1,829 research outputs found

    VLT/SPHERE robust astrometry of the HR8799 planets at milliarcsecond-level accuracy Orbital architecture analysis with PyAstrOFit

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    HR8799 is orbited by at least four giant planets, making it a prime target for the recently commissioned Spectro-Polarimetric High-contrast Exoplanet REsearch (VLT/SPHERE). As such, it was observed on five consecutive nights during the SPHERE science verification in December 2014. We aim to take full advantage of the SPHERE capabilities to derive accurate astrometric measurements based on H-band images acquired with the Infra-Red Dual-band Imaging and Spectroscopy (IRDIS) subsystem, and to explore the ultimate astrometric performance of SPHERE in this observing mode. We also aim to present a detailed analysis of the orbital parameters for the four planets. We report the astrometric positions for epoch 2014.93 with an accuracy down to 2.0 mas, mainly limited by the astrometric calibration of IRDIS. For each planet, we derive the posterior probability density functions for the six Keplerian elements and identify sets of highly probable orbits. For planet d, there is clear evidence for nonzero eccentricity (e0.35e \simeq 0.35), without completely excluding solutions with smaller eccentricities. The three other planets are consistent with circular orbits, although their probability distributions spread beyond e=0.2e = 0.2, and show a peak at e0.1e \simeq 0.1 for planet e. The four planets have consistent inclinations of about 30deg30\deg with respect to the sky plane, but the confidence intervals for the longitude of ascending node are disjoint for planets b and c, and we find tentative evidence for non-coplanarity between planets b and c at the 2σ2 \sigma level.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figure

    Dwarf Galaxy Dark Matter Density Profiles Inferred from Stellar and Gas Kinematics

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    We present new constraints on the density profiles of dark matter (DM) halos in seven nearby dwarf galaxies from measurements of their integrated stellar light and gas kinematics. The gas kinematics of low mass galaxies frequently suggest that they contain constant density DM cores, while N-body simulations instead predict a cuspy profile. We present a data set of high resolution integral field spectroscopy on seven galaxies and measure the stellar and gas kinematics simultaneously. Using Jeans modeling on our full sample, we examine whether gas kinematics in general produce shallower density profiles than are derived from the stars. Although 2/7 galaxies show some localized differences in their rotation curves between the two tracers, estimates of the central logarithmic slope of the DM density profile, gamma, are generally robust. The mean and standard deviation of the logarithmic slope for the population are gamma=0.67+/-0.10 when measured in the stars and gamma=0.58+/-0.24 when measured in the gas. We also find that the halos are not under concentrated at the radii of half their maximum velocities. Finally, we search for correlations of the DM density profile with stellar velocity anisotropy and other baryonic properties. Two popular mechanisms to explain cored DM halos are an exotic DM component or feedback models that strongly couple the energy of supernovae into repeatedly driving out gas and dynamically heating the DM halos. We investigate correlations that may eventually be used to test models. We do not find a secondary parameter that strongly correlates with the central DM density slope, but we do find some weak correlations. Determining the importance of these correlations will require further model developments and larger observational samples. (Abridged)Comment: 29 pages, 18 figures, 10 tables, accepted for publication in Ap

    The central black hole mass of the high-sigma but low-bulge-luminosity lenticular galaxy NGC 1332

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    The masses of the most massive supermassive black holes (SMBHs) predicted by the M_BH-sigma and M_BH-luminosity relations appear to be in conflict. Which of the two relations is the more fundamental one remains an open question. NGC 1332 is an excellent example that represents the regime of conflict. It is a massive lenticular galaxy which has a bulge with a high velocity dispersion sigma of ~320 km/s; bulge--disc decomposition suggests that only 44% of the total light comes from the bulge. The M_BH-sigma and the M_BH-luminosity predictions for the central black hole mass of NGC 1332 differ by almost an order of magnitude. We present a stellar dynamical measurement of the SMBH mass using an axisymmetric orbit superposition method. Our SINFONI integral-field unit (IFU) observations of NGC 1332 resolve the SMBH's sphere of influence which has a diameter of ~0.76 arcsec. The sigma inside 0.2 arcsec reaches ~400 km/s. The IFU data allow us to increase the statistical significance of our results by modelling each of the four quadrants separately. We measure a SMBH mass of (1.45 \pm 0.20) x 10^9 M_sun with a bulge mass-to-light ratio of 7.08 \pm 0.39 in the R-band. With this mass, the SMBH of NGC 1332 is offset from the M_BH-luminosity relation by a full order of magnitude but is consistent with the M_BH-sigma relation.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Discovery of a Visual T-Dwarf Triple System and Binarity at the L/T Transition

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    We present new high contrast imaging of 8 L/T transition brown dwarfs using the NIRC2 camera on the Keck II telescope. One of our targets, the T3.5 dwarf 2MASS J08381155 + 1511155, was resolved into a hierarchal triple with projected separations of 2.5+/-0.5 AU and 27+/-5 AU for the BC and A(BC) components respectively. Resolved OSIRIS spectroscopy of the A(BC) components confirm that all system members are T dwarfs. The system therefore constitutes the first triple T-dwarf system ever reported. Using resolved photometry to model the integrated-light spectrum, we infer spectral types of T3, T3, and T4.5 for the A, B, and C components respectively. The uniformly brighter primary has a bluer J-Ks color than the next faintest component, which may reflect a sensitive dependence of the L/T transition temperature on gravity, or alternatively divergent cloud properties amongst components. Relying on empirical trends and evolutionary models we infer a total system mass of 0.034-0.104 Msun for the BC components at ages of 0.3-3 Gyr, which would imply a period of 12-21 yr assuming the system semi-major axis to be similar to its projection. We also infer differences in effective temperatures and surface gravities between components of no more than ~150 K and ~0.1 dex. Given the similar physical properties of the components, the 2M0838+15 system provides a controlled sample for constraining the relative roles of effective temperature, surface gravity, and dust clouds in the poorly understood L/T transition regime. Combining our imaging survey results with previous work we find an observed binary fraction of 4/18 or 22_{-8}^{+10}% for unresolved spectral types of L9-T4 at separations >~0.1 arcsec. This translates into a volume-corrected frequency of 13^{-6}_{+7}%, which is similar to values of ~9-12% reported outside the transition. (ABRIDGED)Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. 23 pages, 12 figure

    Ultracool dwarf benchmarks with \emph{Gaia} primaries

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    This article has been accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. © 2017 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.We explore the potential of \emph{Gaia} for the field of benchmark ultracool/brown dwarf companions, and present the results of an initial search for metal-rich/metal-poor systems. A simulated population of resolved ultracool dwarf companions to \emph{Gaia} primary stars is generated and assessed. Of order \sim24,000 companions should be identifiable outside of the Galactic plane (b>10|b| > 10\,deg) with large-scale ground- and space-based surveys including late M, L, T, and Y types. Our simulated companion parameter space covers 0.02M/M0.10.02 \le M/M_{\odot} \le 0.1, 0.1age/Gyr140.1 \le {\rm age/Gyr} \le 14, and 2.5[Fe/H]0.5-2.5 \le {\rm [Fe/H]} \le 0.5, with systems required to have a false alarm probability 0.6\, kau}\,Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Triaxial orbit based galaxy models with an application to the (apparent) decoupled core galaxy NGC 4365

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    We present a flexible and efficient method to construct triaxial dynamical models of galaxies with a central black hole, using Schwarzschild's orbital superposition approach. Our method is general and can deal with realistic luminosity distributions, which project to surface brightness distributions that may show position angle twists and ellipticity variations. The models are fit to measurements of the full line-of-sight velocity distribution (wherever available). We verify that our method is able to reproduce theoretical predictions of a three-integral triaxial Abel model. In a companion paper (van de Ven, de Zeeuw & van den Bosch), we demonstrate that the method recovers the phase-space distribution function. We apply our method to two-dimensional observations of the E3 galaxy NGC 4365, obtained with the integral-field spectrograph SAURON, and study its internal structure, showing that the observed kinematically decoupled core is not physically distinct from the main body and the inner region is close to oblate axisymmetric.Comment: 21 Pages, 14 (Colour) Figures, Companion paper is arXiv:0712.0309 Accepted to MNRAS. Full resolution version at http://www.strw.leidenuniv.nl/~bosch/papers/RvdBosch_triaxmethod.pd

    Reconnaissance of the HR 8799 exosolar system. II. Astrometry and orbital motion

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from the American Astronomical Society / IOP Publishing via the DOI in this record.We present an analysis of the orbital motion of the four substellar objects orbiting HR 8799. Our study relies on the published astrometric history of this system augmented with an epoch obtained with the Project 1640 coronagraph with an integral field spectrograph (IFS) installed at the Palomar Hale telescope. We first focus on the intricacies associated with astrometric estimation using the combination of an extreme adaptive optics system (PALM-3000), a coronagraph, and an IFS. We introduce two new algorithms. The first one retrieves the stellar focal plane position when the star is occulted by a coronagraphic stop. The second one yields precise astrometric and spectrophotometric estimates of faint point sources even when they are initially buried in the speckle noise. The second part of our paper is devoted to studying orbital motion in this system. In order to complement the orbital architectures discussed in the literature, we determine an ensemble of likely Keplerian orbits for HR 8799bcde, using a Bayesian analysis with maximally vague priors regarding the overall configuration of the system. Although the astrometric history is currently too scarce to formally rule out coplanarity, HR 8799d appears to be misaligned with respect to the most likely planes of HR 8799bce orbits. This misalignment is sufficient to question the strictly coplanar assumption made by various authors when identifying a Laplace resonance as a potential architecture. Finally, we establish a high likelihood that HR 8799de have dynamical masses below 13 MJup, using a loose dynamical survival argument based on geometric close encounters. We illustrate how future dynamical analyses will further constrain dynamical masses in the entire system