1,198 research outputs found

    Some approaches to representing sound with colour and shape

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    In recent times much of the practice of musical notation and representation has begun a gradual migration away from the monochrome standard that existed since the emergence of printed Non-Western music in the 16th century, towards the full colour pallet afforded by modern printers and computer screens. This move has expanded the possibilities available for the representation of information in the musical score. Such an expansion is arguably necessitated by the growth of new musical techniques favouring musical phenomena that were previously poorly captured by traditional Western musical notation. As time-critical form of visualisation there is a strong imperative for the musical score to employ symbols that signify sonic events and the method of their execution with maximal efficiency. One important goal in such efficiency is “semantic soundness”: the degree to which graphical representations makes inherent sense to the reader. This paper explores the implications of recent research into cross-modal colour-to-sound and shape-to sound mappings for the application of colour and shape in musical scores. The paper also revisits Simon Emmerson’s Super-Score concept as a means to accommodate multiple synchronised forms of sonic representation (the spectrogram and spectral descriptors for example) together with alternative notational approaches (gestural, action-based and graphical for example) in a single digital document

    The phylogenetic origin and mechanism of sound symbolism - the role of action-perception circuits

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    As opposed to the classic Saussurean view on the arbitrary relationship between linguistic form and meaning, non-arbitrariness is a pervasive feature in human language. Sound symbolism—namely, the intrinsic relationship between meaningless speech sounds and visual shapes—is a typical case of non-arbitrariness. A demonstration of sound symbolism is the “maluma-takete” effect, in which immanent links are observed between meaningless ‘round’ or ‘sharp’ speech sounds (e.g., maluma vs. takete) and round or sharp abstract visual shapes, respectively. An extensive amount of empirical work suggests that these mappings are shared by humans and play a distinct role in the emergence and acquisition of language. However, important questions are still pending on the origins and mechanism of sound symbolic processing. Those questions are addressed in the present work. The first part of this dissertation focuses on the validation of sound symbolic effects in a forced choice task, and on the interaction of sound symbolism with two crossmodal mappings shared by humans. To address this question, human subjects were tested with a forced choice task on sound symbolic mappings crossed with two crossmodal audiovisual mappings (pitch-shape and pitch-spatial position). Subjects performed significantly above chance only for the sound symbolic associations but not for the other two mappings. Sound symbolic effects were replicated, while the other two crossmodal mappings involving low-level audiovisual properties, such as pitch and spatial position, did not emerge. The second issue examined in the present dissertation are the phylogenetic origins of sound symbolic associations. Human subjects and a group of touchscreen trained great apes were tested with a forced choice task on sound symbolic mappings. Only humans were able to process and/or infer the links between meaningless speech sounds and abstract shapes. These results reveal, for the first time, the specificity of humans’ sound symbolic ability, which can be related to neurobiological findings on the distinct development and connectivity of the human language network. The last part of the dissertation investigates whether action knowledge and knowledge of the perceptual outputs of our actions can provide a possible explanation of sound symbolic mappings. In a series of experiments, human subjects performed sound symbolic mappings, and mappings of ‘round’ or ‘sharp’ hand actions sounds with the shapes produced by these hand actions. In addition, the auditory and visual stimuli of both conditions were crossed. Subjects significantly detected congruencies for all mappings, and most importantly, a positive correlation was observed in their performances across conditions. Physical acoustic and visual similarities between the audiovisual byproducts of our hand actions with the sound symbolic pseudowords and shapes show that the link between meaningless speech sounds and abstract visual shapes is found in action knowledge. From a neurobiological perspective the link between actions and the audiovisual by-products of our actions is also in accordance with distributed action perception circuits in the human brain. Action-perception circuits, supported by the human neuroanatomical connectivity between auditory, visual, and motor cortices, and under associative learning, emerge and carry the perceptual and motor knowledge of our actions. These findings give a novel explanation for how symbolic communication is linked to our sensorimotor experiences. To sum up, the present dissertation (i) validates the presence of sound symbolic effects in a forced choice task, (ii) shows that sound symbolic ability is specific to humans, and (iii) that action knowledge can provide the mechanistic glue of mapping meaningless speech sounds to abstract shapes. Overall, the present work contributes to a better understanding of the phylogenetic origins and mechanism of sound symbolic ability in humans.Im Gegensatz zur klassischen Saussureschen Ansicht ĂŒber die willkĂŒrliche Beziehung zwischen sprachlicher Form und Bedeutung ist die NichtwillkĂŒrlichkeit ein durchdringendes Merkmal der menschlichen Sprache. Lautsymbolik—nĂ€mlich die intrinsische Beziehung zwischen bedeutungslosen Sprachlauten und visuellen Formen—ist ein typischer Fall von NichtwillkĂŒrlichkeit. Ein Beispiel fĂŒr Klangsymbolik ist der “malumatakete” Effekt, bei dem immanente Verbindungen zwischen bedeutungslosen ‘runden’ oder ‘scharfen’ Sprachlauten (z.B. maluma vs. takete) und runden bzw. scharfen abstrakten visuellen Formen beobachtet werden. Umfangreiche empirische Arbeiten legen nahe, dass diese Zuordnungen von Menschen vorgenommen werden und bei der Entstehung und dem Erwerb von Sprache eine besondere Rolle spielen. Wichtige Fragen zu Ursprung und Mechanismus der Verarbeitung von Lautsymbolen sind jedoch noch offen. Diese Fragen werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit behandelt. Der erste Teil dieser Dissertation konzentriert sich auf die Validierung von klangsymbolischen Effekten in einer Forced-Choice-Auswahlaufgabe (erzwungene Wahl) und auf die Interaktion von Klangsymbolik mit zwei crossmodalen Mappings, die von Menschen vorgenommen werden. Um dieser Frage nachzugehen, wurden menschliche Probanden mit einer Auswahlaufgabe mit zwei Auswahlmöglichkeiten auf klangsymbolische Zuordnungen getestet , die mit zwei crossmodalen audiovisuellen Zuordnungen (Tonhöhenform und Tonhöhen-Raum-Position) gekreuzt wurden. Die Versuchspersonen erbrachten nur bei den klangsymbolischen Assoziationen eine signifikant ĂŒber dem Zufall liegende Leistung, nicht aber bei den beiden anderen Zuordnungen. Tonsymbolische Effekte wurden repliziert, wĂ€hrend die beiden anderen crossmodalen Zuordnungen, die audiovisuelle Eigenschaften auf niedriger Ebene wie Tonhöhe und rĂ€umliche Position beinhalteten, nicht auftraten. Das zweite Thema, das in der vorliegenden Dissertation untersucht wird, sind die phylogenetischen UrsprĂŒnge der klangsymbolischen Assoziationen. Menschliche Versuchspersonen und eine Gruppe von Menschenaffen, die auf Touchscreens trainiert wurden, wurden mit einer Forced-Choice-Aufgabe auf klangsymbolische Zuordnungen getestet. Nur Menschen waren in der Lage, die Verbindungen zwischen bedeutungslosen Sprachlauten und abstrakten Formen zu verarbeiten und/oder abzuleiten. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen zum ersten Mal die SpezifitĂ€t der lautsymbolischen FĂ€higkeit des Menschen, die mit neurobiologischen Erkenntnissen ĂŒber die ausgeprĂ€gte Entwicklung und KonnektivitĂ€t des menschlichen Sprachnetzwerks in Verbindung gebracht werden kann. Der letzte Teil der Dissertation untersucht darĂŒber hinaus, ob Handlungswissen und das Wissen um die Wahrnehmungsergebnisse unserer Handlungen eine mögliche ErklĂ€rung fĂŒr solide symbolische Mappings liefern können. In einer Reihe von Experimenten fĂŒhrten menschliche Versuchspersonen klangsymbolische Mappings durch sowie Mappings von ‘runden’ oder ‘scharfen’ Handaktionen KlĂ€nge mit den durch diese Handaktionen erzeugten Formen. DarĂŒber hinaus wurden die auditiven und visuellen Reize beider Bedingungen gekreuzt. Die Probanden stellten bei allen Zuordnungen signifikant Kongruenzen fest, und, was am wichtigsten war, es wurde eine positive Korrelation ihrer Leistungen unter allen Bedingungen beobachtet. Physikalische akustische und visuelle Ähnlichkeiten zwischen den audiovisuellen Nebenprodukten unserer Handaktionen mit den klangsymbolischen Pseudowörtern und Formen zeigen, dass die Verbindung zwischen bedeutungslosen Sprachlauten und abstrakten visuellen Formen im Handlungswissen zu finden ist. Aus neurobiologischer Sicht stimmt die Verbindung zwischen Handlungen und den audiovisuellen Nebenprodukten unserer Handlungen auch mit den verteilten Handlungs- und WahrnehmungskreislĂ€ufen im menschlichen Gehirn ĂŒberein. Aktions- Wahrnehmungsnetzwerken, die durch die neuroanatomische KonnektivitĂ€t zwischen auditorischen, visuellen und motorischen kortikalen Arealen des Menschen unterstĂŒtzt werden, entstehen und tragen unter assoziativem Lernen das perzeptuelle und motorische Wissen unserer Handlungen. Diese Erkenntnisse geben eine neuartige ErklĂ€rung dafĂŒr, wie symbolische Kommunikation in unseren sensomotorischen Erfahrungen verknĂŒpft ist. Zusammenfassend lĂ€sst sich sagen, dass die vorliegende Dissertation (i) das Vorhandensein von lautsymbolischen Effekten in einer Forced-Choice-Aufgabe validiert, (ii) zeigt, dass lautsymbolische FĂ€higkeiten spezifisch fĂŒr Menschen sind, und (iii) dass Handlungswissen den mechanistischen Klebstoff liefern kann, um bedeutungslose Sprachlaute auf abstrakte Formen abzubilden. Insgesamt trĂ€gt die vorliegende Arbeit zu einem besseren VerstĂ€ndnis der phylogenetischen UrsprĂŒnge und des Mechanismus der lautsymbolischen FĂ€higkeit des Menschen bei

    How touch and hearing influence visual processing in sensory substitution, synaesthesia and cross-modal correspondences

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    Sensory substitution devices (SSDs) systematically turn visual dimensions into patterns of tactile or auditory stimulation. After training, a user of these devices learns to translate these audio or tactile sensations back into a mental visual picture. Most previous SSDs translate greyscale images using intuitive cross-sensory mappings to help users learn the devices. However more recent SSDs have started to incorporate additional colour dimensions such as saturation and hue. Chapter two examines how previous SSDs have translated the complexities of colour into hearing or touch. The chapter explores if colour is useful for SSD users, how SSD and veridical colour perception differ and how optimal cross-sensory mappings might be considered. After long-term training, some blind users of SSDs report visual sensations from tactile or auditory stimulation. A related phenomena is that of synaesthesia, a condition where stimulation of one modality (i.e. touch) produces an automatic, consistent and vivid sensation in another modality (i.e. vision). Tactile-visual synaesthesia is an extremely rare variant that can shed light on how the tactile-visual system is altered when touch can elicit visual sensations. Chapter three reports a series of investigations on the tactile discrimination abilities and phenomenology of tactile-vision synaesthetes, alongside questionnaire data from synaesthetes unavailable for testing. Chapter four introduces a new SSD to test if the presentation of colour information in sensory substitution affects object and colour discrimination. Chapter five presents experiments on intuitive auditory-colour mappings across a wide variety of sounds. These findings are used to predict the reported colour hallucinations resulting from LSD use while listening to these sounds. Chapter six uses a new sensory substitution device designed to test the utility of these intuitive sound-colour links for visual processing. These findings are discussed with reference to how cross-sensory links, LSD and synaesthesia can inform optimal SSD design for visual processing

    Cross-modal correspondences in non-human mammal communication

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    For both humans and other animals, the ability to combine information obtained through different senses is fundamental to the perception of the environment. It is well established that humans form systematic cross-modal correspondences between stimulus features that can facilitate the accurate combination of sensory percepts. However, the evolutionary origins of the perceptual and cognitive mechanisms involved in these cross-modal associations remain surprisingly underexplored. In this review we outline recent comparative studies investigating how non-human mammals naturally combine information encoded in different sensory modalities during communication. The results of these behavioural studies demonstrate that various mammalian species are able to combine signals from different sensory channels when they are perceived to share the same basic features, either be- cause they can be redundantly sensed and/or because they are processed in the same way. Moreover, evidence that a wide range of mammals form complex cognitive representations about signallers, both within and across species, suggests that animals also learn to associate different sensory features which regularly co-occur. Further research is now necessary to determine how multisensory representations are formed in individual animals, including the relative importance of low level feature-related correspondences. Such investigations will generate important insights into how animals perceive and categorise their environment, as well as provide an essential basis for understanding the evolution of multisensory perception in humans

    Embodied Songs: Insights Into the Nature of Cross-Modal Meaning-Making Within Sign Language Informed, Embodied Interpretations of Vocal Music

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    Embodied song practices involve the transformation of songs from the acoustic modality into an embodied-visual form, to increase meaningful access for d/Deaf audiences. This goes beyond the translation of lyrics, by combining poetic sign language with other bodily movements to embody the para-linguistic expressive and musical features that enhance the message of a song. To date, the limited research into this phenomenon has focussed on linguistic features and interactions with rhythm. The relationship between bodily actions and music has not been probed beyond an assumed implication of conformance. However, as the primary objective is to communicate equivalent meanings, the ways that the acoustic and embodied-visual signals relate to each other should reveal something about underlying conceptual agreement. This paper draws together a range of pertinent theories from within a grounded cognition framework including semiotics, analogy mapping and cross-modal correspondences. These theories are applied to embodiment strategies used by prominent d/Deaf and hearing Dutch practitioners, to unpack the relationship between acoustic songs, their embodied representations, and their broader conceptual and affective meanings. This leads to the proposition that meaning primarily arises through shared patterns of internal relations across a range of amodal and cross-modal features with an emphasis on dynamic qualities. These analogous patterns can inform metaphorical interpretations and trigger shared emotional responses. This exploratory survey offers insights into the nature of cross-modal and embodied meaning-making, as a jumping-off point for further research

    QoE of cross-modally mapped Mulsemedia: an assessment using eye gaze and heart rate

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    A great deal of research effort has been put in exploring crossmodal correspondences in the field of cognitive science which refer to the systematic associations frequently made between different sensory modalities (e.g. high pitch is matched with angular shapes). However, the possibilities cross-modality opens in the digital world have been relatively unexplored. Therefore, we consider that studying the plasticity and the effects of crossmodal correspondences in a mulsemedia setup can bring novel insights about improving the human-computer dialogue and experience. Mulsemedia refers to the combination of three or more senses to create immersive experiences. In our experiments, users were shown six video clips associated with certain visual features based on color, brightness, and shape. We examined if the pairing with crossmodal matching sound and the corresponding auto-generated haptic effect, and smell would lead to an enhanced user QoE. For this, we used an eye-tracking device as well as a heart rate monitor wristband to capture users’ eye gaze and heart rate whilst they were experiencing mulsemedia. After each video clip, we asked the users to complete an on-screen questionnaire with a set of questions related to smell, sound and haptic effects targeting their enjoyment and perception of the experiment. Accordingly, the eye gaze and heart rate results showed significant influence of the cross-modally mapped multisensorial effects on the users’ QoE. Our results highlight that when the olfactory content is crossmodally congruent with the visual content, the visual attention of the users seems shifted towards the correspondent visual feature. Crosmodally matched media is also shown to result in an enhanced QoE compared to a video only condition

    Using eye tracking and heart-rate activity to examine crossmodal correspondences QoE in Mulsemedia

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    Different senses provide us with information of various levels of precision and enable us to construct a more precise representation of the world. Rich multisensory simulations are thus beneficial for comprehension, memory reinforcement, or retention of information. Crossmodal mappings refer to the systematic associations often made between different sensory modalities (e.g., high pitch is matched with angular shapes) and govern multisensory processing. A great deal of research effort has been put into exploring cross-modal correspondences in the field of cognitive science. However, the possibilities they open in the digital world have been relatively unexplored. Multiple sensorial media (mulsemedia) provides a highly immersive experience to the users and enhances their Quality of Experience (QoE) in the digital world. Thus, we consider that studying the plasticity and the effects of cross-modal correspondences in a mulsemedia setup can bring interesting insights about improving the human computer dialogue and experience. In our experiments, we exposed users to videos with certain visual dimensions (brightness, color, and shape), and we investigated whether the pairing with a cross-modal matching sound (high and low pitch) and the corresponding auto-generated vibrotactile effects (produced by a haptic vest) lead to an enhanced QoE. For this, we captured the eye gaze and the heart rate of users while experiencing mulsemedia, and we asked them to fill in a set of questions targeting their enjoyment and perception at the end of the experiment. Results showed differences in eye-gaze patterns and heart rate between the experimental and the control group, indicating changes in participants’ engagement when videos were accompanied by matching cross-modal sounds (this effect was the strongest for the video displaying angular shapes and high-pitch audio) and transitively generated cross-modal vibrotactile effects.<?vsp -1pt?

    Hearing triangles: perceptual clarity, opacity, and symmetry of spectrotemporal sound shapes

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.In electroacoustic music, the spectromorphological approach commonly employs analogies to non-sonic phenomena like shapes, gestures, or textures. In acoustical terms, sound shapes can concern simple geometries on the spectrotemporal plane, for instance, a triangle that widens in frequency over time. To test the auditory relevance of such triangular sound shapes, two psychoacoustic experiments assessed if and how these shapes are perceived. Triangular sound-shape stimuli, created through granular synthesis, varied across the factors grain density, frequency and amplitude scales, and widening vs. narrowing orientations. The perceptual investigation focused on three auditory qualities, derived in analogy to the visual description of a triangle: the clarity of the triangular outline, the opacity of the area enclosed by the outline, and the symmetry along the vertical dimension. These morphological qualities seemed to capture distinct perceptual aspects, each linked to different acoustical factors. Clarity of shape was conveyed even for sparse grain densities, while also exhibiting a perceptual bias for widening orientations. Opacity varied as a function of grain texture, whereas symmetry strongly depended on frequency and amplitude scales. The perception of sound shapes could relate to common perceptual cross-modal correspondences and share the same principles of perceptual grouping with vision

    Iconicity Chains In Sign Languages

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    Stephen Anderson warns that approaches to linguistic universals that derive facts about language from the structure of the Language faculty or from external forces shaping the Primary Linguistic Data--- where these two sources must be taken as mutually exclusive -- not only are difficult to support since the two modes of explanation are entangled, but wrong (Anderson 2008). External forces shaping the Primary Linguistic Data can result in grammatical regularities -- true properties of language -- but, in order to recognize them, we must ``take into account the filtering role of the perceptual systems through which these [brute physical facts] are presented to the mind for interpretation'' (Anderson 2016:13). In the communication systems of other species we find that particularities of biology are connected to pathways for messages. The same should be true for humans. ``Why, in fact, might we be tempted to believe otherwise?'' (Anderson 2011:364). Why, indeed? This paper argues for iconicity chains in sign languages, chains consisting of mappings from various perceptual systems into a visual realization and then into a semantic sense, allowing insight into why unrelated languages might exhibit similar signs for abstract concepts
