270 research outputs found

    Widely Linear State Space Filtering of Improper Complex Signals

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    Complex signals are the backbone of many modern applications, such as power systems, communication systems, biomedical sciences and military technologies. However, standard complex valued signal processing approaches are suited to only a subset of complex signals known as proper, and are inadequate of the generality of complex signals, as they do not fully exploit the available information. This is mainly due to the inherent blindness of the algorithms to the complete second order statistics of the signals, or due to under-modelling of the underlying system. The aim of this thesis is to provide enhanced complex valued, state space based, signal processing solutions for the generality of complex signals and systems. This is achieved based on the recent advances in the so called augmented complex statistics and widely linear modelling, which have brought to light the limitations of conventional statistical complex signal processing approaches. Exploiting these developments, we propose a class of widely linear adaptive state space estimation techniques, which provide a unified framework and enhanced performance for the generality of complex signals, compared with conventional approaches. These include the linear and nonlinear Kalman and particle filters, whereby it is shown that catering for the complete second order information and system models leads to significant performance gains. The proposed techniques are also extended to the case of cooperative distributed estimation, where nodes in a network collaborate locally to estimate signals, under a framework that caters for general complex signals, as well as the cross-correlations between observation noises, unlike earlier solutions. The analysis of the algorithms are supported by numerous case studies, including frequency estimation in three phase power systems, DIFAR sonobuoy underwater target tracking, and real-world wind modeling and prediction.Open Acces

    Distributed implementations of the particle filter with performance bounds

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    The focus of the thesis is on developing distributed estimation algorithms for systems with nonlinear dynamics. Of particular interest are the agent or sensor networks (AN/SN) consisting of a large number of local processing and observation agents/nodes, which can communicate and cooperate with each other to perform a predefined task. Examples of such AN/SNs are distributed camera networks, acoustic sensor networks, networks of unmanned aerial vehicles, social networks, and robotic networks. Signal processing in the AN/SNs is traditionally centralized and developed for systems with linear dynamics. In the centralized architecture, the participating nodes communicate their observations (either directly or indirectly via a multi-hop relay) to a central processing unit, referred to as the fusion centre, which is responsible for performing the predefined task. For centralized systems with linear dynamics, the Kalman filter provides the optimal approach but suffers from several drawbacks, e.g., it is generally unscalable and also susceptible to failure in case the fusion centre breaks down. In general, no analytic solution can be determined for systems with nonlinear dynamics. Consequently, the conventional Kalman filter cannot be used and one has to rely on numerical approaches. In such cases, the sequential Monte Carlo approaches, also known as the particle filters, are widely used as approximates to the Bayesian estimators but mostly in the centralized configuration. Recently there has been a growing interest in distributed signal processing algorithms where: (i) There is no fusion centre; (ii) The local nodes do not have (require) global knowledge of the network topology, and; (iii) Each node exchanges data only within its local neighborhood. Distributed estimation have been widely explored for estimation/tracking problems in linear systems. Distributed particle filter implementations for nonlinear systems are still in their infancy and are the focus of this thesis. In the first part of this thesis, four different consensus-based distributed particle filter implementations are proposed. First, a constrained sufficient statistic based distributed implementation of the particle filter (CSS/DPF) is proposed for bearing-only tracking (BOT) and joint bearing/range tracking problems encountered in a number of applications including radar target tracking and robot localization. Although the number of parallel consensus runs in the CSS/DPF is lower compared to the existing distributed implementations of the particle filter, the CSS/DPF still requires a large number of iterations for the consensus runs to converge. To further reduce the consensus overhead, the CSS/DPF is extended to distributed implementation of the unscented particle filter, referred to as the CSS/DUPF, which require a limited number of consensus iterations. Both CSS/DPF and CSS/DUPF are specific to BOT and joint bearing/range tracking problems. Next, the unscented, consensus-based, distributed implementation of the particle filter (UCD /DPF) is proposed which is generalizable to systems with any dynamics. In terms of contributions, the UCD /DPF makes two important improvements to the existing distributed particle filter framework: (i) Unlike existing distributed implementations of the particle filter, the UCD /DPF uses all available global observations including the most recent ones in deriving the proposal distribution based on the distributed UKF, and; (ii) Computation of the global estimates from local estimates during the consensus step is based on an optimal fusion rule. Finally, a multi-rate consensus/fusion based framework for distributed implementation of the particle filter, referred to as the CF /DPF, is proposed. Separate fusion filters are designed to consistently assimilate the local filtering distributions into the global posterior by compensating for the common past information between neighbouring nodes. The CF /DPF offers two distinct advantages over its counterparts. First, the CF /DPF framework is suitable for scenarios where network connectivity is intermittent and consensus can not be reached between two consecutive observations. Second, the CF /DPF is not limited to the Gaussian approximation for the global posterior density. Numerical simulations verify the near-optimal performance of the proposed distributed particle filter implementations. The second half of the thesis focuses on the distributed computation of the posterior Cramer-Rao lower bounds (PCRLB). The current PCRLB approaches assume a centralized or hierarchical architecture. The exact expression for distributed computation of the PCRLB is not yet available and only an approximate expression has recently been derived. Motivated by the distributed adaptive resource management problems with the objective of dynamically activating a time-variant subset of observation nodes to optimize the network's performance, the thesis derives the exact expression, referred to as the dPCRLB, for computing the PCRLB for any AN/SN configured in a distributed fashion. The dPCRLB computational algorithms are derived for both the off-line conventional (non-conditional) PCRLB determined primarily from the state model, observation model, and prior knowledge of the initial state of the system, and the online conditional PCRLB expressed as a function of past history of the observations. Compared to the non-conditional dPCRLB, its conditional counterpart provides a more accurate representation of the estimator's performance and, consequently, a better criteria for sensor selection. The thesis then extends the dPCRLB algorithms to quantized observations. Particle filter realizations are used to compute these bounds numerically and quantify their performance for data fusion problems through Monte-Carlo simulations

    Localisation of mobile nodes in wireless networks with correlated in time measurement noise.

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    Wireless sensor networks are an inherent part of decision making, object tracking and location awareness systems. This work is focused on simultaneous localisation of mobile nodes based on received signal strength indicators (RSSIs) with correlated in time measurement noises. Two approaches to deal with the correlated measurement noises are proposed in the framework of auxiliary particle filtering: with a noise augmented state vector and the second approach implements noise decorrelation. The performance of the two proposed multi model auxiliary particle filters (MM AUX-PFs) is validated over simulated and real RSSIs and high localisation accuracy is demonstrated


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    In the ocean environment, two dimensional Range & Bearings target motion analysis (TMA) is generally used. In the underwater scenario, the active sonar, positioned on a observer, is capable of sensing the sound waves reflected from the target in water. The sonar sensors in the water pick up the target reflected signal in the active mode. The observer is assumed to be moving in straight line and the target is assumed to be moving mostly in straight line with maneuver occasionally. The observer processes the measurements and estimates the target motion parameters, viz., Range, Bearing, Course and Speed of the target. It also generates the validity of each of these parameters. Here we try to apply Kalman Filter for the sea scenario using the input estimation technique to detect target maneuver, estimate target acceleration and correct the target state vector accordingly.              There are mainly two versions of Kalman Filter – a linearised Kalman Filter (LKF) in which polar measurements are converted into Cartesian coordinates and the well-known Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). Recently S. T. Pork and L. E. Lee presented a detailed theoretical comparative study of the above two methods and stated that both the methods perform well. Here, EKF is used through out

    Failure Diagnosis and Prognosis of Safety Critical Systems: Applications in Aerospace Industries

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    Many safety-critical systems such as aircraft, space crafts, and large power plants are required to operate in a reliable and efficient working condition without any performance degradation. As a result, fault diagnosis and prognosis (FDP) is a research topic of great interest in these systems. FDP systems attempt to use historical and current data of a system, which are collected from various measurements to detect faults, diagnose the types of possible failures, predict and manage failures in advance. This thesis deals with FDP of safety-critical systems. For this purpose, two critical systems including a multifunctional spoiler (MFS) and hydro-control value system are considered, and some challenging issues from the FDP are investigated. This research work consists of three general directions, i.e., monitoring, failure diagnosis, and prognosis. The proposed FDP methods are based on data-driven and model-based approaches. The main aim of the data-driven methods is to utilize measurement data from the system and forecast the remaining useful life (RUL) of the faulty components accurately and efficiently. In this regard, two dierent methods are developed. A modular FDP method based on a divide and conquer strategy is presented for the MFS system. The modular structure contains three components:1) fault diagnosis unit, 2) failure parameter estimation unit and 3) RUL unit. The fault diagnosis unit identifies types of faults based on an integration of neural network (NN) method and discrete wavelet transform (DWT) technique. Failure parameter estimation unit observes the failure parameter via a distributed neural network. Afterward, the RUL of the system is predicted by an adaptive Bayesian method. In another work, an innovative data-driven FDP method is developed for hydro-control valve systems. The idea is to use redundancy in multi-sensor data information and enhance the performance of the FDP system. Therefore, a combination of a feature selection method and support vector machine (SVM) method is applied to select proper sensors for monitoring of the hydro-valve system and isolate types of fault. Then, adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems (ANFIS) method is used to estimate the failure path. Similarly, an online Bayesian algorithm is implemented for forecasting RUL. Model-based methods employ high-delity physics-based model of a system for prognosis task. In this thesis, a novel model-based approach based on an integrated extended Kalman lter (EKF) and Bayesian method is introduced for the MFS system. To monitor the MFS system, a residual estimation method using EKF is performed to capture the progress of the failure. Later, a transformation is utilized to obtain a new measure to estimate the degradation path (DP). Moreover, the recursive Bayesian algorithm is invoked to predict the RUL. Finally, relative accuracy (RA) measure is utilized to assess the performance of the proposed methods

    Approximate Gaussian conjugacy: parametric recursive filtering under nonlinearity, multimodality, uncertainty, and constraint, and beyond

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    Since the landmark work of R. E. Kalman in the 1960s, considerable efforts have been devoted to time series state space models for a large variety of dynamic estimation problems. In particular, parametric filters that seek analytical estimates based on a closed-form Markov–Bayes recursion, e.g., recursion from a Gaussian or Gaussian mixture (GM) prior to a Gaussian/GM posterior (termed ‘Gaussian conjugacy’ in this paper), form the backbone for a general time series filter design. Due to challenges arising from nonlinearity, multimodality (including target maneuver), intractable uncertainties (such as unknown inputs and/or non-Gaussian noises) and constraints (including circular quantities), etc., new theories, algorithms, and technologies have been developed continuously to maintain such a conjugacy, or to approximate it as close as possible. They had contributed in large part to the prospective developments of time series parametric filters in the last six decades. In this paper, we review the state of the art in distinctive categories and highlight some insights that may otherwise be easily overlooked. In particular, specific attention is paid to nonlinear systems with an informative observation, multimodal systems including Gaussian mixture posterior and maneuvers, and intractable unknown inputs and constraints, to fill some gaps in existing reviews and surveys. In addition, we provide some new thoughts on alternatives to the first-order Markov transition model and on filter evaluation with regard to computing complexity

    Probabilistic Framework for Sensor Management

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    A probabilistic sensor management framework is introduced, which maximizes the utility of sensor systems with many different sensing modalities by dynamically configuring the sensor system in the most beneficial way. For this purpose, techniques from stochastic control and Bayesian estimation are combined such that long-term effects of possible sensor configurations and stochastic uncertainties resulting from noisy measurements can be incorporated into the sensor management decisions

    Decentralized Riemannian Particle Filtering with Applications to Multi-Agent Localization

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    The primary focus of this research is to develop consistent nonlinear decentralized particle filtering approaches to the problem of multiple agent localization. A key aspect in our development is the use of Riemannian geometry to exploit the inherently non-Euclidean characteristics that are typical when considering multiple agent localization scenarios. A decentralized formulation is considered due to the practical advantages it provides over centralized fusion architectures. Inspiration is taken from the relatively new field of information geometry and the more established research field of computer vision. Differential geometric tools such as manifolds, geodesics, tangent spaces, exponential, and logarithmic mappings are used extensively to describe probabilistic quantities. Numerous probabilistic parameterizations were identified, settling on the efficient square-root probability density function parameterization. The square-root parameterization has the benefit of allowing filter calculations to be carried out on the well studied Riemannian unit hypersphere. A key advantage for selecting the unit hypersphere is that it permits closed-form calculations, a characteristic that is not shared by current solution approaches. Through the use of the Riemannian geometry of the unit hypersphere, we are able to demonstrate the ability to produce estimates that are not overly optimistic. Results are presented that clearly show the ability of the proposed approaches to outperform current state-of-the-art decentralized particle filtering methods. In particular, results are presented that emphasize the achievable improvement in estimation error, estimator consistency, and required computational burden