14 research outputs found

    Аналіз амплітудних параметрів акустичної емісії при зростанні глибини обробки композиту

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    Optimization and control of technological parameters in the machining of composite materials is an important task to ensure quality of the manufactured products. Studies are undertaken to solve the given problem using the method of acoustic emission. We considered procedure and results of experimental research into parameters of acoustic emission signals when changing the depth of composite machining. It was determined that increasing the depth of composite material machining did not not affect the character of acoustic radiation. Acoustic emission is continuous. However, there occurs an increase in the mean level of amplitude of the registered emission signal and the magnitude of its variability. We determined statistical amplitude parameters of acoustic emission signals at increasing the depth of composite machining. The data approximation was performed and the mathematical notation derived of the regularities at an increase in the mean level of amplitude, its standard deviation and variance with increasing machining depth. It was established that regularities of the increase in the amplitude parameters of acoustic emission signals were well described by nonlinear functions. It was determined that the most sensitive and informative parameter of the registered acoustic emission signals was a variance in the mean level of amplitudes.It is shown that the percentage increase in the variance of the mean level of signal amplitude outpaces the percentage increase in the mean level of amplitude and its standard deviation. The obtained patterns could be used for the optimization of technological processes. When conducting machining ‒ to monitor, control and manage the depth of machining a composite with the assigned structure.Проведены экспериментальные исследования акустической эмиссии при возрастании глубины обработки композита. Установлено, что возрастание глубины обработки приводит к увеличению статистических амплитудных параметров акустической эмиссии. Определены закономерности возрастания амплитудных параметров акустической эмиссии. Установлена чувствительность амплитудных параметров сигналов акустической эмиссии. Показано, что наибольший прирост имеет дисперсия среднего уровня амплитуды регистрируемых сигналовПроведено експериментальні дослідження акустичної емісії при зростанні глибини обробки композиту. Встановлено, що зростання глибини обробки приводить до зростання статистичних амплітудних параметрів акустичної емісії. Визначені закономірності зростання амплітудних параметрів акустичної емісії. Встановлена чутливість амплітудних параметрів сигналів акустичної емісії. Показано, що найбільший приріст має дисперсія середнього рівня амплітуди реєстрованих сигналі

    Fuzzy logic based classification of faults in mechanical differential

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    Mechanical differentials are widely used in automotive, agricultural machineries and heavy industry applications due to their large transmission ratio, strong load-bearing capacity and high transmission efficiency. The tough operation conditions of heavy duty and intensive impact load may cause damage, hence condition monitoring of these machines is very important. This paper proposes a data driven model-based condition monitoring scheme that is applied to differential. The scheme is based upon a fuzzy inference system (FIS) in combination with decision trees. To achieve this objective, the acoustic signals from a microphone were captured for the following conditions: Health, bearing fault, worn pinion, broken pinion, worn cranwheel and broken cranwheel for tow working levels of differential (1500 and 3000 r/min). Taken signals were in time domain and for extraction more information was converted from time domain to time-frequency domains using wavelet transformation. Subsequently, statistical features were extracted from signals using descriptive statistic parameters, better features were selected by J48 algorithm and used for developing decision trees. In the next stage, fuzzy logic rules were written using the decision tree and fuzzy inference engines were produced. In order to evaluate the proposed J48-FIS model, the data sets obtained from acoustic signals of the differential were used. The total classification accuracy for 1500 and 3000 r/min conditions were 92.5 % and 95 %, respectively, so the work conducted has demonstrated the potential of used method to classify the fault conditions which are represent in differential

    Artificial Intelligence Application in Machine Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis

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    The subject of machine condition monitoring and fault diagnosis as a part of system maintenance has gained a lot of interest due to the potential benefits to be learned from reduced maintenance budgets, enhanced productivity and improved machine availability. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a successful method of machine condition monitoring and fault diagnosis since these techniques are used as tools for routine maintenance. This chapter attempts to summarize and review the recent research and developments in the field of signal analysis through artificial intelligence in machine condition monitoring and fault diagnosis. Intelligent systems such as artificial neural network (ANN), fuzzy logic system (FLS), genetic algorithms (GA) and support vector machine (SVM) have previously developed many different methods. However, the use of acoustic emission (AE) signal analysis and AI techniques for machine condition monitoring and fault diagnosis is still rare. In the future, the applications of AI in machine condition monitoring and fault diagnosis still need more encouragement and attention due to the gap in the literature

    Control of deviations and prediction of surface roughness from micro machining of THz waveguides using acoustic emission signals

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    By using acoustic emission (AE) it is possible to control deviations and surface quality during micro milling operations. The method of micro milling is used to manufacture a submillimetre waveguide where micro machining is employed to achieve the required superior finish and geometrical tolerances. Submillimetre waveguide technology is used in deep space signal retrieval where highest detection efficiencies are needed and therefore every possible signal loss in the receiver has to be avoided and stringent tolerances achieved. With a sub-standard surface finish the signals travelling along the waveguides dissipate away faster than with perfect surfaces where the residual roughness becomes comparable with the electromagnetic skin depth. Therefore, the higher the radio frequency the more critical this becomes. The method of time-frequency analysis (STFT) is used to transfer raw AE into more meaningful salient signal features (SF). This information was then correlated against the measured geometrical deviations and, the onset of catastrophic tool wear. Such deviations can be offset from different AE signals (different deviations from subsequent tests) and feedback for a final spring cut ensuring the geometrical accuracies are met. Geometrical differences can impact on the required transfer of AE signals (change in cut off frequencies and diminished SNR at the interface) and therefore errors have to be minimised to within 1 µm. Rules based on both Classification and Regression Trees (CART) and Neural Networks (NN) were used to implement a simulation displaying how such a control regime could be used as a real time controller, be it corrective measures (via spring cuts) over several initial machining passes or, with a micron cut introducing a level plain measure for allowing setup corrective measures (similar to a spirit level)

    Prediction, classification and diagnosis of spur gear conditions using artificial neural network and acoustic emission

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    The gear system is a critical component in the machinery and predicting the performance of a gear system is an important function. Unpredictable failures of a gear system can cause serious threats to human life, and have large scale economic effects. It is necessary to inspect gear teeth periodically to identify crack propagation and, other damages at the earliest. This study has two main objectives. Firstly, the research predicted and classified specific film thickness (λ) of spur gear by Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Regression models. Parameters such as acoustic emission (AE), temperature and specific film thickness (λ) data were extracted from works of other researchers. The acoustic emission signals and temperature were used as input to ANN and Regression models, while (λ) was the output of the models. Second objective is to use the third generation ANN (Spiking Neural Network) for fault diagnosis and classification of spur gear based on AE signal. For this purpose, a test rig was built with several gear faults. The AE signal was processed through preprocessing, features extraction and selection methods before the developed ANN diagnosis and classification model were built. These processes were meant to improve the accuracy of diagnosis system based on information or features fed into the model. This research investigated the possibility of improving accuracy of spur gear condition monitoring and fault diagnoses by using Feed-Forward Back- Propagation Neural Networks (FFBP), Elman Network (EN), Regression Model and Spiking Neural Network (SNN). The findings showed that use of specific film thickness has resulted in the FFBP network being able to provide 99.9% classification accuracy, while regression and multiple regression models attained 73.3 % and 81.2% classification accuracy respectively. For gear fault diagnosis, the SNN achieved nearly 97% accuracy in its diagnosis. Finally, the methods use in the study have proven to have high accuracy and can be used as tools for prediction, classification and fault diagnosis in spur gear

    Using multiple feature spaces-based deep learning for tool condition monitoring in ultra-precision manufacturing

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    Tool condition monitoring is critical in ultra-precision manufacturing in order to optimize the performance of the overall process, while maintaining the desired part quality. Recently, Deep Learning has been successfully applied in numerous classification tasks in manufacturing, often to forecast part quality. In this paper, a novel Deep Learning data-driven modeling framework is presented, which includes fusion of multiple stacked sparse autoencoders for tool condition monitoring in ultra-precision machining. The proposed computational framework consists of two main structures. A training model that is designed with the ability to process multiple parallel feature spaces to learn the lower-level features; and a feature fusion structure that is used to learn the higher-level features and associations to tool wear. To achieve this learning structure, a modified loss function is utilized that enhances the feature extraction and classification tasks. A dataset from a real manufacturing process is used to demonstrate the performance of the proposed framework. Experimental results and simulations show that the proposed method successfully classifies the ultra-precision machining case study with over 96% accuracy, while also outperforms comparable methodologies

    Advances in Sensing for Real-Time Monitoring of Tribological Parameters

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    The wider availability of low-cost sensing and data acquisition technologies means that real-time sensing of tribological parameters is becoming increasingly viable. Consequently, the potential to use these technologies to monitor in-service tribological components has increased significantly. This paper presents a review of a number of state-of-the-art in sensors for measuring friction, wear and lubricant properties. It also elaborates on the use of sensor coatings as an emerging area for directly probing the tribological interface. It is concluded that sensors will find ever increasing uses in condition monitoring” applications. However, sensing and tribology is beginning to evolve towards “Tribotronics” where combining the sensing of machine elements that have conventionally been passive with computational capability, or even embedded intelligence, along with actuation can create active machine elements, optimised to operate with say minimum power loss in all situations of duty. Additionally, it is noted that by incorporating sensing and responsive capabilities, functional surfaces can also become part of a bigger connected systems particularly in association with Industry 4.0. Increased use of sensors in tribological components alongside machine learning and artificial intelligence, will also support the shift in industrial tribological analytics

    Chip Production Rate and Tool Wear Estimation in Micro-EndMilling

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    abstract: In this research, a new cutting edge wear estimator for micro-endmilling is developed and the reliabillity of the estimator is evaluated. The main concept of this estimator is the minimum chip thickness effect. This estimator predicts the cutting edge radius by detecting the drop in the chip production rate as the cutting edge of a micro- endmill slips over the workpiece when the minimum chip thickness becomes larger than the uncut chip thickness, thus transitioning from the shearing to the ploughing dominant regime. The chip production rate is investigated through simulation and experiment. The simulation and the experiment show that the chip production rate decreases when the minimum chip thickness becomes larger than the uncut chip thickness. Also, the reliability of this estimator is evaluated. The probability of correct estimation of the cutting edge radius is more than 80%. This cutting edge wear estimator could be applied to an online tool wear estimation system. Then, a large number of cutting edge wear data could be obtained. From the data, a cutting edge wear model could be developed in terms of the machine control parameters so that the optimum control parameters could be applied to increase the tool life and the machining quality as well by minimizing the cutting edge wear rate. In addition, in order to find the stable condition of the machining, the stabillity lobe of the system is created by measuring the dynamic parameters. This process is needed prior to the cutting edge wear estimation since the chatter would affect the cutting edge wear and the chip production rate. In this research, a new experimental set-up for measuring the dynamic parameters is developed by using a high speed camera with microscope lens and a loadcell. The loadcell is used to measure the stiffness of the tool-holder assembly of the machine and the high speed camera is used to measure the natural frequency and the damping ratio. From the measured data, a stability lobe is created. Even though this new method needs further research, it could be more cost-effective than the conventional methods in the future.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Mechanical Engineering 201

    Type-2 Takagi-Sugeno-Kang Fuzzy Logic System and Uncertainty in Machining

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    RÉSUMÉ: Plusieurs méthodes permettent aujourd’hui d’analyser le comportement des écoulements qui régissent le fonctionnement de systèmes rencontrés dans l’industrie (véhicules aériens, marins et terrestres, génération d’énergie, etc.). Pour les écoulements transitoires ou turbulents, les méthodes expérimentales sont utilisées conjointement avec les simulations numériques (simulation directe ou faisant appel à des modèles) afin d’extraire le plus d’information possible. Dans les deux cas, les méthodes génèrent des quantités de données importantes qui doivent ensuite être traitées et analysées. Ce projet de recherche vise à améliorer notre capacité d’analyse pour l’étude des écoulements simulés numériquement et les écoulements obtenus à l’aide de méthodes de mesure (par exemple la vélocimétrie par image de particules PIV ). L’absence, jusqu’à aujourd’hui, d’une définition objective d’une structure tourbillonnaire a conduit à l’utilisation de plusieurs méthodes eulériennes (vorticité, critère Q, Lambda-2, etc.), souvent inadaptées, pour extraire les structures cohérentes des écoulements. L’exposant de Lyapunov, calculé sur un temps fini (appelé le FTLE), s’est révélé comme une alternative lagrangienne efficace à ces méthodes classiques. Cependant, la méthodologie de calcul actuelle du FTLE exige l’évaluation numérique d’un grand nombre de trajectoires sur une grille cartésienne qui est superposée aux champs de vitesse simulés ou mesurés. Le nombre de noeuds nécessaire pour représenter un champ FTLE d’un écoulement 3D instationnaire atteint facilement plusieurs millions, ce qui nécessite des ressources informatiques importantes pour une analyse adéquate. Dans ce projet, nous visons à améliorer l’efficacité du calcul du champ FTLE en proposant une méthode alternative au calcul classique des composantes du tenseur de déformation de Cauchy-Green. Un ensemble d’équations différentielles ordinaires (EDOs) est utilisé pour calculer simultanément les trajectoires des particules et les dérivées premières et secondes du champ de déplacement, ce qui se traduit par une amélioration de la précision nodale des composantes du tenseur. Les dérivées premières sont utilisées pour le calcul de l’exposant de Lyapunov et les dérivées secondes pour l’estimation de l’erreur d’interpolation. Les matrices hessiennes du champ de déplacement (deux matrices en 2D et trois matrices en 3D) nous permettent de construire une métrique optimale multi-échelle et de générer un maillage anisotrope non structuré de façon à distribuer efficacement les noeuds et à minimiser l’erreur d’interpolation.----------ABSTRACT: Several methods can help us to analyse the behavior of flows that govern the operation of fluid flow systems encountered in the industry (aerospace, marine and terrestrial transportation, power generation, etc..). For transient or turbulent flows, experimental methods are used in conjunction with numerical simulations ( direct simulation or based on models) to extract as much information as possible. In both cases, these methods generate massive amounts of data which must then be processed and analyzed. This research project aims to improve the post-processing algorithms to facilitate the study of numerically simulated flows and those obtained using measurement techniques (e.g. particle image velocimetry PIV ). The absence, even until today, of an objective definition of a vortex has led to the use of several Eulerian methods (vorticity, the Q and the Lambda-2 criteria, etc..), often unsuitable to extract the flow characteristics. The Lyapunov exponent, calculated on a finite time (the so-called FTLE), is an effective Lagrangian alternative to these standard methods. However, the computation methodology currently used to obtain the FTLE requires numerical evaluation of a large number of fluid particle trajectories on a Cartesian grid that is superimposed on the simulated or measured velocity fields. The number of nodes required to visualize a FTLE field of an unsteady 3D flow can easily reach several millions, which requires significant computing resources for an adequate analysis. In this project, we aim to improve the computational efficiency of the FTLE field by providing an alternative to the conventional calculation of the components of the Cauchy-Green deformation tensor. A set of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) is used to calculate the particle trajectories and simultaneously the first and the second derivatives of the displacement field, resulting in a highly improved accuracy of nodal tensor components. The first derivatives are used to calculate the Lyapunov exponent and the second derivatives to estimate the interpolation error. Hessian matrices of the displacement field (two matrices in 2D and three matrices in 3D) allow us to build a multi-scale optimal metric and generate an unstructured anisotropic mesh to efficiently distribute nodes and to minimize the interpolation error. The flexibility of anisotropic meshes allows to add and align nodes near the structures of the flow and to remove those in areas of low interest. The mesh adaptation is based on the intersection of the Hessian matrices of the displacement field and not on the FTLE field