1,561,088 research outputs found

    Unit Knowledge Management

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    An Ontology Approach for Knowledge Acquisition and Development of Health Information System (HIS)

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    This paper emphasizes various knowledge acquisition approaches in terms of tacit and explicit knowledge management that can be helpful to capture, codify and communicate within medical unit. The semantic-based knowledge management system (SKMS) supports knowledge acquisition and incorporates various approaches to provide systematic practical platform to knowledge practitioners and to identify various roles of healthcare professionals, tasks that can be performed according to personnel’s competencies, and activities that are carried out as a part of tasks to achieve defined goals of clinical process. This research outcome gives new vision to IT practitioners to manage the tacit and implicit knowledge in XML format which can be taken as foundation for the development of information systems (IS) so that domain end-users can receive timely healthcare related services according to their demands and needs


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    The implementation of an IT system in an organization or company can help improve the performance of knowledge management implementation. By having good knowledge management, managed organizations can become more effective, efficient and well structured. The System and Information Technology Unit (STI) is a technical unit that accommodates all digital services needed by every community at IT Telkom Purwokerto. However, the problem that occurs in the System and Information Technology Unit (STI) is that the existing knowledge is not recorded properly. The design of a Knowledge Management System can help organizations document and record existing knowledge of staff and store it in a knowledge database so that it is easier to access. The design carried out in this study is to use the "10-Step KM Roadmap" by implementing 6 Steps. The data collection method used in this study is a qualitative research method by conducting interviews, observing and documenting the data collected. The results of this study are in the form of a blueprint document containing an analysis of the knowledge management system design, functional & non-functional system requirements, KM Team design, use case diagrams, activity diagrams, and class diagrams. The knowledge management system recommendation is described in the form of a wireframe as an overview of the system to be built. Keywords: knowledge management, knowledge management system, System and Information Technology Unit (STI), 10-Step KM RoadmapPenerapan sebuah sistem TI dalam sebuah organisasi ataupun perusahaan dapat membantu meningkatkan kinerja penerapan knowledge management. Dengan memiliki knowledge Management yang baik, organisasi yang dikelola dapat menjadi lebih efektif, efisien serta terstruktur dengan baik. Unit Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi (STI) unit teknis yang mewadahi semua layanan digital yang dibutuhkan oleh setiap civitas di IT Telkom Purwokerto.  Namun, permasalahan yang terjadi  di Unit Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi (STI) adalah  knowledge yang ada tidak terekam dengan baik. Perancangan Knowledge Management System dapat membantu organisasi untuk mendokumentasi dan merekam pengetahuan yang ada pada staff dan menyimpannya dalam database knowledge sehingga lebih mudah untuk diakses. Perancangan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan “10-Step KM Roadmap”  dengan menerapkan 6 Step. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu Metode penelitian kualitatif dengan melakukan wawancara, observasi serta dokumentasi terhadap data yang dikumpulkan. Hasil penelitian ini adalah berupa dokumen blueprint berisi analisis perancangan knowledge management system, kebutuhan fungsional & non-fungsional sistem, perancangan Tim KM, use case diagram, activity diagram, dan class diagram. Rekomendasi knowledge management system digambarkan berupa wireframe sebagai gambaran sistem yang akan dibangun.  Kata Kunci: knowledge management, knowledge management system, Unit Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi (STI), 10-Step KM Roadma

    Nurses' Knowledge Towards Severe Acute Malnutrition Management Protocol and Its Associated Factors

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    For appropriate management of severe acute malnutrition skilled, knowledgeable and concerned health professionals are critical for child survival. Thus assessing the knowledge of nurses towards management protocol of severe acute malnutrition is crucial step for targeted interventions. This study aimed to assess Knowledge towards Severe Acute Malnutrition Management Protocol and its Associated Factors among Nurses working in Hiwot Fana Specialized University Hospital, 2018. Cross-sectional study was conducted among eligible 132 nurses. Data were collected using self-administered questionnaire prepared from the national SAM management guideline of Ethiopia. SPSS version 20.0 software using frequency, tables, graphs, percentages and mean was used. Student t test and analysis of variance with F statistics and P value was computed. Overall, 65 (49.2%) of nurses had poor knowledge on SAM management. More than half, 100 (75.8%) of the nurses had experience in SAM management previously. Males were more likely to be knowledgeable (AOR=1.27) as compared to females. Nurses with the previous experience of managing malnourished child had 1.70) times more likely to be knowledgeable as compared to their counterparts. Having SAM training was associated with having higher knowledge score (AOR=1.56). Having SAM training was found to have significantly higher knowledge score (p=0.034). Knowledge level of nurses towards SAM management is not satisfactory. Those who ever involved in SAM management, having recent malnutrition training and gender were predictors of high knowledge score. There should be regular capacity building schemes for nurses especially for those who are involved in management of SAM at emergency or SAM unit

    Factors Affecting the Use of Accrual Based Financial Statements for Regional Device Organizations (OPD) of South Sumatera Province

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    The purpose of this study was to examine and find out the influence of accrual accounting knowledge, administrative bureaucracy, and Regional Management Information System (SIMDA) on the Use of Accrual Accounting. The research method used is an explanatory research. The scope of this study is the public sector, especially in the accounting unit at the Regional Device Organization (OPD) in the Government of South Sumatera Province. The data used are primary data in the form of the results of the respondents’ answers taken with a questionnaire instrument. The results of data analysis in this study are that Accrual Accounting Knowledge, Regional Management Information System (SIMDA) and Administrative Bureaucracy together influence the Accrual Accounting Knowledge. The interpretation that can be explained from these results is the Use of Accrual Accounting will be effective if there is a high level of Accrual Accounting Knowledge, a reliable Regional Management Information System (SIMDA) and a short or practical Administrative Bureaucracy

    The Patient as a construction and a non-participant member of a change-process.

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    The contribution of this paper is a discussion about how the patient as a phenomenon is constructed and used by employees for different purposes, enabling and inhibiting change. The results are based on a three year case study in which data has been collected with interviews and observations. They have then been analyzed and interpreted within a framework consisting of theories about thinking collectives, structuration, information and knowledge management. The findings indicate that “the patient” has implications for how project management is conducted and a patient record upgraded at the anesthesia and intensive care unit of a hospital.the patient; anesthesia information management; constructionism; thinking collectives; knowledge management; structuration.

    Organizing Knowledge in Implementation of Knowledge Management as Strategy for Competitive Bussiness at PT Telkom

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    This study is entitled Organizing Knowledge in Implementation of Knowledge Management. The research was conducted in bussines organization. The research objectives are to find out new concept in coverage of knowledge by knowledge management implementation at Telkom organizing explicit knowledge ; to analysis personal characteristic knowledge manager. This research use by qualitative methode with case study approach at Telkom Japati 1st street Bandung. Technique of gathering data uses observation, archived record, interview, documentation dan physical ware. From the results of studies that have been done, so the conclusion can be drawn as follows: Knowledge management which is done by making taxonomy based processes and business operations is called as knowledge centers that are stored on the intranet while competency-based stream called virtual competency center. Organizing knowledge in virtual storage by creating taxonomy of knowledge toward process and operating bussines, tree types of knowledge are:Structure knowledge: unstructure knowledge and less structure knowledge. For other media are managed by a special unit that is the library. The technology media support information and communications intended to improve information transfer and sharing of knowledge organization as a whole through cooperation and communication between individuals. Recomendation: It is better to make guidelines of writing articles on KM Tool, in order to avoid a flood of information that is not need. For example the text have been made by others. .It is better also to make the theme of writing, so that the contributors will more focus in creating the knowledge. Therefore, it will give deep exploration a theme. Form of virtual communication in KM should also explore the tacit knowledge. It is appropriate if the contributors are also allowed to create works that are audio-visual format. For example how to use technology in the 3.5 G DAT file format, or how to assemble the satellite Telkom2. Keyword: Business communication; Knowledge management; Organizational Communication; Organizing knowledge; Knowledge strorag

    ILRI Communications and Knowledge Management unit plan, 2015-2016

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       This research is included in hypothesis testing research in order to test: 1) whether knowledge management affects the work discipline of employees of PT. Telkom Regional IV Central Java DIY, 2) whether work motivation affects the work discipline of employees of PT. Telkom Regional IV Central Java DIY, 3) whether knowledge management affects the performance of employees of PT. Telkom Regional IV Central Java DIY, 4) whether work motivation affects the performance of employees of PT. Telkom Regional IV Central Java DIY, 5) whether work  discipline  affects the  performance  of  employees of PT.  Telkom Regional IV Central Java DIY. This research was conducted on employees of the HC unit, planning unit, marketing unit, logistics unit and financial unit at PT. Telkom Regional IV Central Java DIY, totaling 64 people. The results of this study include: 1) knowledge management has an influence on employee work discipline, 2) motivation plays a role in influencing employee discipline towards the company, 3) the application of knowledge management will optimize the abilities of employees and improve their performance, 4) motivation work has an influence on employee performance. 5) Work discipline can affect employee performance because work discipline is the willingness or desire of the employee. The results of the sobel test in this study found that work discipline variables were able to mediate between variable knowledge management and work motivation on employee performance. However, the direct influence of the variable knowledge management and work motivation has a greater direct effect on employee performance. The limitation of this study is that the variables used in this study are only limited to 3 research variables, namely knowledge management, work motivation and work discipline, the data collection method only uses the questionnaire method, causing less direct communication with the direct research subjects, the period and the object of this study. is expected to be expanded so that it can produce better results. Keywords:  knowledge  management,work  motivation,  work  discipline,  human resource management performanc


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    This study examines employee competence's effect on the management of tax revenue receivables in the context of imports, with knowledge management as a moderating variable. The data used in this study was derived from a questionnaire survey distributed from March to July 2022 to the respondents, who were officials in the treasury unit that manages tax receivables and officials in the unit that handles financial statements in the Directorate General of Customs and Excise. This study concludes that employee competence and knowledge management positively affect the management of tax revenue receivables in the context of imports. However, knowledge management cannot strengthen employee competence's positive influence on tax revenue receivables in the context of imports
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