Artificial Intelligence Application in Machine Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis


The subject of machine condition monitoring and fault diagnosis as a part of system maintenance has gained a lot of interest due to the potential benefits to be learned from reduced maintenance budgets, enhanced productivity and improved machine availability. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a successful method of machine condition monitoring and fault diagnosis since these techniques are used as tools for routine maintenance. This chapter attempts to summarize and review the recent research and developments in the field of signal analysis through artificial intelligence in machine condition monitoring and fault diagnosis. Intelligent systems such as artificial neural network (ANN), fuzzy logic system (FLS), genetic algorithms (GA) and support vector machine (SVM) have previously developed many different methods. However, the use of acoustic emission (AE) signal analysis and AI techniques for machine condition monitoring and fault diagnosis is still rare. In the future, the applications of AI in machine condition monitoring and fault diagnosis still need more encouragement and attention due to the gap in the literature

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