4,198 research outputs found

    Investigation of the neurovascular coupling in positive and negative BOLD responses in human brain at 7T

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    Decreases in stimulus-dependent blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) signal and their underlying neurovascular origins have recently gained considerable interest. In this study a multi-echo, BOLD-corrected vascular space occupancy (VASO) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) technique was used to investigate neurovascular responses during stimuli that elicit positive and negative BOLD responses in human brain at 7 T. Stimulus-induced BOLD, cerebral blood volume (CBV), and cerebral blood flow (CBF) changes were measured and analyzed in ‘arterial’ and ‘venous’ blood compartments in macro- and microvasculature. We found that the overall interplay of mean CBV, CBF and BOLD responses is similar for tasks inducing positive and negative BOLD responses. Some aspects of the neurovascular coupling however, such as the temporal response, cortical depth dependence, and the weighting between ‘arterial’ and ‘venous’ contributions, are significantly different for the different task conditions. Namely, while for excitatory tasks the BOLD response peaks at the cortical surface, and the CBV change is similar in cortex and pial vasculature, inhibitory tasks are associated with a maximum negative BOLD response in deeper layers, with CBV showing strong constriction of surface arteries and a faster return to baseline. The different interplays of CBV, CBF and BOLD during excitatory and inhibitory responses suggests different underlying hemodynamic mechanisms

    The Role of Aerobic Glycolysis in the Resting Human Brain

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    The human brain accounts for 2% of total body weight, though it consumes 20% of the body\u27s energy supply. Most of this energy is provided by the complete oxidation of glucose to carbon dioxide and water, though some fraction of glucose undergoes aerobic glycolysis without concomitant oxidative phosphorylation. Elevation in neuronal activity increases aerobic glycolysis due to the disproportionate increase in blood flow and glucose utilization greater than oxygen consumption. Since aerobic glycolysis produces significantly less energy than complete oxidation of glucose, its role in cellular activities has been overlooked, though its presence in the resting brain has been known for several decades. In this thesis, we investigate three aspects of resting aerobic glycolysis using positron emission tomography. First, we characterize the regional distribution of aerobic glycolysis in the awake, eyes closed human brain. We show that brain regions with high levels of functional activity in the resting state, including the default network and prefrontal cortex, have elevated aerobic glycolysis. In addition, we show that aerobic glycolysis is modulated by prior task performance. Performance of a complex visuomotor rotation learning task increases aerobic glycolysis in premotor cortex for several hours following task completion. Further, we show that regional brain metabolism is correlated to neurotransmitter receptor density. Aerobic glycolysis is highest in regions with a balanced density of excitatory and inhibitory receptors. Taken together, these results demonstrate the functional significance of resting aerobic glycolysis and its modulation by transient functional activity. These data provide supporting evidence for the synaptic homeostasis hypothesis, indicating elevation in brain metabolism, specifically aerobic glycolysis, during wakefulness associated with alterations in synaptic strength and receptor density

    Vector-Based Approach for the Detection of Initial Dips Using Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy

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    Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) is a non-invasive method for the detection of local brain activity using changes in the local levels of oxyhemoglobin (oxyHb) and deoxyhemoglobin (deoxyHb). Simultaneous measurement of the levels of oxyHb and deoxyHb is an advantage of fNIRS over other modalities. This review provides a historical description of the physiological problems involved in the accurate identification of local brain activity using fNIRS. The need for improved spatial and temporal identification of local brain activity is described in terms of the physiological challenges of task selection and placement of probes. In addition, this review discusses challenges with data analysis based on a single index, advantages of the simultaneous analysis of multiple indicators, and recently established composite indicators. The vector-based approach provides quantitative imaging of the phase and intensity contrast for oxygen exchange responses in a time series and may detect initial dips related to neuronal activity in the skull. The vector plane model consists of orthogonal vectors of oxyHb and deoxyHb. Initial dips are hemodynamic reactions of oxyHb and deoxyHb induced by increased oxygen consumption in the early tasks of approximately 2–3 seconds. The new analytical concept of fNIRS, able to effectively detect initial dips, may extend further the clinical and social applications of fNIRS

    A novel method of combining blood oxygenation and blood flow sensitive magnetic resonance imaging techniques to measure the cerebral blood flow and oxygen metabolism responses to an unknown neural stimulus.

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    Simultaneous implementation of magnetic resonance imaging methods for Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) and Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent (BOLD) imaging makes it possible to quantitatively measure the changes in cerebral blood flow (CBF) and cerebral oxygen metabolism (CMRO(2)) that occur in response to neural stimuli. To date, however, the range of neural stimuli amenable to quantitative analysis is limited to those that may be presented in a simple block or event related design such that measurements may be repeated and averaged to improve precision. Here we examined the feasibility of using the relationship between cerebral blood flow and the BOLD signal to improve dynamic estimates of blood flow fluctuations as well as to estimate metabolic-hemodynamic coupling under conditions where a stimulus pattern is unknown. We found that by combining the information contained in simultaneously acquired BOLD and ASL signals through a method we term BOLD Constrained Perfusion (BCP) estimation, we could significantly improve the precision of our estimates of the hemodynamic response to a visual stimulus and, under the conditions of a calibrated BOLD experiment, accurately determine the ratio of the oxygen metabolic response to the hemodynamic response. Importantly we were able to accomplish this without utilizing a priori knowledge of the temporal nature of the neural stimulus, suggesting that BOLD Constrained Perfusion estimation may make it feasible to quantitatively study the cerebral metabolic and hemodynamic responses to more natural stimuli that cannot be easily repeated or averaged

    Changes in CBD-BOLD coupling detected by MRI during and after repeated transient hypercapnia in rat

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    Physiological basis and image processing in functional magnetic resonance imaging: Neuronal and motor activity in brain

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    Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is recently developing as imaging modality used for mapping hemodynamics of neuronal and motor event related tissue blood oxygen level dependence (BOLD) in terms of brain activation. Image processing is performed by segmentation and registration methods. Segmentation algorithms provide brain surface-based analysis, automated anatomical labeling of cortical fields in magnetic resonance data sets based on oxygen metabolic state. Registration algorithms provide geometric features using two or more imaging modalities to assure clinically useful neuronal and motor information of brain activation. This review article summarizes the physiological basis of fMRI signal, its origin, contrast enhancement, physical factors, anatomical labeling by segmentation, registration approaches with examples of visual and motor activity in brain. Latest developments are reviewed for clinical applications of fMRI along with other different neurophysiological and imaging modalities
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