486 research outputs found

    Role of network topology based methods in discovering novel gene-phenotype associations

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    The cell is governed by the complex interactions among various types of biomolecules. Coupled with environmental factors, variations in DNA can cause alterations in normal gene function and lead to a disease condition. Often, such disease phenotypes involve coordinated dysregulation of multiple genes that implicate inter-connected pathways. Towards a better understanding and characterization of mechanisms underlying human diseases, here, I present GUILD, a network-based disease-gene prioritization framework. GUILD associates genes with diseases using the global topology of the protein-protein interaction network and an initial set of genes known to be implicated in the disease. Furthermore, I investigate the mechanistic relationships between disease-genes and explain the robustness emerging from these relationships. I also introduce GUILDify, an online and user-friendly tool which prioritizes genes for their association to any user-provided phenotype. Finally, I describe current state-of-the-art systems-biology approaches where network modeling has helped extending our view on diseases such as cancer.La cèl•lula es regeix per interaccions complexes entre diferents tipus de biomolècules. Juntament amb factors ambientals, variacions en el DNA poden causar alteracions en la funció normal dels gens i provocar malalties. Sovint, aquests fenotips de malaltia involucren una desregulació coordinada de múltiples gens implicats en vies interconnectades. Per tal de comprendre i caracteritzar millor els mecanismes subjacents en malalties humanes, en aquesta tesis presento el programa GUILD, una plataforma que prioritza gens relacionats amb una malaltia en concret fent us de la topologia de xarxe. A partir d’un conjunt conegut de gens implicats en una malaltia, GUILD associa altres gens amb la malaltia mitjancant la topologia global de la xarxa d’interaccions de proteïnes. A més a més, analitzo les relacions mecanístiques entre gens associats a malalties i explico la robustesa es desprèn d’aquesta anàlisi. També presento GUILDify, un servidor web de fácil ús per la priorització de gens i la seva associació a un determinat fenotip. Finalment, descric els mètodes més recents en què el model•latge de xarxes ha ajudat extendre el coneixement sobre malalties complexes, com per exemple a càncer

    From Parts to Mechanisms: Research Heuristics for Addressing Heterogeneity in Cancer Genetics

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    A major approach to cancer research in the late 20th century was to search for genes that, when altered, initiated the development of a cell into a cancerous state (oncogenes) or failed to stop this development (tumor suppressor genes). But as researchers acquired the capacity to sequence tumors and incorporated the resulting data into databases, it became apparent that for many tumors no genes were frequently altered and that the genes altered in different tumors in the same tissue type were often distinct. To address this heterogeneity problem, many researchers looked to a higher level of organization—to mechanisms in which gene products (proteins) participated. They proposed to reduce heterogeneity by recognizing that multiple gene alterations affect the same mechanism and that it is the altered mechanism that is responsible for the cell developing one or more hallmarks of cancer. I examine how mechanisms figure in this research and focus on two heuristics researchers use to integrate proteins into mechanisms, one focusing on pathways and one focusing on clusters in networks

    Future paradigms for precision oncology.

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    Research has exposed cancer to be a heterogeneous disease with a high degree of inter-tumoral and intra-tumoral variability. Individual tumors have unique profiles, and these molecular signatures make the use of traditional histology-based treatments problematic. The conventional diagnostic categories, while necessary for care, thwart the use of molecular information for treatment as molecular characteristics cross tissue types.This is compounded by the struggle to keep abreast the scientific advances made in all fields of science, and by the enormous challenge to organize, cross-reference, and apply molecular data for patient benefit. In order to supplement the site-specific, histology-driven diagnosis with genomic, proteomic and metabolomics information, a paradigm shift in diagnosis and treatment of patients is required.While most physicians are open and keen to use the emerging data for therapy, even those versed in molecular therapeutics are overwhelmed with the amount of available data. It is not surprising that even though The Human Genome Project was completed thirteen years ago, our patients have not benefited from the information. Physicians cannot, and should not be asked to process the gigabytes of genomic and proteomic information on their own in order to provide patients with safe therapies. The following consensus summary identifies the needed for practice changes, proposes potential solutions to the present crisis of informational overload, suggests ways of providing physicians with the tools necessary for interpreting patient specific molecular profiles, and facilitates the implementation of quantitative precision medicine. It also provides two case studies where this approach has been used

    Network-based identification of driver pathways in clonal systems

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    Highly ethanol-tolerant bacteria for the production of biofuels, bacterial pathogenes which are resistant to antibiotics and cancer cells are examples of phenotypes that are of importance to society and are currently being studied. In order to better understand these phenotypes and their underlying genotype-phenotype relationships it is now commonplace to investigate DNA and expression profiles using next generation sequencing (NGS) and microarray techniques. These techniques generate large amounts of omics data which result in lists of genes that have mutations or expression profiles which potentially contribute to the phenotype. These lists often include a multitude of genes and are troublesome to verify manually as performing literature studies and wet-lab experiments for a large number of genes is very time and resources consuming. Therefore, (computational) methods are required which can narrow these gene lists down by removing generally abundant false positives from these lists and can ideally provide additional information on the relationships between the selected genes. Other high-throughput techniques such as yeast two-hybrid (Y2H), ChIP-Seq and Chip-Chip but also a myriad of small-scale experiments and predictive computational methods have generated a treasure of interactomics data over the last decade, most of which is now publicly available. By combining this data into a biological interaction network, which contains all molecular pathways that an organisms can utilize and thus is the equivalent of the blueprint of an organisms, it is possible to integrate the omics data obtained from experiments with these biological interaction networks. Biological interaction networks are key to the computational methods presented in this thesis as they enables methods to account for important relations between genes (and gene products). Doing so it is possible to not only identify interesting genes but also to uncover molecular processes important to the phenotype. As the best way to analyze omics data from an interesting phenotype varies widely based on the experimental setup and the available data, multiple methods were developed and applied in the context of this thesis: In a first approach, an existing method (PheNetic) was applied to a consortium of three bacterial species that together are able to efficiently degrade a herbicide but none of the species are able to efficiently degrade the herbicide on their own. For each of the species expression data (RNA-seq) was generated for the consortium and the species in isolation. PheNetic identified molecular pathways which were differentially expressed and likely contribute to a cross-feeding mechanism between the species in the consortium. Having obtained proof-of-concept, PheNetic was adapted to cope with experimental evolution datasets in which, in addition to expression data, genomics data was also available. Two publicly available datasets were analyzed: Amikacin resistance in E. coli and coexisting ecotypes in E.coli. The results allowed to elicit well-known and newly found molecular pathways involved in these phenotypes. Experimental evolution sometimes generates datasets consisting of mutator phenotypes which have high mutation rates. These datasets are hard to analyze due to the large amount of noise (most mutations have no effect on the phenotype). To this end IAMBEE was developed. IAMBEE is able to analyze genomic datasets from evolution experiments even if they contain mutator phenotypes. IAMBEE was tested using an E. coli evolution experiment in which cells were exposed to increasing concentrations of ethanol. The results were validated in the wet-lab. In addition to methods for analysis of causal mutations and mechanisms in bacteria, a method for the identification of causal molecular pathways in cancer was developed. As bacteria and cancerous cells are both clonal, they can be treated similar in this context. The big differences are the amount of data available (many more samples are available in cancer) and the fact that cancer is a complex and heterogenic phenotype. Therefore we developed SSA-ME, which makes use of the concept that a causal molecular pathway has at most one mutation in a cancerous cell (mutual exclusivity). However, enforcing this criterion is computationally hard. SSA-ME is designed to cope with this problem and search for mutual exclusive patterns in relatively large datasets. SSA-ME was tested on cancer data from the TCGA PAN-cancer dataset. From the results we could, in addition to already known molecular pathways and mutated genes, predict the involvement of few rarely mutated genes.nrpages: 246status: publishe

    DEN: an R-Bioconductor based package to extract active sub-networks from human interaction map by integrating gene-expression data

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    Living cells are complex, dynamic, self-regulatory, interactive systems, showing differential states across time and space. Complexity of cellular systems is highlighted with the multi-layered regulatory mechanisms involving the interactions between bio-molecules (such as DNA, RNA, mi-RNA and proteins). These interactions are analyzed in the form of static networks. Likewise, number of experimental techniques like microarray, RNASeq allow quantification of cellular dynamics and aid in discerning differential gene expression across diverse conditions. Computational biology is in need of methods for integration of static networks and gene expression data, since it provides interesting insights into the dynamics of biological systems. DEN is an R/Bioconductor based package designed to assemble different types of human bio-molecular interactions as a complete interactome and contains functions to extract dynamic active networks by integration of gene expression data

    The Drosophila Interactions Database: Integrating The Interactome And Transcriptome

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    In this thesis I describe the integration of heterogeneous interaction data for Drosophila into DroID, the Drosophilainteractions database, making it a one-stop public resource for interaction data. I have also made it possible to filter the interaction data using gene expression data to generate context-relevant networks making DroID a one-of-a kind resource for biologists. In the two years since the upgraded DroID has been available, several studies have used the heterogeneous interaction data in DroID to advance our understanding of Drosophila biology thus validating the need for such a resource for biologists. In addition to this, I have identified organizing principles of interaction networks based on genome-wide gene expression data in the tissues and the entire life cycle of Drosophila. I have shown that all tissues and stages have a core ubiquitously expressed PPI network to which tissue and stage specific proteins attach to potentially modulate specific functions. In view of these organizing principles, I developed a normalized expression filter for interaction networks. I have shown that networks generated by using this filter are context-relevant as evidenced by their enrichment for genes with relevant mutant phenotypes. This filter has been implemented in DroID and I anticipate that studies on interactome networks using this filter will further our understanding of biology

    A compendium of human genes regulating feeding behavior and body weight, its functional characterization and identification of GWAS genes involved in brain-specific PPI network

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    BACKGROUND: Obesity is heritable. It predisposes to many diseases. The objectives of this study were to create a compendium of genes relevant to feeding behavior (FB) and/or body weight (BW) regulation; to construct and to analyze networks formed by associations between genes/proteins; and to identify the most significant genes, biological processes/pathways, and tissues/organs involved in BW regulation. RESULTS: The compendium of genes controlling FB or BW includes 578 human genes. Candidate genes were identified from various sources, including previously published original research and review articles, GWAS meta-analyses, and OMIM (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man). All genes were ranked according to knowledge about their biological role in body weight regulation and classified according to expression patterns or functional characteristics. Substantial and overrepresented numbers of genes from the compendium encoded cell surface receptors, signaling molecules (hormones, neuropeptides, cytokines), transcription factors, signal transduction proteins, cilium and BBSome components, and lipid binding proteins or were present in the brain-specific list of tissue-enriched genes identified with TSEA tool. We identified 27 pathways from KEGG, REACTOME and BIOCARTA whose genes were overrepresented in the compendium. Networks formed by physical interactions or homological relationships between proteins or interactions between proteins involved in biochemical/signaling pathways were reconstructed and analyzed. Subnetworks and clusters identified by the MCODE tool included genes/proteins associated with cilium morphogenesis, signal transduction proteins (particularly, G protein-coupled receptors, kinases or proteins involved in response to insulin stimulus) and transcription regulation (particularly nuclear receptors). We ranked GWAS genes according to the number of neighbors in three networks and revealed 22 GWAS genes involved in the brain-specific PPI network. On the base of the most reliable PPIs functioning in the brain tissue, new regulatory schemes interpreting relevance to BW regulation are proposed for three GWAS genes (ETV5, LRP1B, and NDUFS3). CONCLUSIONS: A compendium comprising 578 human genes controlling FB or BW was designed, and the most significant functional groups of genes, biological processes/pathways, and tissues/organs involved in BW regulation were revealed. We ranked genes from the GWAS meta-analysis set according to the number and quality of associations in the networks and then according to their involvement in the brain-specific PPI network and proposed new regulatory schemes involving three GWAS genes (ETV5, LRP1B, and NDUFS3) in BW regulation. The compendium is expected to be useful for pathology risk estimation and for design of new pharmacological approaches in the treatment of human obesity

    Falsifiable Network Models. A Network-based Approach to Predict Treatment Efficacy in Ulcerative Colitis

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    This work is focused on understanding the treatment efficacy of patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) using a network-based approach. UC is one of two forms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) along with Crohn’s disease. UC is a debilitating condition characterized by chronic inflammation and ulceration of the colon and rectum. UC symptoms occur gradually rather than abruptly, and the degree of symptoms differs across UC patients. Only around 20% of all UC cases can be explained by known genetic variations, implying a more ambiguous aetiology that is yet not fully understood but is thought to involve a complex interplay between genetic and environmental factors. The available therapy for UC substantially reduces symptoms and achieves long-term remission. However, about one-third of UC patients fail to respond to anti-TNFα therapy and consequently develop long-term side effects due to medication. Non-response to existing antibody-based therapies in subgroups of UC patients is a major challenge and incurs a healthcare burden. Therefore, the disease markers for predicting therapy response to assist individualized therapy decisions are needed. To date, no quantitative computational framework is available to predict treatment response in UC. We developed a quantitative framework that uses gene expression data and existing biological background information on signalling pathways to quantify network connectivity from receptors to transcription factors (TF) that are involved in UC pathogenesis. Variations in network connectivity in UC patients can be used to identify responders and non-responders to anti-TNFα and anti-Integrin treatment. Our findings allow us to summarize the effect of small gene expression changes on the overall connectivity of a signalling network and estimate the effect this will have on the individual patients' responses. Estimating the network connectivity associated with varied drug responses may provide an understanding of individualized treatment outcomes. Our model could be used to generate testable hypotheses about how individual genes act together in networks to cause inflammation in UC as well as other immune-inflammatory diseases such as psoriasis, asthma, and rheumatoid arthritis
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