656 research outputs found

    Efficient resources assignment schemes for clustered multithreaded processors

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    New feature sizes provide larger number of transistors per chip that architects could use in order to further exploit instruction level parallelism. However, these technologies bring also new challenges that complicate conventional monolithic processor designs. On the one hand, exploiting instruction level parallelism is leading us to diminishing returns and therefore exploiting other sources of parallelism like thread level parallelism is needed in order to keep raising performance with a reasonable hardware complexity. On the other hand, clustering architectures have been widely studied in order to reduce the inherent complexity of current monolithic processors. This paper studies the synergies and trade-offs between two concepts, clustering and simultaneous multithreading (SMT), in order to understand the reasons why conventional SMT resource assignment schemes are not so effective in clustered processors. These trade-offs are used to propose a novel resource assignment scheme that gets and average speed up of 17.6% versus Icount improving fairness in 24%.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Architectural support for real-time task scheduling in SMT processors

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    In Simultaneous Multithreaded (SMT) architectures most hardware resources are shared between threads. This provides a good cost/performance trade-off which renders these architectures suitable for use in embedded systems. However, since threads share many resources, like caches, they also interfere with each other. As a result, execution times of applications become highly unpredictable and highly dependent on the context in which an application is executed. Obviously, this poses problems if an SMT is to be used in a (soft) real time system. In this paper, we propose two novel hardware mechanisms that can be used to reduce this performance variability. In contrast to previous approaches, our proposed mechanisms do not need any information beyond the information already known by traditional job schedulers. Neither do they require extensive profiling of workloads to determine optimal schedules. Our mechanisms are based on dynamic resource partitioning. The OS level job scheduler needs to be slightly adapted in order to provide the hardware resource allocator some information on how this resource partitioning needs to be done. We show that our mechanisms provide high stability for SMT architectures to be used in real time systems: the real time benchmarks we used meet their deadlines in more than 98% of the cases considered while the other thread in the workload still achieves high throughput.Postprint (published version

    Performance Enhancement of Multicore Architecture

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    Multicore processors integrate several cores on a single chip. The fixed architecture of multicore platforms often fails to accommodate the inherent diverse requirements of different applications. The permanent need to enhance the performance of multicore architecture motivates the development of a dynamic architecture. To address this issue, this paper presents new algorithms for thread selection in fetch stage. Moreover, this paper presents three new fetch stage policies, EACH_LOOP_FETCH, INC-FETCH, and WZ-FETCH, based on Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression statistic method. These new fetch policies differ on thread selection time which is represented by instructions’ count and window size. Furthermore, the simulation multicore tool, , is adapted to cope with multicore processor dynamic design by adding a dynamic feature in the policy of thread selection in fetch stage. SPLASH2, parallel scientific workloads, has been used to validate the proposed adaptation for multi2sim. Intensive simulated experiments have been conducted and the obtained results show that remarkable performance enhancements have been achieved in terms of execution time and number of instructions per second produces less broadcast operations compared to the typical algorithm

    Efficient memory-level parallelism extraction with decoupled strands

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    We present Outrider, an architecture for throughput-oriented processors that exploits intra-thread memory-level parallelism (MLP) to improve performance efficiency on highly threaded workloads. Outrider enables a single thread of execution to be presented to the architecture as multiple decoupled instruction streams, consisting of either memory accessing or memory consuming instructions. The key insight is that by decoupling the instruction streams, the processor pipeline can expose MLP in a way similar to out-of-order designs while relying on a low-complexity in-order micro-architecture. Instead of adding more threads as is done in modern GPUs, Outrider can expose the same MLP with fewer threads and reduced contention for resources shared among threads. We demonstrate that Outrider can outperform single-threaded cores by 23-131% and a 4-way simultaneous multi-threaded core by up to 87% in data parallel applications in a 1024-core system. Outrider achieves these performance gains without incurring the overhead of additional hardware thread contexts, which results in improved efficiency compared to a multi-threaded core

    Sensible energy accounting with abstract metering for multicore systems

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    Chip multicore processors (CMPs) are the preferred processing platform across different domains such as data centers, real-time systems, and mobile devices. In all those domains, energy is arguably the most expensive resource in a computing system. Accurately quantifying energy usage in a multicore environment presents a challenge as well as an opportunity for optimization. Standard metering approaches are not capable of delivering consistent results with shared resources, since the same task with the same inputs may have different energy consumption based on the mix of co-running tasks. However, it is reasonable for data-center operators to charge on the basis of estimated energy usage rather than time since energy is more correlated with their actual cost. This article introduces the concept of Sensible Energy Accounting (SEA). For a task running in a multicore system, SEA accurately estimates the energy the task would have consumed running in isolation with a given fraction of the CMP shared resources. We explain the potential benefits of SEA in different domains and describe two hardware techniques to implement it for a shared last-level cache and on-core resources in SMT processors. Moreover, with SEA, an energy-aware scheduler can find a highly efficient on-chip resource assignment, reducing by up to 39% the total processor energy for a 4-core system.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    LOMARC: Look ahead matchmaking for multi-resource coscheduling.

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    Hyper-Threading (HT) provides a new possibility for job coscheduling without context switch and without the cost for coordinating processes of one parallel job. However, HT achieves high processor throughput at the expense of reducing the performance of the individual process. Since the hardware resources are actually shared between two coscheduled jobs, the resource contention will harm the performance of each job. Most scheduling approaches only focus on the CPU without considering the impact on other resources. In this thesis we present LOMARC, a space-time sharing approach that takes multiple resources, including CPU, I/O, memory and network, into consideration for job coscheduling on HT processors. To improve resource utilization and reduce job response times, LOMARC matches two jobs with complementary resource requirements to coschedule. Our approach partially reorders the waiting job queue by lookahead to increase the possibility of finding a good match. LOMARC also generalizes for standard CPUs, using an adjusted matching scheme and only focusing on hiding I/O latency. In addition, LOMARC incorporates standard scheduling approaches such as priority ordering, aging and backfilling. In our simulation experiment, we use a realistic workload model to provide the convincing results. Our experimental results demonstrate that LOMARC delivers better performance than the standard space sharing approach and the other two job coscheduling approaches for HT processors. The performance gain is mainly due to an increased possibility of coscheduling two complementary jobs by looking ahead on the waiting queue. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 43-01, page: 0239. Adviser: Angela Sodan. Thesis (M.Sc.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2004

    Contention-Aware Scheduling for SMT Multicore Processors

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    The recent multicore era and the incoming manycore/manythread era generate a lot of challenges for computer scientists going from productive parallel programming, over network congestion avoidance and intelligent power management, to circuit design issues. The ultimate goal is to squeeze out as much performance as possible while limiting power and energy consumption and guaranteeing a reliable execution. The increasing number of hardware contexts of current and future systems makes the scheduler an important component to achieve this goal, as there is often a combinatorial amount of different ways to schedule the distinct threads or applications, each with a different performance due to the inter-application interference. Picking an optimal schedule can result in substantial performance gains. This thesis deals with inter-application interference, covering the problems this fact causes on performance and fairness on actual machines. The study starts with single-threaded multicore processors (Intel Xeon X3320), follows with simultaneous multithreading (SMT) multicores supporting up to two threads per core (Intel Xeon E5645), and goes to the most highly threaded per-core processor that has ever been built (IBM POWER8). The dissertation analyzes the main contention points of each experimental platform and proposes scheduling algorithms that tackle the interference arising at each contention point to improve the system throughput and fairness. First we analyze contention through the memory hierarchy of current multicore processors. The performed studies reveal high performance degradation due to contention on main memory and any shared cache the processors implement. To mitigate such contention, we propose different bandwidth-aware scheduling algorithms with the key idea of balancing the memory accesses through the workload execution time and the cache requests among the different caches at each cache level. The high interference that different applications suffer when running simultaneously on the same SMT core, however, does not only affect performance, but can also compromise system fairness. In this dissertation, we also analyze fairness in current SMT multicores. To improve system fairness, we design progress-aware scheduling algorithms that estimate, at runtime, how the processes progress, which allows to improve system fairness by prioritizing the processes with lower accumulated progress. Finally, this dissertation tackles inter-application contention in the IBM POWER8 system with a symbiotic scheduler that addresses overall SMT interference. The symbiotic scheduler uses an SMT interference model, based on CPI stacks, that estimates the slowdown of any combination of applications if they are scheduled on the same SMT core. The number of possible schedules, however, grows too fast with the number of applications and makes unfeasible to explore all possible combinations. To overcome this issue, the symbiotic scheduler models the scheduling problem as a graph problem, which allows finding the optimal schedule in reasonable time. In summary, this thesis addresses contention in the shared resources of the memory hierarchy and SMT cores of multicore processors. We identify the main contention points of three systems with different architectures and propose scheduling algorithms to tackle contention at these points. The evaluation on the real systems shows the benefits of the proposed algorithms. The symbiotic scheduler improves system throughput by 6.7\% over Linux. Regarding fairness, the proposed progress-aware scheduler reduces Linux unfairness to a third. Besides, since the proposed algorithm are completely software-based, they could be incorporated as scheduling policies in Linux and used in small-scale servers to achieve the mentioned benefits.La actual era multinúcleo y la futura era manycore/manythread generan grandes retos en el área de la computación incluyendo, entre otros, la programación paralela productiva o la gestión eficiente de la energía. El último objetivo es alcanzar las mayores prestaciones limitando el consumo energético y garantizando una ejecución confiable. El incremento del número de contextos hardware de los sistemas hace que el planificador se convierta en un componente importante para lograr este objetivo debido a que existen múltiples formas diferentes de planificar las aplicaciones, cada una con distintas prestaciones debido a las interferencias que se producen entre las aplicaciones. Seleccionar la planificación óptima puede proporcionar importantes mejoras de prestaciones. Esta tesis se ocupa de las interferencias entre aplicaciones, cubriendo los problemas que causan en las prestaciones y equidad de los sistemas actuales. El estudio empieza con procesadores multinúcleo monohilo (Intel Xeon X3320), sigue con multinúcleos con soporte para la ejecución simultanea (SMT) de dos hilos (Intel Xeon E5645), y llega al procesador que actualmente soporta un mayor número de hilos por núcleo (IBM POWER8). La disertación analiza los principales puntos de contención en cada plataforma y propone algoritmos de planificación que mitigan las interferencias que se generan en cada uno de ellos para mejorar la productividad y equidad de los sistemas. En primer lugar, analizamos la contención a lo largo de la jerarquía de memoria. Los estudios realizados revelan la alta degradación de prestaciones provocada por la contención en memoria principal y en cualquier cache compartida. Para mitigar esta contención, proponemos diversos algoritmos de planificación cuya idea principal es distribuir los accesos a memoria a lo largo del tiempo de ejecución de la carga y las peticiones a las caches entre las diferentes caches compartidas en cada nivel. Las altas interferencias que sufren las aplicaciones que se ejecutan simultáneamente en un núcleo SMT, sin embargo, no solo afectan a las prestaciones, sino que también pueden comprometer la equidad del sistema. En esta tesis, también abordamos la equidad en los actuales multinúcleos SMT. Para mejorarla, diseñamos algoritmos de planificación que estiman el progreso de las aplicaciones en tiempo de ejecución, lo que permite priorizar los procesos con menor progreso acumulado para reducir la inequidad. Finalmente, la tesis se centra en la contención entre aplicaciones en el sistema IBM POWER8 con un planificador simbiótico que aborda la contención en todo el núcleo SMT. El planificador simbiótico utiliza un modelo de interferencia basado en pilas de CPI que predice las prestaciones para la ejecución de cualquier combinación de aplicaciones en un núcleo SMT. El número de posibles planificaciones, no obstante, crece muy rápido y hace inviable explorar todas las posibles combinaciones. Por ello, el problema de planificación se modela como un problema de teoría de grafos, lo que permite obtener la planificación óptima en un tiempo razonable. En resumen, esta tesis aborda la contención en los recursos compartidos en la jerarquía de memoria y el núcleo SMT de los procesadores multinúcleo. Identificamos los principales puntos de contención de tres sistemas con diferentes arquitecturas y proponemos algoritmos de planificación para mitigar esta contención. La evaluación en sistemas reales muestra las mejoras proporcionados por los algoritmos propuestos. Así, el planificador simbiótico mejora la productividad, en promedio, un 6.7% con respecto a Linux. En cuanto a la equidad, el planificador que considera el progreso consigue reducir la inequidad de Linux a una tercera parte. Además, dado que los algoritmos propuestos son completamente software, podrían incorporarse como políticas de planificación en Linux y usarse en servidores a pequeña escala para obtener los benefiL'actual era multinucli i la futura era manycore/manythread generen grans reptes en l'àrea de la computació incloent, entre d'altres, la programació paral·lela productiva o la gestió eficient de l'energia. L'últim objectiu és assolir les majors prestacions limitant el consum energètic i garantint una execució confiable. L'increment del número de contextos hardware dels sistemes fa que el planificador es convertisca en un component important per assolir aquest objectiu donat que existeixen múltiples formes distintes de planificar les aplicacions, cadascuna amb unes prestacions diferents degut a les interferències que es produeixen entre les aplicacions. Seleccionar la planificació òptima pot donar lloc a millores importants de les prestacions. Aquesta tesi s'ocupa de les interferències entre aplicacions, cobrint els problemes que provoquen en les prestacions i l'equitat dels sistemes actuals. L'estudi comença amb processadors multinucli monofil (Intel Xeon X3320), segueix amb multinuclis amb suport per a l'execució simultània (SMT) de dos fils (Intel Xeon E5645), i arriba al processador que actualment suporta un major nombre de fils per nucli (IBM POWER8). Aquesta dissertació analitza els principals punts de contenció en cada plataforma i proposa algoritmes de planificació que aborden les interferències que es generen en cadascun d'ells per a millorar la productivitat i l'equitat dels sistemes. En primer lloc, estudiem la contenció al llarg de la jerarquia de memòria en els processadors multinucli. Els estudis realitzats revelen l'alta degradació de prestacions provocada per la contenció en memòria principal i en qualsevol cache compartida. Per a mitigar la contenció, proposem diversos algoritmes de planificació amb la idea principal de distribuir els accessos a memòria al llarg del temps d'execució de la càrrega i les peticions a les caches entre les diferents caches compartides en cada nivell. Les altes interferències que sofreixen las aplicacions que s'executen simultàniament en un nucli SMT, no obstant, no sols afecten a las prestacions, sinó que també poden comprometre l'equitat del sistema. En aquesta tesi, també abordem l'equitat en els actuals multinuclis SMT. Per a millorar-la, dissenyem algoritmes de planificació que estimen el progrés de les aplicacions en temps d'execució, el que permet prioritzar els processos amb menor progrés acumulat para a reduir la inequitat. Finalment, la tesi es centra en la contenció entre aplicacions en el sistema IBM POWER8 amb un planificador simbiòtic que aborda la contenció en tot el nucli SMT. El planificador simbiòtic utilitza un model d'interferència basat en piles de CPI que prediu les prestacions per a l'execució de qualsevol combinació d'aplicacions en un nucli SMT. El nombre de possibles planificacions, no obstant, creix molt ràpid i fa inviable explorar totes les possibles combinacions. Per resoldre aquest contratemps, el problema de planificació es modela com un problema de teoria de grafs, la qual cosa permet obtenir la planificació òptima en un temps raonable. En resum, aquesta tesi aborda la contenció en els recursos compartits en la jerarquia de memòria i el nucli SMT dels processadors multinucli. Identifiquem els principals punts de contenció de tres sistemes amb diferents arquitectures i proposem algoritmes de planificació per a mitigar aquesta contenció. L'avaluació en sistemes reals mostra les millores proporcionades pels algoritmes proposats. Així, el planificador simbiòtic millora la productivitat una mitjana del 6.7% respecte a Linux. Pel que fa a l'equitat, el planificador que considera el progrés aconsegueix reduir la inequitat de Linux a una tercera part. A més, donat que els algoritmes proposats son completament software, podrien incorporar-se com a polítiques de planificació en Linux i emprar-se en servidors a petita escala per obtenir els avantatges mencionats.Feliu Pérez, J. (2017). Contention-Aware Scheduling for SMT Multicore Processors [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/79081TESISPremios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorale
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