11 research outputs found


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    In the paper a high-level Petri model for widespread queueing networks in production systems with many customers, several queues with independent production buffers and different service nodes is presented. Requests can be either single- or polytypic. Such parameters of system as productivity, queue length and waiting time are evaluated

    Mapping AADL to Petri Net Tool-Sets Using PNML Framework

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    Architecture Analysis and Design Language (AADL) has been utilized to specify and verify non- functional properties of Real-Time Embedded Systems (RTES) used in critical application systems. Examples of such critical application systems include medical devices, nuclear power plants, aer- ospace, financial, etc. Using AADL, an engineer is enable to analyze the quality of a system. For example, a developer can perform performance analysis such as end-to-end flow analysis to guarantee that system components have the required resources to meet the timing requirements relevant to their communications. The critical issue related to developing and deploying safety critical systems is how to validate the expected level of quality (e.g., safety, performance, security) and functionalities (capabilities) at design level. Currently, the core AADL is extensively applied to analyze and verify quality of RTES embed in the safety critical applications. The notation lacks the formal semantics needed to reason about the logical properties (e.g., deadlock, livelock, etc.) and capabilities of safety critical systems. The objective of this research is to augment AADL with exit- ing formal semantics and supporting tools in a manner that these properties can be automatically verified. Toward this goal, we exploit Petri Net Markup Language (PNML), which is a standard act- ing as the intermediate language between different classes of Petri Nets. Using PNML, we interface AADL with different classes of Petri nets, which support different types of tools and reasoning. The justification for using PNML is that the framework provides a context in which interoperability and exchangeability among different models of a system specified by different types of Petri nets is possible. The contributions of our work include a set of mappings and mapping rules between AADL and PNML. To show the feasibility of our approach, a fragment of RT-Embedded system, namely, Cruise Control System has been used

    Translation Of AADL To PNML To Ensure The Utilization Of Petri Nets

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    Architecture Analysis and Design Language (AADL), which is used to design and analyze software and hardware architectures of embedded and real-time systems, has proven to be a very efficient way of expressing the non-functional properties of safety-critical systems and architectural modeling. Petri nets are the graphical and mathematical modeling tools used to describe and study information processing systems characterized as concurrent and distributed. As AADL lacks the formal semantics needed to show the functional properties of such systems, the objective of this research was to extend AADL to enable other Petri nets to be incorporated into Petri Net Markup Language (PNML), an interchange language for Petri nets. PNML makes it possible to incorporate different types of analysis using different types of Petri net. To this end, the interchange format Extensible Markup Language (XML) was selected and AADL converted to AADL-XML (the XML format of AADL) and Petri nets to PNML, the XML-format of Petri nets, via XSLT script. PNML was chosen as the transfer format for Petri nets due to its universality, which enables designers to easily map PNML to many different types of Petri nets. Manual conversion of AADL to PNML is error-prone and tedious and thus requires automation, so XSLT script was utilized for the conversion of the two languages in their XML format. Mapping rules were defined for the conversion from AADL to PNML and the translation to XSLT automated. Finally, a PNML plug-in was designed and incorporated into the Open Source AADL Tool Environment (OSATE)

    Algoritma Time-based Alpha Miner untuk Memodelkan Proses Bisnis dan Pengoptimasian Menggunakan Sistem Manufaktur Fleksibel di Terminal Petikemas

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    Manajemen proses bisnis dilakukan untuk mendapatkan hasil yang diinginkan dalam waktu dan biaya yang optimum. Waktu yang optimum dapat dicapai dengan menambah sumber daya. Sedangkan, biaya yang optimum dapat dicapai dengan mengurangi sumber daya. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan sistem yang dapat mengoptimasi proses bisnis. Namun, optimasi hanya dapat bekerja apabila ada data model proses bisnis. Sehingga juga diperlukan sistem yang dapat mengenali proses bisnis. Proses bisnis bisa diperoleh dengan menggunakan teknik process discovery yang bekerja dengan menggali relasi dari data log. Relasi tersebut adalah sequence, paralel (XOR, OR, dan AND). Process discovery yang sudah ada dapat menggali relasi paralel (XOR, OR, dan AND), sequence, perulangan (loop), non-free choice, dan invisible task. Selain itu, sebagian besar process discovery yang sudah ada juga menggunakan single timestamp untuk menemukan model proses. Di dalam penelitian yang telah dilakukan oleh peneliti-peneliti sebelumnya, aktivitas dapat diparalelkan dengan cara mengetahui hubungan resiprokal (misal: aktivitas A berelasi sequence kepada aktivitas B dan sebaliknya) antaraktivitas untuk menggali relasi paralel dalam data log. Misal trace AB, BA untuk paralel antara aktivitas A dan B. Namun, tidak dikaitkan dengan kondisi yang dibutuhkan untuk memparalelkan kedua aktivitas di data log. Untuk memparalelkan sebuah proses bisnis, aktivitas yang independen harus diidentifikasi terlebih dahulu, seperti aktivitas manakah dari proses bisnis yang dapat dilakukan bersamaan. Tingkat paralelisme tertinggi dicapai jika jumlah aktivitas yang diidentifikasi sebagai independen dapat dimaksimalkan. Secara umum, identifikasi ini didasarkan pada waktu dan tempat eksekusi aktivitas, aktivitas dapat di paralelisasi jika aktivitas pada entitas simulasi yang sama dijalankan dalam urutan timestamp. Untuk meningkatkan tingkat paralelisme, kami mengusulkan sebuah pendekatan baru yang mengidentifikasi kriteria independensi lain: Jika dua aktivitas pada entitas simulasi yang sama mengakses item data yang sama dengan cara yang berbeda, mereka dapat dieksekusi secara paralel. Pada Tesis ini akan diusulkan kondisi yang diperlukan untuk memparalelkan dua kegiatan di dalam data log dan mengembangkan sistem yang dapat memodelkan relasi proses bisnis secara otomatis dan dapat mengoptimasi biaya dan waktu sekaligus. Optimasi biaya dan waktu dilakukan dengan mempertimbangkan sumber daya (machine) dengan menggunakan Sistem Manufaktur Fleksibel (FMS) untuk memperoleh jumlah total mesin dapat berganti fungsi dalam satu hari dan satu bulan serta Goal Programming yang digunakan untuk mengoptimasi biaya dan waktu dari setiap departemen sehingga menghasilkan nilai waktu dan biaya yang optimum. Hasil eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa algoritma Modified Time-based Alpha Miner dapat menemukan model proses dengan benar serta relasi paralel AND, OR dan XOR, sementara algoritma original Alpha hanya dapat mengkategorikan relasi paralel menjadi AND dan XOR. Setelah model proses ditemukan, dengan menggunakan Sistem Manufaktur Fleksibel, Departemen Behandle dan Karantina dapat dieksekusi paralel dengan merubah fungsi mesin RTGC menjadi HT Truck. Dengan menggunakan kakas bantu LEKIN dan metode First Come First Serve (FCFS), hasil penjadwalan di Terminal Petikemas dapat diketahui berdasarkan jenis containernya. Lalu, hasil optimasi dengan Goal programming adalah waktu maksimum setiap aktivitas yang diminimalkan menjadi rata-rata durasi eksekusi per aktivitas dan biaya yang dapat dihemat dari waktu maksimum tersebut. ====================================================================================== Bussiness process management is used to produce product within optimized time and cost. The optimized time can be achieved by adding resource; whereas, the optimized cost can be achieved by decreasing resource. Therefore, it is needed a system to optimize business process. However, the optimization only works if business process model available. Hence, it is also needed a system to discover business process. Business process can be obtained by using process discovery technique that works by mining relation from event log. The relation which can be obtained is sequence and parallel (XOR, OR, and AND). Existing process discovery can discover the parallel relations (XOR, OR, and AND), sequence, loop, non-free choice, and invisible task. In addition, most existing discovery processes use single timestamp to discover the process model. In previous study done by researchers, activity can be paralleled by knowing the reciprocal relationship (e.g. activity A has sequence relation to activity B and vice versa) to mine the parallel relation in the event log, e.g. trace AB, BA to parallel between activity A and B. However, it does not have necessary condition to parallelize the two activities in the event log. To parallelize simulations of business process, independent activities have to be identified, which can be executed concurrently. The highest level of parallelism is achieved if the number of activities identified as independent is maximized. Traditionally, this identification is based on time and location of activities, only allowing parallelization if activities on the same simulation entity are executed in timestamp order. To increase the level of parallelism, we propose a novel approach investigating another criterion for independence: If two activities on the same simulation entity do not access the same data items in a conflicting manner, they can as well be executed in parallel. In this Thesis research, we will propose the necessary conditions to parallelize two activities in the event log and develop a system that can model business processes automatically and can optimize the cost and time at once. Cost and time optimization is done by considering the resources (machine) by using Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) to obtain the total number of machines can change the function in one day and one month and Goal Programming which is used to optimize cost and time of each department so as to generate value optimum time and cost. The experimental results show that Modified Time-based Alpha Miner algorithm can find process models correctly and gateway parallel AND, OR and XOR, while the original Alpha Miner algorithm can only categorize parallel relations into AND and XOR. Once the modeling process is found, using the Flexible Manufacturing System, the Behandle and Quarantine departments can be executed parallel by changing the function of the RTGC engine to HT Truck. By using LEKIN tools and First Come First Serve (FCFS) method, the scheduling result in container terminal can be known based on container type. Then, the optimization result with Goal programming is the maximum time each activity is minimized to the average duration of execution per activity and the cost can be saved from that maximum time

    Платформи з LCNC і їх відмінності від SOA на прикладі сенсорних медичних систем

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    Дану роботу присвячено порівнянню різних методів розробки систем. Це порівняння класичного традиційного програмування за концепцією SOA та відносно нової розробки на low-code/no-code платформах. У даній роботі проводиться аналіз технічної та бізнес-літератури, де описується загалом або детально кожен з методів розробки, розглядається тлумачення цих концепцій розробки під різними поглядами науковців, звичайних розробників та бізнес-аналітиків. Розглядається історичне становлення та причини, що призвели до виникнення архітектурної концепції SOA, поява та опис технологій, що зробили втілення концепції реальним. Також описуються причини виникнення LC/NC платформ як способу вирішення проблем сучасного бізнесу: нестачі часу та заощадження коштів. Теоретичне порівняння різних методів розробки підкріплюється практичним порівнянням на основі створення реального застосунку. Додаток, що розробляється та порівнюється є MVP медичної сенсорної системи, що має практичну користь у використанні її пацієнтами та лікарями за спостереженням зміни певних значень показників. Застосовуються такі середовища розробки як Android Studio, Visual Studio та OutSystems Service Studio. На основі практичного порівняння в роботі підкріплюються або спростовуються тезиси переваг та недоліків кожного з методів розробки. Виокремлюються окремі рекомендації застосувань LC/NC платформ та традиційної концепції SOA під окремі задачі. Загальний обсяг пояснювальної записки: 186 сторінок, включаючи 139 рисунків, 10 таблиць та 72 посилання.This work is devoted to the comparison of different methods of systems development. This is a comparison of classic traditional concept SOA programming and relatively new development on low-code / no-code platforms. This work analyzes the technical and business literature, which describes in general or in detail each of the development methods, and the interpretation of these development concepts under the different views of scientists, ordinary developers, and business analysts. The historical formation and the reasons that led to the emergence of the architectural concept of SOA, the emergence and description of technologies that made the implementation of the concept real. It also describes the reasons for the emergence of LC / NC platforms as a way to solve modern business problems: lack of time and savings. Theoretical comparison of different development methods is supported by practical comparisons based on the creation of a real application. The application developed and compared is the MVP of the medical sensor system, which has practical benefits in its use by patients and physicians to monitor changes in certain values. Development environments such as Android Studio, Visual Studio, and OutSystems Service Studio are used. On the basis of practical comparison in the work, the theses of advantages and disadvantages of each of the development methods are supported or refuted. Some recommendations for the use of LC / NC platforms and the traditional concept of SOA for individual tasks are highlighted. Total explanatory note volume: 186 pages, including 139 images, 10 tables and 72 references

    A process algebra for wireless mesh networks used for modelling, verifying and analysing AODV

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    We propose AWN (Algebra for Wireless Networks), a process algebra tailored to the modelling of Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) and Wireless Mesh Network (WMN) protocols. It combines novel treatments of local broadcast, conditional unicast and data structures. In this framework we present a rigorous analysis of the Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) protocol, a popular routing protocol designed for MANETs and WMNs, and one of the four protocols currently standardised by the IETF MANET working group. We give a complete and unambiguous specification of this protocol, thereby formalising the RFC of AODV, the de facto standard specification, given in English prose. In doing so, we had to make non-evident assumptions to resolve ambiguities occurring in that specification. Our formalisation models the exact details of the core functionality of AODV, such as route maintenance and error handling, and only omits timing aspects. The process algebra allows us to formalise and (dis)prove crucial properties of mesh network routing protocols such as loop freedom and packet delivery. We are the first to provide a detailed proof of loop freedom of AODV. In contrast to evaluations using simulation or model checking, our proof is generic and holds for any possible network scenario in terms of network topology, node mobility, etc. Due to ambiguities and contradictions the RFC specification allows several interpretations; we show for more than 5000 of them whether they are loop free or not, thereby demonstrating how the reasoning and proofs can relatively easily be adapted to protocol variants. Using our formal and unambiguous specification, we find shortcomings of AODV that affect performance, e.g. the establishment of non-optimal routes, and some routes not being found at all. We formalise improvements in the same process algebra; carrying over the proofs is again easy

    Propuesta de mejora del proceso de monitoreo de la cartera de proyectos de una firma de auditoría apoyada en una solución tecnológica

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    Trabajo Final de Graduación (Licenciatura en Administración de Tecnología de Información) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Área Académica de Administración de Tecnologías de Información, 2020La toma de decisiones, por parte de las compañías, las conducen a la consecución de futuros resultados, ya sean positivos o negativos. Por este motivo, la información sobre la cual se basan dichas decisiones debería ser completa, íntegra y actual. El presente proyecto introduce una propuesta de mejora al monitoreo de la cartera de proyectos de una firma de auditoría. En consecuencia, se estableció una base conceptual que permitiese conocer, a fondo, los elementos por tratar. Posteriormente, se definió el procedimiento metodológico para cumplir con todos los objetivos establecidos, incluyendo los instrumentos de recopilación de información, como lo fueron las entrevistas y observaciones, para procesar y estructurar esta información por medio de un análisis, finalmente, se desarrolló una propuesta de solución contextualizada. En primera instancia, se analizó el estado actual del proceso, permitiendo conocer sus involucrados, requerimientos, etapas, plazos y oportunidades de mejora. Alcanzado este punto, se procedió a diseñar el estado deseado del proceso, basado en las mejores prácticas de la industria, con el modelo CMMI v2, como punto de referencia de aseguramiento de madurez y capacidad. Además, se incluyeron todas las necesidades de la organización, desde los niveles operativos, tácticos y estratégicos. Posteriormente, se diseñó una herramienta capaz de habilitar dicho proceso, y que garantizara la cobertura de todos los requerimientos. Finalmente, se generó una propuesta de implementación, la cual se enfoca en mitigar la resistencia al cambio, sin comprometer el nivel de madurez y capacidad del nuevo proceso propuesto. De esta manera, se propone un nuevo proceso de monitoreo de la cartera de proyectos, al centralizar la información, para permitir a la alta gerencia del departamento tomar decisiones basadas en el estado actual de la cartera completa, en toda la región de América Central.Decision making is what drives companies towards their future results, whether positive or negative. Given this, the information upon which this decision making relies should be as complete and up to date as possible. This project introduces an improvement proposal to an audit firm’s project portfolio monitoring process. Therefore, a conceptual base was stablished, which would allow a thorough understanding of the elements being dealt with. Following this, a methodological proceeding was defined, including the information recollection instruments to be used, such as interviews and observations, which would allow the processing and structuring of this information. Finally, a solution proposal was developed. As a first step, the process’ current state was analyzed, allowing to determine its stakeholders, requirements, stages, terms and improvement opportunities. Following this, an ideal state was designed for the process, based on industry-defined best practices, using CMMI v2, as benchmark of process maturity and capability assurance. The organization’s operational, tactical and strategic needs were considered in this process. Having completed these, a process-enabling tool was designed, which was able to fulfill all the defined requirements. Finally, an implementation proposal was generated, focused on change resistance mitigation, without compromising the acquired capability and maturity levels within the new process. As a result, a new project portfolio monitoring process is proposed, by centralizing information, which allows upper management to take decisions based on the whole portfolio’s current state for the Central American region

    Zertifizierbarer Entwicklungsprozess für komplexe Informationsverarbeitungssysteme in der Wägetechnik

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    The dissertation is about principles, methods and techniques during the systematic development of embedded systems in the domain of measurement techniques. The considered domain contains fields of application with challenging and specific requirements of the information processing system. E.g. the dynamic weighing systems need solutions with very high resolution and lowest achievable measurement uncertainty in order to perform high-speed-measurements in a mechanically disturbed environment. In particular, the abilities for official calibration and metrologic reliability are considered. The complex and high-performance functions are required to guarantee measurement results. FPGA-based systems are used for the implementation of these functions.The especially designed certifiable development process (ZEfIRA) provides a procedural method for the development of complex embedded systems. The metrologic reliability, the legal requirements like calibratability, the validation and the verification are included as a general criteria in the entire development process. ZEfIRA is based on the 3W-model and is designed in an evolutionary manner. This process starts with the analysis of a predecessor system followed by the model-based development of a prototype, which leads into an optimized and application-specific product solution.The study emphasizes the influence of challenging requirements on the measurement system. It will be presented, how these can be integrated into the modelling level during the design and the implementation on a FPGA-based target platform. The stages of the functional and technical design of the system are analysed, whereas the realization of the partitions “FPGA logic” and “FPGA softcore solutions” are discussed in detail.Based on the preliminary design of the information processing in an electromagnetic force compensation (EMC) scale, the applicability of the process ZEfIRA and its developed methods and principles are proved. On the one hand, the optimal system-specific algorithms of signal processing, control and safety and on the other hand whose technical implementation are essential. This was realized with different performance parameters. In addition, the prototype allows the possible comprehensive analysis for embedding system. In the conclusion, the performance of ZEfIRA based on the prototype development is evaluated.Die Dissertation befasst sich mit Prinzipien, Methoden und Techniken der systematischen Entwicklung von komplexen Eingebetteten Systemen. Die betrachtete Domäne besitzt Anwendungsbereiche mit anspruchsvollen und besonderen Anforderungen an die Informationsverarbeitung. In der dynamischen Wägetechnik sind z.B. Lösungen mit sehr hohen Auflösungen und kleiner Messunsicherheit bei schnellen Messungen in einem mechanisch gestörten Umfeld notwendig. Die Anforderungen an die Eichfähigkeit und die Metrologische Sicherheit sind Besonderheiten. Es werden komplexe und hochleistungsfähige Funktionen zur Erzeugung der Messergebnisse verlangt. In der Arbeit werden dafür vorwiegend FPGA-basierte Eingebettete Systeme verwendet. Der entworfene zertifizierbare Prozess (ZEfIRA) bietet eine Vorgehensweise für die Entwicklung von Eingebetteten Systemen. Die Metrologische Sicherheit, die Eichfähigkeit, die Validier- und der Verifizierbarkeit werden als Kriterien im gesamten Entwurfsprozess berücksichtigt. ZEfIRA basiert auf einem 3W-Modell und ist evolutionär angelegt. Innerhalb des Prozesses werden die Analyse eines eventuellen Vorläufersystems sowie die modellbasierte prototypische Entwicklung bis hin zu einer produzierbaren Lösung (Produkt) durchgeführt. Die Arbeit verdeutlicht den großen Einfluss der spezifischen Anforderungen an das Messsystem. Es wird gezeigt, wie diese bereits zu der Entwurfszeit auf Modellebene und im Weiteren bei der Implementierung in einer FPGA-basierten Zielplattform berücksichtigt werden. Es werden verschiedene Schritte des funktionalen und technischen Systementwurfs untersucht und ausführlich die Realisierungspartitionen „FPGA-Logik“ und „FPGA-Softcore-Lösungen“ betrachtet. Als Beispiel zum Nachweis der Anwendbarkeit des Prozesses ZEfIRA dient die prototypische Entwicklung des Informationsverarbeitungssystems einer elektromagnetischen Kraftkompensationswaage (EMKW). Ausschlaggebend sind die optimal an das Gesamtsystem angepassten Signalverarbeitungs-, Regelungs- und Sicherheitsalgorithmen und deren technische Umsetzung. Dieses wurde mit verschiedenen Leistungsparametern, wie z.B. Latenz, Verarbeitungskomplexität und Genauigkeit realisiert. Ergänzend ermöglicht der Prototyp umfassende Analysemöglichkeiten für das Messsystem. Die abschließende Wertung ist eine Abschätzung der Leistungsfähigkeit von ZEfIRA auf Basis dieser prototypischen Entwicklung

    Arquitectura asimétrica multicore con procesador de Petri

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    Se ha determinado, en una arquitectura multi-Core SMP, el lugar donde incorporar el PP o el HPP sin alterar el ISA del resto de los core. Se ha obtenido una familia de procesadores que ejecutan los algoritmos de Petri para dar solución a sistemas reactivos y concurrentes, con una sólida verificación formal que permite la programación directa de los procesadores. Para esto, se ha construido el hardware de un PP y un HPP, con un IP-Core en una FPGA, integrado a un sistema multi-Core SMP, que ejecuta distintos tipo de RdP. Esta familia de procesadores es configurable en distintos aspectos: - Tamaño del procesador (cantidad de plazas y transiciones). - Procesadores con tiempo y procesadores temporales. - Arquitectura heterogénea, que permite distribuir los recursos empleados para instanciar el procesador según se requiera, y obtener un ahorro sustancial. - La posibilidad de configurar el procesador en pos de obtener los requerimientos y minimizar los recursos. Muy valorado en la construcción de sistemas embebidos. En los sistemas con alta necesidad de concurrencia y sincronización, donde se ha evaluado este procesador, las prestaciones han mostrado una importante mejora en el desempeño. El procesador tiene la capacidad de resolver simultáneamente, por conjuntos múltiples disparos, lo que disminuye los tiempos de consulta y decisión, además los programas ejecutados cumplen con los formalismos de las RdP extendidas y sincronizadas, y los resultados de su ejecución son determinísticos. Los tiempos de respuesta para determinar una sincronización son de dos ciclos por consulta (entre la solicitud de un disparo y la respuesta).Facultad de Informátic