2,564 research outputs found

    New perspectives and methods for stream learning in the presence of concept drift.

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    153 p.Applications that generate data in the form of fast streams from non-stationary environments, that is,those where the underlying phenomena change over time, are becoming increasingly prevalent. In thiskind of environments the probability density function of the data-generating process may change overtime, producing a drift. This causes that predictive models trained over these stream data become obsoleteand do not adapt suitably to the new distribution. Specially in online learning scenarios, there is apressing need for new algorithms that adapt to this change as fast as possible, while maintaining goodperformance scores. Examples of these applications include making inferences or predictions based onfinancial data, energy demand and climate data analysis, web usage or sensor network monitoring, andmalware/spam detection, among many others.Online learning and concept drift are two of the most hot topics in the recent literature due to theirrelevance for the so-called Big Data paradigm, where nowadays we can find an increasing number ofapplications based on training data continuously available, named as data streams. Thus, learning in nonstationaryenvironments requires adaptive or evolving approaches that can monitor and track theunderlying changes, and adapt a model to accommodate those changes accordingly. In this effort, Iprovide in this thesis a comprehensive state-of-the-art approaches as well as I identify the most relevantopen challenges in the literature, while focusing on addressing three of them by providing innovativeperspectives and methods.This thesis provides with a complete overview of several related fields, and tackles several openchallenges that have been identified in the very recent state of the art. Concretely, it presents aninnovative way to generate artificial diversity in ensembles, a set of necessary adaptations andimprovements for spiking neural networks in order to be used in online learning scenarios, and finally, adrift detector based on this former algorithm. All of these approaches together constitute an innovativework aimed at presenting new perspectives and methods for the field

    New perspectives and methods for stream learning in the presence of concept drift.

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    153 p.Applications that generate data in the form of fast streams from non-stationary environments, that is,those where the underlying phenomena change over time, are becoming increasingly prevalent. In thiskind of environments the probability density function of the data-generating process may change overtime, producing a drift. This causes that predictive models trained over these stream data become obsoleteand do not adapt suitably to the new distribution. Specially in online learning scenarios, there is apressing need for new algorithms that adapt to this change as fast as possible, while maintaining goodperformance scores. Examples of these applications include making inferences or predictions based onfinancial data, energy demand and climate data analysis, web usage or sensor network monitoring, andmalware/spam detection, among many others.Online learning and concept drift are two of the most hot topics in the recent literature due to theirrelevance for the so-called Big Data paradigm, where nowadays we can find an increasing number ofapplications based on training data continuously available, named as data streams. Thus, learning in nonstationaryenvironments requires adaptive or evolving approaches that can monitor and track theunderlying changes, and adapt a model to accommodate those changes accordingly. In this effort, Iprovide in this thesis a comprehensive state-of-the-art approaches as well as I identify the most relevantopen challenges in the literature, while focusing on addressing three of them by providing innovativeperspectives and methods.This thesis provides with a complete overview of several related fields, and tackles several openchallenges that have been identified in the very recent state of the art. Concretely, it presents aninnovative way to generate artificial diversity in ensembles, a set of necessary adaptations andimprovements for spiking neural networks in order to be used in online learning scenarios, and finally, adrift detector based on this former algorithm. All of these approaches together constitute an innovativework aimed at presenting new perspectives and methods for the field

    Machine Learning for Financial Prediction Under Regime Change Using Technical Analysis: A Systematic Review

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    Recent crises, recessions and bubbles have stressed the non-stationary nature and the presence of drastic structural changes in the financial domain. The most recent literature suggests the use of conventional machine learning and statistical approaches in this context. Unfortunately, several of these techniques are unable or slow to adapt to changes in the price-generation process. This study aims to survey the relevant literature on Machine Learning for financial prediction under regime change employing a systematic approach. It reviews key papers with a special emphasis on technical analysis. The study discusses the growing number of contributions that are bridging the gap between two separate communities, one focused on data stream learning and the other on economic research. However, it also makes apparent that we are still in an early stage. The range of machine learning algorithms that have been tested in this domain is very wide, but the results of the study do not suggest that currently there is a specific technique that is clearly dominant

    Lightweight Adaptation of Classifiers to Users and Contexts: Trends of the Emerging Domain

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    Intelligent computer applications need to adapt their behaviour to contexts and users, but conventional classifier adaptation methods require long data collection and/or training times. Therefore classifier adaptation is often performed as follows: at design time application developers define typical usage contexts and provide reasoning models for each of these contexts, and then at runtime an appropriate model is selected from available ones. Typically, definition of usage contexts and reasoning models heavily relies on domain knowledge. However, in practice many applications are used in so diverse situations that no developer can predict them all and collect for each situation adequate training and test databases. Such applications have to adapt to a new user or unknown context at runtime just from interaction with the user, preferably in fairly lightweight ways, that is, requiring limited user effort to collect training data and limited time of performing the adaptation. This paper analyses adaptation trends in several emerging domains and outlines promising ideas, proposed for making multimodal classifiers user-specific and context-specific without significant user efforts, detailed domain knowledge, and/or complete retraining of the classifiers. Based on this analysis, this paper identifies important application characteristics and presents guidelines to consider these characteristics in adaptation design

    Performance Envelopes of Adaptive Ensemble Data Stream Classifiers

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    This dissertation documents a study of the performance characteristics of algorithms designed to mitigate the effects of concept drift on online machine learning. Several supervised binary classifiers were evaluated on their performance when applied to an input data stream with a non-stationary class distribution. The selected classifiers included ensembles that combine the contributions of their member algorithms to improve overall performance. These ensembles adapt to changing class definitions, known as “concept drift,” often present in real-world situations, by adjusting the relative contributions of their members. Three stream classification algorithms and three adaptive ensemble algorithms were compared to determine the capabilities of each in terms of accuracy and throughput. For each\u3c run of the experiment, the percentage of correct classifications was measured using prequential analysis, a well-established methodology in the evaluation of streaming classifiers. Throughput was measured in classifications performed per second as timed by the CPU clock. Two main experimental variables were manipulated to investigate and compare the range of accuracy and throughput exhibited by each algorithm under various conditions. The number of attributes in the instances to be classified and the speed at which the definitions of labeled data drifted were varied across six total combinations of drift-speed and dimensionality. The implications of results are used to recommend improved methods for working with stream-based data sources. The typical approach to counteract concept drift is to update the classification models with new data. In the stream paradigm, classifiers are continuously exposed to new data that may serve as representative examples of the current situation. However, updating the ensemble classifier in order to maintain or improve accuracy can be computationally costly and will negatively impact throughput. In a real-time system, this could lead to an unacceptable slow-down. The results of this research showed that,among several algorithms for reducing the effect of concept drift, adaptive decision trees maintained the highest accuracy without slowing down with respect to the no-drift condition. Adaptive ensemble techniques were also able to maintain reasonable accuracy in the presence of drift without much change in the throughput. However, the overall throughput of the adaptive methods is low and may be unacceptable for extremely time-sensitive applications. The performance visualization methodology utilized in this study gives a clear and intuitive visual summary that allows system designers to evaluate candidate algorithms with respect to their performance needs

    Adaptive Algorithms For Classification On High-Frequency Data Streams: Application To Finance

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorIn recent years, the problem of concept drift has gained importance in the financial domain. The succession of manias, panics and crashes have stressed the nonstationary nature and the likelihood of drastic structural changes in financial markets. The most recent literature suggests the use of conventional machine learning and statistical approaches for this. However, these techniques are unable or slow to adapt to non-stationarities and may require re-training over time, which is computationally expensive and brings financial risks. This thesis proposes a set of adaptive algorithms to deal with high-frequency data streams and applies these to the financial domain. We present approaches to handle different types of concept drifts and perform predictions using up-to-date models. These mechanisms are designed to provide fast reaction times and are thus applicable to high-frequency data. The core experiments of this thesis are based on the prediction of the price movement direction at different intraday resolutions in the SPDR S&P 500 exchange-traded fund. The proposed algorithms are benchmarked against other popular methods from the data stream mining literature and achieve competitive results. We believe that this thesis opens good research prospects for financial forecasting during market instability and structural breaks. Results have shown that our proposed methods can improve prediction accuracy in many of these scenarios. Indeed, the results obtained are compatible with ideas against the efficient market hypothesis. However, we cannot claim that we can beat consistently buy and hold; therefore, we cannot reject it.Programa de Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología Informática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Gustavo Recio Isasi.- Secretario: Pedro Isasi Viñuela.- Vocal: Sandra García Rodrígue

    Process-Oriented Stream Classification Pipeline:A Literature Review

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    Featured Application: Nowadays, many applications and disciplines work on the basis of stream data. Common examples are the IoT sector (e.g., sensor data analysis), or video, image, and text analysis applications (e.g., in social media analytics or astronomy). With our work, we gather different approaches and terminology, and give a broad overview over the topic. Our main target groups are practitioners and newcomers to the field of data stream classification. Due to the rise of continuous data-generating applications, analyzing data streams has gained increasing attention over the past decades. A core research area in stream data is stream classification, which categorizes or detects data points within an evolving stream of observations. Areas of stream classification are diverse—ranging, e.g., from monitoring sensor data to analyzing a wide range of (social) media applications. Research in stream classification is related to developing methods that adapt to the changing and potentially volatile data stream. It focuses on individual aspects of the stream classification pipeline, e.g., designing suitable algorithm architectures, an efficient train and test procedure, or detecting so-called concept drifts. As a result of the many different research questions and strands, the field is challenging to grasp, especially for beginners. This survey explores, summarizes, and categorizes work within the domain of stream classification and identifies core research threads over the past few years. It is structured based on the stream classification process to facilitate coordination within this complex topic, including common application scenarios and benchmarking data sets. Thus, both newcomers to the field and experts who want to widen their scope can gain (additional) insight into this research area and find starting points and pointers to more in-depth literature on specific issues and research directions in the field.</p

    Evolving Spiking Neural Networks for online learning over drifting data streams

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    Nowadays huge volumes of data are produced in the form of fast streams, which are further affected by non-stationary phenomena. The resulting lack of stationarity in the distribution of the produced data calls for efficient and scalable algorithms for online analysis capable of adapting to such changes (concept drift). The online learning field has lately turned its focus on this challenging scenario, by designing incremental learning algorithms that avoid becoming obsolete after a concept drift occurs. Despite the noted activity in the literature, a need for new efficient and scalable algorithms that adapt to the drift still prevails as a research topic deserving further effort. Surprisingly, Spiking Neural Networks, one of the major exponents of the third generation of artificial neural networks, have not been thoroughly studied as an online learning approach, even though they are naturally suited to easily and quickly adapting to changing environments. This work covers this research gap by adapting Spiking Neural Networks to meet the processing requirements that online learning scenarios impose. In particular the work focuses on limiting the size of the neuron repository and making the most of this limited size by resorting to data reduction techniques. Experiments with synthetic and real data sets are discussed, leading to the empirically validated assertion that, by virtue of a tailored exploitation of the neuron repository, Spiking Neural Networks adapt better to drifts, obtaining higher accuracy scores than naive versions of Spiking Neural Networks for online learning environments.This work was supported by the EU project Pacific AtlanticNetwork for Technical Higher Education and Research—PANTHER(grant number 2013-5659/004-001 EMA2)

    Adaptive Automated Machine Learning

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    The ever-growing demand for machine learning has led to the development of automated machine learning (AutoML) systems that can be used off the shelf by non-experts. Further, the demand for ML applications with high predictive performance exceeds the number of machine learning experts and makes the development of AutoML systems necessary. Automated Machine Learning tackles the problem of finding machine learning models with high predictive performance. Existing approaches incorporating deep learning techniques assume that all data is available at the beginning of the training process (offline learning). They configure and optimise a pipeline of preprocessing, feature engineering, and model selection by choosing suitable hyperparameters in each model pipeline step. Furthermore, they assume that the user is fully aware of the choice and, thus, the consequences of the underlying metric (such as precision, recall, or F1-measure). By variation of this metric, the search for suitable configurations and thus the adaptation of algorithms can be tailored to the user’s needs. With the creation of a vast amount of data from all kinds of sources every day, our capability to process and understand these data sets in a single batch is no longer viable. By training machine learning models incrementally (i.ex. online learning), the flood of data can be processed sequentially within data streams. However, if one assumes an online learning scenario, where an AutoML instance executes on evolving data streams, the question of the best model and its configuration remains open. In this work, we address the adaptation of AutoML in an offline learning scenario toward a certain utility an end-user might pursue as well as the adaptation of AutoML towards evolving data streams in an online learning scenario with three main contributions: 1. We propose a System that allows the adaptation of AutoML and the search for neural architectures towards a particular utility an end-user might pursue. 2. We introduce an online deep learning framework that fosters the research of deep learning models under the online learning assumption and enables the automated search for neural architectures. 3. We introduce an online AutoML framework that allows the incremental adaptation of ML models. We evaluate the contributions individually, in accordance with predefined requirements and to state-of-the- art evaluation setups. The outcomes lead us to conclude that (i) AutoML, as well as systems for neural architecture search, can be steered towards individual utilities by learning a designated ranking model from pairwise preferences and using the latter as the target function for the offline learning scenario; (ii) architectual small neural networks are in general suitable assuming an online learning scenario; (iii) the configuration of machine learning pipelines can be automatically be adapted to ever-evolving data streams and lead to better performances
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