9 research outputs found

    Practical experience with Nebelung: the runtime support for transactional memory and OpenMP

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    Transactional Memory (TM) is a key future technology for emerging many-cores. On the other hand, OpenMP provides a vast established base for writing parallel programs, especially for scientific applications. Combining TM with OpenMP provides a rich, enhanced programming environment and an attractive solution to the many-core software productivity problem. In this paper, we discuss the runtime environment for supporting our combined TM and OpenMP framework. Through motivating examples, we briefly illustrate how the combined TM/OpenMP can facilitate writing parallel programs. We then discuss issues in runtime environment design. In another contribution, we introduce a set of applications that we specifically developed for our combined TM/OpenMP framework. Using those applications, we show how we can use the rich features provided by TM such as retry to support efficient TM/OpenMP programs. We also include an initial performance analysis of the runtime using the applications.Postprint (published version

    Transaction processing core for accelerating software transactional memory

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    Submitted for review to MICRO-40 conference the 9th of June 2007This paper introduces an advanced hardware based approach for accelerating Software Transactional Memory (STM). The proposed solution focuses on speeding up conflict detection that grows polynomially with the number of concurrently running transactions and shared to transaction-local address resolution, which is the most frequent STM operation. This is achieved by logic split in two hardware units: Transaction Processing Core and Transactional Memory Look-Aside Buffer. The Transaction Processing Core is a separate hardware unit which does eager conflict detection and address resolution by indexing transactional objects based on their virtual addresses. The Transactional Memory Look-aside Buffer is a per-processor extension that caches the translated addresses by the Transaction Processing Core. The effect of its function is a reduced bus traffic and the time spent for communication between the CPUs and the Transaction Processing Core. Compared with other existing solutions, our approach mainly differs in proposing an implementation that is not based on the processor cache but a separate on-chip core, uses virtual addresses, does not require application modification and is further enhanced by Transactional Memory Look-Aside Buffer. Our experiments confirm the potential of the Transaction Processing Core to dramatically speed up STM systems.Postprint (published version

    An OpenMP Extension that Supports Thread-Level Speculation

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    Producción CientíficaOpenMP directives are the de-facto standard for shared-memory parallel programming. However, OpenMP does not guarantee the correctness of the parallel execution of a given loop if runtime data dependences arise. Consequently, many highly-parallel regions cannot be safely parallelized with OpenMP due to the possibility of a dependence violation. In this paper, we propose to augment OpenMP capabilities, by adding thread-level speculation (TLS) support. Our contribution is threefold. First, we have defined a new speculative clause for variables inside parallel loops. This clause ensures that all accesses to these variables will be carried out according to sequential semantics. Second, we have created a new, software-based TLS runtime library to ensure correctness in the parallel execution of OpenMP loops that include speculative variables. Third, we have developed a new GCC plugin, which seamlessly translates our OpenMP speculative clause into calls to our TLS runtime engine. The result is the ATLaS C Compiler framework, which takes advantage of TLS techniques to expand OpenMP functionalities, and guarantees the sequential semantics of any parallelized loop.Castilla-Leon Regional Government (VA172A12-2, PIRTU); Ministerio de Industria, Spain (CENIT OCEANLIDER); MICINN (Spain) and the European Union FEDER (MOGECOPP project TIN2011- 25639, CAPAP-H3 network TIN2010-12011-E, CAPAPH4 network TIN2011-15734-E)

    Adaptive transaction scheduling for transactional memory systems

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    Transactional memory systems are expected to enable parallel programming at lower programming complexity, while delivering improved performance over traditional lock-based systems. Nonetheless, there are certain situations where transactional memory systems could actually perform worse. Transactional memory systems can outperform locks only when the executing workloads contain sufficient parallelism. When the workload lacks inherent parallelism, launching excessive transactions can adversely degrade performance. These situations will actually become dominant in future workloads when large-scale transactions are frequently executed. In this thesis, we propose a new paradigm called adaptive transaction scheduling to address this issue. Based on the parallelism feedback from applications, our adaptive transaction scheduler dynamically dispatches and controls the number of concurrently executing transactions. In our case study, we show that our low-cost mechanism not only guarantees that hardware transactional memory systems perform no worse than a single global lock, but also significantly improves performance for both hardware and software transactional memory systems.M.S.Committee Chair: Lee, Hsien-Hsin; Committee Member: Blough, Douglas; Committee Member: Yalamanchili, Sudhaka

    Enhancing the efficiency and practicality of software transactional memory on massively multithreaded systems

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    Chip Multithreading (CMT) processors promise to deliver higher performance by running more than one stream of instructions in parallel. To exploit CMT's capabilities, programmers have to parallelize their applications, which is not a trivial task. Transactional Memory (TM) is one of parallel programming models that aims at simplifying synchronization by raising the level of abstraction between semantic atomicity and the means by which that atomicity is achieved. TM is a promising programming model but there are still important challenges that must be addressed to make it more practical and efficient in mainstream parallel programming. The first challenge addressed in this dissertation is that of making the evaluation of TM proposals more solid with realistic TM benchmarks and being able to run the same benchmarks on different STM systems. We first introduce a benchmark suite, RMS-TM, a comprehensive benchmark suite to evaluate HTMs and STMs. RMS-TM consists of seven applications from the Recognition, Mining and Synthesis (RMS) domain that are representative of future workloads. RMS-TM features current TM research issues such as nesting and I/O inside transactions, while also providing various TM characteristics. Most STM systems are implemented as user-level libraries: the programmer is expected to manually instrument not only transaction boundaries, but also individual loads and stores within transactions. This library-based approach is increasingly tedious and error prone and also makes it difficult to make reliable performance comparisons. To enable an "apples-to-apples" performance comparison, we then develop a software layer that allows researchers to test the same applications with interchangeable STM back ends. The second challenge addressed is that of enhancing performance and scalability of TM applications running on aggressive multi-core/multi-threaded processors. Performance and scalability of current TM designs, in particular STM desings, do not always meet the programmer's expectation, especially at scale. To overcome this limitation, we propose a new STM design, STM2, based on an assisted execution model in which time-consuming TM operations are offloaded to auxiliary threads while application threads optimistically perform computation. Surprisingly, our results show that STM2 provides, on average, speedups between 1.8x and 5.2x over state-of-the-art STM systems. On the other hand, we notice that assisted-execution systems may show low processor utilization. To alleviate this problem and to increase the efficiency of STM2, we enriched STM2 with a runtime mechanism that automatically and adaptively detects application and auxiliary threads' computing demands and dynamically partition hardware resources between the pair through the hardware thread prioritization mechanism implemented in POWER machines. The third challenge is to define a notion of what it means for a TM program to be correctly synchronized. The current definition of transactional data race requires all transactions to be totally ordered "as if'' serialized by a global lock, which limits the scalability of TM designs. To remove this constraint, we first propose to relax the current definition of transactional data race to allow a higher level of concurrency. Based on this definition we propose the first practical race detection algorithm for C/C++ applications (TRADE) and implement the corresponding race detection tool. Then, we introduce a new definition of transactional data race that is more intuitive, transparent to the underlying TM implementation, can be used for a broad set of C/C++ TM programs. Based on this new definition, we proposed T-Rex, an efficient and scalable race detection tool for C/C++ TM applications. Using TRADE and T-Rex, we have discovered subtle transactional data races in widely-used STAMP applications which have not been reported in the past

    Performance Optimization Strategies for Transactional Memory Applications

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    This thesis presents tools for Transactional Memory (TM) applications that cover multiple TM systems (Software, Hardware, and hybrid TM) and use information of all different layers of the TM software stack. Therefore, this thesis addresses a number of challenges to extract static information, information about the run time behavior, and expert-level knowledge to develop these new methods and strategies for the optimization of TM applications

    An Adaptive Middleware for Improved Computational Performance

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    Transactional Memory and OpenMP

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    Abstract. Future generations of Chip Multiprocessors (CMP) will provide dozens or even hundreds of cores inside the chip. Writing applications that benefit from the massive computational power offered by these chips is not going to be an easy task for mainstream programmers who are used to sequential algorithms rather than parallel ones. This paper explores the possibility of using Transactional Memory (TM) in OpenMP, the industrial standard for writing parallel programs on shared-memory architectures, for C, C++, and Fortran. One of the major complexities in writing OpenMP applications is the use of critical regions (locks), atomic regions and barriers to synchronize the execution of parallel activities in threads. TM has been proposed as a mechanism that abstracts some of the complexities associated with concurrent access to shared data while enabling scalable performance. The paper presents a first proof-of-concept implementation of OpenMP with TM. Some extensions to the language are proposed to express transactions. These extensions are handled by our source-to-source OpenMP Mercurium compiler and our Software Transactional Memory (STM) library Nebelung that supports the code generated by Mercurium. The current implementation of the library has no support at the hardware level, so it is a proof-of-concept implementation. Hardware Transactional Memory (HTM) or Hardware-assisted STM (HaSTM) are seen as possible paths to make the tandem TM-OpenMP more usable. The paper finishes with a set of open issues that still need to be addressed, either in OpenMP or in the hardware/software implementations of TM.

    Transactional memory and OpenMp

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    Future generations of Chip Multiprocessors (CMP) will provide dozens or even hundreds of cores inside the chip. Writing applications that benefit from the massive computational power offered by these chips is not going to be an easy task for mainstream programmers who are used to sequential algorithms rather than parallel ones. This paper explores the possibility of using Transactional Memory (TM) in OpenMP, the industrial standard for writing parallel programs on shared-memory architectures, for C, C++, and Fortran. One of the major complexities in writing OpenMP applications is the use of critical regions (locks), atomic regions and barriers to synchronize the execution of parallel activities in threads. TM has been proposed as a mechanism that abstracts some of the complexities associated with concurrent access to shared data while enabling scalable performance. The paper presents a first proof-of-concept implementation of OpenMP with TM. Some extensions to the language are proposed to express transactions. These extensions are handled by our source-to-source OpenMP Mercurium compiler and our Software Transactional Memory (STM) library Nebelung that supports the code generated by Mercurium. The current implementation of the library has no support at the hardware level, so it is a proof-of-concept implementation. Hardware Transactional Memory (HTM) or Hardware-assisted STM (HaSTM) are seen as possible paths to make the tandem TM-OpenMP more usable. The paper finishes with a set of open issues that still need to be addressed, either in OpenMP or in the hardware/software implementations of TM.Peer Reviewe