavior showed who complimented, to whom they complimented, the compliment types, and the compliment forms. Females complimented more than males did. Besides, complimenting celebrities is commonly directed at the same sex rather than across sex. However, both males and females were more likely to use direct compliments and less indirect compliments. Compliments by both males and females also showed that direct compliment form 8 (ADJ NP!) is dominantly used. The dominance of form 8 occurrence indicated that shorter form of compliment seemed suitable and reasonable for a virtual interaction like Instagram. From this research analysis, it can be concluded that some different contexts of communication require other compliment forms. Therefore, adding a sub-category and additional category from the original compliment forms should be considered


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    The combination of native speakers and non-native speakers can make a distinctive language variety. The use of this variety is also found in Indian Diaspora in Medan. From this phenomenon, this study aims to investigate the language variations from a social point of view, in the form of age in Punjabi and Tamil ethnic in Medan. The data analysis used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The results of data analysis in this study are presented using lexical examples and how to pronounce them. The results show that there are distinctive variation of phonology and lexical at Punjabi and Tamil ethnic in Medan. In addition, the spoken variety of Medan city is more often used by the Indian diaspora aged 14-35 years and the use of standard Indonesian is more often used by aged less than14 years

    Implementasi Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Di Sekolah Menengah Pertama

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    Desentralisasi pendidikan merupakan suatu bentuk reformasi yang perlu dijalankan dengan baik, salah satunya dengan menerapkan Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah (MBS). Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui implementasi Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah (MBS) di SMPN 3 Negeri Besar. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Pengumpulan data menggunakan sumber data primer yang diperoleh melalui wawancara dan sumber data sekunder yang diperoleh melalui media online. Analisis datanya yaitu dengan pengumpulan data, reduksi data, display data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan MBS sudah diterapkan SMPN 3 Negeri Besar, Negeri Besar, Way Kanan dengan melakukan tiga gerakan inspiratif yaitu (1) Program manajemen sekolah terbuka dengan melakukan pendekatan dengan komite dan orang tua siswa, (2) Program jumpa kopi sebagai tingkatkan minat baca, dan (3) program SIMAK atau Sinergi Interaksi Memantau Aktif Pembelajaran di Kelas. Dengan adanya program MBS, diharapkan dapat mewujudkan tujuan pendidikan secara efektif dan efisie
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