121 research outputs found

    Contributions to secret sharing and other distributed cryptosystems

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    The present thesis deals with primitives related to the eld of distributed cryptography. First, we study signcryption schemes, which provide at the same time the functionalities of encryption and signature, where the unsigncryption operation is distributed. We consider this primitive from a theoretical point of view and set a security framework for it. Then, we present two signcryption schemes with threshold unsigncryption, with di erent properties. Furthermore, we use their authenticity property to apply them in the development of a di erent primitive: digital signatures with distributed veri cation. The second block of the thesis deals with the primitive of multi-secret sharing schemes. After stating some e ciency limitations of multi-secret sharing schemes in an information-theoretic scenario, we present several multi-secret sharing schemes with provable computational security. Finally, we use the results in multi-secret sharing schemes to generalize the traditional framework of distributed cryptography (with a single policy of authorized subsets) into a multipolicy setting, and we present both a multi-policy distributed decryption scheme and a multi-policy distributed signature scheme. Additionally, we give a short outlook on how to apply the presented multi-secret sharing schemes in the design of other multi-policy cryptosystems, like the signcryption schemes considered in this thesis. For all the schemes proposed throughout the thesis, we follow the same formal structure. After de ning the protocols of the primitive and the corresponding security model, we propose the new scheme and formally prove its security, by showing a reduction to some computationally hard mathematical problem.Avui en dia les persones estan implicades cada dia més en diferents activitats digitals tant en la seva vida professional com en el seu temps lliure. Molts articles de paper, com diners i tiquets, estan sent reemplaçats més i més per objectes digitals. La criptografia juga un paper crucial en aquesta transformació, perquè proporciona seguretat en la comunicació entre els diferents participants que utilitzen un canal digital. Depenent de la situació específica, alguns requisits de seguretat en la comunicació poden incloure privacitat (o confidencialitat), autenticitat, integritat o no-repudi. En algunes situacions, repartir l'operació secreta entre un grup de participants fa el procés més segur i fiable que quan la informació secreta està centralitzada en un únic participant; la criptografia distribuïda és l’àrea de la criptografia que estudia aquestes situacions. Aquesta tesi tracta de primitives relacionades amb el camp de la criptografia distribuïda. Primer, estudiem esquemes “signcryption”, que ofereixen a la vegada les funcionalitats de xifrat i signatura, on l'operació de “unsigncryption” està distribuïda. Considerem aquesta primitiva des d’un punt de vista teòric i establim un marc de seguretat per ella. Llavors, presentem dos esquemes “signcryption” amb operació de “unsigncryption” determinada per una estructura llindar, cada un amb diferents propietats. A més, utilitzem la seva propietat d’autenticitat per desenvolupar una nova primitiva: signatures digitals amb verificació distribuïda. El segon bloc de la tesi tracta la primitiva dels esquemes de compartició de multi-secrets. Després de demostrar algunes limitacions en l’eficiència dels esquemes de compartició de multi-secrets en un escenari de teoria de la informació, presentem diversos esquemes de compartició de multi-secrets amb seguretat computacional demostrable. Finalment, utilitzem els resultats obtinguts en els esquemes de compartició de multi-secrets per generalitzar el paradigma tradicional de la criptografia distribuïda (amb una única política de subconjunts autoritzats) a un marc multi-política, i presentem un esquema de desxifrat distribuït amb multi-política i un esquema de signatura distribuïda amb multi-política. A més, donem indicacions de com es poden aplicar els nostres esquemes de compartició de multi-secrets en el disseny d’altres criptosistemes amb multi-política, com per exemple els esquemes “signcryption” considerats en aquesta tesi. Per tots els esquemes proposats al llarg d’aquesta tesi, seguim la mateixa estructura formal. Després de definir els protocols de la primitiva primitius i el model de seguretat corresponent, proposem el nou esquema i demostrem formalment la seva seguretat, mitjançant una reducció a algun problema matemàtic computacionalment difícil

    Coop-DAAB : cooperative attribute based data aggregation for Internet of Things applications

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    The deployment of IoT devices is gaining an expanding interest in our daily life. Indeed, IoT networks consist in interconnecting several smart and resource constrained devices to enable advanced services. Security management in IoT is a big challenge as personal data are shared by a huge number of distributed services and devices. In this paper, we propose a Cooperative Data Aggregation solution based on a novel use of Attribute Based signcryption scheme (Coop - DAAB). Coop - DAAB consists in distributing data signcryption operation between different participating entities (i.e., IoT devices). Indeed, each IoT device encrypts and signs in only one step the collected data with respect to a selected sub-predicate of a general access predicate before forwarding to an aggregating entity. This latter is able to aggregate and decrypt collected data if a sufficient number of IoT devices cooperates without learning any personal information about each participating device. Thanks to the use of an attribute based signcryption scheme, authenticity of data collected by IoT devices is proved while protecting them from any unauthorized access

    A Comprehensive Survey on Signcryption Security Mechanisms in Wireless Body Area Networks

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    WBANs (Wireless Body Area Networks) are frequently depicted as a paradigm shift in healthcare from traditional to modern E-Healthcare. The vitals of the patient signs by the sensors are highly sensitive, secret, and vulnerable to numerous adversarial attacks. Since WBANs is a real-world application of the healthcare system, it’s vital to ensure that the data acquired by the WBANs sensors is secure and not accessible to unauthorized parties or security hazards. As a result, effective signcryption security solutions are required for the WBANs’ success and widespread use. Over the last two decades, researchers have proposed a slew of signcryption security solutions to achieve this goal. The lack of a clear and unified study in terms of signcryption solutions can offer a bird’s eye view of WBANs. Based on the most recent signcryption papers, we analyzed WBAN’s communication architecture, security requirements, and the primary problems in WBANs to meet the aforementioned objectives. This survey also includes the most up to date signcryption security techniques in WBANs environments. By identifying and comparing all available signcryption techniques in the WBANs sector, the study will aid the academic community in understanding security problems and causes. The goal of this survey is to provide a comparative review of the existing signcryption security solutions and to analyze the previously indicated solution given for WBANs. A multi-criteria decision-making approach is used for a comparative examination of the existing signcryption solutions. Furthermore, the survey also highlights some of the public research issues that researchers must face to develop the security features of WBANs.publishedVersio

    Attribute-based group key establishment

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    Motivated by the problem of establishing a session key among parties based on the possession of certain credentials only, we discuss a notion of attribute-based key establishment. A number of new issues arise in this setting that are not present in the usual settings of group key establishment where unique user identities are assumed to be publicly available. After detailing the security model, we give a two-round solution in the random oracle model. As main technical tool we introduce a notion of attribute-based signcryption, which may be of independent interest. We show that the type of signcryption needed can be realized through the encrypt-then-sign paradigm. Further, we discuss additional guarantees of the proposed protocol, that can be interpreted in terms of deniability and privacy

    PROUD : verifiable privacy-preserving outsourced attribute based signcryption supporting access policy update for cloud assisted IoT applications

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    The ever-growing number of Internet connected devices poses several cybersecurity risks. Most of the exchanged data between the Internet of Things (IoT) devices are not adequately secured due to resource constraints on IoT devices. Attribute Based SignCryption (ABSC) is a powerful cryptographic mechanism suitable for distributed environments, providing flexible access control and data secrecy. However, it imposes high designcryption costs, and does not support access policy update (user addition/revocation). This paper presents PROUD, an ABSC solution, to securely outsource data designcryption process to edge servers in order to reduce the computation overhead on the user side. PROUD allows end-users to offload most of the designcryption overhead to an edge server and verify the correctness of the received partially designcrypted data from the edge server. Moreover, PROUD provides the access policy update feature with neither involving a proxy-server, nor re-signcrypting the signcrypted message and re-distributing the users’ secret keys. The access policy update feature in PROUD does not affect the size of the message received by the end-user which reduces the bandwidth and the storage usage. Our comprehensive theoretical and experimental analysis prove that PROUD outperforms existing schemes in terms of functionality, communication and computation overhead

    Attribute-Based Signcryption : Signer Privacy, Strong Unforgeability and IND-CCA2 Security in Adaptive-Predicates Attack

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    An Attribute-Based Signcryption (ABSC) is a natural extension of Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE) and Attribute-Based Signature (ABS), where we have the message confidentiality and authenticity together. Since the signer privacy is captured in security of ABS, it is quite natural to expect that the signer privacy will also be preserved in ABSC. In this paper, first we propose an ABSC scheme which is \textit{weak existential unforgeable, IND-CCA2} secure in \textit{adaptive-predicates} attack and achieves \textit{signer privacy}. Secondly, by applying strongly unforgeable one-time signature (OTS), the above scheme is lifted to an ABSC scheme to attain \textit{strong existential unforgeability} in \textit{adaptive-predicates} model. Both the ABSC schemes are constructed on common setup, i.e the public parameters and key are same for both the encryption and signature modules. Our first construction is in the flavor of CtE&S\mathcal{C}{t}\mathcal{E}\&\mathcal{S} paradigm, except one extra component that will be computed using both signature components and ciphertext components. The second proposed construction follows a new paradigm (extension of CtE&S\mathcal{C}{t}\mathcal{E}\&\mathcal{S}), we call it ``Commit then Encrypt and Sign then Sign (CtE&StS\mathcal{C}{t}\mathcal{E}\&\mathcal{S}{t}\mathcal{S}). The last signature is done using a strong OTS scheme. Since the non-repudiation is achieved by CtE&S\mathcal{C}{t}\mathcal{E}\&\mathcal{S} paradigm, our systems also achieve the same

    Secure Equality Test Technique Using Identity-Based Signcryption for Telemedicine Systems

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    For telemedicine, wireless body area network (WBAN) offers enormous benefits where a patient can be remotely monitored without compromising the mobility of remote treatments. With the advent of high capacity and reliable wireless networks, WBANs are used in several remote monitoring systems, limiting the COVID-19 spread. The sensitivity of telemedicine applications mandates confidentiality and privacy requirements. In this article, we propose a secure WBAN-19 telemedicine system to overcome the pervasiveness of contagious deceases utilizing a novel aggregate identity-based signcryption scheme with an equality test feature. We demonstrate a security analysis regarding indistinguishable adaptive chosen-ciphertext attack (IND-CCA2), one-way security against adaptive chosen-ciphertext attack (OW-CCA2), and unforgeability against adaptive chosen-message attack (EUF-CMA) under the random oracle model. The security analysis of the scheme is followed by complexity evaluations where the computation cost and communication overhead are measured. The evaluation demonstrates that the proposed model is efficient and applicable in telemedicine systems with high-performance capacities

    Still Wrong Use of Pairings in Cryptography

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    Several pairing-based cryptographic protocols are recently proposed with a wide variety of new novel applications including the ones in emerging technologies like cloud computing, internet of things (IoT), e-health systems and wearable technologies. There have been however a wide range of incorrect use of these primitives. The paper of Galbraith, Paterson, and Smart (2006) pointed out most of the issues related to the incorrect use of pairing-based cryptography. However, we noticed that some recently proposed applications still do not use these primitives correctly. This leads to unrealizable, insecure or too inefficient designs of pairing-based protocols. We observed that one reason is not being aware of the recent advancements on solving the discrete logarithm problems in some groups. The main purpose of this article is to give an understandable, informative, and the most up-to-date criteria for the correct use of pairing-based cryptography. We thereby deliberately avoid most of the technical details and rather give special emphasis on the importance of the correct use of bilinear maps by realizing secure cryptographic protocols. We list a collection of some recent papers having wrong security assumptions or realizability/efficiency issues. Finally, we give a compact and an up-to-date recipe of the correct use of pairings.Comment: 25 page