12 research outputs found

    LiFTinG: Lightweight Freerider-Tracking Protocol in Gossip

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    This report presents LiFTinG, the first protocol to detect freeriders, including colluding ones, in gossip-based content dissemination systems with asymmetric data exchanges. LiFTinG relies on nodes tracking abnormal behaviors by cross-checking the history of their previous interactions, and exploits the fact that nodes pick neighbors at random to prevent colluding nodes from covering up each others' bad actions. We present a methodology to set the parameters of LiFTinG based on a theoretical analysis. In addition to simulations, we report on the deployment of LiFTinG on PlanetLab. In a 300-node system, where a stream of 674 kbps is broadcast, LiFTinG incurs a maximum overhead of only 8% while providing good results: for instance, with 10% of freeriders decreasing their contribution by 30%, LiFTinG detects 86% of the freeriders after only 30 seconds and wrongfully expels only a few honest nodes

    Live Streaming with Gossip

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    Peer-to-peer (P2P) architectures have emerged as a popular paradigm to support the dynamic and scalable nature of distributed systems. This is particularly relevant today, given the tremendous increase in the intensity of information exchanged over the Internet. A P2P system is typically composed of participants that are willing to contribute resources, such as memory or bandwidth, in the execution of a collaborative task providing a benefit to all participants. File sharing is probably the most widely used collaborative task, where each participant wants to receive an individual copy of some file. Users collaborate by sending fragments of the file they have already downloaded to other participants. Sharing files containing multimedia content, files that typically reach the hundreds of megabytes to gigabytes, introduces a number of challenges. Given typical bandwidths of participants of hundreds of kilobits per second to a couple of megabits per second, it is unacceptable to wait until completion of the download before actually being able to use the file as the download represents a non negligible time. From the point of view of the participant, getting the (entire) file as fast as possible is typically not good enough. As one example, Video on Demand (VoD) is a scenario where a participant would like to start previewing the multimedia content (the stream), offered by a source, even though only a fraction of it has been received, and then continue the viewing while the rest of the content is being received. Following the same line of reasoning, new applications have emerged that rely on live streaming: the source does not own a file that it wants to share with others, but shares content as soon as it is produced. In other words, the content to distribute is live, not pre-recorded and stored. Typical examples include the broadcasting of live sports events, conferences or interviews. The gossip paradigm is a type of data dissemination that relies on random communication between participants in a P2P system, sharing similarities with the epidemic dissemination of diseases. An epidemic starts to spread when the source randomly chooses a set of communication partners, of size fanout, and infects them, i.e., it shares a rumor with them. This set of participants, in turn, randomly picks fanout communication partners each and infects them, i.e., share with them the same rumor. This paradigm has many advantages including fast propagation of rumors, a probabilistic guarantee that each rumor reaches all participants, high resilience to churn (i.e., participants that join and leave) and high scalability. Gossip therefore constitutes a candidate of choice for live streaming in large-scale systems. These advantages, however, come at a price. While disseminating data, gossip creates many duplicates of the same rumor and participants usually receive multiple copies of the same rumor. While this is obviously a feature when it comes to guaranteeing good dissemination of the rumor when churn is high, it is a clear disadvantage when spreading large amounts of multimedia data (i.e., ordered and time-critical) to participants with limited resources, namely upload bandwidth in the case of high-bandwidth content dissemination. This thesis therefore investigates if and how the gossip paradigm can be used as a highly effcient communication system for live streaming under the following specific scenarios: (i) where participants can only contribute limited resources, (ii) when these limited resources are heterogeneously distributed among nodes, and (iii) where only a fraction of participants are contributing their fair share of work while others are freeriding. To meet these challenges, this thesis proposes (i) gossip++: a gossip-based protocol especially tailored for live streaming that separates the dissemination of metadata, i.e., the location of the data, and the dissemination of the data itself. By first spreading the location of the content to interested participants, the protocol avoids wasted bandwidth in sending and receiving duplicates of the payload, (ii) HEAP: a fanout adaptation mechanism that enables gossip to adapt participants' contribution with respect to their resources while still preserving its reliability, and (iii) LiFT: a protocol to secure high-bandwidth gossip-based dissemination protocols against freeriders

    Collusions and Privacy in Rational-Resilient Gossip

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    Gossip-based content dissemination protocols are a scalable and cheap alternative to centralized content sharing systems. However, it is well known that these protocols suffer from rational nodes, i.e., nodes that aim at downloading the content without contributing their fair share to the system. While the problem of rational nodes that act individually has been well addressed in the literature, colluding rational nodes is still an open issue. In addition, previous rational-resilient gossip-based solutions require nodes to log their interactions with others, and disclose the content of their logs, which may disclose sensitive information. Nowadays, a consensus exists on the necessity of reinforcing the control of users on their personal information. Nonetheless, to the best of our knowledge no privacy-preserving rational-resilient gossip-based content dissemination system exists. The contributions of this thesis are twofold. First, we present AcTinG, a protocol that prevents rational collusions in gossip-based content dissemination protocols, while guaranteeing zero false positive accusations. AcTing makes nodes maintain secure logs and mutually check each others’ correctness thanks to verifiable but non predictable audits. As a consequence of its design, it is shown to be a Nash-equilibrium. A performance evaluation shows that AcTinG is able to deliver all messages despite the presence of colluders, and exhibits similar scalability properties as standard gossip-based dissemination protocols. Second, we describe P AG, the first accountable and privacy-preserving gossip pro- tocol. P AG builds on a monitoring infrastructure, and homomorphic cryptographic procedures to provide privacy to nodes while making sure that nodes forward the content they receive. The theoretical evaluation of P AG shows that breaking the privacy of interactions is difficult, even in presence of a global and active opponent. We assess this protocol both in terms of privacy and performance using a deployment performed on a cluster of machines, simulations involving up to a million of nodes, and theoretical proofs. The bandwidth overhead is much lower than existing anonymous communication protocols, while still being practical in terms of CPU usage


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    I sistemi distribuiti cooperativi, tra cui in particolare i sistemi peer-to-peer, sono oggi alla base di applicazioni Internet di larga diffusione come file-sharing e media streaming, nonch\ue9 di tecnologie emergenti quali Blockchain e l'Internet of Things. Uno dei fattori chiave per il successo di un sistema cooperativo \ue8 che i nodi che vi partecipano mettano a disposizione della comunit\ue0 una parte delle proprie risorse (es. capacit\ue0 di calcolo, banda, spazio disco). Alcuni nodi, poich\ue9 controllati da agenti autonomi e indipendenti, potrebbero tuttavia agire egoisticamente e scegliere di non condividere alcuna risorsa, spinti dall'obiettivo di massimizzare la propria utilit\ue0 anche se a danno delle prestazioni dell'intero sistema. Affrontare l'egoismo dei nodi rappresenta dunque un'attivit\ue0 imprescindibile per lo sviluppo di un sistema cooperativo affidabile e performante. Nonostante il grande numero di tecniche ed approcci presenti in letteratura, tale attivit\ue0 richiede elaborazioni complesse, manuali e laboriose, nonch\ue9 conoscenze approfondite in vari domini di applicazione. Obiettivo di questa tesi \ue8 di fornire strumenti sia pratici che teorici per semplificare lo studio e il contrasto dei comportamenti egoistici nei sistemi cooperativi. Il primo contributo, basato su un'analisi esaustiva dello stato dell'arte sull'egoismo in sistemi distribuiti, presenta un framework di classificazione finalizzato all'identificazione e comprensione dei comportamenti egoistici pi\uf9 importanti su cui concentrarsi durante la progettazione di un sistema cooperativo. Come secondo contributo, presentiamo RACOON, un framework per la progettazione e configurazione di sistemi cooperativi resilienti all'egoismo dei nodi. L'obiettivo di RACOON \ue8 di semplificare tali attivit\ue0 fornendo una metodologia generale e semi-automatica, capace di integrare in un dato sistema pratici meccanismi di incentivo alla cooperazione, attentamente calibrati in modo da raggiungere gli obiettivi di resilienza e performance desiderati. A tal fine, RACOON impiega sia strumenti analitici appartenenti alla teoria dei giochi che metodi simulativi, che vengono utilizzati per fare previsioni sul comportamento del sistema in presenza di nodi egoisti. In questa tesi presentiamo inoltre una versione estesa del framework, chiamata RACOON++, sviluppata per migliorare l'accuratezza, flessibilit\ue0 e usabilit\ue0 del framework originale. Infine, come ultimo contributo del lavoro di tesi, presentiamo SEINE, un framework per la rapida modellazione e analisi sperimentale di vari tipi di comportamenti egoistici in un dato sistema cooperativo. Il framework \ue8 basato su un nuovo linguaggio specifico di dominio (SEINE-L) sviluppato per la descrizione degli scenari di egoismo da analizzare. SEINE fornisce inoltre supporto semi-automatico per l'implementazione e lo studio di tali scenari in un simulatore di sistemi distribuiti selezionato dallo stato dell'arte.Cooperative distributed systems, particularly peer-to-peer systems, are the basis of several mainstream Internet applications (e.g., file-sharing, media streaming) and the key enablers of new and emerging technologies, including blockchain and the Internet of Things. Essential to the success of cooperative systems is that nodes are willing to cooperate with each other by sharing part of their resources, e.g., network bandwidth, CPU capability, storage space. However, as nodes are autonomous entities, they may be tempted to behave in a selfish manner by not contributing their fair share, potentially causing system performance degradation and instability. Addressing selfish nodes is, therefore, key to building efficient and reliable cooperative systems. Yet, it is a challenging task, as current techniques for analysing selfishness and designing effective countermeasures remain manual and time-consuming, requiring multi-domain expertise. In this thesis, we aim to provide practical and conceptual tools to help system designers in dealing with selfish nodes. First, based on a comprehensive survey of existing work on selfishness, we develop a classification framework to identify and understand the most important selfish behaviours to focus on when designing a cooperative system. Second, we propose RACOON, a unifying framework for the selfishness-aware design and configuration of cooperative systems. RACOON provides a semi-automatic methodology to integrate a given system with practical and finely tuned mechanisms to meet specified resilience and performance objectives, using game theory and simulations to predict the behaviour of the system when subjected to selfish nodes. An extension of the framework (RACOON++) is also proposed to improve the accuracy, flexibility, and usability of RACOON. Finally, we propose SEINE, a framework for fast modelling and evaluation of various types of selfish behaviour in a given cooperative system. SEINE relies on a domain-specific language for describing the selfishness scenario to evaluate and provides semi-automatic support for its implementation and study in a state-of-the-art simulator.Les syst\ue8mes distribu\ue9s collaboratifs, en particulier les syst\ue8mes pair-\ue0-pair, forment l\u2019infrastructure sous-jacente de nombreuses applications Internet, certaines parmi les plus populaires (ex\ua0: partage de fichiers, streaming multim\ue9dia). Ils se situent \ue9galement \ue0 la base d\u2019un ensemble de technologies \ue9mergentes telles que la blockchain et l\u2019Internet des Objets. Le succ\ue8s de ces syst\ue8mes repose sur la contribution volontaire, de la part des n\u153uds participants, aux ressources partag\ue9es (ex : bande passante r\ue9seau, puissance de calcul, stockage de donn\ue9es). Or ces n\u153uds sont des entit\ue9s autonomes qui peuvent consid\ue9rer comme plus avantageux de se comporter de mani\ue8re \ue9go\uefste, c\u2019est-\ue0- dire de refuser de collaborer. De tels comportements peuvent fortement impacter les performances et la stabilit\ue9 op\ue9rationnelles du syst\ue8me cible. Prendre en compte et pr\ue9venir les comportements \ue9go\uefstes des n\u153uds est donc essentiel pour garantir l\u2019efficacit\ue9 et la fiabilit\ue9 des syst\ue8mes coop\ue9ratifs. Cependant, cela exige du d\ue9veloppeur, en d\ue9pit de la grande quantit\ue9 de techniques et d\u2019approches propos\ue9es dans la litt\ue9rature, des connaissances multisectorielles approfondies. L'objectif de cette th\ue8se est de concevoir et \ue9tudier de nouveaux outils th\ue9oriques et pratiques pour aider les concepteurs de syst\ue8mes distribu\ue9s collaboratifs \ue0 faire face \ue0 des n\u153uds \ue9go\uefstes. La premi\ue8re contribution, bas\ue9e sur une analyse exhaustive de la litt\ue9rature sur les comportements \ue9go\uefstes dans les syst\ue8mes distribu\ue9s, propose un mod\ue8le de classification pour identifier et analyser les comportements \ue9go\uefstes les plus importants sur lesquels il est important de se concentrer lors de la conception d'un syst\ue8me coop\ue9ratif. Dans la deuxi\ue8me contribution, nous proposons RACOON, un framework pour la conception et la configuration de syst\ue8mes coop\ue9ratifs r\ue9silients aux comportements \ue9go\uefstes. Outre un ensemble de m\ue9canismes d'incitation \ue0 la coop\ue9ration, RACOON fournit une m\ue9thodologie semi-automatique d\u2019int\ue9gration et de calibration de ces m\ue9canismes de mani\ue8re \ue0 garantir le niveau de performance souhait\ue9. RACOON s\u2019appuie sur une analyse du syst\ue8me cible fond\ue9e sur la th\ue9orie des jeux et sur des simulations pour pr\ue9dire l\u2019existence de n\u153uds \ue9go\uefstes dans le syst\ue8me. RACOON a \ue9t\ue9 \ue9tendu en un deuxi\ue8me framework, RACOON++. Plus pr\ue9cis, plus flexible, RACOON++ offre \ue9galement une plus grande facilit\ue9 d'utilisation. Une derni\ue8re contribution, SEINE, propose un framework pour la mod\ue9lisation et l'analyse des diff\ue9rents types de comportements \ue9go\uefstes dans un syst\ue8me coop\ue9ratif. Bas\ue9 sur un langage d\ue9di\ue9, d\ue9velopp\ue9 pour d\ue9crire les sc\ue9narios de comportement \ue9go\uefstes, SEINE fournit un support semi-automatique pour la mise en \u153uvre et l'\ue9tude de ces sc\ue9narios dans un simulateur choisi sur la base de l\u2019\ue9tat de l\u2019art (PeerSim)


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    AI Governance Through a Transparency Lens

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    Axmedis 2005

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    The AXMEDIS conference aims to promote discussions and interactions among researchers, practitioners, developers and users of tools, technology transfer experts, and project managers, to bring together a variety of participants. The conference focuses on the challenges in the cross-media domain (which include production, protection, management, representation, formats, aggregation, workflow, distribution, business and transaction models), and the integration of content management systems and distribution chains, with particular emphasis on cost reduction and effective solutions for complex cross-domain problems

    Tracking Freeriders in Gossip-Based Content Dissemination Systems

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    International audienceGossip-based protocols have proven very efficient for disseminating high-bandwidth content such as video streams in a peer-to-peer fashion. However, for the protocols to work, nodes are required to collaborate by devoting a fraction of their upload bandwidth, a scarce resource for some of them, to forward the content they receive to other nodes. Consequently, such protocols suffer from freeriding, a common phenomenon on the Internet, which consists in selfishly benefiting from the system without contributing its fair share. Due to the dynamic nature and the inherent randomness of gossip protocols and to the high scalability requirements of video streaming systems, detecting freeriders is a difficult challenge. This paper presents LiFTinG , the first protocol for detecting freeriders, including colluding ones, in gossip-based content dissemination systems with asymmetric data exchanges. In addition, LiFTinG is still able to detect freeriders when network coding, a widely used technique to improve the efficiency of content dissemination, is used. LiFTinG relies on nodes to track abnormal behavior by cross-checking the history of their previous interactions and exploits the fact that nodes pick neighbors at random to prevent colluding nodes from mutually covering up their bad actions. We present a methodology for setting the parameters of LiFTinG to their optimal value, based on a theoretical analysis and we quantify theoretically the performance of LiFTinG . We derive, based on simulations, the optimal strategy of freeriders by taking into account, through a utility function, the benefit of freeriding and the probability of being detected. In addition to these simulations, we report on the deployment of LiFTinG on PlanetLab. In a 300-node system, where a stream of 674kbps is broadcasted, LiFTinG incurs a maximum overhead of only 8% and provides good detection results: For instance, with 10% of freeriders decreasing their contribution by up to 30%, LiFTinG detects 86% of the freeriders after only 30 seconds and wrongfully expels only a few honest nodes (most of them actually being buggy)