3,106,693 research outputs found

    La obligación empresarial de establecer un sistema de cómputo diario de la jornada laboral conforme al derecho comunitario

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    La Audiencia Nacional, mediante auto de 19 de enero de 2018, plantea al Tribunal de Justicia Europea una petición de decisión prejudicial conforme al artículo 267 TFUE, en la que expresa sus dudas sobre la conformidad con el Derecho de la Unión de la interpretación dada por el Tribunal Supremo al artículo 35, partado 5, del Estatuto de los Trabajadores. Entiende dicho órgano jurisdiccional que el Derecho español no puede garantizar el cumplimiento efectivo de las obligaciones establecidas en la Directiva 2003/88 y en la Directiva 89/391. Para el Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea (Gran Sala)1, los artículos 3, 5 y 6 de la Directiva 2003/88/CE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 4 de noviembre de 2003, interpretados a la luz del artículo 31, apartado 2, de la Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea y de los artículos 4, apartado 1, 11, apartado 3, y 16, apartado 3, de la Directiva 89/391/CEE del Consejo, de 12 de junio de 1989, deben interpretarse en el sentido de que se oponen a una normativa de un Estado miembro que, según la interpretación de esa normativa adoptada por la jurisprudencia nacional, no impone a los empresarios la obligación de establecer un sistema que permita computar la jornada laboral diaria realizada por cada trabajador

    Promoting Environmentally Preferable Products for Sustainable Development

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    Environmentally preferable products (EPPs) are desirable because these do not leave adverse impacts on the environment and natural resources. While several EPPs can be consumed and traded, a number of concerns still have to be addressed. This issue attempts to identify the problems related to its development. Recommendations on how to fully realize the benefits of EPPs follow.natural resources and environment, environmentally preferable products


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    Index de les obres ressenyades: Sean HALL, Esto significa esto. Esto significa aquello. Semiótica : guía de los signos y su significad

    Dollarization Persistence and Individual Heterogeneity

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    The most salient feature of financial dollarization, and the one that causes more concern to policy makers, is its persistence: even after successful macroeconomic stabilizations, dollarization ratios often remain high. In this paper we claim that this persistence is connected to the fact that the participants in the dollar deposit market are fairly heterogenous, and so is the way they form their optimal currency portfolio.We develop as simple model when agents differ in their ability to process information, which turns out to be enough to generate persistence up on aggregation. We find empirical support for this claim with data from three Latin American countries and Poland.Dollarization, individual heterogeneity, persistence, aggregation

    Banco del Trabajo - Perú

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    Sector financiero :: Remesas

    A Quantitative General Equilibrium Approach to Migration, Remittances and Brain Drain

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    Developing countries have experienced an outstanding outflow of skilled workers (brain- drain) over the last several decades. Additionally, migrants tend to be tied to their country of birth, since they send a large amount of remittances to their relatives. Furthermore, migration is not permanent, since a considerable number of workers return to their country of birth after a migration spell. In this paper we develop a model that is consistent with these facts. We use our model to address some important issues in the migration literature from a theoretical perspective. We study the general equilibrium effects of migration, its long-term effects, and its welfare effects, and we see whether the joint effect of return migration and remittances is strong enough to offset the effects of skilled migration. Finally, we evaluate the effectiveness of policy interventions that attempts to offset the effects of a brain drain.Migration, General Equilibrium, Brain drain, Remittances, Heterogeneous Agents