87 research outputs found

    The Geometry of Dynamic Scenes - On Coplanar and Convergent Linear Motions Embedded in 3D Static Scenes

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    In this paper, we consider structure and motion recovery for scenes consisting of static and dynamic features. More particularly, we consider a single moving uncalibrated camera observing a scene consisting of points moving along straight lines converging to a unique point and lying on a motion plane. This scenario may describe a roadway observed by a moving camera whose motion is unknown. We show that there exist matching tensors similar to fundamental matrices. We derive the link between dynamic and static structure and motion and show how the equation of the motion plane (or equivalently the plane homographies it induces between images) may be recovered from dynamic features only. Experimental results on real images are provided, in particular on a 60-frames video sequence

    Change blindness: eradication of gestalt strategies

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    Arrays of eight, texture-defined rectangles were used as stimuli in a one-shot change blindness (CB) task where there was a 50% chance that one rectangle would change orientation between two successive presentations separated by an interval. CB was eliminated by cueing the target rectangle in the first stimulus, reduced by cueing in the interval and unaffected by cueing in the second presentation. This supports the idea that a representation was formed that persisted through the interval before being 'overwritten' by the second presentation (Landman et al, 2003 Vision Research 43149–164]. Another possibility is that participants used some kind of grouping or Gestalt strategy. To test this we changed the spatial position of the rectangles in the second presentation by shifting them along imaginary spokes (by ±1 degree) emanating from the central fixation point. There was no significant difference seen in performance between this and the standard task [F(1,4)=2.565, p=0.185]. This may suggest two things: (i) Gestalt grouping is not used as a strategy in these tasks, and (ii) it gives further weight to the argument that objects may be stored and retrieved from a pre-attentional store during this task

    Video Processing with Additional Information

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    Cameras are frequently deployed along with many additional sensors in aerial and ground-based platforms. Many video datasets have metadata containing measurements from inertial sensors, GPS units, etc. Hence the development of better video processing algorithms using additional information attains special significance. We first describe an intensity-based algorithm for stabilizing low resolution and low quality aerial videos. The primary contribution is the idea of minimizing the discrepancy in the intensity of selected pixels between two images. This is an application of inverse compositional alignment for registering images of low resolution and low quality, for which minimizing the intensity difference over salient pixels with high gradients results in faster and better convergence than when using all the pixels. Secondly, we describe a feature-based method for stabilization of aerial videos and segmentation of small moving objects. We use the coherency of background motion to jointly track features through the sequence. This enables accurate tracking of large numbers of features in the presence of repetitive texture, lack of well conditioned feature windows etc. We incorporate the segmentation problem within the joint feature tracking framework and propose the first combined joint-tracking and segmentation algorithm. The proposed approach enables highly accurate tracking, and segmentation of feature tracks that is used in a MAP-MRF framework for obtaining dense pixelwise labeling of the scene. We demonstrate competitive moving object detection in challenging video sequences of the VIVID dataset containing moving vehicles and humans that are small enough to cause background subtraction approaches to fail. Structure from Motion (SfM) has matured to a stage, where the emphasis is on developing fast, scalable and robust algorithms for large reconstruction problems. The availability of additional sensors such as inertial units and GPS along with video cameras motivate the development of SfM algorithms that leverage these additional measurements. In the third part, we study the benefits of the availability of a specific form of additional information - the vertical direction (gravity) and the height of the camera both of which can be conveniently measured using inertial sensors, and a monocular video sequence for 3D urban modeling. We show that in the presence of this information, the SfM equations can be rewritten in a bilinear form. This allows us to derive a fast, robust, and scalable SfM algorithm for large scale applications. The proposed SfM algorithm is experimentally demonstrated to have favorable properties compared to the sparse bundle adjustment algorithm. We provide experimental evidence indicating that the proposed algorithm converges in many cases to solutions with lower error than state-of-art implementations of bundle adjustment. We also demonstrate that for the case of large reconstruction problems, the proposed algorithm takes lesser time to reach its solution compared to bundle adjustment. We also present SfM results using our algorithm on the Google StreetView research dataset, and several other datasets

    Towards Visual Localization, Mapping and Moving Objects Tracking by a Mobile Robot: a Geometric and Probabilistic Approach

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    Dans cette thĂšse, nous rĂ©solvons le problĂšme de reconstruire simultanĂ©ment une reprĂ©sentation de la gĂ©omĂ©trie du monde, de la trajectoire de l'observateur, et de la trajectoire des objets mobiles, Ă  l'aide de la vision. Nous divisons le problĂšme en trois Ă©tapes : D'abord, nous donnons une solution au problĂšme de la cartographie et localisation simultanĂ©es pour la vision monoculaire qui fonctionne dans les situations les moins bien conditionnĂ©es gĂ©omĂ©triquement. Ensuite, nous incorporons l'observabilitĂ© 3D instantanĂ©e en dupliquant le matĂ©riel de vision avec traitement monoculaire. Ceci Ă©limine les inconvĂ©nients inhĂ©rents aux systĂšmes stĂ©rĂ©o classiques. Nous ajoutons enfin la dĂ©tection et suivi des objets mobiles proches en nous servant de cette observabilitĂ© 3D. Nous choisissons une reprĂ©sentation Ă©parse et ponctuelle du monde et ses objets. La charge calculatoire des algorithmes de perception est allĂ©gĂ©e en focalisant activement l'attention aux rĂ©gions de l'image avec plus d'intĂ©rĂȘt. ABSTRACT : In this thesis we give new means for a machine to understand complex and dynamic visual scenes in real time. In particular, we solve the problem of simultaneously reconstructing a certain representation of the world's geometry, the observer's trajectory, and the moving objects' structures and trajectories, with the aid of vision exteroceptive sensors. We proceeded by dividing the problem into three main steps: First, we give a solution to the Simultaneous Localization And Mapping problem (SLAM) for monocular vision that is able to adequately perform in the most ill-conditioned situations: those where the observer approaches the scene in straight line. Second, we incorporate full 3D instantaneous observability by duplicating vision hardware with monocular algorithms. This permits us to avoid some of the inherent drawbacks of classic stereo systems, notably their limited range of 3D observability and the necessity of frequent mechanical calibration. Third, we add detection and tracking of moving objects by making use of this full 3D observability, whose necessity we judge almost inevitable. We choose a sparse, punctual representation of both the world and the moving objects in order to alleviate the computational payload of the image processing algorithms, which are required to extract the necessary geometrical information out of the images. This alleviation is additionally supported by active feature detection and search mechanisms which focus the attention to those image regions with the highest interest. This focusing is achieved by an extensive exploitation of the current knowledge available on the system (all the mapped information), something that we finally highlight to be the ultimate key to success

    Combining Features and Semantics for Low-level Computer Vision

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    Visual perception of depth and motion plays a significant role in understanding and navigating the environment. Reconstructing outdoor scenes in 3D and estimating the motion from video cameras are of utmost importance for applications like autonomous driving. The corresponding problems in computer vision have witnessed tremendous progress over the last decades, yet some aspects still remain challenging today. Striking examples are reflecting and textureless surfaces or large motions which cannot be easily recovered using traditional local methods. Further challenges include occlusions, large distortions and difficult lighting conditions. In this thesis, we propose to overcome these challenges by modeling non-local interactions leveraging semantics and contextual information. Firstly, for binocular stereo estimation, we propose to regularize over larger areas on the image using object-category specific disparity proposals which we sample using inverse graphics techniques based on a sparse disparity estimate and a semantic segmentation of the image. The disparity proposals encode the fact that objects of certain categories are not arbitrarily shaped but typically exhibit regular structures. We integrate them as non-local regularizer for the challenging object class 'car' into a superpixel-based graphical model and demonstrate its benefits especially in reflective regions. Secondly, for 3D reconstruction, we leverage the fact that the larger the reconstructed area, the more likely objects of similar type and shape will occur in the scene. This is particularly true for outdoor scenes where buildings and vehicles often suffer from missing texture or reflections, but share similarity in 3D shape. We take advantage of this shape similarity by localizing objects using detectors and jointly reconstructing them while learning a volumetric model of their shape. This allows to reduce noise while completing missing surfaces as objects of similar shape benefit from all observations for the respective category. Evaluations with respect to LIDAR ground-truth on a novel challenging suburban dataset show the advantages of modeling structural dependencies between objects. Finally, motivated by the success of deep learning techniques in matching problems, we present a method for learning context-aware features for solving optical flow using discrete optimization. Towards this goal, we present an efficient way of training a context network with a large receptive field size on top of a local network using dilated convolutions on patches. We perform feature matching by comparing each pixel in the reference image to every pixel in the target image, utilizing fast GPU matrix multiplication. The matching cost volume from the network's output forms the data term for discrete MAP inference in a pairwise Markov random field. Extensive evaluations reveal the importance of context for feature matching.Die visuelle Wahrnehmung von Tiefe und Bewegung spielt eine wichtige Rolle bei dem VerstĂ€ndnis und der Navigation in unserer Umwelt. Die 3D Rekonstruktion von Szenen im Freien und die SchĂ€tzung der Bewegung von Videokameras sind von grĂ¶ĂŸter Bedeutung fĂŒr Anwendungen, wie das autonome Fahren. Die Erforschung der entsprechenden Probleme des maschinellen Sehens hat in den letzten Jahrzehnten enorme Fortschritte gemacht, jedoch bleiben einige Aspekte heute noch ungelöst. Beispiele hierfĂŒr sind reflektierende und texturlose OberflĂ€chen oder große Bewegungen, bei denen herkömmliche lokale Methoden hĂ€ufig scheitern. Weitere Herausforderungen sind niedrige Bildraten, Verdeckungen, große Verzerrungen und schwierige LichtverhĂ€ltnisse. In dieser Arbeit schlagen wir vor nicht-lokale Interaktionen zu modellieren, die semantische und kontextbezogene Informationen nutzen, um diese Herausforderungen zu meistern. FĂŒr die binokulare Stereo SchĂ€tzung schlagen wir zuallererst vor zusammenhĂ€ngende Bereiche mit objektklassen-spezifischen DisparitĂ€ts VorschlĂ€gen zu regularisieren, die wir mit inversen Grafik Techniken auf der Grundlage einer spĂ€rlichen DisparitĂ€tsschĂ€tzung und semantischen Segmentierung des Bildes erhalten. Die DisparitĂ€ts VorschlĂ€ge kodieren die Tatsache, dass die GegenstĂ€nde bestimmter Kategorien nicht willkĂŒrlich geformt sind, sondern typischerweise regelmĂ€ĂŸige Strukturen aufweisen. Wir integrieren sie fĂŒr die komplexe Objektklasse 'Auto' in Form eines nicht-lokalen Regularisierungsterm in ein Superpixel-basiertes grafisches Modell und zeigen die Vorteile vor allem in reflektierenden Bereichen. Zweitens nutzen wir fĂŒr die 3D-Rekonstruktion die Tatsache, dass mit der GrĂ¶ĂŸe der rekonstruierten FlĂ€che auch die Wahrscheinlichkeit steigt, Objekte von Ă€hnlicher Art und Form in der Szene zu enthalten. Dies gilt besonders fĂŒr Szenen im Freien, in denen GebĂ€ude und Fahrzeuge oft vorkommen, die unter fehlender Textur oder Reflexionen leiden aber Ă€hnlichkeit in der Form aufweisen. Wir nutzen diese Ă€hnlichkeiten zur Lokalisierung von Objekten mit Detektoren und zur gemeinsamen Rekonstruktion indem ein volumetrisches Modell ihrer Form erlernt wird. Dies ermöglicht auftretendes Rauschen zu reduzieren, wĂ€hrend fehlende FlĂ€chen vervollstĂ€ndigt werden, da Objekte Ă€hnlicher Form von allen Beobachtungen der jeweiligen Kategorie profitieren. Die Evaluierung auf einem neuen, herausfordernden vorstĂ€dtischen Datensatz in Anbetracht von LIDAR-Entfernungsdaten zeigt die Vorteile der Modellierung von strukturellen AbhĂ€ngigkeiten zwischen Objekten. Zuletzt, motiviert durch den Erfolg von Deep Learning Techniken bei der Mustererkennung, prĂ€sentieren wir eine Methode zum Erlernen von kontextbezogenen Merkmalen zur Lösung des optischen Flusses mittels diskreter Optimierung. Dazu stellen wir eine effiziente Methode vor um zusĂ€tzlich zu einem Lokalen Netzwerk ein Kontext-Netzwerk zu erlernen, das mit Hilfe von erweiterter Faltung auf Patches ein großes rezeptives Feld besitzt. FĂŒr das Feature Matching vergleichen wir mit schnellen GPU-Matrixmultiplikation jedes Pixel im Referenzbild mit jedem Pixel im Zielbild. Das aus dem Netzwerk resultierende Matching Kostenvolumen bildet den Datenterm fĂŒr eine diskrete MAP Inferenz in einem paarweisen Markov Random Field. Eine umfangreiche Evaluierung zeigt die Relevanz des Kontextes fĂŒr das Feature Matching

    Spatial Displays and Spatial Instruments

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    The conference proceedings topics are divided into two main areas: (1) issues of spatial and picture perception raised by graphical electronic displays of spatial information; and (2) design questions raised by the practical experience of designers actually defining new spatial instruments for use in new aircraft and spacecraft. Each topic is considered from both a theoretical and an applied direction. Emphasis is placed on discussion of phenomena and determination of design principles

    Towards Real-Time Novel View Synthesis Using Visual Hulls

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    This thesis discusses fast novel view synthesis from multiple images taken from different viewpoints. We propose several new algorithms that take advantage of modern graphics hardware to create novel views. Although different approaches are explored, one geometry representation, the visual hull, is employed throughout our work. First the visual hull plays an auxiliary role and assists in reconstruction of depth maps that are utilized for novel view synthesis. Then we treat the visual hull as the principal geometry representation of scene objects. A hardwareaccelerated approach is presented to reconstruct and render visual hulls directly from a set of silhouette images. The reconstruction is embedded in the rendering process and accomplished with an alpha map trimming technique. We go on by combining this technique with hardware-accelerated CSG reconstruction to improve the rendering quality of visual hulls. Finally, photometric information is exploited to overcome an inherent limitation of the visual hull. All algorithms are implemented on a distributed system. Novel views are generated at interactive or real-time frame rates.In dieser Dissertation werden mehrere Verfahren vorgestellt, mit deren Hilfe neue Ansichten einer Szene aus mehreren Bildströmen errechnet werden können. Die Bildströme werden hierzu aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln auf die Szene aufgezeichnet. Wir schlagen mehrere Algorithmen vor, welche die Funktionen moderner Grafikhardware ausnutzen, um die neuen Ansichten zu errechnen. Obwohl die Verfahren sich methodisch unterscheiden, basieren sie auf der gleichen Geometriedarstellung, der Visual Hull. In der ersten Methode spielt die Visual Hull eine unterstĂŒtzende Rolle bei der Rekonstruktion von Tiefenbildern, die zur Erzeugung neuer Ansichten verwendet werden. In den nachfolgend vorgestellten Verfahren dient die Visual Hull primĂ€r der ReprĂ€sentation von Objekten in einer Szene. Eine hardwarebeschleunigte Methode, um Visual Hulls direkt aus mehreren Silhouettenbildern zu rekonstruieren und zu rendern, wird vorgestellt. Das Rekonstruktionsverfahren ist hierbei Bestandteil der Renderingmethode und basiert auf einer Alpha Map Trimming Technik. Ein weiterer Algorithmus verbessert die Qualitaet der gerenderten Visual Hulls, indem das Alpha-Map-basierte Verfahren mit einer hardware-beschleunigten CSG Rekonstruktiontechnik kombiniert wird. Eine vierte Methode nutzt zusaetzlich photometrische Information aus, um eine grundlegende Beschraenkung des Visual-Hull-Ansatzes zu umgehen. Alle Verfahren ermoeglichen die interaktive oder Echtzeit- Erzeugung neuer Ansichten

    Multi-view Geometric Constraints For Human Action Recognition And Tracking

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    Human actions are the essence of a human life and a natural product of the human mind. Analysis of human activities by a machine has attracted the attention of many researchers. This analysis is very important in a variety of domains including surveillance, video retrieval, human-computer interaction, athlete performance investigation, etc. This dissertation makes three major contributions to automatic analysis of human actions. First, we conjecture that the relationship between body joints of two actors in the same posture can be described by a 3D rigid transformation. This transformation simultaneously captures different poses and various sizes and proportions. As a consequence of this conjecture, we show that there exists a fundamental matrix between the imaged positions of the body joints of two actors, if they are in the same posture. Second, we propose a novel projection model for cameras moving at a constant velocity in 3D space, \emph cameras, and derive the Galilean fundamental matrix and apply it to human action recognition. Third, we propose a novel use for the invariant ratio of areas under an affine transformation and utilizing the epipolar geometry between two cameras for 2D model-based tracking of human body joints. In the first part of the thesis, we propose an approach to match human actions using semantic correspondences between human bodies. These correspondences are used to provide geometric constraints between multiple anatomical landmarks ( e.g. hands, shoulders, and feet) to match actions observed from different viewpoints and performed at different rates by actors of differing anthropometric proportions. The fact that the human body has approximate anthropometric proportion allows for innovative use of the machinery of epipolar geometry to provide constraints for analyzing actions performed by people of different anthropometric sizes, while ensuring that changes in viewpoint do not affect matching. A novel measure in terms of rank of matrix constructed only from image measurements of the locations of anatomical landmarks is proposed to ensure that similar actions are accurately recognized. Finally, we describe how dynamic time warping can be used in conjunction with the proposed measure to match actions in the presence of nonlinear time warps. We demonstrate the versatility of our algorithm in a number of challenging sequences and applications including action synchronization , odd one out, following the leader, analyzing periodicity etc. Next, we extend the conventional model of image projection to video captured by a camera moving at constant velocity. We term such moving camera Galilean camera. To that end, we derive the spacetime projection and develop the corresponding epipolar geometry between two Galilean cameras. Both perspective imaging and linear pushbroom imaging form specializations of the proposed model and we show how six different ``fundamental matrices including the classic fundamental matrix, the Linear Pushbroom (LP) fundamental matrix, and a fundamental matrix relating Epipolar Plane Images (EPIs) are related and can be directly recovered from a Galilean fundamental matrix. We provide linear algorithms for estimating the parameters of the the mapping between videos in the case of planar scenes. For applying fundamental matrix between Galilean cameras to human action recognition, we propose a measure that has two important properties. First property makes it possible to recognize similar actions, if their execution rates are linearly related. Second property allows recognizing actions in video captured by Galilean cameras. Thus, the proposed algorithm guarantees that actions can be correctly matched despite changes in view, execution rate, anthropometric proportions of the actor, and even if the camera moves with constant velocity. Finally, we also propose a novel 2D model based approach for tracking human body parts during articulated motion. The human body is modeled as a 2D stick figure of thirteen body joints and an action is considered as a sequence of these stick figures. Given the locations of these joints in every frame of a model video and the first frame of a test video, the joint locations are automatically estimated throughout the test video using two geometric constraints. First, invariance of the ratio of areas under an affine transformation is used for initial estimation of the joint locations in the test video. Second, the epipolar geometry between the two cameras is used to refine these estimates. Using these estimated joint locations, the tracking algorithm determines the exact location of each landmark in the test video using the foreground silhouettes. The novelty of the proposed approach lies in the geometric formulation of human action models, the combination of the two geometric constraints for body joints prediction, and the handling of deviations in anthropometry of individuals, viewpoints, execution rate, and style of performing action. The proposed approach does not require extensive training and can easily adapt to a wide variety of articulated actions

    On Motion Analysis in Computer Vision with Deep Learning: Selected Case Studies

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    Motion analysis is one of the essential enabling technologies in computer vision. Despite recent significant advances, image-based motion analysis remains a very challenging problem. This challenge arises because the motion features are extracted directory from a sequence of images without any other meta data information. Extracting motion information (features) is inherently more difficult than in other computer vision disciplines. In a traditional approach, the motion analysis is often formulated as an optimisation problem, with the motion model being hand-crafted to reflect our understanding of the problem domain. The critical element of these traditional methods is a prior assumption about the model of motion believed to represent a specific problem. Data analytics’ recent trend is to replace hand-crafted prior assumptions with a model learned directly from observational data with no, or very limited, prior assumptions about that model. Although known for a long time, these approaches, based on machine learning, have been shown competitive only very recently due to advances in the so-called deep learning methodologies. This work's key aim has been to investigate novel approaches, utilising the deep learning methodologies, for motion analysis where the motion model is learned directly from observed data. These new approaches have focused on investigating the deep network architectures suitable for the effective extraction of spatiotemporal information. Due to the estimated motion parameters' volume and structure, it is frequently difficult or even impossible to obtain relevant ground truth data. Missing ground truth leads to choose the unsupervised learning methodologies which is usually represents challenging choice to utilize in already challenging high dimensional motion representation of the image sequence. The main challenge with unsupervised learning is to evaluate if the algorithm can learn the data model directly from the data only without any prior knowledge presented to the deep learning model during In this project, an emphasis has been put on the unsupervised learning approaches. Owning to a broad spectrum of computer vision problems and applications related to motion analysis, the research reported in the thesis has focused on three specific motion analysis challenges and corresponding practical case studies. These include motion detection and recognition, as well as 2D and 3D motion field estimation. Eyeblinks quantification has been used as a case study for the motion detection and recognition problem. The approach proposed for this problem consists of a novel network architecture processing weakly corresponded images in an action completion regime with learned spatiotemporal image features fused using cascaded recurrent networks. The stereo-vision disparity estimation task has been selected as a case study for the 2D motion field estimation problem. The proposed method directly estimates occlusion maps using novel convolutional neural network architecture that is trained with a custom-designed loss function in an unsupervised manner. The volumetric data registration task has been chosen as a case study for the 3D motion field estimation problem. The proposed solution is based on the 3D CNN, with a novel architecture featuring a Generative Adversarial Network used during training to improve network performance for unseen data. All the proposed networks demonstrated a state-of-the-art performance compared to other corresponding methods reported in the literature on a number of assessment metrics. In particular, the proposed architecture for 3D motion field estimation has shown to outperform the previously reported manual expert-guided registration methodology

    Monitoring 3D vibrations in structures using high resolution blurred imagery

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    This thesis describes the development of a measurement system for monitoring dynamic tests of civil engineering structures using long exposure motion blurred images, named LEMBI monitoring. Photogrammetry has in the past been used to monitor the static properties of laboratory samples and full-scale structures using multiple image sensors. Detecting vibrations during dynamic structural tests conventionally depends on high-speed cameras, often resulting in lower image resolutions and reduced accuracy. To overcome this limitation, the novel and radically different approach presented in this thesis has been established to take measurements from blurred images in long-exposure photos. The motion of the structure is captured in an individual motion-blurred image, alleviating the dependence on imaging speed. A bespoke algorithm is devised to determine the motion amplitude and direction of each measurement point. Utilising photogrammetric techniques, a model structure s motion with respect to different excitations is captured and its vibration envelope recreated in 3D, using the methodology developed in this thesis. The approach is tested and used to identify changes in the model s vibration response, which in turn can be related to the presence of damage or any other structural modification. The approach is also demonstrated by recording the vibration envelope of larger case studies in 2D, which includes a full-scale bridge structure, confirming the relevance of the proposed measurement approach to real civil engineering case studies. This thesis then assesses the accuracy of the measurement approach in controlled motion tests. Considerations in the design of a survey using the LEMBI approach are discussed and limitations are described. The implications of the newly developed monitoring approach to structural testing are reviewed
