583 research outputs found

    Probabilistic Interval Temporal Logic and Duration Calculus with Infinite Intervals: Complete Proof Systems

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    The paper presents probabilistic extensions of interval temporal logic (ITL) and duration calculus (DC) with infinite intervals and complete Hilbert-style proof systems for them. The completeness results are a strong completeness theorem for the system of probabilistic ITL with respect to an abstract semantics and a relative completeness theorem for the system of probabilistic DC with respect to real-time semantics. The proposed systems subsume probabilistic real-time DC as known from the literature. A correspondence between the proposed systems and a system of probabilistic interval temporal logic with finite intervals and expanding modalities is established too.Comment: 43 page

    Preliminary candidate advanced avionics system for general aviation

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    An integrated avionics system design was carried out to the level which indicates subsystem function, and the methods of overall system integration. Sufficient detail was included to allow identification of possible system component technologies, and to perform reliability, modularity, maintainability, cost, and risk analysis upon the system design. Retrofit to older aircraft, availability of this system to the single engine two place aircraft, was considered

    Characterization of 28 nm FDSOI MOS and application to the design of a low-power 2.4 GHz LNA

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    IoT is expected to connect billions of devices all over world in the next years, and in a near future, it is expected to use LR-WPAN in a wide variety of applications. Not all the devices will require of high performance but will require of low power hungry systems since most of them will be powered with a battery. Conventional CMOS technologies cannot cover these needs even scaling it to very small regimes, which appear other problems. Hence, new technologies are emerging to cover the needs of this devices. One promising technology is the UTBB FDSOI, which achieves good performance with very good energy efficiency. This project characterizes this technology to obtain a set of parameters of interest for analog/RF design. Finally, with the help of a low-power design methodology (gm/Id approach), a design of an ULP ULV LNA is performed to check the suitability of this technology for IoT

    Performance requirements verification during software systems development

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    Requirements verification refers to the assurance that the implemented system reflects the specified requirements. Requirement verification is a process that continues through the life cycle of the software system. When the software crisis hit in 1960, a great deal of attention was placed on the verification of functional requirements, which were considered to be of crucial importance. Over the last decade, researchers have addressed the importance of integrating non-functional requirement in the verification process. An important non-functional requirement for software is performance. Performance requirement verification is known as Software Performance Evaluation. This thesis will look at performance evaluation of software systems. The performance evaluation of software systems is a hugely valuable task, especially in the early stages of a software project development. Many methods for integrating performance analysis into the software development process have been proposed. These methodologies work by utilising the software architectural models known in the software engineering field by transforming these into performance models, which can be analysed to gain the expected performance characteristics of the projected system. This thesis aims to bridge the knowledge gap between performance and software engineering domains by introducing semi-automated transformation methodologies. These are designed to be generic in order for them to be integrated into any software engineering development process. The goal of these methodologies is to provide performance related design guidance during the system development. This thesis introduces two model transformation methodologies. These are the improved state marking methodology and the UML-EQN methodology. It will also introduce the UML-JMT tool which was built to realise the UML-EQN methodology. With the help of automatic design models to performance model algorithms introduced in the UML-EQN methodology, a software engineer with basic knowledge of performance modelling paradigm can conduct a performance study on a software system design. This was proved in a qualitative study where the methodology and the tool deploying this methodology were tested by software engineers with varying levels of background, experience and from different sectors of the software development industry. The study results showed an acceptance for this methodology and the UML-JMT tool. As performance verification is a part of any software engineering methodology, we have to define frame works that would deploy performance requirements validation in the context of software engineering. Agile development paradigm was the result of changes in the overall environment of the IT and business worlds. These techniques are based on iterative development, where requirements, designs and developed programmes evolve continually. At present, the majority of literature discussing the role of requirements engineering in agile development processes seems to indicate that non-functional requirements verification is an unchartered territory. CPASA (Continuous Performance Assessment of Software Architecture) was designed to work in software projects where the performance can be affected by changes in the requirements and matches the main practices of agile modelling and development. The UML-JMT tool was designed to deploy the CPASA Performance evaluation tests

    Relaxed LMI conditions for control of nonlinear Takagi-Sugeno models

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    Los problemas de optimización de desigualdades matriciales lineales en control borroso se han convertido en la herramienta más utilizada en dicha área desde los años 90. Muchos sistemas no lineales pueden ser modelados como sistemas borrosos de modo que el control borroso puede considerarse como una técnica de control no lineal. Aunque se han obtenido muchos y buenos resultados, quedan algunas fuentes de conservadurismo cuando se comparan con otros enfoques de control no lineal. Esta tesis discute dichas cuestiones de conservadurismo y plantea nuevos enfoques para resolverlas. La principal ventaja de la formulación mediante desigualdades matriciales lineales es la posibilidad de asegurar estabilidad y prestaciones de un sistema no lineal modelado como un sistema borroso Takagi-Sugeno. Estos modelos están formados por un conjunto de modelos lineales eligiendo el sistema a aplicar mediante el uso de unas reglas borrosas. Estas reglas se traducen en funciones de interpolación o de pertenecía que nos indican el grado de validez de un modelo lineal respecto del resto. El mayor problema que presentan estas técnicas basadas en desigualdades matriciales lineales es que las funciones de pertenencia no están incluidas en las condiciones de estabilidad del sistema, lo que significa que se prueba la estabilidad y prestaciones para cualquier forma de interpolación entre los diferentes modelos lineales. Esto genera una fuente de conservadurismo que sería conveniente limitar. En la tesis doctoral se presentan varias metodologías capaces de trasladar la información de las funciones de pertenencia del sistema al problema basado en desigualdades matriciales lineales de estabilidad y prestaciones. Las dos principales aportaciones propuestas se basan, respectivamente, en introducir una serie de matrices de relajación que permitan incorporar esta información y en aprovechar la descripción de una amplia clase de sistemas borrosos en productos tensoriales de...Ariño Latorre, CV. (2008). Relaxed LMI conditions for control of nonlinear Takagi-Sugeno models [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8301Palanci

    Energy Measurements of High Performance Computing Systems: From Instrumentation to Analysis

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    Energy efficiency is a major criterion for computing in general and High Performance Computing in particular. When optimizing for energy efficiency, it is essential to measure the underlying metric: energy consumption. To fully leverage energy measurements, their quality needs to be well-understood. To that end, this thesis provides a rigorous evaluation of various energy measurement techniques. I demonstrate how the deliberate selection of instrumentation points, sensors, and analog processing schemes can enhance the temporal and spatial resolution while preserving a well-known accuracy. Further, I evaluate a scalable energy measurement solution for production HPC systems and address its shortcomings. Such high-resolution and large-scale measurements present challenges regarding the management of large volumes of generated metric data. I address these challenges with a scalable infrastructure for collecting, storing, and analyzing metric data. With this infrastructure, I also introduce a novel persistent storage scheme for metric time series data, which allows efficient queries for aggregate timelines. To ensure that it satisfies the demanding requirements for scalable power measurements, I conduct an extensive performance evaluation and describe a productive deployment of the infrastructure. Finally, I describe different approaches and practical examples of analyses based on energy measurement data. In particular, I focus on the combination of energy measurements and application performance traces. However, interweaving fine-grained power recordings and application events requires accurately synchronized timestamps on both sides. To overcome this obstacle, I develop a resilient and automated technique for time synchronization, which utilizes crosscorrelation of a specifically influenced power measurement signal. Ultimately, this careful combination of sophisticated energy measurements and application performance traces yields a detailed insight into application and system energy efficiency at full-scale HPC systems and down to millisecond-range regions.:1 Introduction 2 Background and Related Work 2.1 Basic Concepts of Energy Measurements 2.1.1 Basics of Metrology 2.1.2 Measuring Voltage, Current, and Power 2.1.3 Measurement Signal Conditioning and Analog-to-Digital Conversion 2.2 Power Measurements for Computing Systems 2.2.1 Measuring Compute Nodes using External Power Meters 2.2.2 Custom Solutions for Measuring Compute Node Power 2.2.3 Measurement Solutions of System Integrators 2.2.4 CPU Energy Counters 2.2.5 Using Models to Determine Energy Consumption 2.3 Processing of Power Measurement Data 2.3.1 Time Series Databases 2.3.2 Data Center Monitoring Systems 2.4 Influences on the Energy Consumption of Computing Systems 2.4.1 Processor Power Consumption Breakdown 2.4.2 Energy-Efficient Hardware Configuration 2.5 HPC Performance and Energy Analysis 2.5.1 Performance Analysis Techniques 2.5.2 HPC Performance Analysis Tools 2.5.3 Combining Application and Power Measurements 2.6 Conclusion 3 Evaluating and Improving Energy Measurements 3.1 Description of the Systems Under Test 3.2 Instrumentation Points and Measurement Sensors 3.2.1 Analog Measurement at Voltage Regulators 3.2.2 Instrumentation with Hall Effect Transducers 3.2.3 Modular Instrumentation of DC Consumers 3.2.4 Optimal Wiring for Shunt-Based Measurements 3.2.5 Node-Level Instrumentation for HPC Systems 3.3 Analog Signal Conditioning and Analog-to-Digital Conversion 3.3.1 Signal Amplification 3.3.2 Analog Filtering and Analog-To-Digital Conversion 3.3.3 Integrated Solutions for High-Resolution Measurement 3.4 Accuracy Evaluation and Calibration 3.4.1 Synthetic Workloads for Evaluating Power Measurements 3.4.2 Improving and Evaluating the Accuracy of a Single-Node Measuring System 3.4.3 Absolute Accuracy Evaluation of a Many-Node Measuring System 3.5 Evaluating Temporal Granularity and Energy Correctness 3.5.1 Measurement Signal Bandwidth at Different Instrumentation Points 3.5.2 Retaining Energy Correctness During Digital Processing 3.6 Evaluating CPU Energy Counters 3.6.1 Energy Readouts with RAPL 3.6.2 Methodology 3.6.3 RAPL on Intel Sandy Bridge-EP 3.6.4 RAPL on Intel Haswell-EP and Skylake-SP 3.7 Conclusion 4 A Scalable Infrastructure for Processing Power Measurement Data 4.1 Requirements for Power Measurement Data Processing 4.2 Concepts and Implementation of Measurement Data Management 4.2.1 Message-Based Communication between Agents 4.2.2 Protocols 4.2.3 Application Programming Interfaces 4.2.4 Efficient Metric Time Series Storage and Retrieval 4.2.5 Hierarchical Timeline Aggregation 4.3 Performance Evaluation 4.3.1 Benchmark Hardware Specifications 4.3.2 Throughput in Symmetric Configuration with Replication 4.3.3 Throughput with Many Data Sources and Single Consumers 4.3.4 Temporary Storage in Message Queues 4.3.5 Persistent Metric Time Series Request Performance 4.3.6 Performance Comparison with Contemporary Time Series Storage Solutions 4.3.7 Practical Usage of MetricQ 4.4 Conclusion 5 Energy Efficiency Analysis 5.1 General Energy Efficiency Analysis Scenarios 5.1.1 Live Visualization of Power Measurements 5.1.2 Visualization of Long-Term Measurements 5.1.3 Integration in Application Performance Traces 5.1.4 Graphical Analysis of Application Power Traces 5.2 Correlating Power Measurements with Application Events 5.2.1 Challenges for Time Synchronization of Power Measurements 5.2.2 Reliable Automatic Time Synchronization with Correlation Sequences 5.2.3 Creating a Correlation Signal on a Power Measurement Channel 5.2.4 Processing the Correlation Signal and Measured Power Values 5.2.5 Common Oversampling of the Correlation Signals at Different Rates 5.2.6 Evaluation of Correlation and Time Synchronization 5.3 Use Cases for Application Power Traces 5.3.1 Analyzing Complex Power Anomalies 5.3.2 Quantifying C-State Transitions 5.3.3 Measuring the Dynamic Power Consumption of HPC Applications 5.4 Conclusion 6 Summary and Outloo

    Evaluation of sampling gears for fish population assessment in Alaskan lakes

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    Thesis (M.S.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 1985Three lakes in Alaska's Interior and Kenai Peninsula were sampled during summers, 1982 and 1983, to evaluate sampling gears used for fish population assessment in Alaskan lakes. Two active gears (electrofishing boat and seines) and two passive gears (fyke nets and minnow trap) were evaluated for performance in catching power, size selectivity, species detection, fish destruction, manpower requirement, cost, portability, and field repairability. Three different electrofishing boat currents (AC, DC, and pulsed-DC) were also evaluated. The electro fishing boat had highest catching power, while fyke nets and minnow trap had highest catch per man-hour of labor. Seines had variable catching power, dependent upon shoreline substrate and sites to haul the seine to shore. Night electrofishing had higher catching power than day electrofishing when fished in a clear water lake, as opposed to equal catching power in a brown water lake. All three electrofishing currents exhibited a consistent pattern of length selectivity for coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Planning of fish population assessment projects involves (1) clearly stated objectives, (2) knowledge of project constraints, physical or economic, and (3) knowledge of the sampling attributes of gears to be used.U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service through the Alaska Cooperative Fishery Research Uni

    Life span estimation of oil-impregnated paper high voltage current transformers based on long duration tests under simultaneous thermal and electrical stresses

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    A large number of power system apparatus around the world are over 30 years old in operation. Replacement of power system assets involves high investments. On the other hand, the failure of such equipment causes a high economic impact. The lifespan estimation of high voltage apparatus is an important information to determine the best moment for the replacement. Although the current transformer is an essential component in the electrical power system and its failure may result in serious consequences, there are no accelerated aging tests for this equipment prescribed by technical standards. Life estimation for this equipment is generally made based on field experience, something that cannot be done for new models and/or new manufacturers. In this work, experimental results of life tests performed on reduced models, representing high voltage current transformers with oil-impregnated paper insulation, are presented and discussed. The analysis is based on the application of a multi-stress model, which combines the Montsinger rule and Inverse Power Law. The proposed approach considers the existence of threshold values for electrical and thermal stresses, below them, electrical and thermal degradation are negligible. An order of magnitude for the electrical stress threshold value (E0) and for the electrical aging exponent (n) is obtained from the application of the test results to the model used in this investigation. The scope of the investigation includes several diagnostic tests which are performed after interruptions of the long-duration test. The diagnostic tests include some classical high voltage power frequency measurements, tests on oil samples and finally, dielectric frequency response (DFR), one of the most recent insulation diagnostic techniques. The application of the thermoelectrical multi-stress model to the results indicates that the estimated lifespan for the test samples is about 50 years, that the exponent related to electrical stress n is in the range of 1.3-3 and that the electrical stress threshold E0 is in the range of 1.17 to 1.21 p.u. The results of diagnostic tests carried out as part of this investigation revealed the relevant variation of several parameters along the aging test and, combined with the findings obtained in the autopsy of the failed test samples indicated a dielectric failure caused by the combined action of electrical and thermal stresses. The variations of these parameters are of great value for evaluating the degradation conditions of the insulation over its service life. The cross-analysis of several different diagnostic tests is recommended for decision-making regarding the replacement of equipment in service