10 research outputs found

    Big data analytics in public sector university libraries in Pakistan

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    This study examines librarians\u27 perceptions, capabilities, and understandings of Big Data analytics in public sector university libraries in Karachi, Pakistan. To acquire the desired results, a survey was conducted and using a quantitative approach. The study\u27s target audience was library administrators at public sector university libraries in Karachi, all of which are recognized by Pakistan\u27s Higher Education Commission and chartered by the Sindh Government. All respondents were sent an e-mail inviting them to participate in the survey on their own time. This study is important because it fills a large vacuum in the literature about the perspectives of Karachi\u27s public sector university librarians on Big Data analytics. The result shows that most of the academic librarians are familiar with the concept of big data and thought that they need to develop their skills for the use of big data analytics tools and the government should also provide a sufficient budget for the professional development of the library staff

    Las metodologías aplicadas en los artículos científicos de las Ciencias Bibliotecaria y de la Información, y Big Data

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    Objetivos. Buscar y compilar los artículos científicos con las temáticas de Web of Science (WoS), Ciencias Bibliotecaria y de la Información (CBI) y Big Data, y analizar y describir las metodologías aplicadas en esos textos. Diseño/Metodología/Enfoque. Estudio descriptivo y aplicación de herramientas informétricas para la recuperación de información de la base de datos WoS en el periodo 1900-febrero de 2021. Resultados/Discusión. En el periodo 2014-2020, se publicaron, recuperaron y analizaron 28 artículos académicos en CBI y Big Data de los cuales uno de éstos concentra la mayor cantidad de citas: 204 (81.3%). Por otra parte, la naturaleza cuantitativa, la descripción y el análisis de contenido distinguen las metodologías aplicadas. Conclusiones. La base de datos WoS, también, se erige como proveedor de Big Data en la cual los artículos son el principal tipo documental para la comunicación científica en los tópicos de CBI y Big Data cuya distinción metodológica es tipo cuantitativo y la descripción de contenidos, principalmente. Originalidad/Valor. La ausencia de investigaciones de la metodología aplicada para estudios en CBI y Big Data nos permite contar con un repertorio de textos valorados, publicados en bases de datos científicas.

    Inside the Laboratory : Open Science and the Skills of Research Librarians

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    PostPrint Manuscript Version (Published version only available at https://mcfarlandbooks.com/product/the-academic-librarian-in-the-digital-age/)The purpose of this chapter is to analyze the current changing process of science and its impact on the skills of research librarians. A literature review reveals the relationship between librarians and science openness. Although libraries remain at the core of the scientific process, they lost the monopoly of information provision and their traditional roles in science production and dissemination are now questionable. Library and information science practitioners are facing a set of relevant challenges. Librarians are strongly involved in the future of science as an important system stakeholder as well as a provider of information products and services. Also, librarians must expand their traditional skills to be able to respond to the current needs of researchers, and the openness demands emerging from society. Are research librarians prepared to take part in Open Science? What is their current position? Is there a need for a new librarian skill set?info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    The big data revolution has gained global attention and initiated creative innovations in every field and libraries as engines of access to information have also been affected by this new trend. Libraries in this part of the world have not utilized the amazing potential of big data in library services. In this time, when various terms such as algorithms age, petabytes age, data age, etc. are been used to describe the activities initiated by machine learning, industries and organizations can achieve much by incorporating inspiring and innovative tools to improve services and performance. In this vein libraries in Nigeria are expected against all odds to make their services more interactive, attractive, innovative, and exciting by utilizing cloud technologies and machine learning techniques to create recommender services. This paper titled “Utilizing the Potentials of Big Data in Nigeria Library Environments by Recommender Services”, focuses on the concept and characteristics of big data and its importance in complementing traditional library services, areas for applying big data systems in libraries, the concept of recommender systems and how it works, adopting recommender systems in libraries for maximum benefits, tools, and techniques for setting up big data recommender systems in libraries, challenges of big data recommender systems in libraries in Nigeria and strategies for overcoming big data challenges in library systems. The paper is based on a contextual analysis of literature from various scholarly works. The paper will also proffer recommendations based on the study

    Big data-driven investigation into the maturity of library research data services (RDS)

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    Research data management (RDM) poses a significant challenge for academic organizations. The creation of library research data services (RDS) requires assessment of their maturity, i.e., the primary objective of this study. Its authors have set out to probe the nationwide level of library RDS maturity, based on the RDS maturity model, as proposed by Cox et al. (2019), while making use of natural language processing (NLP) tools, typical for big data analysis. The secondary objective consisted in determining the actual suitability of the above-referenced tools for this particular type of assessment. Web scraping, based on 72 keywords, and completed twice, allowed the authors to select from the list of 320 libraries that run RDS, i.e., 38 (2021) and 42 (2022), respectively. The content of the websites run by the academic libraries offering a scope of RDM services was then appraised in some depth. The findings allowed the authors to identify the geographical distribution of RDS (academic centers of various sizes), a scope of activities undertaken in the area of research data (divided into three clusters, i.e., compliance, stewardship, and transformation), and overall potential for their prospective enhancement. Although the present study was carried within a single country only (Poland), its protocol may easily be adapted for use in any other countries, with a view to making a viable comparison of pertinent findings

    Veliki podaci i knjižnice

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    Današnje je elektroničko doba donijelo mnoge promjene u načinu funkcioniranja svih sfera života, pa tako i u poslovnom svijetu. Sve se veće količine podataka stvaraju, pohranjuju, dijele i ažuriraju na dnevnoj bazi, te su korisnici i podatci koje oni dijele došli u prvi plan interesa kompanija kako bi poboljšali kvalitetu svog poslovanja. Veliki podaci su pojam za goleme količine tih podataka koji predstavljaju materijal za analizu u svrhu donošenja boljih odluka i strategija rada same institucije. Iako se ovaj pojam najčešće vezuje uz kompanije i profit, knjižnice su važna spona između drugih institucija i javnosti, pa stoga generiraju brojne važne podatke. Budući da ih je teško obrađivati s pomoću standardnih alata, bibliotekari bi ih u skladu s trendovima trebali znati analizirati i učiniti pristupačnijim i korisnijim samim korisnicima. Ovaj završni rad bavi se upravo pojmom velikih podataka i njegove teoretske i praktične primjene u bibliotekama. Cilj ovog rada je kroz analizu drugih znanstvenih radova iznijeti primjenjivost tehnologija velikih podataka na knjižnice, te prilike i nedostatke ovog trenda u okviru bibliotekarstva.Today's electronic era has brought many changes to all aspects of human life, including both the private and the business sphere. The amounts of data created, stored, shared and updated on a daily basis is continually increasing, and both the users and the data they share have come to the forefront of the company's interests to improve the quality of their business. Big data is the notion of the huge amounts of this data that represent the material for analysis in order to make better decisions and strategies of the institution itself. Although this term is most often associated with companies and profits, libraries are an important link between other institutions and the public, and therefore generate many important data. Since it is difficult to process them using standard tools, librarians should be able to analyze them and make them more accessible and more user-friendly according to trends. This paper deals with the notion of big data and its theoretical and practical application in libraries. The aim of this paper is to outline the applicability of big data technologies in libraries, and the opportunities and disadvantages of this trend within the library industry through the analysis of other scientific papers

    Chatbot : uso em bibliotecas comunitárias

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    Com o constante aumento da interação entre usuários e as plataformas digitais surge à necessidade de se ter soluções cada vez mais sofisticadas de diminuição de custos e que supram as demandas crescentes pelo atendimento ao usuário, consideradas de extrema importância nas bibliotecas. Entre essas possíveis soluções, existem os programas chamados Chatbot, que, de certa forma, propõem a resolver essas necessidades. Há diversas ferramentas de Chatbot com opções gratuitas, pagas e híbridas, e qualquer uma pode ser utilizada para atender a necessidade de otimizar as interações entre usuário e biblioteca, mas é preciso saber escolher a correta, pois, por trás das ferramentas estão os bots, as diferentes tecnologias e as definições utilizadas para o desenvolvimento da mesma. Sendo assim, o principal objetivo do trabalho é analisar as possibilidades de interação entre o usuário e os catálogos de bibliotecas comunitárias por meio da implantação de um software do tipo Chatbot que permitisse ao usuário, entre outras coisas, localizar e avaliar uma obra literária, realizar pesquisas referentes ao assunto que procura e fazer outras interações com a biblioteca, como deixar seu comentário sobre a obra e avaliar o atendimento recebido. Por fim, pode-se concluir que é possível a utilização das ferramentas de Chatbot nas bibliotecas comunitárias, desde que sua implantação seja bem planejada e que esteja em constante avaliação e atualização não apenas do seu sistema, mas das suas bases de dados, pois funcionaria ligada ao acervo de todas as bibliotecas comunitárias de Porto Alegre.With the constant increase in interaction between users and digital platforms, there is a need to have increasingly sophisticated cost reduction solutions that meet the growing demands for user service, considered extremely important in libraries. Among these possible solutions, there are programs called Chatbot, which, in a way, propose to solve these needs. There are several Chatbot tools with free, paid and hybrid options, and any one can be used to meet the need to optimize interactions between user and library, but it is necessary to know how to choose the right one, because behind the tools are the bots, the different technologies and the definitions used for its development. Therefore, the main objective of this work is to analyze the possibilities of interaction between the user and the catalogs of community libraries through the implementation of a Chatbot type software that would allow the user, among other things, to locate and evaluate a literary work, carry out research related to the subject you are looking for and make other interactions with the library, such as leaving your comment on the work and evaluating the service received. Finally, it can be concluded that it is possible to use Chatbot tools in community libraries, provided that their implementation is well planned and that they are constantly evaluating and updating not only their system, but their databases, as it would work linked to the collection of all community libraries in Porto Alegre

    Archiver les Big Data : un enjeu pour l’archiviste d’aujourd’hui et de demain ?

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    Mémoire de Master portant sur l\u27archivage des Big Data

    Inteligência artificial em bibliotecas : Bibliotecária Informativa Automatizada (BIA) da divisão de bibliotecas e documentação da PUC-RIO

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    Trabalho de conclusão de curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciência da Informação, Graduação em Biblioteconomia, 2019.O presente trabalho apresenta como tema central um estudo sobre Inteligência Artificial e suas formas de aplicação em serviços de bibliotecas. Os avanços em tecnologia trazem benefícios para diversos setores da sociedade, porém, abrem espaço para discussões no âmbito da Ciência da Informação. Especificamente a biblioteca que possui grande potencial na área por sua relação com as informações que são, também, base para o funcionamento de sistemas inteligentes. A Inteligência Artificial tem o mesmo nível de qualidade que as informações que utiliza. Como consequência, um sistema inteligente trabalhando com informações de uma unidade especializada tende a ter maior credibilidade. A pesquisa estipula os seguintes objetivos (i) descrever uma experiência de Inteligência Artificial feita em uma biblioteca a nível nacional, especificamente a Bibliotecária Informativa Automatizada desenvolvida na Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, (ii) elencar as opções que Bibliotecária Informativa Automatizada apresenta no atendimento ao usuário, (iii) apresentar os requisitos informacionais básicos de interação na BIA. Quanto à metodologia trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, que através da observação pratica, mostra passo a passo a experiência de interação com a Bibliotecária Informativa Automatizada (BIA) através de três consultas. Conclui-se que a Inteligência Artificial utilizou informações disponíveis na biblioteca para solucionar questões dos usuários através do chatbot favorecendo o aumento do alcance dos serviços da biblioteca.This paper has as its central theme a study on Artificial Intelligence and its forms of application in library services. Advances in technology bring benefits to various sectors of society, but open space for discussions in Information Science. Specifically, the library that has great potential in the area for its relationship with information that is also the basis for the operation of intelligent systems. Artificial intelligence has the same level of quality as the information it uses. As a result, an intelligent system working with information from a specialized unit tends to have greater credibility. The research stipulates the following objectives (i) to describe an Artificial Intelligence experiment conducted in a national library, specifically the Automated Informative Librarian developed at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, (ii) list the options that the Automated Informative Librarian presents in customer service, (iii) present the basic informational requirements for BIA interaction. As for the methodology, it is a descriptive research, which through practical observation shows step by step the experience of interaction with the Automated Informative Librarian (BIA) through three consultations. It concluded that Artificial Intelligence used information available in the library to solve users’ questions through chatbot favoring the increase of the library services reach