175 research outputs found

    Reliability Guided Resource Allocation for Large-scale Supercomputing Systems

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    In high performance computing systems, parallel applications request a large number of resources for long time periods. In this scenario, if a resource fails during the application runtime, it would cause all applications using this resource to fail. The probability of application failure is tied to the inherent reliability of resources used by the application. Our investigation of high performance computing systems operating in the field has revealed a significant difference in the measured operational reliability of individual computing nodes. By adding awareness of the individual system nodes\u27 reliability to the scheduler along with the predicted reliability needs of parallel applications, reliable resources can be matched with the most demanding applications to reduce the probability of application failure arising from resource failure. In this thesis, the researcher describes a new approach developed for resource allocation that can enhance the reliability and reduce the costs of failures of large-scale parallel applications that use high performance computing systems. This approach is based on a multi-class Erlang loss system that allows us to partition system resources based on predicted resource reliability, and to size each of these partitions to bound the probability of blocking requests to each partition while simultaneously improving the reliability of the most demanding parallel applications running on the system. Using this model, the partition mean time to failure (MTTF) is maximized and the probability of blocking of resource requests directed to each partition by a scheduling system can be controlled. This new technique can be used to determine the size of the system, to service peak loads with a bounded probability of blocking to resource requests. This approach would be useful for high performance computing system operators seeking to improve the reliability, efficiency and cost-effectiveness of their systems

    Reliable and energy efficient resource provisioning in cloud computing systems

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    Cloud Computing has revolutionized the Information Technology sector by giving computing a perspective of service. The services of cloud computing can be accessed by users not knowing about the underlying system with easy-to-use portals. To provide such an abstract view, cloud computing systems have to perform many complex operations besides managing a large underlying infrastructure. Such complex operations confront service providers with many challenges such as security, sustainability, reliability, energy consumption and resource management. Among all the challenges, reliability and energy consumption are two key challenges focused on in this thesis because of their conflicting nature. Current solutions either focused on reliability techniques or energy efficiency methods. But it has been observed that mechanisms providing reliability in cloud computing systems can deteriorate the energy consumption. Adding backup resources and running replicated systems provide strong fault tolerance but also increase energy consumption. Reducing energy consumption by running resources on low power scaling levels or by reducing the number of active but idle sitting resources such as backup resources reduces the system reliability. This creates a critical trade-off between these two metrics that are investigated in this thesis. To address this problem, this thesis presents novel resource management policies which target the provisioning of best resources in terms of reliability and energy efficiency and allocate them to suitable virtual machines. A mathematical framework showing interplay between reliability and energy consumption is also proposed in this thesis. A formal method to calculate the finishing time of tasks running in a cloud computing environment impacted with independent and correlated failures is also provided. The proposed policies adopted various fault tolerance mechanisms while satisfying the constraints such as task deadlines and utility values. This thesis also provides a novel failure-aware VM consolidation method, which takes the failure characteristics of resources into consideration before performing VM consolidation. All the proposed resource management methods are evaluated by using real failure traces collected from various distributed computing sites. In order to perform the evaluation, a cloud computing framework, 'ReliableCloudSim' capable of simulating failure-prone cloud computing systems is developed. The key research findings and contributions of this thesis are: 1. If the emphasis is given only to energy optimization without considering reliability in a failure prone cloud computing environment, the results can be contrary to the intuitive expectations. Rather than reducing energy consumption, a system ends up consuming more energy due to the energy losses incurred because of failure overheads. 2. While performing VM consolidation in a failure prone cloud computing environment, a significant improvement in terms of energy efficiency and reliability can be achieved by considering failure characteristics of physical resources. 3. By considering correlated occurrence of failures during resource provisioning and VM allocation, the service downtime or interruption is reduced significantly by 34% in comparison to the environments with the assumption of independent occurrence of failures. Moreover, measured by our mathematical model, the ratio of reliability and energy consumption is improved by 14%

    Database recovery

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    Recovery techniques are an important aspect of database systems. They are essential to ensure that data integrity is maintained after any type of failure occurs. The recovery mechanism must be designed so that the availability and performance of the system are not unacceptably impacted by the recovery algorithms running during normal execution. On the other hand, enough information must be stored so that the database can be restored or transactions backed out in a reasonable amount of time. Concepts, techniques, and problems associated with database recovery will be presented in this thesis. The recovery issues for both centralized and distributed systems will be discussed, along with the tradeoffs of different recovery tools. The database recovery schemes in IMS/VS, DB2 and SDD-1 will be described to show approaches in existing systems

    GWpilot: Enabling multi-level scheduling in distributed infrastructures with GridWay and pilot jobs

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    Current systems based on pilot jobs are not exploiting all the scheduling advantages that the technique offers, or they lack compatibility or adaptability. To overcome the limitations or drawbacks in existing approaches, this study presents a different general-purpose pilot system, GWpilot. This system provides individual users or institutions with a more easy-to-use, easy-toinstall, scalable, extendable, flexible and adjustable framework to efficiently run legacy applications. The framework is based on the GridWay meta-scheduler and incorporates the powerful features of this system, such as standard interfaces, fair-share policies, ranking, migration, accounting and compatibility with diverse infrastructures. GWpilot goes beyond establishing simple network overlays to overcome the waiting times in remote queues or to improve the reliability in task production. It properly tackles the characterisation problem in current infrastructures, allowing users to arbitrarily incorporate customised monitoring of resources and their running applications into the system. This functionality allows the new framework to implement innovative scheduling algorithms that accomplish the computational needs of a wide range of calculations faster and more efficiently. The system can also be easily stacked under other software layers, such as self-schedulers. The advanced techniques included by default in the framework result in significant performance improvements even when very short tasks are scheduled

    Performance Evaluation of Structured and Unstructured Data in PIG/HADOOP and MONGO-DB Environments

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    The exponential development of data initially exhibited difficulties for prominent organizations, for example, Google, Yahoo, Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter and so forth. The size of the information that needs to be handled by cloud applications is developing significantly quicker than storage capacity. This development requires new systems for managing and breaking down data. The term Big Data is used to address large volumes of unstructured (or semi-structured) and structured data that gets created from different applications, messages, weblogs, and online networking. Big Data is data whose size, variety and uncertainty require new supplementary models, procedures, algorithms, and research to manage and extract value and concealed learning from it. To process more information efficiently and skillfully, for analysis parallelism is utilized. To deal with the unstructured and semi-structured information NoSQL database has been presented. Hadoop better serves the Big Data analysis requirements. It is intended to scale up starting from a single server to a large cluster of machines, which has a high level of adaptation to internal failure. Many business and research institutes such as Facebook, Yahoo, Google, and so on had an expanding need to import, store, and analyze dynamic semi-structured data and its metadata. Also, significant development of semi-structured data inside expansive web-based organizations has prompted the formation of NoSQL data collections for flexible sorting and MapReduce for adaptable parallel analysis. They assessed, used and altered Hadoop, the most popular open source execution of MapReduce, for tending to the necessities of various valid analytics problems. These institutes are also utilizing MongoDB, and a report situated NoSQL store. In any case, there is a limited comprehension of the execution trade-offs of using these two innovations. This paper assesses the execution, versatility, and adaptation to an internal failure of utilizing MongoDB and Hadoop, towards the objective of recognizing the correct programming condition for logical data analytics and research. Lately, an expanding number of organizations have developed diverse, distinctive kinds of non-relational databases (such as MongoDB, Cassandra, Hypertable, HBase/ Hadoop, CouchDB and so on), generally referred to as NoSQL databases. The enormous amount of information generated requires an effective system to analyze the data in various scenarios, under various breaking points. In this paper, the objective is to find the break-even point of both Hadoop/Pig and MongoDB and develop a robust environment for data analytics

    Enhancing reliability with Latin Square redundancy on desktop grids.

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    Computational grids are some of the largest computer systems in existence today. Unfortunately they are also, in many cases, the least reliable. This research examines the use of redundancy with permutation as a method of improving reliability in computational grid applications. Three primary avenues are explored - development of a new redundancy model, the Replication and Permutation Paradigm (RPP) for computational grids, development of grid simulation software for testing RPP against other redundancy methods and, finally, running a program on a live grid using RPP. An important part of RPP involves distributing data and tasks across the grid in Latin Square fashion. Two theorems and subsequent proofs regarding Latin Squares are developed. The theorems describe the changing position of symbols between the rows of a standard Latin Square. When a symbol is missing because a column is removed the theorems provide a basis for determining the next row and column where the missing symbol can be found. Interesting in their own right, the theorems have implications for redundancy. In terms of the redundancy model, the theorems allow one to state the maximum makespan in the face of missing computational hosts when using Latin Square redundancy. The simulator software was developed and used to compare different data and task distribution schemes on a simulated grid. The software clearly showed the advantage of running RPP, which resulted in faster completion times in the face of computational host failures. The Latin Square method also fails gracefully in that jobs complete with massive node failure while increasing makespan. Finally an Inductive Logic Program (ILP) for pharmacophore search was executed, using a Latin Square redundancy methodology, on a Condor grid in the Dahlem Lab at the University of Louisville Speed School of Engineering. All jobs completed, even in the face of large numbers of randomly generated computational host failures

    An enhanced ant colony system algorithm for dynamic fault tolerance in grid computing

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    Fault tolerance in grid computing allows the system to continue operate despite occurrence of failure. Most fault tolerance algorithms focus on fault handling techniques such as task reprocessing, checkpointing, task replication, penalty, and task migration. Ant colony system (ACS), a variant of ant colony optimization (ACO), is one of the promising algorithms for fault tolerance due to its ability to adapt to both static and dynamic combinatorial optimization problems. However, ACS algorithm does not consider the resource fitness during task scheduling which leads to poor load balancing and lower execution success rate. This research proposes dynamic ACS fault tolerance with suspension (DAFTS) in grid computing that focuses on providing effective fault tolerance techniques to improve the execution success rate and load balancing. The proposed algorithm consists of dynamic evaporation rate, resource fitness-based scheduling process, enhanced pheromone update with trust factor and suspension, and checkpoint-based task reprocessing. The research framework consists of four phases which are identifying fault tolerance techniques, enhancing resource assignment and job scheduling, improving fault tolerance algorithm and, evaluating the performance of the proposed algorithm. The proposed algorithm was developed in a simulated grid environment called GridSim and evaluated against other fault tolerance algorithms such as trust-based ACO, fault tolerance ACO, ACO without fault tolerance and ACO with fault tolerance in terms of total execution time, average latency, average makespan, throughput, execution success rate and load balancing. Experimental results showed that the proposed algorithm achieved the best performance in most aspects, and second best in terms of load balancing. The DAFTS achieved the smallest increase on execution time, average makespan and average latency by 7%, 11% and 5% respectively, and smallest decrease on throughput and execution success rate by 6.49% and 9% respectively as the failure rate increases. The DAFTS also achieved the smallest increment on execution time, average makespan and average latency by 5.8, 8.5 and 8.7 times respectively, and highest increase on throughput and highest execution success rate by 72.9% and 93.7% respectively as the number of jobs increases. The proposed algorithm can effectively overcome load balancing problems and increase execution success rates in distributed systems that are prone to faults

    An Empirical Study on Quality Issues of Production Big Data Platform

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    Abstract-Big Data computing platform has evolved to be a multi-tenant service. The service quality matters because system failure or performance slowdown could adversely affect business and user experience. To date, there is few study in literature on service quality issues of production Big Data computing platform. In this paper, we present an empirical study on the service quality issues of Microsoft ProductA, which is a company-wide multi-tenant Big Data computing platform, serving thousands of customers from hundreds of teams. ProductA has a well-defined escalation process (i.e., incident management process), which helps customers report service quality issues on 24/7 basis. This paper investigates the common symptom, causes and mitigation of service quality issues in Big Data platform. We conduct a comprehensive empirical study on 210 real service quality issues of ProductA. Our major findings include (1) 21.0% of escalations are caused by hardware faults; (2) 36.2% are caused by system side defects; (3) 37.2% are due to customer side faults. We also studied the general diagnosis process and the commonly adopted mitigation solutions. Our study results provide valuable guidance on improving existing development and maintenance practice of production Big Data platform, and motivate tool support
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