2,503 research outputs found


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    The virtual reference service in the university library is one of the library services that has a very important function in meeting user needs. In order to meet the information needs of users that the reference service librarian has provided virtual tools as access points for users in finding the information they need, including through chatt as a virtual tool to answer specific or simple questions, giving ebook / digital reading material, recommends the web as a relevant resource as needed and can also provide an online bibliography as a resource. This article tries to describe the reference service in the Andalas University library in Padang today. Virtual reference services for visitors as information society in the postmo era then become a trend service that is very important to note, not only in terms of users in utilizing services, but also the attention of libraries in focusing the function of virtual reference services that are actually for users in college libraries


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    This research was a bibliometric study that aims to identify journals about STEM computational thinking approaches in mathematics learning. Research data was collected by analyzing journals from 2017-2021. Data analysis stages (1) journals are taken from the Scopus and dimension databases (2) journals are filtered through Microsoft excel (3) Checking the completeness of each journal through the mendeley application (4) displaying bibliometric analysis using Vos Viewer. The results show that the trend of STEM Computational Thinking research is based on collaboration between authors. The results also show the limitations of journal publications related to the STEM approach and computational thinking in mathematics learning. This is an opportunity for researchers to study STEM computational thinking in mathematics learning

    Incipit Vita Nova

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    1 sheet. Printed at the Annis Press by Marilyn A. Hatch and friends.https://repository.wellesley.edu/bookartsephemera/1008/thumbnail.jp

    Incipit vita nova

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    La casa encontrada reúne por primera vez los tres poemarios publicados hasta el momento por Raschella –Malditos los gallos (1979), Poemas del exterminio (1988) y Tímida hierba de agosto (2001)–, más uno inédito, fechado en 2010, que da su título al volumen. Guillermo Saavedra firma el prólogo, llamado “El sueño de un futuro inexacto”. Desde el comienzo, la lengua poética de Roberto Raschella se ampara en un discreto escenario mítico, el lugar de un relato que cuenta la peripecia de un origen...

    Exploring the Characteristics of Digital Pedagogy Model for Developing Computational Thinking in Mathematical Problem Solving

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    Challenges in the 21st century are increasingly complex, technology is developing rapidly and competition is getting tougher. Therefore we need quality human resources that can keep up with and anticipate the times. The use of technology involves computational thinking (CT) skills which are closely related to the problem-solving process. The stages in computational thinking are part of mathematical thinking, meaning that learning mathematics can support students' CT skills. Through the development of digital pedagogical models in CT integrated mathematics learning, it can improve problem-solving skills. This research uses  design based implementation research with 4 phases including; preliminary research, prototyping, results, and design principle. The participants were 28 grade 8 junior high school students who took part in two rounds of experiment in direct CT activities and digital CT activities. In this paper, we present an iterative mathematical problem-solving process in the digital pedagogy model. The computational task, environment, tool and practices were iteratively improved over two rounds to incorporate CT effectively in mathematics. The results from CT environment demonstrated that direct CT activities are more effective than digital CT activities in mathematical problem-solving.  Based on empirical research, we summarize the characteristic of the digital pedagogy model from computational tasks, computational environment and tools, and computational practices in mathematical problem solving

    Per la paternità di Naturalmente chere ogni amadore. Questioni antiche e nuovi rilievi

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    Il contributo esamina il problema attributivo posto dal sonetto «Naturalmente chere ogni amadore», responsivo al primo della «Vita nova», la cui paternità è contesa, nella tradizione manoscritta e a stampa, tra i nomi di Cino da Pistoia e Terino da Castelfiorentin

    Exile and Rhetorical Order in the Vita nova

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    This article identifies the Augustinian motive of peregrinatio (pilgrimage/exile) as fundamental to the Vita nova, both thematically and at the level of narrative structure. Although Dante himself would not experience banishment from Florence in 1302, this early work establishes him as a vernacular poet whose authority stems from a marginal and provisional social position

    L’“angiola giovanissima” e il linguaggio degli angeli: la musica della e nella Vita Nova

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    Paradoxically, the Vita Nova mentions music in its strict signification only twice, and nonetheless it can be defined as a “Buch der Lieder” (Wehle) or “book of songs”. So this paper examines the relationship between the book and the “music” in a broader sense of the word and proposes an interpretation of the Vita Nova that focuses on the musicality of the poems and its implications. According to the medieval conviction, the language of the angels is nothing but music, and therefore on earth it is only music that can give us an idea of the singing of the angels. In Dante’s text not only the canzone is an ‘angel’ in the etymological sense of the word, because it carries a message to the addressees; not only does it transport the I in a metaphorical sense to heaven because his tongue speaks “quasi come per se stessa mossa”. Above all poetry with its suavitas can transcend the limits of human language and give the beatitudo or transport “oltre la spera” those who are able to understand it already during their lifetime.Partendo dal fatto paradossale che la Vita Nova possa essere definito un “Buch der Lieder” (Wehle) o “libro dei canti”, pur parlando della musica in senso stretto solo in due luoghi, il presente contributo intende esaminare il rapporto esistente fra il libro e la “musica” in un senso più ampio e proporre una lettura della Vita Nova che mette l’accento proprio sulla musicalità delle poesie dantesche e le sue implicazioni. Secondo la convinzione medievale il linguaggio degli angeli non è altro che musica, mentre da parte sua la musica riesce a comunicare già sulla terra un’idea del canto degli angeli. Nel testo dantesco, non solo la canzone è ‘angelo’ nel senso etimologico del termine, essendo mandata dall’io a portare un messaggio ai destinatari; non solo porta metaforicamente l’io, la cui lingua parla “quasi come per se stessa mossa”, al cielo. Innanzitutto, è la poesia che con la sua suavitas riesce a superare i limiti del linguaggio umano e a procurare la beatitudine, trasportando coloro che la sanno udire già in vita “oltre la spera”

    Immagine e immaginazione: una lettura della 'Vita nova' di Dante

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    Il contributo \ue8 una proposta di lettura della 'Vita nova' di Dante condotta con speciale attenzione da un lato ai motivi dell\u2019immagine e dell\u2019immaginazione presenti nel prosimetro e, dall\u2019altro, alla precisione e regolarit\ue0 del lessico utilizzato dall\u2019autore.This paper is a reading of Dante\u2019s 'Vita nova'. It pays special attention on the one hand to the motifs of the image and imagination present in the 'Vita nova' and, on the other hand, to the precision and regularity of the lexicon used by Dante

    Indice dei manoscritti

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    Index of manuscripts to the volume Dante e il prosimetro. Dalla 'Vita nova' al 'Convivio', a cura di Paolo Borsa e Anna Maria Cabrini, Milano, Università degli Studi, 2022 ("Quaderni di Gargnano", 5). Indice dei manoscritti del volume Dante e il prosimetro. Dalla 'Vita nova' al 'Convivio', a cura di Paolo Borsa e Anna Maria Cabrini, Milano, Università degli Studi, 2022 ("Quaderni di Gargnano", 5)