34 research outputs found

    Fiction and projecting: architecture and image in the work of the Utopía group (Medellín, 1979-2009)

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    This article aims to analyze the work of the Utopía group, a collective of three architects from the city of Medellín (Colombia), who produced their artworks between 1979 and 2009. In order to do this, the text describes their artistic career, analyzes some of their major works, which rely on intertextual relations with architecture, and proposes a link between the fictional and project-oriented aspects based on the architectural references that can be found in their work. By examining the group’s influences and by discussing theories and notions common to architecture, urbanism, and visual arts, the article aims to address the question of the utopian dimension inherent to aesthetic contemplations on the city; as well as to review an important chapter of Colombian art history

    A new species of Exogone Ørsted, 1845 (Annelida: Syllidae: Exogoninae) from Brazilian waters

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    We describe herein a new species of the abundant polychaete family Syllidae, Exogone brasiliensis sp. nov. The new species is characterized by a peculiar morphology of anterior body falcigers, with shafts and blades modified specially in chaetigers 1 and 2; falcigers until chaetiger 5 different from those of the rest of the body; and dorsal simple chaetae from midbody onwards unique in the genus, nearly straight, subdistally swollen in one side only, distally rounded. Exogone brasiliensis sp. nov. is described based on detailed morphological analyses under optical and scanning electron microscopes, and compared to its most similar congeners

    Role of inhaled nitric oxide on vascular inflammation after experimental ischemic stroke

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    Contribution to the study of "Dardanelles campaigne" during the WWI

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    This thesis deals with the Dardanelles campaign, which was a part of allied offensive in the First World War. Dardanelles campaign was leaded against the Ottoman Empire, German ally. The naval and militarily campaign to the Gallipoli peninsula was a direct result of the deadlock on the Western Front in the year 1915. Allied purpose was to capture Constantinople. In the British invasive action took part French, New Zealand and Australian soldiers. This naval action is connected with the name Winston S. Churchill, the First Lord of the Admiralty. Unsuccessful attempt about the landing on the Gallipoli peninsula caused the dead of thousands soldiers and sailors and it has far reaching consequences in diplomacy, war strategy and in British home politics.to práce pojednává o operaci Dardanely, která byla součástí spojeneckého ofenzivního úsilí v období první světové války. Operace Dardanely byla vedena proti německému spojenci - Osmanské říši. Námořní a vojenská výprava k poloostrovu Gallipoli, jejíž cíl představovalo dobytí Konstantinopole, byla přímým důsledkem mrtvého bodu na západní frontě v roce 1915. Britské invazní akce se zúčastnili i francouzští, novozélandští a australští vojáci. Celá námořní expedice je spojena se jménem Winstona S. Churchilla, prvního námořního lorda. Neúspěšný pokus o vylodění na poloostrově Gallipoli stál životy tisíce mužů a měl dalekosáhlé důsledky na poli diplomatickém, válečném i ve vnitřní politice.Institute of General HistoryÚstav světových dějinFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Detection of "Flavescence dorée" Grapevine Disease Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Multispectral Imagery

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    Flavescence dorée is a grapevine disease affecting European vineyards which has severe economic consequences and containing its spread is therefore considered as a major challenge for viticulture. Flavescence dorée is subject to mandatory pest control including removal of the infected vines and, in this context, automatic detection of Flavescence dorée symptomatic vines by unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) remote sensing could constitute a key diagnosis instrument for growers. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the feasibility of discriminating the Flavescence dorée symptoms in red and white cultivars from healthy vine vegetation using UAV multispectral imagery. Exhaustive ground truth data and UAV multispectral imagery (visible and near-infrared domain) have been acquired in September 2015 over four selected vineyards in Southwest France. Spectral signatures of healthy and symptomatic plants were studied with a set of 20 variables computed from the UAV images (spectral bands, vegetation indices and biophysical parameters) using univariate and multivariate classification approaches. Best results were achieved with red cultivars (both using univariate and multivariate approaches). For white cultivars, results were not satisfactory either for the univariate or the multivariate. Nevertheless, external accuracy assessment show that despite problems of Flavescence dorée and healthy pixel misclassification, an operational Flavescence dorée mapping technique using UAV-based imagery can still be proposed

    Estimation of Rating Models by Multivariate Statistical Methods

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    Import 11/07/2012Cílem diplomové práce je odhad ratingového modelu společností z odvětví ropného a plynárenského průmyslu, prostřednictvím diskriminační analýzy a binární logistické regrese. Diplomová práce je rozdělena do 3 hlavních částí. První část práce je zaměřena na základní charakteristiku ratingu a vymezení poměrových ukazatelů. V další části jsou postupně vysvětleny vícerozměrné statistické metody, které jsou použity k odhadu modelů ratingu. V poslední části jsou dané statistické metody aplikovány na konkrétní data, kterými jsou finanční ukazatele společností za rok 2010. Odhady modelů jsou provedeny v programu PASW Statistics 18.0.The aim of diploma thesis is an estimation of the rating model for companies from the sector of the oil and gas industry through discriminant analysis and binary logistic regression. The thesis is divided into 3 main parts. The first part of the work is focused on the basic characteristics of the rating and the definition of financial ratios. In the next section are gradually explained the multivariate statistical methods that are used to estimation of rating models. In the last part are the selected statistical methods applied to specific data, which are financial ratios of the companies for the year 2010. Estimates of rating models are made in the PASW Statistics 18.0.154 - Katedra financívýborn

    The importance of the antagonistic potential in the management of populations of plant-parasitic nematodes in banana (<em>Musa</em> AAA) as influenced by agronomic factors

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    Plant-parasitic nematodes are a major obstacle to sustainable banana production around the world. The use of organic amendments was investigated as one method to stimulate organisms that are antagonistic to plant-parasitic nematodes. Nine different amendments; mill mud, mill ash (by-products from processing sugarcane), biosolids, municipal waste (MW) compost, banana residue, grass hay, legume hay, molasses and calcium silicate (CaSi) were applied in a glasshouse experiment. Significant suppression of Radopholus similis occurred in soils amended with legume hay, grass hay, banana residue and mill mud relative to untreated soil, which increased the nematode community structure index, indicating greater potential for predation. A field experiment was established to determine the changes in soil properties following applications of compost, grass hay, mill mud and mill ash. At the termination of the experiment there was significant increase in bunch size in the mill ash treatment relative to the untreated plants. Furthermore, in the soil treated with additional organic matter there was an increase in labile C, the number of omnivorous nematodes and lower proportion of plant-parasitic nematodes relative to the untreated soil. The suppression of plant-parasitic nematodes resulting from the addition of organic matter appeared to be the result of a combination of two factors; nematoxic compounds produced in the early degradation of the organic matter, followed by an increase in nematode antagonists favoured by an increase in soil fungal activity. A study was implemented on 10 banana plantations in north Queensland to determine differences in soil management, soil physical, chemical and nematode community properties. A principal component analysis could explain 61% of the variation between farms and identified the proportion of plant-parasitic nematodes, labile C, nitrate-N, and the number of fungal feeding nematodes as the most important soil factors. When used in combination the ratio of labile C and nitrate-N in the soil and the diversity of nematodes were able to explain 88.7% of the variation in the proportion of plant-parasitic nematodes in the soil. A similar survey of 21 banana plantations in Costa Rica using 34 soil variables was able to explain 71% of variation between plantations from five principle components. A bioassay of the soil collected, which was inoculated with R. similis, resulted in different populations of the nematode recovered from the different soils. The differences could be explained by soil pH, structure index and Zn using a multiple linear regression model, which explained 79.2% of the variation. Furthermore, the correlation of soil pH with nematode diversity suggested that pH was the factor limiting the biological suppression of R. similis in the Costa Rican banana plantations. The development of soils capable of suppressing plant-parasitic nematodes requires and understanding of soil constraints in the farming system. In Australia, soil C appeared to constrain antagonists, whereas, in Costa Rica low soil pH constrained the diversity of the soil nematode community. Management options to increase soil C in Australia and to increase soil pH in Costa Rica are necessary to develop a more favourable soil environment for the suppression of plant-parasitic nematodes by antagonistic soil organisms.Die Bedeutung des antagonistischen Potentials für die Kontrolle von Pflanzenparasitären Nematoden in Bananen (Musa AAA) und dessen Beeinflussung durch pflanzenbauliche Maßnahmen Der Pflanzen-parasitäre Nematode (PPN) Radopholus similis gehört weltweit zu den bedeutendsten Schädlingen nachhaltiger Bananenproduktion. Traditionell, wurden diese Schädlinge mit Nematiziden bekämpft. Deren Gebrauch ist jedoch mit einer Gefährdung landwirtschaftlichen Personals und einer Reduzierung der Biodiversität im Boden und dessen antagonistischem Potential verbunden. Deshalb ist ein besseres Verständnis der Faktoren, die das antagonistische Potential eines Bodens beeinflussen, unabdingbar. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden verschiedene organische Bodenzusätze auf die Stimulierung des antagonistischen Potentials gegen R. similis in Musa AAA untersucht. Gewächshausexperimente zeigten, dass Leguminosen Heu, Zuckermühlen-abfälle und Bananenrückstände als Bodenzusätze die Nematodendiversität erhöhte, die Anzahl an R. similis jedoch reduzierten. In Feldexperimenten konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Zugabe von Kompost, Heu, Nebenprodukten aus Zuckermühlen und Mühlenschlamm zu einer Erhöhung des instabilen Kohlenstoffs und omnivorer Nematoden, jedoch zu einer Verringerung von PPN führte. Eine Hauptkomponentenanalyse mit Zehn unterschiedlich bewirtschafteten Bananenplantagen in Nord-Queensland, Australien, identifizierte instabilen Kohlenstoff, Nitrat und die Anzahl fungivorer Nematoden als Hauptbodenfaktoren in Bezug auf ihr antagonistisches Potential gegenüber PPN und konnte 61% der Variation zwischen den Plantagen erklären. In Kombination erklärte das Verhältnis von instabilem Kohlenstoff zu Nitrat im Boden und die Nematodendiversität 88.7% der Variation an PPN zwischen den Plantagen. Eine ähnliche Studie in Costa Rica bei der 34 Bodenvariablen erhoben wurden konnte 71% der Variation zwischen den verschiedenen Böden in Bezug auf ihr antagonistisches Potential gegenüber PPN erklären. In bioassay´s mit diesen Böden zeigte sich, dass deren antagonistisches Potential vom pH-Wert, dem „Struktur- Index“ und Zink-Gehalt beeinflusst wurde und das sich mit Hilfe einer multiplen linearen Regression 79.2% der Variationen des antagonistischen Potentials zwischen den Böden erklären ließ. Darüberhinaus korrelierte der Boden pH mit der Nematodendiversität, was den Schluss zuließ, dass der Boden pH der limitierende Faktor biologisch suppressiver Böden in Costa Rica´s Bananenproduktion ist. Zusammenfassend konnte gezeigt werden, dass das antagonistische Potential gegenüber PPN von verschiedenen Faktoren beeinflusst wird. Während in Australien instabiles Kohlenstoff der limitierende Faktor war, ist in Costa Rica der Boden pH entscheidend für Nematodendiversität und einhergehende Suppresion von PPN. Eine Steigerung des instabilen Kohlenstoffs in Australiens Böden und eine Erhöhung des Boden pH in Costa Rica scheinen deshalb notwendig um suppresive Böden mit hohem antagonisten Potential gegen PPN wie R. similis zu schaffen

    Toxicity of carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and their mixtures to aquatic organisms under ecologically-relevant scenarios

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    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are ubiquitous priority pollutants that tend to be trapped in aquatic sediments due to their high hydrophobicity. Nonetheless, the differential toxicological effects and mechanisms between the various classes of PAHs and their mixtures, as they invariably occur in the environment, are scarcely known, especially under ecologically-relevant scenarios. This thesis aimed at establishing a bridge between the study of mechanistic pathways and environmental monitoring of carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic PAHs, by introducing ecological-relevance in the research with model PAHs. A first bioassay conducted in situ with the mussel Mytilus edulis demonstrated that, dredging operations in harbours increase PAH bioavailability, eliciting genotoxicity, and showed that established environmental guidelines underestimate risk. Subsequent ex situ bioassays were performed with the carcinogenic benzo[b]fluoranthene (B[b]F) and non-carcinogenic phenantrene (Phe), selected following preceding results, and revealed that low-moderate concentrations of these PAHs in spiked sediments induce genotoxic effects to the clam Ruditapes decussatus, therefore contradicting the general notion that bivalves are less sensitive to PAHs than vertebrates due to inefficient bioactivation. Also, it was demonstrated that passive samplers permit inferring on PAH bioavailability but not on bioaccumulation or toxic effects. On the other hand, sea basses (Dicentrarchus labrax), yielded a complex pattern of effects and responses, relatively to genotoxicity, oxidative stress and production of specific metabolites, especially when exposed to mixtures of the PAHs which led to additive, if not synergistic, effects. It was shown that Phe may elicit significant genotoxicity especially in presence of B[b]F, even though the low, albeit realistic, exposure concentrations diluted dose- and time-independent relationships. The present work demonstrated that environmental quality guidelines underestimate the effects of PAHs in realistic scenarios and showed that the significant genotoxic and histopathological effects caused by mixed PAHs may not be reflected by oxidative stress- or CYP-related biomarkers. Besides important findings on the metabolism of PAH mixtures, the work calls for the need to re-evaluate the criteria for assessing risk and for the disclosure of more efficient indicators of toxicological hazard.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - fellowship, reference number SFRH/BD/64510/200