2,369 research outputs found

    An Investigation of Power Saving and Privacy Protection on Smartphones

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    With the advancements in mobile technology, smartphones have become ubiquitous in people\u27s daily lives and have greatly facilitated users in many aspects. For a smartphone user, power saving and privacy protection are two important issues that matter and draw serious attentions from research communities. In this dissertation, we present our studies on some specific issues of power saving and privacy protection on a smartphone. Although IEEE 802.11 standards provide Power Save Mode (PSM) to help mobile devices conserve energy, PSM fails to bring expected benefits in many real scenarios. We define an energy conserving model to describe the general PSM traffic contention problem, and propose a solution called HPSM to address one specific case, in which multiple PSM clients associate to a single AP. In HPSM, we first use a basic sociological concept to define the richness of a PSM client based on the link resource it consumes. Then we separate these poor PSM clients from rich PSM clients in terms of link resource consumption, and favor the former to save power when they face PSM transmission contention. Our evaluations show that HPSM can help the poor PSM clients effectively save power while only slightly degrading the rich\u27s performance in comparison to the existing PSM solutions. Traditional user authentication methods using passcode or finger movement on smartphones are vulnerable to shoulder surfing attack, smudge attack, and keylogger attack. These attacks are able to infer a passcode based on the information collection of user\u27s finger movement or tapping input. as an alternative user authentication approach, eye tracking can reduce the risk of suffering those attacks effectively because no hand input is required. We propose a new eye tracking method for user authentication on a smartphone. It utilizes the smartphone\u27s front camera to capture a user\u27s eye movement trajectories which are used as the input of user authentication. No special hardware or calibration process is needed. We develop a prototype and evaluate its effectiveness on an android smartphone. Our evaluation results show that the proposed eye tracking technique achieves very high accuracy in user authentication. While LBS-based apps facilitate users in many application scenarios, they raise concerns on the breach of privacy related to location access. We perform the first measurement of this background action on the Google app market. Our investigation demonstrates that many popular apps conduct location access in background within short intervals. This enables these apps to collect a user\u27s location trace, from which the important personal information, Points of Interest (PoIs), can be recognized. We further extract a user\u27s movement pattern from the PoIs, and utilize it to measure the potential privacy breach. The measurement results also show that using the combination of movement pattern related metrics and the other PoI related metrics can help detect the privacy breach in an earlier manner than using either one of them alone. We then propose a preliminary solution to properly handle these location requests from background

    Weathering the Nest: Privacy Implications of Home Monitoring for the Aging American Population

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    The research in this paper will seek to ascertain the extent of personal data entry and collection required to enjoy at least the minimal promised benefits of distributed intelligence and monitoring in the home. Particular attention will be given to the abilities and sensitivities of the population most likely to need these devices, notably the elderly and disabled. The paper will then evaluate whether existing legal limitations on the collection, maintenance, and use of such data are applicable to devices currently in use in the home environment and whether such regulations effectively protect privacy. Finally, given appropriate policy parameters, the paper will offer proposals to effectuate reasonable and practical privacy-protective solutions for developers and consumers

    Tresno Mergo Kulino (Know Then Loved)

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    The present article aims to discuss focus the concept of religion as well as the role of religious leaders as agents of dialogue to maintain religious harmony and tolerance. The present study applies a qualitative study by investigating several literatures related to the subject of research. The findings of the present study indicate that the concept of religion needs to be rejuvenated. In addition, religious leaders should get involved in efforts to spread moderate religious values, tolerance and peace, to practice the fiqh (theory or philosophy of Islamic law) that promotes the coexistence between religions, spreading inclusive and tolerant ideas, reducing prejudiced political movement, (5) istiqomah (steadfastness) towards the constitution in order to care for diversity, and (6) maintain a cool atmosphere. Finally, this study concludes that religious leaders have a very strategic role and task to channel positive energy to their followers so that they can collaborate to build a common ground with a solid humanistic foundation

    Time Management_ How to Better Manage Your Workload & Time

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    Meeting proceedings of a seminar by the same name, held September 16, 202

    A caregiver support platform within the scope of an ambient assisted living ecosystem

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    The Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) area is in constant evolution, providing new technologies to users and enhancing the level of security and comfort that is ensured by house platforms. The Ambient Assisted Living for All (AAL4ALL) project aims to develop a new AAL concept, supported on a unified ecosystem and certification process that enables a heterogeneous environment. The concepts of Intelligent Environments, Ambient Intelligence, and the foundations of the Ambient Assisted Living are all presented in the framework of this project. In this work, we consider a specific platform developed in the scope of AAL4ALL, called UserAccess. The architecture of the platform and its role within the overall AAL4ALL concept, the implementation of the platform, and the available interfaces are presented. In addition, its feasibility is validated through a series of tests.Project “AAL4ALL”, co-financed by the European Community Fund FEDER, through COMPETE—Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade (POFC). Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), Lisbon, Portugal, through Project PEst-C/CTM/LA0025/2013. Project CAMCoF—Context-Aware Multimodal Communication Framework funded by ERDF—European Regional Development Fund through the COMPETE Programme (operational programme for competitiveness) and by National Funds through the FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) within project FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-028980. This work is part-funded by National Funds through the FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) within project PEst-OE/EEI/UI0752/201

    Connected Car: technologies, issues, future trends

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    The connected car -a vehicle capable of accessing to the Internet, of communicating with smart devices as well as other cars and road infrastructures, and of collecting real-time data from multiple sources- is likely to play a fundamental role in the foreseeable Internet Of Things. In a context ruled by very strong competitive forces, a significant amount of car manufacturers and software and hardware developers have already embraced the challenge of providing innovative solutions for new generation vehicles. Today’s cars are asked to relieve drivers from the most stressful operations needed for driving, providing them with interesting and updated entertainment functions. In the meantime, they have to comply to the increasingly stringent standards about safety and reliability. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the possibilities offered by connected functionalities on cars and the associated technological issues and problems, as well as to enumerate the currently available hardware and software solutions and their main features

    Free vibration of symmetric angly-plane layered truncated conical shells under classical theory

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    Truncated conical shell finds wide ranging of engineering applications. They are used in space crafts, robots, shelters, domes, tanks, nozzles and in machinery devices. Thus, the study of their vibrational characteristics has long been of interest for the designers. The use of the lamination for the structures leads to design with the maximum reliability and minimum weight. Moreover, the study of free vibration of laminated conical shells has been treated by a number of researchers. Irie et al. (1982) studied free vibration of conical shells with variable thickness using Rayleigh-Ritz method of solution. Wu and Wu (2000) provided 3D elasticity solutions for the free vibration analysis of laminated conical shells by an asymptotic approach. Wu and Lee (2001) studied the natural frequencies of laminated conical shells with variable stiffness using the differential quadrature method under first-order shear deformation theory (FSDT). Tripathi et al. (2007) studied the free vibration of composite conical shells with random material properties of the finite element method. Civalek (2007) used the Discrete Singular Convolution (DSC) to investigate the frequency response of orthotropic conical and cylindrical shells. Sofiyez et al. (2009) studied the vibrations of orthotropic non-homogeneous conical shells with free boundary conditions. Ghasemi et al. (2012) presented their study of free vibration of composite conical shells which was investigated under various boundary conditions using the solution of beam function and Galerkin method. Viswanathan et al. (2007, 2011) studied free vibration of laminated cross-ply plates, including shear deformation, symmetric angle-ply laminated cylindrical shells of variable thickness with shear deformation theory using the spline collocation method. In the present work, free vibration of symmetric angle-ply laminated truncated conical shells is analyzed and displacement functions are approximated using cubic and quantic spline and collocation procedure is applied to obtain a set of field equations. The field equations along with the equations of boundary conditions yield a system of homogeneous simultaneous algebraic equations on the assumed spline coefficients which resulting to the generalized eigenvalue problem. This eigenvalue problem is solved using eigensolution technique to get as many eigenfrequencies as required. The effect of circumferential mode number, length ratio, cone angle, ply angles and number of layers under two boundary conditions on the frequency parameter is studied for three- and five- layered conical shells consisting of two types of layered materials

    Evidencia digital orientada a unidades de estado sólido (SSD): una revisión

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    Nowadays, the massive electronic usage and it's dependance. (Phones, tablets, computers, laptops, among others) it has taken to people in some way the necessity to stay connected permanently on this technology tools; in sinister terms make them really useful such as evidentiary da data. In the academy literature absence, this article checks main topics clarifying from computer forensics concepts to digital evidence, recollections and digital evidence in Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Mexico. During the last decade we use IEEE data base information and organization such as International Telecommunications Union (UIT), the attorney general's office, the Ministry of information and communications (MINTIC) and specializing web sites. Making an interpretative with Cybersecurity resources and their main focus on SSD and the physical information recovery and logically in this type of controlling materials.El uso masivo de dispositivos electrónicos (celulares, tabletas, computadoras, laptops, entre otros) y su dependencia, han llevado a las personas a crear una necesidad de estar conectados permanentemente con estas herramientas tecnológicas; situación que en el caso de siniestros las hace útiles como material probatorio. Ante la ausencia de literatura académica, este artículo realiza una revisión sobre informática forense, recolección y manejo de evidencia digital en: Argentina, Chile Colombia y México, durante la última década. Para el efecto se usan fuentes emanadas de las bases: IEEE, y organizaciones como la Unión Internacional de telecomunicaciones (UIT), la Fiscalía General de la Nación, el Ministerio de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones (MINTIC), y páginas web especializadas. Se realiza un estudio interpretativo de las fuentes relacionadas con ciberseguridad y su orientación hacia las UES y la recuperación de información física y lógica en este tipo de elementos de control.&nbsp