146 research outputs found

    Engineering real-time applications with WorldFIP: tools and analysis

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    WorldFIP is standardised as European Norm EN 50170 - General Purpose Field Communication System. Field communication systems (fieldbuses) started to be widely used as the communication support for distributed computer-controlled systems (DCCS), and are being used in all sorts of process control and manufacturing applications within different types of industries. There are several advantages in using fieldbuses as a replacement of for the traditional point-to-point links between sensors/actuators and computer-based control systems. Indeed they concern economical ones (cable savings) but, importantly, fieldbuses allow an increased decentralisation and distribution of the processing power over the field. Typically DCCS have real-time requirements that must be fulfilled. By this, we mean that process data must be transferred between network computing nodes within a maximum admissible time span. WorldFIP has very interesting mechanisms to schedule data transfers. It explicit distinguishes to types of traffic: periodic and aperiodic. In this paper we describe how WorldFIP handles these two types of traffic, and more importantly, we provide a comprehensive analysis for guaranteeing the real-time requirements of both types of traffic. A major contribution is made in the analysis of worst-case response time of aperiodic transfer requests

    CSP channels for CAN-bus connected embedded control systems

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    Closed loop control system typically contains multitude of sensors and actuators operated simultaneously. So they are parallel and distributed in its essence. But when mapping this parallelism to software, lot of obstacles concerning multithreading communication and synchronization issues arise. To overcome this problem, the CT kernel/library based on CSP algebra has been developed. This project (TES.5410) is about developing communication extension to the CT library to make it applicable in distributed systems. Since the library is tailored for control systems, properties and requirements of control systems are taken into special consideration. Applicability of existing middleware solutions is examined. A comparison of applicable fieldbus protocols is done in order to determine most suitable ones and CAN fieldbus is chosen to be first fieldbus used. Brief overview of CSP and existing CSP based libraries is given. Middleware architecture is proposed along with few novel ideas

    Flexible time-triggered protocol for CAN: new scheduling and dispatching solutions

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    One of the possibilities to build robust communication systems with respect to their temporal behaviour is to use autonomous control based on the time-triggered paradigm. The FTT-CAN - flexible time-triggered protocol, relies on centralised scheduling but makes use of the CAN native distributed arbitration to reduce communication overhead. There, a planning scheduler is used within a master node to reduce the scheduling run-time overhead. On-line changes to the communication requirements can then be made under guaranteed timeliness. In addition FTT-CAN also allows an efficient combination of both time-triggered and event- triggered traffic with temporal isolation. In this paper, recent evolutions of the initial protocol definition concerning transmission of synchronous and asynchronous messages are presented. These consist in a time division of the elementary transmission window which optimises the available bandwidth for asynchronous messages, keeping the timeliness of synchronous messages without jeopardising their transmission jitter. A novel solution for the planning scheduler is also presented. It consists in an FPGA-based coprocessor which implements the planning scheduler technique without imposing overhead to the arbiter CPU. With it, it is possible to reduce strongly the plan duration thus allowing on-line admission demanded by system elements and, also, to extend the protocol application to high-speed networks

    Controller Area Network

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    Controller Area Network (CAN) is a popular and very well-known bus system, both in academia and in industry. CAN protocol was introduced in the mid eighties by Robert Bosch GmbH [7] and it was internationally standardized in 1993 as ISO 11898-1 [24]. It was initially designed to distributed automotive control systems, as a single digital bus to replace traditional point-to-point cables that were growing in complexity, weight and cost with the introduction of new electrical and electronic systems. Nowadays CAN is still used extensively in automotive applications, with an excess of 400 million CAN enabled microcontrollers manufactured each year [14]. The widespread and successful use of CAN in the automotive industry, the low cost asso- ciated with high volume production of controllers and CAN's inherent technical merit, have driven to CAN adoption in other application domains such as: industrial communications, medical equipment, machine tool, robotics and in distributed embedded systems in general. CAN provides two layers of the stack of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model: the physical layer and the data link layer. Optionally, it could also provide an additional application layer, not included on the CAN standard. Notice that CAN physical layer was not dened in Bosch original specication, only the data link layer was dened. However, the CAN ISO specication lled this gap and the physical layer was then fully specied. CAN is a message-oriented transmission protocol, i.e., it denes message contents rather than nodes and node addresses. Every message has an associated message identier, which is unique within the whole network, dening both the content and the priority of the message. Transmission rates are dened up to 1 Mbps. The large installed base of CAN nodes with low failure rates over almost two decades, led to the use of CAN in some critical applications such as Anti-locking Brake Systems (ABS) and Electronic Stability Program (ESP) in cars. In parallel with the wide dissemination of CAN in industry, the academia also devoted a large eort to CAN analysis and research, making CAN one of the must studied eldbuses. That is why a large number of books or book chapters describing CAN were published. The rst CAN book, written in French by D. Paret, was published in 1997 and presents the CAN basics [32]. More implementation oriented approaches, including CAN node implementation and application examples, can be found in Lorenz [28] and in Etschberger [16], while more compact descriptions of CAN can be found in [11] and in some chapters of [31]. Despite its success story, CAN application designers would be happier if CAN could be made faster, cover longer distances, be more deterministic and more dependable [34]. Over the years, several protocols based in CAN were presented, taking advantage of some CAN properties and trying to improve some known CAN drawbacks. This chapter, besides presenting an overview of CAN, describes also some other relevant higher level protocols based on CAN, such as CANopen [13], DeviceNet [6], FTT-CAN [1] and TTCAN [25]

    Analysis, evaluation and improvement of RT-WMP for real-time and QoS wireless communication: Applications in confined environments

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    En los ultimos años, la innovación tecnológica, la característica de flexibilidad y el rápido despligue de las redes inalámbricas, han favorecido la difusión de la redes móviles ad-hoc (MANETs), capaces de ofrecer servicios para tareas específicas entre nodos móviles. Los aspectos relacionados al dinamismo de la topología móvil y el acceso a un medio compartido por naturaleza hacen que sea preciso enfrentarse a clases de problemas distintos de los relacionados con la redes cableadas, atrayendo de este modo el interés de la comunidad científica. Las redes ad-hoc suelen soportar tráfico con garantía de servicio mínimo y la mayor parte de las propuestas presentes en literatura tratan de dar garantías de ancho de banda o minimizar el retardo de los mensajes. Sin embargo hay situaciones en las que estas garantías no son suficientes. Este es el caso de los sistemas que requieren garantías mas fuertes en la entrega de los mensajes, como es el caso de los sistemas de tiempo real donde la pérdida o el retraso de un sólo mensaje puede provocar problemas graves. Otras aplicaciones como la videoconferencia, cada vez más extendidas, implican un tráfico de datos con requisitos diferentes, como la calidad de servicio (QoS). Los requisitos de tiempo real y de QoS añaden nuevos retos al ya exigente servicio de comunicación inalámbrica entre estaciones móviles de una MANET. Además, hay aplicaciones en las que hay que tener en cuenta algo más que el simple encaminamiento de los mensajes. Este es el caso de aplicaciones en entornos subterráneos, donde el conocimiento de la evolución de propagación de la señal entre los diferentes nodos puede ser útil para mejorar la calidad de servicio y mantener la conectividad en cada momento. A pesar de ésto, dentro del amplio abanicos de propuestas presente en la literatura, existen un conjunto de limitaciones que van de el mero uso de protocolos simulados a propuestas que no tienen en cuenta entornos no convencionales o que resultan aisladas desde el punto de vista de la integración en sistemas complejos. En esta tesis doctoral, se propone un estudio completo sobre un plataforma inalámbrica de tiempo real, utilizando el protocolo RT-WMP capaz de gestionar trafíco multimedia al mismo tiempo y adaptado al entorno de trabajo. Se propone una extensión para el soporte a los datos con calidad de servicio sin limitar las caractaristícas temporales del protocolo básico. Y con el fin de tener en cuenta el efecto de la propagación de la señal, se caracteriza el entorno por medio de un conjunto de restricciones de conectividad. La solución ha sido desarrollada y su validez ha sido demostrada extensamente en aplicaciones reales en entornos subterráneos, en redes malladas y aplicaciones robóticas

    Schedulability analysis and optimization of time-partitioned distributed real-time systems

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    RESUMEN: La creciente complejidad de los sistemas de control modernos lleva a muchas empresas a tener que re-dimensionar o re-diseñar sus soluciones para adecuarlas a nuevas funcionalidades y requisitos. Un caso paradigmático de esta situación se ha dado en el sector ferroviario, donde la implementación de las aplicaciones de señalización se ha llevado a cabo empleando técnicas tradicionales que, si bien ahora mismo cumplen con los requisitos básicos, su rendimiento temporal y escalabilidad funcional son sustancialmente mejorables. A partir de las soluciones propuestas en esta tesis, además de contribuir a la validación de sistemas que requieren certificación de seguridad funcional, también se creará la tecnología base de análisis de planificabilidad y optimización de sistemas de tiempo real distribuidos generales y también basados en particionado temporal, que podrá ser aplicada en distintos entornos en los que los sistemas ciberfísicos juegan un rol clave, por ejemplo en aplicaciones de Industria 4.0, en los que pueden presentarse problemas similares en el futuro.ABSTRACT:he increasing complexity of modern control systems leads many companies to have to resize or redesign their solutions to adapt them to new functionalities and requirements. A paradigmatic case of this situation has occurred in the railway sector, where the implementation of signaling applications has been carried out using traditional techniques that, although they currently meet the basic requirements, their time performance and functional scalability can be substantially improved. From the solutions proposed in this thesis, besides contributing to the assessment of systems that require functional safety certification, the base technology for schedulability analysis and optimization of general as well as time-partitioned distributed real-time systems will be derived, which can be applied in different environments where cyber-physical systems play a key role, for example in Industry 4.0 applications, where similar problems may arise in the future


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    Network Function Virtualization (NFV) is an emerging networking paradigm that aims to reduce costs and time-to-market, improve manageability, and foster competition and innovative services. NFV exploits virtualization and cloud computing technologies to turn physical network functions into Virtualized Network Functions (VNFs), which will be implemented in software, and will run as Virtual Machines (VMs) on commodity hardware located in high-performance data centers, namely Network Function Virtualization Infrastructures (NFVIs). The NFV paradigm relies on cloud computing and virtualization technologies to provide carrier-grade services, i.e., the ability of a service to be highly reliable and available, within fast and automatic failure recovery mechanisms. The availability of many virtualization solutions for NFV poses the question on which virtualization technology should be adopted for NFV, in order to fulfill the requirements described above. Currently, there are limited solutions for analyzing, in quantitative terms, the performance and reliability trade-offs, which are important concerns for the adoption of NFV. This thesis deals with assessment of the reliability and of the performance of NFV systems. It proposes a methodology, which includes context, measures, and faultloads, to conduct dependability benchmarks in NFV, according to the general principles of dependability benchmarking. To this aim, a fault injection framework for the virtualization technologies has been designed and implemented for the virtualized technologies being used as case studies in this thesis. This framework is successfully used to conduct an extensive experimental campaign, where we compare two candidate virtualization technologies for NFV adoption: the commercial, hypervisor-based virtualization platform VMware vSphere, and the open-source, container-based virtualization platform Docker. These technologies are assessed in the context of a high-availability, NFV-oriented IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). The analysis of experimental results reveal that i) fault management mechanisms are crucial in NFV, in order to provide accurate failure detection and start the subsequent failover actions, and ii) fault injection proves to be valuable way to introduce uncommon scenarios in the NFVI, which can be fundamental to provide a high reliable service in production

    Worst-case delay analysis of real-time switched Ethernet networks with flow local synchronization

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    Les réseaux Ethernet commuté full-duplex constituent des solutions intéressantes pour des applications industrielles. Mais le non-déterminisme d’un commutateur IEEE 802.1d, fait que l’analyse pire cas de délai de flux critiques est encore un problème ouvert. Plusieurs méthodes ont été proposées pour obtenir des bornes supérieures des délais de communication sur des réseaux Ethernet commuté full duplex temps réels, faisant l’hypothèse que le trafic en entrée du réseau peut être borné. Le problème principal reste le pessimisme introduit par la méthode de calcul de cette borne supérieure du délai. Ces méthodes considèrent que tous les flux transmis sur le réseau sont indépendants. Ce qui est vrai pour les flux émis par des nœuds sources différents car il n’existe pas, dans le cas général, d’horloge globale permettant de synchroniser les flux. Mais pour les flux émis par un même nœud source, il est possible de faire l’hypothèse d’une synchronisation locale de ces flux. Une telle hypothèse permet de bâtir un modèle plus précis des flux et en conséquence élimine des scénarios impossibles qui augmentent le pessimisme du calcul. Le sujet principal de cette thèse est d’étudier comment des flux périodiques synchronisés par des offsets peuvent être gérés dans le calcul des bornes supérieures des délais sur un réseau Ethernet commuté temps-réel. Dans un premier temps, il s’agit de présenter l’impact des contraintes d’offsets sur le calcul des bornes supérieures des délais de bout en bout. Il s’agit ensuite de présenter comment intégrer ces contraintes d’offsets dans les approches de calcul basées sur le Network Calculus et la méthode des Trajectoires. Une méthode Calcul Réseau modifiée et une méthode Trajectoires modifiée sont alors développées et les performances obtenues sont comparées. Le réseau avionique AFDX (Avionics Full-Duplex Switched Ethernet) est pris comme exemple d’un réseau Ethernet commuté full-duplex. Une configuration AFDX industrielle avec un millier de flux est présentée. Cette configuration industrielle est alors évaluée à l’aide des deux approches, selon un choix d’allocation d’offsets donné. De plus, différents algorithmes d’allocation des offsets sont testés sur cette configuration industrielle, pour trouver un algorithme d’allocation quasi-optimal. Une analyse de pessimisme des bornes supérieures calculées est alors proposée. Cette analyse est basée sur l’approche des trajectoires (rendue optimiste) qui permet de calculer une sous-approximation du délai pire-cas. La différence entre la borne supérieure du délai (calculée par une méthode donnée) et la sous-approximation du délai pire cas donne une borne supérieure du pessimisme de la méthode. Cette analyse fournit des résultats intéressants sur le pessimisme des approches Calcul Réseau et méthode des Trajectoires. La dernière partie de la thèse porte sur une architecture de réseau temps réel hétérogène obtenue par connexion de réseaux CAN via des ponts sur un réseau fédérateur de type Ethernet commuté. Deux approches, une basée sur les composants et l’autre sur les Trajectoires sont proposées pour permettre une analyse des délais pire-cas sur un tel réseau. La capacité de calcul d’une borne supérieure des délais pire-cas dans le contexte d’une architecture hétérogène est intéressante pour les domaines industriels. ABSTRACT : Full-duplex switched Ethernet is a promising candidate for interconnecting real-time industrial applications. But due to IEEE 802.1d indeterminism, the worst-case delay analysis of critical flows supported by such a network is still an open problem. Several methods have been proposed for upper-bounding communication delays on a real-time switched Ethernet network, assuming that the incoming traffic can be upper bounded. The main problem remaining is to assess the tightness, i.e. the pessimism, of the method calculating this upper bound on the communication delay. These methods consider that all flows transmitted over the network are independent. This is true for flows emitted by different source nodes since, in general, there is no global clock synchronizing them. But the flows emitted by the same source node are local synchronized. Such an assumption helps to build a more precise flow model that eliminates some impossible communication scenarios which lead to a pessimistic delay upper bounds. The core of this thesis is to study how local periodic flows synchronized with offsets can be handled when computing delay upper-bounds on a real-time switched Ethernet. In a first step, the impact of these offsets on the delay upper-bound computation is illustrated. Then, the integration of offsets in the Network Calculus and the Trajectory approaches is introduced. Therefore, a modified Network Calculus approach and a modified Trajectory approach are developed whose performances are compared on an Avionics Full-DupleX switched Ethernet (AFDX) industrial configuration with one thousand of flows. It has been shown that, in the context of this AFDX configuration, the Trajectory approach leads to slightly tighter end-to-end delay upper bounds than the ones of the Network Calculus approach. But offsets of local flows have to be chosen. Different offset assignment algorithms are then investigated on the AFDX industrial configuration. A near-optimal assignment can be exhibited. Next, a pessimism analysis of the computed upper-bounds is proposed. This analysis is based on the Trajectory approach (made optimistic) which computes an under-estimation of the worst-case delay. The difference between the upper-bound (computed by a given method) and the under-estimation of the worst-case delay gives an upper-bound of the pessimism of the method. This analysis gives interesting comparison results on the Network Calculus and the Trajectory approaches pessimism. The last part of the thesis, deals with a real-time heterogeneous network architecture where CAN buses are interconnected through a switched Ethernet backbone using dedicated bridges. Two approaches, the component-based approach and the Trajectory approach, are developed to conduct a worst-case delay analysis for such a network. Clearly, the ability to compute end-to-end delays upper-bounds in the context of heterogeneous network architecture is promising for industrial domains

    Tolerância a falhas em sistemas de comunicação de tempo-real flexíveis

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    Nas últimas décadas, os sistemas embutidos distribuídos, têm sido usados em variados domínios de aplicação, desde o controlo de processos industriais até ao controlo de aviões e automóveis, sendo expectável que esta tendência se mantenha e até se intensifique durante os próximos anos. Os requisitos de confiabilidade de algumas destas aplicações são extremamente importantes, visto que o não cumprimento de serviços de uma forma previsível e pontual pode causar graves danos económicos ou até pôr em risco vidas humanas. A adopção das melhores práticas de projecto no desenvolvimento destes sistemas não elimina, por si só, a ocorrência de falhas causadas pelo comportamento não determinístico do ambiente onde o sistema embutido distribuído operará. Desta forma, é necessário incluir mecanismos de tolerância a falhas que impeçam que eventuais falhas possam comprometer todo o sistema. Contudo, para serem eficazes, os mecanismos de tolerância a falhas necessitam ter conhecimento a priori do comportamento correcto do sistema de modo a poderem ser capazes de distinguir os modos correctos de funcionamento dos incorrectos. Tradicionalmente, quando se projectam mecanismos de tolerância a falhas, o conhecimento a priori significa que todos os possíveis modos de funcionamento são conhecidos na fase de projecto, não os podendo adaptar nem fazer evoluir durante a operação do sistema. Como consequência, os sistemas projectados de acordo com este princípio ou são completamente estáticos ou permitem apenas um pequeno número de modos de operação. Contudo, é desejável que os sistemas disponham de alguma flexibilidade de modo a suportarem a evolução dos requisitos durante a fase de operação, simplificar a manutenção e reparação, bem como melhorar a eficiência usando apenas os recursos do sistema que são efectivamente necessários em cada instante. Além disto, esta eficiência pode ter um impacto positivo no custo do sistema, em virtude deste poder disponibilizar mais funcionalidades com o mesmo custo ou a mesma funcionalidade a um menor custo. Porém, flexibilidade e confiabilidade têm sido encarados como conceitos conflituais. Isto deve-se ao facto de flexibilidade implicar a capacidade de permitir a evolução dos requisitos que, por sua vez, podem levar a cenários de operação imprevisíveis e possivelmente inseguros. Desta fora, é comummente aceite que apenas um sistema completamente estático pode ser tornado confiável, o que significa que todos os aspectos operacionais têm de ser completamente definidos durante a fase de projecto. Num sentido lato, esta constatação é verdadeira. Contudo, se os modos como o sistema se adapta a requisitos evolutivos puderem ser restringidos e controlados, então talvez seja possível garantir a confiabilidade permanente apesar das alterações aos requisitos durante a fase de operação. A tese suportada por esta dissertação defende que é possível flexibilizar um sistema, dentro de limites bem definidos, sem comprometer a sua confiabilidade e propõe alguns mecanismos que permitem a construção de sistemas de segurança crítica baseados no protocolo Controller Area Network (CAN). Mais concretamente, o foco principal deste trabalho incide sobre o protocolo Flexible Time-Triggered CAN (FTT-CAN), que foi especialmente desenvolvido para disponibilizar um grande nível de flexibilidade operacional combinando, não só as vantagens dos paradigmas de transmissão de mensagens baseados em eventos e em tempo, mas também a flexibilidade associada ao escalonamento dinâmico do tráfego cuja transmissão é despoletada apenas pela evolução do tempo. Este facto condiciona e torna mais complexo o desenvolvimento de mecanismos de tolerância a falhas para FTT-CAN do que para outros protocolos como por exemplo, TTCAN ou FlexRay, nos quais existe um conhecimento estático, antecipado e comum a todos os nodos, do escalonamento de mensagens cuja transmissão é despoletada pela evolução do tempo. Contudo, e apesar desta complexidade adicional, este trabalho demonstra que é possível construir mecanismos de tolerância a falhas para FTT-CAN preservando a sua flexibilidade operacional. É também defendido nesta dissertação que um sistema baseado no protocolo FTT-CAN e equipado com os mecanismos de tolerância a falhas propostos é passível de ser usado em aplicações de segurança crítica. Esta afirmação é suportada, no âmbito do protocolo FTT-CAN, através da definição de uma arquitectura tolerante a falhas integrando nodos com modos de falha tipo falha-silêncio e nodos mestre replicados. Os vários problemas resultantes da replicação dos nodos mestre são, também eles, analisados e várias soluções são propostas para os obviar. Concretamente, é proposto um protocolo que garante a consistência das estruturas de dados replicadas a quando da sua actualização e um outro protocolo que permite a transferência dessas estruturas de dados para um nodo mestre que se encontre não sincronizado com os restantes depois de inicializado ou reinicializado de modo assíncrono. Além disto, esta dissertação também discute o projecto de nodos FTT-CAN que exibam um modo de falha do tipo falha-silêncio e propõe duas soluções baseadas em componentes de hardware localizados no interface de rede de cada nodo, para resolver este problema. Uma das soluções propostas baseiase em bus guardians que permitem a imposição de comportamento falhasilêncio nos nodos escravos e suportam o escalonamento dinâmico de tráfego na rede. A outra solução baseia-se num interface de rede que arbitra o acesso de dois microprocessadores ao barramento. Este interface permite que a replicação interna de um nodo seja efectuada de forma transparente e assegura um comportamento falha-silêncio quer no domínio temporal quer no domínio do valor ao permitir transmissões do nodo apenas quando ambas as réplicas coincidam no conteúdo das mensagens e nos instantes de transmissão. Esta última solução está mais adaptada para ser usada nos nodos mestre, contudo também poderá ser usada nos nodos escravo, sempre que tal se revele fundamental.Distributed embedded systems (DES) have been widely used in the last few decades in several application fields, ranging from industrial process control to avionics and automotive systems. In fact, it is expectable that this trend will continue over the years to come. In some of these application domains the dependability requirements are of utmost importance since failing to provide services in a timely and predictable manner may cause important economic losses or even put human life in risk. The adoption of the best practices in the design of distributed embedded systems does not fully avoid the occurrence of faults, arising from the nondeterministic behavior of the environment where each particular DES operates. Thus, fault-tolerance mechanisms need to be included in the DES to prevent possible faults leading to system failure. To be effective, fault-tolerance mechanisms require an a priori knowledge of the correct system behavior to be capable of distinguishing them from the erroneous ones. Traditionally, when designing fault-tolerance mechanisms, the a priori knowledge means that all possible operational modes are known at system design time and cannot adapt nor evolve during runtime. As a consequence, systems designed according to this principle are either fully static or allow a small number of operational modes only. Flexibility, however, is a desired property in a system in order to support evolving requirements, simplify maintenance and repair, and improve the efficiency in using system resources by using only the resources that are effectively required at each instant. This efficiency might impact positively on the system cost because with the same resources one can add more functionality or one can offer the same functionality with fewer resources. However, flexibility and dependability are often regarded as conflicting concepts. This is so because flexibility implies the ability to deal with evolving requirements that, in turn, can lead to unpredictable and possibly unsafe operating scenarios. Therefore, it is commonly accepted that only a fully static system can be made dependable, meaning that all operating conditions are completely defined at pre-runtime. In the broad sense and assuming unbounded flexibility this assessment is true, but if one restricts and controls the ways the system could adapt to evolving requirements, then it might be possible to enforce continuous dependability. This thesis claims that it is possible to provide a bounded degree of flexibility without compromising dependability and proposes some mechanisms to build safety-critical systems based on the Controller Area Network (CAN). In particular, the main focus of this work is the Flexible Time-Triggered CAN protocol (FTT-CAN), which was specifically developed to provide such high level of operational flexibility, not only combining the advantages of time- and event-triggered paradigms but also providing flexibility to the time-triggered traffic. This fact makes the development of fault-tolerant mechanisms more complex in FTT-CAN than in other protocols, such as TTCAN or FlexRay, in which there is a priori static common knowledge of the time-triggered message schedule shared by all nodes. Nevertheless, as it is demonstrated in this work, it is possible to build fault-tolerant mechanisms for FTT-CAN that preserve its high level of operational flexibility, particularly concerning the time-triggered traffic. With such mechanisms it is argued that FTT-CAN is suitable for safetycritical applications, too. This claim was validated in the scope of the FTT-CAN protocol by presenting a fault-tolerant system architecture with replicated masters and fail-silent nodes. The specific problems and mechanisms related with master replication, particularly a protocol to enforce consistency during updates of replicated data structures and another protocol to transfer these data structures to an unsynchronized node upon asynchronous startup or restart, are also addressed. Moreover, this thesis also discusses the implementations of fail-silence in FTTCAN nodes and proposes two solutions, both based on hardware components that are attached to the node network interface. One solution relies on bus guardians that allow enforcing fail-silence in the time domain. These bus guardians are adapted to support dynamic traffic scheduling and are fit for use in FTT-CAN slave nodes, only. The other solution relies on a special network interface, with duplicated microprocessor interface, that supports internal replication of the node, transparently. In this case, fail-silence can be assured both in the time and value domain since transmissions are carried out only if both internal nodes agree on the transmission instant and message contents. This solution is well adapted for use in the masters but it can also be used, if desired, in slave nodes
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