7,547 research outputs found

    End-to-End Learning of Representations for Asynchronous Event-Based Data

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    Event cameras are vision sensors that record asynchronous streams of per-pixel brightness changes, referred to as "events". They have appealing advantages over frame-based cameras for computer vision, including high temporal resolution, high dynamic range, and no motion blur. Due to the sparse, non-uniform spatiotemporal layout of the event signal, pattern recognition algorithms typically aggregate events into a grid-based representation and subsequently process it by a standard vision pipeline, e.g., Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). In this work, we introduce a general framework to convert event streams into grid-based representations through a sequence of differentiable operations. Our framework comes with two main advantages: (i) allows learning the input event representation together with the task dedicated network in an end to end manner, and (ii) lays out a taxonomy that unifies the majority of extant event representations in the literature and identifies novel ones. Empirically, we show that our approach to learning the event representation end-to-end yields an improvement of approximately 12% on optical flow estimation and object recognition over state-of-the-art methods.Comment: To appear at ICCV 201

    Optical techniques for 3D surface reconstruction in computer-assisted laparoscopic surgery

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    One of the main challenges for computer-assisted surgery (CAS) is to determine the intra-opera- tive morphology and motion of soft-tissues. This information is prerequisite to the registration of multi-modal patient-specific data for enhancing the surgeon’s navigation capabilites by observ- ing beyond exposed tissue surfaces and for providing intelligent control of robotic-assisted in- struments. In minimally invasive surgery (MIS), optical techniques are an increasingly attractive approach for in vivo 3D reconstruction of the soft-tissue surface geometry. This paper reviews the state-of-the-art methods for optical intra-operative 3D reconstruction in laparoscopic surgery and discusses the technical challenges and future perspectives towards clinical translation. With the recent paradigm shift of surgical practice towards MIS and new developments in 3D opti- cal imaging, this is a timely discussion about technologies that could facilitate complex CAS procedures in dynamic and deformable anatomical regions

    Real-time Visual Flow Algorithms for Robotic Applications

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    Vision offers important sensor cues to modern robotic platforms. Applications such as control of aerial vehicles, visual servoing, simultaneous localization and mapping, navigation and more recently, learning, are examples where visual information is fundamental to accomplish tasks. However, the use of computer vision algorithms carries the computational cost of extracting useful information from the stream of raw pixel data. The most sophisticated algorithms use complex mathematical formulations leading typically to computationally expensive, and consequently, slow implementations. Even with modern computing resources, high-speed and high-resolution video feed can only be used for basic image processing operations. For a vision algorithm to be integrated on a robotic system, the output of the algorithm should be provided in real time, that is, at least at the same frequency as the control logic of the robot. With robotic vehicles becoming more dynamic and ubiquitous, this places higher requirements to the vision processing pipeline. This thesis addresses the problem of estimating dense visual flow information in real time. The contributions of this work are threefold. First, it introduces a new filtering algorithm for the estimation of dense optical flow at frame rates as fast as 800 Hz for 640x480 image resolution. The algorithm follows a update-prediction architecture to estimate dense optical flow fields incrementally over time. A fundamental component of the algorithm is the modeling of the spatio-temporal evolution of the optical flow field by means of partial differential equations. Numerical predictors can implement such PDEs to propagate current estimation of flow forward in time. Experimental validation of the algorithm is provided using high-speed ground truth image dataset as well as real-life video data at 300 Hz. The second contribution is a new type of visual flow named structure flow. Mathematically, structure flow is the three-dimensional scene flow scaled by the inverse depth at each pixel in the image. Intuitively, it is the complete velocity field associated with image motion, including both optical flow and scale-change or apparent divergence of the image. Analogously to optic flow, structure flow provides a robotic vehicle with perception of the motion of the environment as seen by the camera. However, structure flow encodes the full 3D image motion of the scene whereas optic flow only encodes the component on the image plane. An algorithm to estimate structure flow from image and depth measurements is proposed based on the same filtering idea used to estimate optical flow. The final contribution is the spherepix data structure for processing spherical images. This data structure is the numerical back-end used for the real-time implementation of the structure flow filter. It consists of a set of overlapping patches covering the surface of the sphere. Each individual patch approximately holds properties such as orthogonality and equidistance of points, thus allowing efficient implementations of low-level classical 2D convolution based image processing routines such as Gaussian filters and numerical derivatives. These algorithms are implemented on GPU hardware and can be integrated to future Robotic Embedded Vision systems to provide fast visual information to robotic vehicles

    Event-based Vision: A Survey

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    Event cameras are bio-inspired sensors that differ from conventional frame cameras: Instead of capturing images at a fixed rate, they asynchronously measure per-pixel brightness changes, and output a stream of events that encode the time, location and sign of the brightness changes. Event cameras offer attractive properties compared to traditional cameras: high temporal resolution (in the order of microseconds), very high dynamic range (140 dB vs. 60 dB), low power consumption, and high pixel bandwidth (on the order of kHz) resulting in reduced motion blur. Hence, event cameras have a large potential for robotics and computer vision in challenging scenarios for traditional cameras, such as low-latency, high speed, and high dynamic range. However, novel methods are required to process the unconventional output of these sensors in order to unlock their potential. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the emerging field of event-based vision, with a focus on the applications and the algorithms developed to unlock the outstanding properties of event cameras. We present event cameras from their working principle, the actual sensors that are available and the tasks that they have been used for, from low-level vision (feature detection and tracking, optic flow, etc.) to high-level vision (reconstruction, segmentation, recognition). We also discuss the techniques developed to process events, including learning-based techniques, as well as specialized processors for these novel sensors, such as spiking neural networks. Additionally, we highlight the challenges that remain to be tackled and the opportunities that lie ahead in the search for a more efficient, bio-inspired way for machines to perceive and interact with the world

    Real-time on-board obstacle avoidance for UAVs based on embedded stereo vision

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    In order to improve usability and safety, modern unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are equipped with sensors to monitor the environment, such as laser-scanners and cameras. One important aspect in this monitoring process is to detect obstacles in the flight path in order to avoid collisions. Since a large number of consumer UAVs suffer from tight weight and power constraints, our work focuses on obstacle avoidance based on a lightweight stereo camera setup. We use disparity maps, which are computed from the camera images, to locate obstacles and to automatically steer the UAV around them. For disparity map computation we optimize the well-known semi-global matching (SGM) approach for the deployment on an embedded FPGA. The disparity maps are then converted into simpler representations, the so called U-/V-Maps, which are used for obstacle detection. Obstacle avoidance is based on a reactive approach which finds the shortest path around the obstacles as soon as they have a critical distance to the UAV. One of the fundamental goals of our work was the reduction of development costs by closing the gap between application development and hardware optimization. Hence, we aimed at using high-level synthesis (HLS) for porting our algorithms, which are written in C/C++, to the embedded FPGA. We evaluated our implementation of the disparity estimation on the KITTI Stereo 2015 benchmark. The integrity of the overall realtime reactive obstacle avoidance algorithm has been evaluated by using Hardware-in-the-Loop testing in conjunction with two flight simulators.Comment: Accepted in the International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Scienc

    3D Motion Analysis via Energy Minimization

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    This work deals with 3D motion analysis from stereo image sequences for driver assistance systems. It consists of two parts: the estimation of motion from the image data and the segmentation of moving objects in the input images. The content can be summarized with the technical term machine visual kinesthesia, the sensation or perception and cognition of motion. In the first three chapters, the importance of motion information is discussed for driver assistance systems, for machine vision in general, and for the estimation of ego motion. The next two chapters delineate on motion perception, analyzing the apparent movement of pixels in image sequences for both a monocular and binocular camera setup. Then, the obtained motion information is used to segment moving objects in the input video. Thus, one can clearly identify the thread from analyzing the input images to describing the input images by means of stationary and moving objects. Finally, I present possibilities for future applications based on the contents of this thesis. Previous work in each case is presented in the respective chapters. Although the overarching issue of motion estimation from image sequences is related to practice, there is nothing as practical as a good theory (Kurt Lewin). Several problems in computer vision are formulated as intricate energy minimization problems. In this thesis, motion analysis in image sequences is thoroughly investigated, showing that splitting an original complex problem into simplified sub-problems yields improved accuracy, increased robustness, and a clear and accessible approach to state-of-the-art motion estimation techniques. In Chapter 4, optical flow is considered. Optical flow is commonly estimated by minimizing the combined energy, consisting of a data term and a smoothness term. These two parts are decoupled, yielding a novel and iterative approach to optical flow. The derived Refinement Optical Flow framework is a clear and straight-forward approach to computing the apparent image motion vector field. Furthermore this results currently in the most accurate motion estimation techniques in literature. Much as this is an engineering approach of fine-tuning precision to the last detail, it helps to get a better insight into the problem of motion estimation. This profoundly contributes to state-of-the-art research in motion analysis, in particular facilitating the use of motion estimation in a wide range of applications. In Chapter 5, scene flow is rethought. Scene flow stands for the three-dimensional motion vector field for every image pixel, computed from a stereo image sequence. Again, decoupling of the commonly coupled approach of estimating three-dimensional position and three dimensional motion yields an approach to scene ow estimation with more accurate results and a considerably lower computational load. It results in a dense scene flow field and enables additional applications based on the dense three-dimensional motion vector field, which are to be investigated in the future. One such application is the segmentation of moving objects in an image sequence. Detecting moving objects within the scene is one of the most important features to extract in image sequences from a dynamic environment. This is presented in Chapter 6. Scene flow and the segmentation of independently moving objects are only first steps towards machine visual kinesthesia. Throughout this work, I present possible future work to improve the estimation of optical flow and scene flow. Chapter 7 additionally presents an outlook on future research for driver assistance applications. But there is much more to the full understanding of the three-dimensional dynamic scene. This work is meant to inspire the reader to think outside the box and contribute to the vision of building perceiving machines.</em

    Unmanned Aerial Systems for Wildland and Forest Fires

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    Wildfires represent an important natural risk causing economic losses, human death and important environmental damage. In recent years, we witness an increase in fire intensity and frequency. Research has been conducted towards the development of dedicated solutions for wildland and forest fire assistance and fighting. Systems were proposed for the remote detection and tracking of fires. These systems have shown improvements in the area of efficient data collection and fire characterization within small scale environments. However, wildfires cover large areas making some of the proposed ground-based systems unsuitable for optimal coverage. To tackle this limitation, Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) were proposed. UAS have proven to be useful due to their maneuverability, allowing for the implementation of remote sensing, allocation strategies and task planning. They can provide a low-cost alternative for the prevention, detection and real-time support of firefighting. In this paper we review previous work related to the use of UAS in wildfires. Onboard sensor instruments, fire perception algorithms and coordination strategies are considered. In addition, we present some of the recent frameworks proposing the use of both aerial vehicles and Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UV) for a more efficient wildland firefighting strategy at a larger scale.Comment: A recent published version of this paper is available at: https://doi.org/10.3390/drones501001