15 research outputs found


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    Business processes in WS-BPEL are a manifestation of the two-level-programming paradigm where remote-accessible Web services are composed to potentially complex orchestrations. WSBPEL processes are executed by Workflow Management Systems that navigate through the process\u27 activities and interact with the orchestrated services. While Web service technology enables interactions with remote services, process navigation is typically done in a centralized manner. Especially in scenarios of complex interactions between multiple distributed process participants, this way of process enactment has several drawbacks. In this paper, we outline those drawbacks and propose an alternative approach to execution of BPEL processes in a distributed, decentralized manner

    Feedback-control & queueing theory-based resource management for streaming applications

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    Recent advances in sensor technologies and instrumentation have led to an extraordinary growth of data sources and streaming applications. A wide variety of devices, from smart phones to dedicated sensors, have the capability of collecting and streaming large amounts of data at unprecedented rates. A number of distinct streaming data models have been proposed. Typical applications for this include smart cites & built environments for instance, where sensor-based infrastructures continue to increase in scale and variety. Understanding how such streaming content can be processed within some time threshold remains a non-trivial and important research topic. We investigate how a cloud-based computational infrastructure can autonomically respond to such streaming content, offering Quality of Service guarantees. We propose an autonomic controller (based on feedback control and queueing theory) to elastically provision virtual machines to meet performance targets associated with a particular data stream. Evaluation is carried out using a federated Cloud-based infrastructure (implemented using CometCloud) – where the allocation of new resources can be based on: (i) differences between sites, i.e. types of resources supported (e.g. GPU vs. CPU only), (ii) cost of execution; (iii) failure rate and likely resilience, etc. In particular, we demonstrate how Little’s Law –a widely used result in queuing theory– can be adapted to support dynamic control in the context of such resource provisioning

    Rule-driven service coordination middleware for scientific applications

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    International audienceWith the proliferation of Web services, scientific applications are more and more designed as temporal compositions of services, commonly referred to as workflows. To address this paradigm shift, different workflow management systems have been proposed. While their efficiency has been established over centralized static systems, it is questionable over decentralized failure-prone platforms. Scientific applications recently started to be deployed over large distributed computing platforms, leading to new issues, like elasticity, i.e., the possibility to dynamically refine, at runtime, the amount of resources dedicated to an application. This raised again the demand for new programming models, able to express autonomic self-coordination of services in a dynamic platform. Nature-inspired, rule-based computing models recently gained a lot of attention in this context. They are able to naturally expressing parallelism, distribution, and autonomic adaptation. While their high expressiveness and adequacy for this context has been established, such models severely suffer from a lack of proof of concepts. In this paper, we concretely show how to leverage such models in this context. We focus on the design, the implementation and the experimental validation of a chemistry-inspired scientific workflow management system

    Data Driven Adaptation of Heterogeneous Service-Oriented Processes

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    Η με βάση τα δεδομένα προσαρμογή διαδικασιών αποτελεί μια επέκταση της έννοιας των Δυναμικών και με βάση τα Δεδομένα Καθοδηγουμενων Συστήματων (DDDAS) όπως αυτά έχουν καθοριστεί από την Δαρεμά. Συγεκριμένα όπως και στα DDDAS συστήματα η προσέγγιση μας επιτρέπει την προσφορά προσαρμοζόμενων διαδικασιών χρησιμοποιώντας διαθέσιμες πληροφορίες και υπηρεσίες. H προσφορά προσαρμοζόμενων διαδικασιών περιλαμβάνει την αναγνώριση και χρήση πιθανών εναλλακτικών μονοπατιών εκτέλεσης (ή διαδρομών) για την επίτευξη των στόχων και υπό-στόχων της κάθε διαδικασίας. Τα εναλλακτικά μονοπάτια λαμβάνουν υπόψη και χρησιμοποιούν σχετικές πληροφορίες ή/και υπηρεσίες (ή συνθέσεις υπηρεσιών). Για την αναζήτηση των πιθανών εναλλακτικών χρησιμοποιούνται τεχνικές από το χώρο της Τεχνητής Νοημοσύνης Σχεδιασμού (AI Planning) και της υπολογιστικής Πλαισίου (Context-Aware computing) κατά τον χρόνο διάθεσης της διαδικασίας. Κατά τον υπολογισμό των πιθανών εναλλακτικών, στόχος της προσέγγισης μας είναι η μείωση των βημάτων εκτέλεσης, δλδ του πλήθους των εργασιών της διαδικασίας που έχουν οριστείIn principle the Data-Driven Process Adaptation (DDPA) approach is based on the concept of Dynamic Data Driven Application Systems (DDDAS) as this is stated by Darema in [8]. In accordance to the DDDAS notion such systems support the utilization of appropriate information at specific decision points so as to make real systems more efficient. In this regard, DDPA accommodates the provision of adaptable service processes by exploiting the use of information available to the process environment in addition to existing services. Adaptation in the context of our approach includes the identification and use of possible alternatives for the achievement of the goals and sub-goals defined in a process; alternatives include the utilization of available related information and/or services (or service chains). Data-Driven adaptation incorporates AI planning and Context-Aware Computing techniques to support the identification of possible alternatives at deployment time. When calculating the possible alternatives the goal of our approach is to reduce the number of steps, i.e. number of process tasks, defined in the original process

    A Model for Scientific Workflows with Parallel and Distributed Computing

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    In the last decade we witnessed an immense evolution of the computing infrastructures in terms of processing, storage and communication. On one hand, developments in hardware architectures have made it possible to run multiple virtual machines on a single physical machine. On the other hand, the increase of the available network communication bandwidth has enabled the widespread use of distributed computing infrastructures, for example based on clusters, grids and clouds. The above factors enabled different scientific communities to aim for the development and implementation of complex scientific applications possibly involving large amounts of data. However, due to their structural complexity, these applications require decomposition models to allow multiple tasks running in parallel and distributed environments. The scientific workflow concept arises naturally as a way to model applications composed of multiple activities. In fact, in the past decades many initiatives have been undertaken to model application development using the workflow paradigm, both in the business and in scientific domains. However, despite such intensive efforts, current scientific workflow systems and tools still have limitations, which pose difficulties to the development of emerging large-scale, distributed and dynamic applications. This dissertation proposes the AWARD model for scientific workflows with parallel and distributed computing. AWARD is an acronym for Autonomic Workflow Activities Reconfigurable and Dynamic. The AWARD model has the following main characteristics. It is based on a decentralized execution control model where multiple autonomic workflow activities interact by exchanging tokens through input and output ports. The activities can be executed separately in diverse computing environments, such as in a single computer or on multiple virtual machines running on distributed infrastructures, such as clusters and clouds. It provides basic workflow patterns for parallel and distributed application decomposition and other useful patterns supporting feedback loops and load balancing. The model is suitable to express applications based on a finite or infinite number of iterations, thus allowing to model long-running workflows, which are typical in scientific experimention. A distintive contribution of the AWARD model is the support for dynamic reconfiguration of long-running workflows. A dynamic reconfiguration allows to modify the structure of the workflow, for example, to introduce new activities, modify the connections between activity input and output ports. The activity behavior can also be modified, for example, by dynamically replacing the activity algorithm. In addition to the proposal of a new workflow model, this dissertation presents the implementation of a fully functional software architecture that supports the AWARD model. The implemented prototype was used to validate and refine the model across multiple workflow scenarios whose usefulness has been demonstrated in practice clearly, through experimental results, demonstrating the advantages of the major characteristics and contributions of the AWARD model. The implemented prototype was also used to develop application cases, such as a workflow to support the implementation of the MapReduce model and a workflow to support a text mining application developed by an external user. The extensive experimental work confirmed the adequacy of the AWARD model and its implementation for developing applications that exploit parallelism and distribution using the scientific workflows paradigm

    Supporting Collaboration in Mobile Environments

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    Continued rapid improvements in the hardware capabilities of mobile computing devices is driving a parallel need for a paradigm shift in software design for such devices with the aim of ushering in new classes of software applications for devices of the future. One such class of software application is collaborative applications that seem to reduce the burden and overhead of collaborations on human users by providing automated computational support for the more mundane and mechanical aspects of a cooperative effort. This dissertation addresses the research and software engineering questions associated with building a workflow-based collaboration system that can operate across mobile ad hoc networks, the most dynamic type of mobile networks that can function without dependence on any fixed external resources. While workflow management systems have been implemented for stable wired networks, the transition to a mobile network required the development of a knowledge management system for improving the predictability of the network topology, a mobility-aware specification language to specify workflows, and its accompanying algorithms that help automate key pieces of the software. In addition to details of the formulation, design, and implementation of the various algorithms and software components. this dissertation also describes the construction of a custom mobile workflow simulator that can be used to conduct simulation experiments that verify the effectiveness of the approaches presented in this document and beyond. Also presented are empirical results obtained using this simulator that show the effectiveness of the described approaches

    Functional programming languages in computing clouds: practical and theoretical explorations

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    Cloud platforms must integrate three pillars: messaging, coordination of workers and data. This research investigates whether functional programming languages have any special merit when it comes to the implementation of cloud computing platforms. This thesis presents the lightweight message queue CMQ and the DSL CWMWL for the coordination of workers that we use as artefact to proof or disproof the special merit of functional programming languages in computing clouds. We have detailed the design and implementation with the broad aim to match the notions and the requirements of computing clouds. Our approach to evaluate these aims is based on evaluation criteria that are based on a series of comprehensive rationales and specifics that allow the FPL Haskell to be thoroughly analysed. We find that Haskell is excellent for use cases that do not require the distribution of the application across the boundaries of (physical or virtual) systems, but not appropriate as a whole for the development of distributed cloud based workloads that require communication with the far side and coordination of decoupled workloads. However, Haskell may be able to qualify as a suitable vehicle in the future with future developments of formal mechanisms that embrace non-determinism in the underlying distributed environments leading to applications that are anti-fragile rather than applications that insist on strict determinism that can only be guaranteed on the local system or via slow blocking communication mechanisms

    Contract representation for validation and run time monitoring

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    PhD ThesisOrganisations are increasingly using the Internet to offer their own services and to utilise the services of others. This naturally leads to resource sharing across organisational boundaries. Nevertheless, organisations will require their interactions with other organisations to be strictly controlled. In the paper-based world, business interactions, information exchange and sharing have been conducted under the control of contracts that the organisations sign. The world of electronic business needs to emulate electronic equivalents of the contract based business management practices. This thesis examines how a 'conventional' contract can be converted into its electronic equivalent and how it can be used for controlling business interactions taking place through computer messages. To implement a contract electronically, a conventional text contract needs to be described in a mathematically precise notation so that the description can be subjected to rigorous analysis and freed from the ambiguities that the original humanoriented text is likely to contain. Furthermore, a suitable run time infrastructure is required for monitoring the executable version of the contract. To address these issues, this thesis describes how standard conventional contracts can be converted into Finite State Machines (FSMs). It is illustrated how to map the rights and obligations extracted from the clauses of the contract into the states, transition and output functions, and input and output symbols of a FSM. The thesis then goes on to develop a list of correctness properties that a typical executable business contract should satisfy. A contract model should be validated against safety properties, which specify situations that the contract must not get into (such as deadlocks, unreachable states .... etc), and liveness properties, which detail qualities that would be desirable for the contract to contain (responsiveness, accessibility .... etc). The FSM description can then be subjected to model checking. This is demonstrated with the aid of examples using the Promela language and the Spin validator. Subsequently, the FSM representation can be used to ensure that the clauses stipulated in the contract are observed when the contract is executed. The requirements of a suitable run time infrastructure for monitoring contract compliance are discussed and a prototype middleware implementation is presented.UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)

    Contract representation for validation and run time monitoring

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    Organisations are increasingly using the Internet to offer their own services and to utilise the services of others. This naturally leads to resource sharing across organisational boundaries. Nevertheless, organisations will require their interactions with other organisations to be strictly controlled. In the paper-based world, business interactions, information exchange and sharing have been conducted under the control of contracts that the organisations sign. The world of electronic business needs to emulate electronic equivalents of the contract based business management practices. This thesis examines how a 'conventional' contract can be converted into its electronic equivalent and how it can be used for controlling business interactions taking place through computer messages. To implement a contract electronically, a conventional text contract needs to be described in a mathematically precise notation so that the description can be subjected to rigorous analysis and freed from the ambiguities that the original humanoriented text is likely to contain. Furthermore, a suitable run time infrastructure is required for monitoring the executable version of the contract. To address these issues, this thesis describes how standard conventional contracts can be converted into Finite State Machines (FSMs). It is illustrated how to map the rights and obligations extracted from the clauses of the contract into the states, transition and output functions, and input and output symbols of a FSM. The thesis then goes on to develop a list of correctness properties that a typical executable business contract should satisfy. A contract model should be validated against safety properties, which specify situations that the contract must not get into (such as deadlocks, unreachable states ... etc), and liveness properties, which detail qualities that would be desirable for the contract to contain (responsiveness, accessibility ... etc). The FSM description can then be subjected to model checking. This is demonstrated with the aid of examples using the Promela language and the Spin validator. Subsequently, the FSM representation can be used to ensure that the clauses stipulated in the contract are observed when the contract is executed. The requirements of a suitable run time infrastructure for monitoring contract compliance are discussed and a prototype middleware implementation is presented.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceEngineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)GBUnited Kingdo