20 research outputs found

    The development of computer science research in the People's Republic of China 2000-2009: A bibliometric study

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    This paper reports a bibliometric study of the development of computer science research in the People's Republic of China in the 21st century, using data from the Web of Science, Journal Citation Reports and CORE databases. Focusing on the areas of data mining, operating systems and web design, it is shown that whilst the productivity of Chinese research has risen dramatically over the period under review, its impact is still low when compared with established scientific nations such as the USA, the UK and Japan. The publication and citation data for China are compared with corresponding data for the other three BRIC nations (Brazil, Russian and India). It is shown that China dominates the BRIC nations in terms of both publications and citations, but that Indian publications often have a greater individual impact. © The Author(s) 2012

    Recent Developments in China-U.S. Cooperation in Science

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    China's remarkable gains in science over the past 25 years have been well documented (e.g., Jin and Rousseau, 2005a; Zhou and Leydesdorff, 2006; Shelton & Foland, 2009) but it is less well known that China and the United States have become each other's top collaborating country. Science and technology has been a primary vehicle for growing the bilateral relationship between China and the United States since the opening of relations between the two countries in the late 1970s. During the 2000s, the scientific relationship between China and the United States--as measured in coauthored papers--showed significant growth. Chinese scientists claim first authorship much more frequently than U.S. counterparts by the end of the decade. The sustained rate of increase of collaboration with one other country is unprecedented on the U.S. side. Even growth in relations with eastern European nations does not match the growth in the relationship between China and the United States. Both countries can benefit from the relationship, but for the U.S., greater benefit would come from a more targeted strategy.Comment: Conference on China's Science and Technology International Relations, April, 2014, Arizona State University; accepted for publication in Minerva, April 201

    The field of studies of regional integration and its contribution to International Relations: A look from Latin America

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    El trabajo se organiza en base a tres objetivos: primero, analizar los aportes del estudio de la integración regional a las Relaciones Internacionales; segundo, presentar las contribuciones latinoamericanas al campo de estudio de la integración; tercero, analizar la actual discusión disciplinar sobre el desarrollo de las Relaciones Internacionales desde la contribución de la academia latinoamericana. En esto último se incorporan discusiones sobre el uso del conocimiento social y su articulación con las políticas públicas. A lo largo del trabajo se presentan argumentos para cada objetivo. Especialmente para el segundo se afirma que el pensamiento latinoamericano para la integración ha sido generado en redes regionales de producción de conocimiento y constituye un aporte novedoso al campo de estudios. Respecto del tercero, el argumento que se sostiene es que la discusión sobre la globalidad, globalización o internacionalización de la disciplina —abierto hace un tiempo escaso—, aun presenta reflexiones modestas que poco abonan a la identificación de la problemática central: cómo se produce conocimiento en Relaciones Internacionales, la delimitación de centros y periferias y sus diferentes problemas cognitivos y las consecuentes situaciones de dependencia académicaThe paper is organized based on three objectives: first, to analyze the contributions of the study of regional integration to International Relations; second, to present Latin American contributions to the field of study of integration; third, to analyze the current disciplinary discussion on the development of International Relations from the perspective of the contribution of the Latin American academy. Regarding this last issue, discussions on the use of social knowledge and its articulation with public policies are incorporated. Throughout the work, we present arguments for each objective. Especially for the second we argue that Latin American thought for integration has been generated in regional knowledge networks and constitutes a novel contribution to the field of studies. Regarding the third, the argument that arises is that the discussion on the globalism, globalization or internationalization of the discipline —recently posed, still presents modest reflections that pay little attention to the identification of the central problem: how knowledge in International Relations is produced, the delimitation of centers and peripheries and their different cognitive problems and the consequent situations of academic dependenceEste trabajo se ha desarrollado en el marco del proyecto de investigación que dirijo: UBACyT Modalidad II (2016-2018) “La integración regional latinoamericana como campo de estudios" (código 20020150200099BA) radicado en el Centro de Estudios en Ciudadanía, Estado y Análisis Político (CEAP) de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la UB

    Cartographies of action research: searching for displacements of the epistemology of the South

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    The purpose of this paper is to discuss action research as one of the possibilities for the development of an epistemology of the South, in which scientific knowledge and other ecologies of knowledge can be linked. In this work, we propose a mapping of what has been developed on action research in Brazil, seeking to discuss this dimension of knowledge production from perspectives which seek to break the gap between colonizing and invisibilized science in the geopolitics of scientific knowledge. Thus, our proposal seeks to answer what has been produced on action research in Brazil, who are the actors that are developing this type of research and how it can be understood as belonging to an epistemology of the South

    To what extent is publishing in the Web of Science an indicator of journal 'quality'?

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    The assessment of research based on the journal in which it is published is a widely adopted practice. Some research assessments use the Web of Science (WoS) to identify “high quality” journals, which are assumed to publish excellent research. The authority of WoS on journal quality stems from its selection of journals based on editorial standards and scientific impact criteria. These can be considered as universalistic criteria, meaning that they can be applied to any journal regardless of its place of publication, language, or discipline. In this article we examine the coverage by WoS of journals produced in Latin America, Spain, and Portugal. We use a logistic regression to examine the probability of a journal to be covered by WoS given universalistic criteria (editorial standards and scientific impact of the journal) and particularistic criteria (country, language, and discipline of the journal). We find that it is not possible to predict the inclusion of journals in WoS only through the universalistic criteria because particularistic variables such as country of the journal, its discipline and language are strongly related to inc¬lusion in WoS. We conclude that using WoS as a universalistic tool for research assessment can disadvantage science published in journals with adequate editorial standards and scientific merit. We discuss the implications of these findings within the research evaluation literature, specifically for countries and disciplines not extensively covered by WoS

    Cartografias da pesquisa-ação: em busca de deslocamentos da epistemologia do Sul

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    A proposta deste trabalho é discutir sobre a pesquisa-ação como uma das possibilidades de desenvolvimento de uma epistemologia do Sul, na qual possa se atrelar o conhecimento científico e outras ecologias de saberes. Propomos, neste trabalho, realizar uma cartografia sobre o que vem sendo desenvolvido sobre pesquisa-ação no Brasil, buscando discutir esta dimensão de produção de conhecimento a partir de perspectivas que busquem romper o abismo entre ciência colonizadora e a ciência invisibilizada na geopolítica do conhecimento científico. Assim, nossa proposta busca compreender o que vem sido produzido sobre pesquisa-ação no Brasil, quem são os atores que estão desenvolvendo este tipo de pesquisa e como esta pode ser entendida como própria de uma epistemologia do Sul