676,012 research outputs found

    A systematic review of application of multi-criteria decision analysis for aging-dam management

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    [EN] Decisions for aging-dam management requires a transparent process to prevent the dam failure, thus to avoid severe consequences in socio-economic and environmental terms. Multiple criteria analysis arose to model complex problems like this. This paper reviews specific problems, applications and Multi-Criteria Decision Making techniques for dam management. Multi-Attribute Decision Making techniques had a major presence under the single approach, specially the Analytic Hierarchy Process, and its combination with Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution was prominent under the hybrid approach; while a high variety of complementary techniques was identified. A growing hybridization and fuzzification are the two most relevant trends observed. The integration of stakeholders within the decision making process and the inclusion of trade-offs and interactions between components within the evaluation model must receive a deeper exploration. Despite the progressive consolidation of Multi-Criteria Decision Making in dam management, further research is required to differentiate between rational and intuitive decision processes. Additionally, the need to address benefits, opportunities, costs and risks related to repair, upgrading or removal measures in aging dams suggests the Analytic Network Process, not yet explored under this approach, as an interesting path worth investigating.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness along with FEDER funding (Projects BIA201456574-R and ECO2015-66673-R).Zamarrón-Mieza, I.; Yepes, V.; Moreno-Jiménez, JM. (2017). A systematic review of application of multi-criteria decision analysis for aging-dam management. Journal of Cleaner Production. 147:217-230. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.01.092S21723014

    Enhancing strategic management using a quantified VRIO: Adding value with the MCDA approach

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    The field of strategic management has been popularized since the 1960s, as an aid for the search of success factors amongst the internal and external surroundings of an organization. Strategic management has observed and created strategies that are considered as pillars in the present way of applying contemporary management operations. Even though strategic management relies on managers’ capability to comprehend the current economic trends, this area has left a variety of questions unanswered, especially regarding the analyses of the combination of quantitative and qualitative decision criteria. This dissertation aims to enhance strategic management by developing a quantified valuable, rare, inimitable and organized (VRIO) framework, with the aid of the multiple criteria decision analysis (MCDA) approach. To accomplish this objective, the VRIO framework is combined with the Choquet integral (CI) and a real-life application is carried out to support strategic management. The dual methodology used in this dissertation offers an innovative process for business improvement. The benefits and limitations are also presented and discussed

    Research Agenda on Multiple-Criteria Decision-Making: New Academic Debates in Business and Management

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    [EN] Systemic disruptions are becoming more continuous, intense, and persistent. Their effects have a severe impact on the economy in volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) environments that are increasingly transversal to productive sectors and activities. Researchers have intensified their academic production of multiple-criteria decision-making (MCDM) in recent years. This article analyzes the research agenda through a systematic review of scientific articles in the Web of Science Core Collection according to the Journal Citation Report (JCR), both in the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) and in the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE). According to the selected search criteria, 909 articles on MCDM published between 1979 and 2022 in Web of Science journals in the business and management categories were located. A bibliometric analysis of the main thematic clusters, the international collaboration networks, and the bibliographic coupling of articles was carried out. In addition, the analysis period is divided into two subperiods (1979¿2008 and 2009¿2022), establishing 2008 as the threshold, the year of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), to assess the evolution of the research agenda at the beginning of systemic disruptions. The bibliometric analysis allows the identification of the motor, basic, specialized, and emerging themes of each subperiod. The results show the similarities and differences between the academic debate before and after the GFC. The evidence found allows academics to be guided in their high-impact research in business and management using MCDM methodologies to address contemporary challenges. An important contribution of this study is to detect gaps in the literature, highlighting unclosed gaps and emerging trends in the field of study for journal editors.Castello-Sirvent, F.; Meneses-Eraso, C. (2022). Research Agenda on Multiple-Criteria Decision-Making: New Academic Debates in Business and Management. Axioms. 11(10):1-37. https://doi.org/10.3390/axioms11100515137111

    Pengaruh Kualitas Produk, Harga Dan Promosi Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Sepatu Ventela (Studi Kasus Pada Mahasiswa FEB UNISMA Angkatan 2018)

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    Abstract The phenomenon in today's era makes it a challenge for business people. In running a business, business people need to continue to observe and track changing trends. This is because changes in trends that are always changing along with the times have a significant impact on the profits of consumer purchases. This has an influence on their behavior in choosing the shoes they will buy or which they consider the most appropriate and can actually meet their needs and desires. Quality shoes at competitive prices are the main way to win the marketing competition. In this case, Ventela shoes will apply the method by understanding the consumer decision-making process. Data analysis in this study consisted of instrument testing, classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, hypothesis testing, and coefficient of determination test. The results of this study indicate that based on the results of the t-test there is a partial influence between product quality, price, and promotion variables on the decision to purchase Ventela shoes. The technique used in sampling is purposive sampling technique so that the data obtained by the researcher is directly by distributing questionnaires to respondents who have been determined with certain criteria, namely VENTELA Store consumers. The conclusion of this study aims to determine whether the variables of Product Quality, Price and Promotion affect the Decision to Purchase Ventela Shoes at the Sport Station Dinoyo Store. Keywords : Influence, Product Quality, Price, Promotion, Shoes.

    New banking trends, MCDA and financial decisions: insights and a framework for retail banking

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    Since most decision making involves multiple criteria, extensive research has been developed in this area over the past few decades. However, as it is widely known in the decision-making field, there are significant differences in the way that the decision-making process has been addressed. This has lead to two different approaches: Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) and Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis (or Aid) (MCDA). Having the most recent world economic and financial trends as a background, this paper aims to highlight the relationship between MCDA and financial decisions in a banking context. The paper is based on previous work of well-known authors in the financial decisionmaking field, but highlights new findings and presents a multicriteria framework for retail banking in order to increase the interest of the MCDA approach for banking issues. In particular, the framework offers a holistic view of banking activities at a bank branch level, where at least eight different phases, when correctly integrated and performed, provide banks with a greater capacity to support decisions and to adapt strategies to a permanent changing environment. The paper discusses insights, advantages and disadvantages of MCDA to provide recommendations for successful applications of this approach in similar contexts

    Rehabilitation Settings After Joint Replacement: An Application of Multiattribute Preference Elicitation

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    While advances in medical treatment and technologies have the potential to improve the delivery of health care, their use typically involves making multiple, complex decisions. Patients and their medical providers may share in the decision-making processes and balance a variety of criteria and/or attributes in the pursuit of improved health. This necessitates a stronger understanding of the role of human behavior in health care processes and presents a timely opportunity to use decision analysis tools to contribute to this important aspect of health care operations. This article reports on the application of multiattribute preference elicitation to identify postsurgical rehabilitation setting options for elective hip and knee replacement patients and their discharge planning team prior to placement in these settings. These preferences are analyzed to identify trends in emphases across patients and the discharge planning team, including a comparison with actual outcomes to determine the extent of congruence with each other, an important component of patient-centered care. Variances are identified in what patients and the discharge planning team expected and what actually happened. Reasons for these variances are discussed

    Factors associated with the decision to investigate child protective services referrals: a systematic review

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    Background: Limited resources for child protection create challenging decision situations for child protective services (CPS) workers at the point of intake. A body of research has examined the factors associated with worker decisions and processes using a variety of methodological approaches to gain knowledge on decision-making. However, few attempts have been made to systematically review this literature. Objective: As part of a larger project on decision-making at intake, this systematic review addressed the question of the factors associated with worker decisions to investigate alleged maltreatment referrals. Methods: Quantitative studies that examined factors associated with screening decisions in CPS practice settings were included in the review. Database and other search methods were used to identify research published in English over a 35-year period (1980-2015). Findings: Of 1,147 identified sources, 18 studies were selected for full data extraction. The studies were conducted in the U.S., Canada, and Sweden and varied in methodological quality. Most studies examined case factors with few studies examining other domains. Conclusions: To inform CPS policy and practice, additional research is needed to examine the relationships between decision-making factors and case outcomes. Greater attention needs to be given to the organizational and external factors that influence decision-making

    Identifying robust response options to manage environmental change using an ecosystem approach:a stress-testing case study for the UK

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    A diverse range of response options was evaluated in terms of their utility for sustaining ecosystem services in the UK. Robustness of response options was investigated by applying a ‘stress-testing’ method which evaluated expected performance against combined scenarios of socioeconomic and climate change. Based upon stakeholder feedback, a reference scenario representing current trends in climate and socioeconomic drivers (‘business-as-usual’) was used as a dynamic baseline against which to compare results of other scenarios. The robustness of response options was evaluated by their utility in different environmental and social contexts as represented by the scenarios, and linked to their adaptability to adjust to changing conditions. Key findings demonstrate that adaptability becomes increasingly valuable as the magnitude and rate of future change diverges from current trends. Stress-testing also revealed that individual responses in isolation are unlikely to be robust meaning there are advantages from integrating cohesive combinations (bundles) of response options to maximise their individual strengths and compensate for weaknesses. This identifies a role for both top-down and bottom-up responses, including regulation, spatial targeting, incentives and partnership initiatives, and their use in combination through integrated assessment and planning consistent with the adoption of an Ecosystem Approach. Stress-testing approaches can have an important role in future-proofing policy appraisals but important knowledge gaps remain, especially for cultural and supporting ecosystem services. Finally, barriers and enablers to the implementation of more integrated long-term adaptive responses were identified drawing on the ‘4 Is’ (Institutions, Information, Incentives, Identity) conceptual framework. This highlighted the crucial but usually understated role of identity in promoting ownership and uptake of responses

    Using a Multiple-Case Studies Design to Investigate the Information-Seeking Behavior of Arts Administrators

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    The case study method, and in particular the multiple???case studies design, offers LIS researchers a proven tool for achieving a deep understanding of a specific phenomenon???-for example, the information- seeking behavior of a particular user group. Although the case study method has been dismissed by critics who question the rigor of the approach, numerous studies over the past twenty years have demonstrated that the case study method can be used successfully to probe beneath the surface of a situation and to provide a rich context for understanding the phenomena under study. This article summarizes the application of the multiple???case studies design, in which a literal and theoretical replication strategy is used to identify consistent patterns of behavior and to uncover new and/or divergent themes. The motivation behind arts administrators??? decisions to seek information is investigated using this approach and examples are given of sample selection, data collection, and analysis. Specific issues associated with the case study method are identified and practical steps used to address them are suggested.published or submitted for publicatio

    Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation with multiple-organ failure: Can molecular adsorbent recirculating system therapy improve survival?

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    BACKGROUND: Liver dialysis, molecular adsorbent recirculating system (MARS) particularly, has been used in liver failure to bridge to transplantation. We expanded the indication for MARS to patients with acute shock liver failure and cardiopulmonary failure on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), aiming to improve survival to wean from ECMO. METHODS: Retrospective chart analysis of patients on ECMO between 2010 and 2015 found 28 patients who met the criteria for acute liver failure, diagnosed by hyperbilirubinemia (total bilirubin ≥10 mg/dl) or by elevated transaminase (alanine transaminase \u3e1,000 IU/liter). Of these patients, 14 underwent MARS treatment (Group M), and 14 were supported with optimal medical treatment without MARS (Group C). Patient characteristics, liver function, and survival were compared between groups. RESULTS: Demographics, clinical risk factors, and pre-ECMO laboratory data were identical between the groups. MARS was used continuously for 8 days ± 9 in Group M. Total bilirubin, alanine transaminase, and international normalized ratio were improved significantly in Group M. There were no MARS-related complications. Survival to wean from ECMO for Group M was 64% (9/14) vs 21% (3/14) for Group C (p = 0.02). Mortality related to worsening liver dysfunction during ECMO was 40% (2/5 deaths) in Group M and 100% (11/11 deaths) in Group C (p = 0.004). The 30-day survival after ECMO was 43% (6/14) in Group M and 14% (2/14) in Group C (p = 0.09). CONCLUSIONS: MARS therapy in patients on ECMO safely accelerated recovery of liver function and improved survival to wean from ECMO, without increasing complications
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