131 research outputs found

    Foundations of the B method

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    B is a method for specifying, designing and coding software systems. It is based on Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory with the axiom of choice, the concept of generalized substitution and on structuring mechanisms (machine, refinement, implementation). The concept of refinement is the key notion for developing B models of (software) systems in an incremental way. B models are accompanied by mathematical proofs that justify them. Proofs of B models convince the user (designer or specifier) that the (software) system is effectively correct. We provide a survey of the underlying logic of the B method and the semantic concepts related to the B method; we detail the B development process partially supported by the mechanical engine of the prover

    Coverage Criteria for Set-Based Specifications

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    Model-based testing (MBT) studies how test cases are generated from a model of the system under test (SUT). Many MBT methods rely on building an automaton from the model and then they generate test cases by covering the automaton with different path coverage criteria. However, if a model of the SUT is a logical formula over some complex mathematical theories (such as set theory) it may be more natural or intuitive to apply coverage criteria directly over the formula. On the other hand, domain partition, i.e. the partition of the input domain of model operations, is one of the main techniques in MBT. Partitioning is conducted by applying different rules or heuristics. Engineers may find it difficult to decide what, where and how these rules should be applied. In this paper we propose a set of coverage criteria based on domain partition for set-based specifications. We call them testing strategies. Testing strategies play a similar role to path- or data-based coverage criteria in structural testing. Furthermore, we show a partial order of testing strategies as is done in structural testing. We also describe an implementation of testing strategies for the Test Template Framework, which is a MBT method for the Z notation; and a scripting language that allows users to implement testing strategies

    The invoice case study modelling in Event B

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    It introduces in a very progressive way the different notations and concepts required for developing the case study. Section 2 analyses the case study and extracts informations for constructing a first skeleton of B event-based model. The B event-based modelling technique is introduced in section 3 by writing an event~~B model. The first invoice case study model is given in section 4 and it completes the skeleton of the section 2. Section 5 defines the refinement of a event~~B model and it is used in the section 6 for deriving the second case study model; a refinement of this model is proposed and introduces an ordering over invoices. Sections 7 and 8 conclude our proof-based development of B event-based models for the case study. The complete B models are given in three figures

    Combining Solution Reuse and Bound Tightening for Efficient Analysis of Evolving Systems

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    Software engineers have long employed formal verification to ensure the safety and validity of their system designs. As the system changes—often via predictable, domain-specific operations—their models must also change, requiring system designers to repeatedly execute the same formal verification on similar system models. State-of-the-art formal verification techniques can be expensive at scale, the cost of which is multiplied by repeated analysis. This paper presents a novel analysis technique—implemented in a tool called SoRBoT—which can automatically determine domain-specific optimizations that can dramatically reduce the cost of repeatedly analyzing evolving systems. Different from all prior approaches, which focus on either tightening the bounds for analysis or reusing all or part of prior solutions, SoRBoT’s automated derivation of domain-specific optimizations combines the benefits of both solution reuse and bound tightening while avoiding the main pitfalls of each. We experimentally evaluate SoRBoT against state-of-the-art techniques for verifying evolving specifications, demonstrating that SoRBoT substantially exceeds the run time performance of those state-of-the-art techniques while introducing only a negligible overhead, in contrast to the expensive additional computations required by the state-of-the-art verification techniques

    Time Constraint Patterns for Event B Development

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    ISSN : 0302-9743 (Print) ; 1611-3349 (Online) ; ISBN : 978-3-540-68760-3International audienceDistributed applications are based on algorithms which should be able to deal with time constraints. It is mandatory to express time constraints in (mathematical) models and the current work intends to integrate time constraints in the modelling process based on event B models and refinement. The starting point of our work is the event B development of the IEEE 1394 leader election protocol; from standard documents, we derive temporal requirements to solve the contention problem and we propose a method for introducing time constraints using a pattern. The pattern captures time constraints in a generic event B development and it is applied to the IEEE 1394 case study

    Proof Pearl: Purely Functional, Simple and Efficient Priority Search Trees and Applications to Prim and Dijkstra

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    The starting point of this paper is a new, purely functional, simple and efficient data structure combining a search tree and a priority queue, which we call a priority search tree. The salient feature of priority search trees is that they offer a decrease-key operation, something that is missing from other simple, purely functional priority queue implementations. As two applications of this data structure we verify purely functional, simple and efficient implementations of Prim\u27s and Dijkstra\u27s algorithms. This constitutes the first verification of an executable and even efficient version of Prim\u27s algorithm

    Foundations for using linear temporal logic in Event-B refinement

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    In this paper we present a new way of reconciling Event-B refinement with linear temporal logic (LTL) properties. In particular, the results presented in this paper allow properties to be established for abstract system models, and identify conditions to ensure that the properties (suitably translated) continue to hold as those models are developed through refinement. There are several novel elements to this achievement: (1) we identify conditions that allow LTL properties to be mapped across refinement chains; (2) we provide translations of LTL predicates to reflect the introduction through refinement of new events and the renaming and splitting of existing events; (3) we do this for an extended version of LTL particularly suited to Event-B, including state predicates and enabledness of events, which can be model-checked at the abstract level. Our results are more general than any previous work in this area, covering liveness in the context of anticipated events, and relaxing constraints between adjacent refinement levels. The approach is illustrated with a case study. This enables designers to develop event based models and to consider their execution patterns so that liveness and fairness properties can be verified for Event-B systems

    Specification of invariability in OCL

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