134,518 research outputs found

    New Trends in Using Augmented Reality Apps for Smart City Contexts

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    The idea of virtuality is not new, as research on visualization and simulation dates back to the early use of ink and paper sketches for alternative design comparisons. As technology has advanced so the way of visualizing simulations as well, but the progress is slow due to difficulties in creating workable simulations models and effectively providing them to the users. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality, the evolving technologies that have been haunting the tech industry, receiving excessive attention from the media and colossal growing are redefining the way we interact, communicate and work together. From consumer application to manufacturers these technologies are used in different sectors providing huge benefits through several applications. In this work, we demonstrate the potentials of Augmented Reality techniques in a Smart City (Smart Campus) context. A multiplatform mobile app featuring Augmented Reality capabilities connected to GIS services are developed to evaluate different features such as performance, usability, effectiveness and satisfaction of the Augmented Reality technology in the context of a Smart Campus

    Проектування студії зі створення додатків з доповненою реальністю

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    Звіт про магістерську дисертацію: 121 сторінок, 35 рисунків, 48 таблиць, 47 джерел. Тема дипломного проєкту – «Проєктування студії зі створення додатків з доповненою реальністю». Актуальність теми: Технології доповненої і віртуальної реальності використовуються в освіті і медицині, на їх базі розробляються навчальні програми і тренажери, медичні апарати моделюють і проводять операції. У зв'язку з викладеним вище актуальним є питання про вплив, який можуть надати технології доповненої і віртуальної реальності на бізнес. Мета магістерської дисертації полягає у проєктуванні студії з виготовленням додатків з доповненою реальністю. Задачі даної магістерської дисертації: Розробити технологічний процес створення додатків з доповненою реальністю. Сформувати розгорнуте промислове завдання для студії з створення додатків з доповненою реальністю. Визначити аналіз стану доповненої реальності. Провести технологічні та економічні розрахунки запроєктованої студії. Визначити доцільність створення додатків з доповненою реальністю (ДР). Провести дослідження створення 3D-моделей та анімацій. Сформулювати висновки і рекомендації по роботі. Об'єктом дослідження є додатки з доповненою реальністю. Предмет дослідження – процес створення додатків з доповненою реальністю та використання цієї технології. Методи дослідження – емпіричний, аналітичний та теоретичний. Одержані висновки – було ознайомлено з методами, програмним забезпеченням та технологією створення додатків. Досліджено процес створення доповненої реальності.Master's thesis report: 121 pages, 35 figures, 48 tables, 47 sources. The topic of the diploma project is "Designing a studio for creating applications with augmented reality." Relevance of the topic: Augmented and virtual reality technologies are used in education and medicine, on their basis training programs and simulators are developed, medical devices are modeled and operations are performed. In connection with the above, the question of the impact that augmented and virtual reality technologies can have on business is relevant. The purpose of the master's dissertation is to design a studio with augmented reality applications. Objectives of this master's dissertation: Develop the technological process of creating applications with augmented reality. Create a detailed industrial task for the studio to create applications with augmented reality. Identify an analysis of the state of augmented reality. Carry out technological and economic calculations of the designed studio. Determine the feasibility of creating applications from the DR. Conduct research on the creation of 3D models and animations. Formulate conclusions and recommendations for work. The object of study are augmented reality applications. The subject of research is the process of creating applications with augmented reality and the use of this technology. Research methods – empirical, analytical and theoretical. Conclusions obtained – were acquainted with the methods, software and technology of application development. The process of creating augmented reality is studied

    Creating learning activities using augmented reality tools

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    There is an increasing number of students usingsmartphones and tablets in schools. Mobile devices gained pop-ularity as an educational tool and there are many schools thatused them frequently in educational activities to improve learning.There are many augmented reality (AR) applications availablethat can be used to create educational contents for these mobiledevices. This paper surveys the most popular augmented realityapplications. Our goal is to select AR eco-systems, for educationalpurposes, that are user friendly, that do not require programmingskills and are free, so that they can be used in daily teachingactivities. We also present teaching activities created with thesetools that use different augmented reality technologies for creatinganimations, 3D models and other information to be shown ontop of interactive documents. The examples presented are used ineducational activities in kindergarten and to improve the learningof music and orthographic views in elementary and secondaryschools.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Development of an Augmented Reality Mobile Application in Educational Purposes

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    This work is devoted to the issues of visualization and data processing, in particular, improving the visualization of three-dimensional objects using the technology of augmented reality in education. This article describes the development of augmented reality mobile applications on the theme of the galaxy. The main purpose of the application: educational and cognitive. In the process of performing work, computer graphics, algorithms and modeling methods were used. Use case: there are special images on the stand that the mobile application recognizes and shows the created 3D models of the “Sun” and “Milky Way”. In addition, while the 3D model is being displayed, a short training audio lecture will be held. To create a 3D model of objects, the Unity program was used in conjunction with the augmented reality platform Vuforia

    Nextmed: Automatic Imaging Segmentation, 3D Reconstruction, and 3D Model Visualization Platform Using Augmented and Virtual Reality

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    The visualization of medical images with advanced techniques, such as augmented reality and virtual reality, represent a breakthrough for medical professionals. In contrast to more traditional visualization tools lacking 3D capabilities, these systems use the three available dimensions. To visualize medical images in 3D, the anatomical areas of interest must be segmented. Currently, manual segmentation, which is the most commonly used technique, and semi-automatic approaches can be time consuming because a doctor is required, making segmentation for each individual case unfeasible. Using new technologies, such as computer vision and artificial intelligence for segmentation algorithms and augmented and virtual reality for visualization techniques implementation, we designed a complete platform to solve this problem and allow medical professionals to work more frequently with anatomical 3D models obtained from medical imaging. As a result, the Nextmed project, due to the different implemented software applications, permits the importation of digital imaging and communication on medicine (dicom) images on a secure cloud platform and the automatic segmentation of certain anatomical structures with new algorithms that improve upon the current research results. A 3D mesh of the segmented structure is then automatically generated that can be printed in 3D or visualized using both augmented and virtual reality, with the designed software systems. The Nextmed project is unique, as it covers the whole process from uploading dicom images to automatic segmentation, 3D reconstruction, 3D visualization, and manipulation using augmented and virtual reality. There are many researches about application of augmented and virtual reality for medical image 3D visualization; however, they are not automated platforms. Although some other anatomical structures can be studied, we focused on one case: a lung study. Analyzing the application of the platform to more than 1000 dicom images and studying the results with medical specialists, we concluded that the installation of this system in hospitals would provide a considerable improvement as a tool for medical image visualization

    Didactic potential of using digital content with augmented reality

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    Авторами здійснено аналіз практичного досвіду вітчизняних і зарубіжних вчених у галузі комп’ютерно орієнтованих педагогічних технологій щодо використання VR і AR у процесі навчання. У ході дослідження проводився скринінг довгострокових трендів (за матеріалами світових прогнозів і тематичних оглядів); аналізувались глобальні соціально-економічні та науково-технологічні виклики, що стосуються сфери ІКТ; оцінювалися потенційні можливості використання технології віртуальної, доповненої та змішаної реальності для освіти; застосовувались методи порівняльного аналізу і тестування цифрових додатків й освітніх послуг. Охарактеризовано деякі поняття, необхідні для однозначного розуміння представлених результатів: імерсивність, об’єкти імерсивних технологій, відчуття присутності, віртуальна реальність, доповнена реальність, розширена реальність, змішана реальність, заміщена реальність, віртуальний і доповнений метавсесвіт. У статті коротко викладено напрями практичного застосування технологій віртуальної і доповненої реальності у бізнесі, виробництві, корпоративному навчанні. Увагу дослідників зосереджено на використанні технології розширеної реальності в освітньому процесі: ігрова діяльність і технології розширеної реальності; освітній цифровий контент на базі технології розширеної реальності; огляд освітніх мобільних додатків з підтримкою технології доповненої реальності; застосування узагальненої моделі електронної освіти Хана. Недостатньо дослідженим, а отже актуальним для подальших наукових розвідок є розширення візуальних можливостей шкільних підручників шляхом використання інтерактивних моделей, відеозображень та об’єктів доповненої реальності, зокрема для предметів природничо-математичного циклу. Обґрунтованість і результативність таких досліджень буде залежати від наявності і стану розроблення відповідних критеріїв та показників оцінювання освітнього цифрового контенту, зокрема контенту з доповненою реальністю.During the studies, long-term trends were screened (based on the materials of worldwide forecasts and thematic reviews); global socio-economic and scientific-technological challenges related to the field of ICT were analyzed; potential opportunities for the use of virtual, augmented and mixed reality technologies for the purpose of education were assessed. The authors analyzed the practical experience of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of computer-based pedagogical technologies for the use of VR and AR in the process of education; methods of comparative analysis and testing of digital applications and educational services were applied. Some concepts necessary for unambiguous understanding of the presented results are described: immersiveness, objects of immersive technologies, sense of presence, virtual reality, augmented reality, extended reality, mixed reality, substituted reality, virtual and augmented metaverse. The article briefly outlines the areas of practical application of virtual and augmented reality technologies in business, manufacturing, corporate training. Researchers focus on the use of augmented reality technology in the educational process: gaming and augmented reality technology, educational digital content based on augmented reality technology; review of educational mobile applications which support augmented reality technology; application of Khan's generalized model of e-education. The expansion of the visual possibilities of school textbooks through the use of interactive models, video images and augmented reality objects, in particular for natural sciences and mathematics, is insufficiently researched and therefore relevant for further research. The validity and effectiveness of such studies will depend on the availability and status of the development of appropriate criteria and indicators for evaluating educational digital content, in particular that, which includes augmented reality content

    Using Augmented Reality as a Medium to Assist Teaching in Higher Education

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    In this paper we describe the use of a high-level augmented reality (AR) interface for the construction of collaborative educational applications that can be used in practice to enhance current teaching methods. A combination of multimedia information including spatial three-dimensional models, images, textual information, video, animations and sound, can be superimposed in a student-friendly manner into the learning environment. In several case studies different learning scenarios have been carefully designed based on human-computer interaction principles so that meaningful virtual information is presented in an interactive and compelling way. Collaboration between the participants is achieved through use of a tangible AR interface that uses marker cards as well as an immersive AR environment which is based on software user interfaces (UIs) and hardware devices. The interactive AR interface has been piloted in the classroom at two UK universities in departments of Informatics and Information Science

    The Next Generation Classroom: Transforming Aviation Training with Augmented Reality

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    Augmented Reality is transforming aviation training by allowing us to bring digital content in our real world with the use of wearable technologies such as Microsoft HoloLens. Wearable technologies can transform your aviation training using innovative methods to optimize engagement and retention by mapping 3D models, videos and holographic interactive content to your current training materials. These advanced training methods can be a cost-effective way to create engaging content to improve performance, reduce errors and aid in retention. This approach combined with customizable mobile applications create immersive experiences which optimize mixed reality to encourage the effective progression to advance skills, aid in retention, allow practice, bridge the gap between simulation and the classroom, while embracing new technologies to engage the future generation aviation learners

    Neo: Virtual Object Modeling using Commodity Hardware

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    Recent developments in augmented reality technology have paved way for newapplications in a wide range of areas. These include the commercial markets,medicine applications, military applications and education. The technology pro-vides immersive images to enhance our perception of the world. Augmentedreality addresses challenges related to problem-solving by seamlessly integrat-ing digital images into real-world images.In the context of construction and maintenance industry, project inspections canbe time-consuming and tedious. These inspections involve usages of expensiveand specialized hardware. Some inspections even use physical blueprints anddrawings along with standardized measurement tools. This approach can posepractical challenges and be prone to errors.In this thesis we present Neo, a surface reconstruction system on commodityhardware. It utilizes augmented reality technology by scanning physical sur-roundings and reconstructs them as virtual objects. They are displayed on topof the camera’s live preview of the real world. By using a pipeline architecturewe model the physical surroundings in terms of their shapes and visual appear-ances. Cyber-physical information about the reconstructed virtual models areannotated in real-time. Evaluations of the system show us potentials to createrealistic copies of physical object