5 research outputs found

    Entwicklung eines Manifests f眉r spielifizierte Hochschullehre

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    In dieser Ver枚ffentlichung pr盲sentieren die Autoren erste Ergebnisse Ihrer Forschungsarbeit an einem Manifest f眉r spielifizierte Hochschullehre. Ausgehend von einer Literaturrecherche 眉ber den aktuellen Forschungsstand werden erste Ausz眉ge der aktuellen Arbeit dargestellt, auf deren Basis ein aktiver wissenschaftlicher Diskurs angeregt werden soll

    Children s Acceptance of a Collaborative Problem Solving Game Based on Physical Versus Digital Learning Spaces

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    [EN] Collaborative problem solving (CPS) is an essential soft skill that should be fostered from a young age. Research shows that a good way of teaching such skills is through video games; however, the success and viability of this method may be affected by the technological platform used. In this work we propose a gameful approach to train CPS skills in the form of the CPSbot framework and describe a study involving 80 primary school children on user experience and acceptance of a game, Quizbot, using three different technological platforms: two purely digital (tabletop and handheld tablets) and another based on tangible interfaces and physical spaces. The results show that physical spaces proved to be more effective than the screen-based platforms in several ways, as well as being considered more fun and easier to use by the children. Finally, we propose a set of design considerations for future gameful CPS systems based on the observations made during this study.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund (project TIN2014-60077-R); Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (with fellowship FPU14/00136) and Conselleria d'Educacio, Cultura i Esport (Generalitat Valenciana, Spain) (grant ACIF/2014/214).Jurdi, S.; Garc铆a Sanjuan, F.; N谩cher-Soler, VE.; Ja茅n Mart铆nez, FJ. (2018). Children s Acceptance of a Collaborative Problem Solving Game Based on Physical Versus Digital Learning Spaces. Interacting with Computers. 30(3):187-206. https://doi.org/10.1093/iwc/iwy006S18720630

    Relaci贸n entre las actitudes y la motivaci贸n hacia el Kahoot y el rendimiento acad茅mico de estudiantes de pregrado de una universidad privada de Lima

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    Una de las nuevas estrategias de aprendizaje que involucran el uso de las tecnolog铆as, es la gamificaci贸n, comprendida como el uso de elementos de los juegos en contextos no l煤dicos. En la educaci贸n superior, la gamificaci贸n es considerada como una estrategia metodol贸gica para promover la motivaci贸n y participaci贸n de los estudiantes. Dicha estrategia es aplicada por medio de herramientas, una de las m谩s conocidas es Kahoot. En este contexto, la presente investigaci贸n se propone responder a la pregunta 驴Qu茅 relaci贸n existe entre las actitudes y la motivaci贸n hacia el Kahoot y el rendimiento acad茅mico de los estudiantes de pregrado de una universidad privada de Lima? El enfoque metodol贸gico es cuantitativo y el dise帽o es correlacional. Se utilizaron dos cuestionarios: Actitudes hacia el uso de Kahoot y Motivaci贸n percibida, y las notas de la evaluaci贸n parcial. Ambos instrumentos se aplicaron a 138 estudiantes y los resultados se analizaron en el programa SPSS24. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian una relaci贸n positiva significativa entre las variables actitudes hacia el uso de Kahoot y motivaci贸n. A diferencia de las variables actitudes hacia el uso de Kahoot y rendimiento acad茅mico donde no se encontr贸 relaci贸n entre ambasOne of the new learning strategies that involve the use of technologies is gamification, understood as the use of elements of games in non-ludic contexts. In higher education, gamification is considered as a methodological strategy to promote the motivation and participation of students. This strategy is applied by means of tools, one of the most known is Kahoot. In this context, this research aims to answer the question: What is the relationship between attitudes and motivation towards Kahoot, in improving the academic performance of Undergraduate students at private university in Lima? The methodological approach is quantitative, and the design is correlational. Two questionnaires were used: Attitudes towards the use of Kahoot and Perceived Motivation, and the score of the middle exam. Both instruments were applied to 138 students and the results were analyzed in the SPSS24 software. The results obtained show a significant positive relationship between the variables attitudes towards the use of Kahoot and motivation A difference between the variables attitudes toward the use of Kahoot and academic performance where no relationship was found between both.Tesi

    Vocational Education and Training in the Age of Digitization

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    The increasing digitization of the world of work is associated with accelerated structural changes. These are connected with changed qualification profiles and thus new challenges for vocational education and training (VET). Companies, vocational schools and other educational institutions must respond appropriately. The volume focuses on the diverse demands placed on teachers, learners and educational institutions in vocational education and training and aims to provide up-to-date results on learning in the digital age

    Vocational education and training in the age of digitization : challenges and opportunities

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