27 research outputs found

    Facing the Hydra: Maintaining Strategic Balance while Pursuing a Global War against Terrorism

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    The author analyzes the impact of the war on terrorism and the requirements of the 2001 Quadrennial Defense Review on the many essential missions conducted by the U.S. Armed Forces. Focusing primarily on the Army, he highlights the requirements associated with combat operations against terrorists, accelerating transformation and the new emphasis on homeland security and force protection. At the same time, he points out that the Army and the other Services must remain involved worldwide in day-to-day assurance, dissuasion, and deterrence activities; execution of peace operations and other smaller-scale contingencies; and remaining ready for other major combat operations. The author asserts that these obligations require the Army to reshape and expand its force structure. Failure to do so places critical missions at risk around the world could lead to replacement of operational victory in the war on terrorism with strategic failure, as regional instability increases around the world.https://press.armywarcollege.edu/monographs/1819/thumbnail.jp

    Characterization of Fine and Coarse Atmospheric Aerosols in Kuala Lumpur

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    From July 1988 to December 1990 daily samples of atmospheric aerosols segregated into fine particlas, FP (aerodynamic diameter, da 2.5 !Lm) and coarse particles, CP (2.5!Lm ~ da ~ 10 !Lm) were collected using a dichotomous sampler sited at the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. Eighteen elements (AJ, As, Br, Ca, Cl, Co, Fe, K, Mn, Na, i, P, Pb, S, Sb, Si, V, and Zn) were determined from the aerosol samples. On average, the total elemental concentration made up 19, 33, and 23% of the FP, CP, and TP (TP=FP+CP) fractions respectively, and approximately 70% of As, Br, K, Na, Pb, S, and V were found to be in the fine fraction. Both Sand Si constituted the largest percentage of the total elemental concentration of 61 and 44% in the FP and CP fractions, respectively. Based on a source apportionment study, the soil and marine environments contributed 21 and 5% of the TP fraction while the remaining 74% of the aerosol concentration is yet to be explained


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    Pada penelitian ini dipelajari kepedulian terhadap implementasi keselamatan di tempat kerja pada empat industri tekstil di Bandung. Untuk itu dilakukan kunjungan agar dapat mengetahui kondisi tempat kerja dan tindakan para karyawan saat melaksanakan tugas serta diskusi mengenai aspek keselamatan dengan berbagai pihak yang terkait. Persepsi mengenai keselamatan di tempat kerja juga dipelajari dari jawaban atas kuesioner yang dibagikan kepada para karyawan. Diamati bahwa aspek keselamatan di tempat kerja pada keempat industri tekstil perlu ditingkatkan. Pada tiga industri tekstil pertama dapat disimpulkan hal-hal berikut: Tingkat penerangan di tempat kerja untuk semua industri perlu ditingkatkan. Tingkat kebisingan pada dua dari tiga industri harus diturunkan. Jawaban kuesioner dari para karyawan mencerminkan bahwa mereka telah merasakan dampak di tempat kerja yang merugikan kesehatan. Sebagai tersirat dari hasil diskusi dan kuesioner, persepsi dan kepedulian para karyawan terhadap keselamatan juga perlu ditingkatkan. Data mengenai jumlah kecelakaan dan keparahan cidera akibat kecelakaan yang terjadi pada tahun 2011 dan 2012 hanya dimiliki oleh satu industri. Data tersebut menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kecelakaan yang terjadi pada tahun 2011 tidak berbeda dengan yang terjadi pada tahun 2012. Satu kecelakaan tahun 2012 mengakibatkan cacat permanen. Disarankan agar solusi atas masalah keselamatan dilakukan berdasarkan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja yang menganut pendekatan sistem berdasarkan ergonomi makro.Pada industri tekstil keempat dicoba untuk mengintroduksikan desain sistem keselamatan kerja karyawan di Departemen Weaving pada saat memasang beam tying. Dari hasil pengamatan di lapangan diperoleh data bahwa secara keseluruhan pada tahun 2012 terjadi 15 kecelakaan, dan sampai dengan bulan Agustus 2013 terjadi 59 kecelakaan kerja. Hasil pengamatan di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa potensi kececelakaan kerja dengan cidera berat adalah pada saat memasang beam tying di Departemen Weaving. Untuk mengurangi jumlah kecelakaan kerja yang ada maka perlu dibuat suatu konsep disain yang melibatkan kontribusi pihak karyawan dan manajemen, atau dengan pendekatan participatory ergonomics. Proses desain ini menggunakan metode job hazard analysis yaitu suatu metode yang mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis bahaya yang terjadi di tempat kerja. Konsep desain yang diusulkan adalah sistem K3 di Departemen Weaving dan dibentuk organisasi K3 yang terintegrasi dengan organisasi manajemen perusahaan sehingga terbentuk Sistem Manajemen K3 sesuai dengan Peraturan Pemerintah No. 50 tahun 2012.Kata kunci: keselamatan kerja, ergonomi makro, sistem manajemen K3 kecelakaan kerja, job hazard analysis, participatory ergonomics

    Data distribution satellite

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    A description is given of a data distribution satellite (DDS) system. The DDS would operate in conjunction with the tracking and data relay satellite system to give ground-based users real time, two-way access to instruments in space and space-gathered data. The scope of work includes the following: (1) user requirements are derived; (2) communication scenarios are synthesized; (3) system design constraints and projected technology availability are identified; (4) DDS communications payload configuration is derived, and the satellite is designed; (5) requirements for earth terminals and network control are given; (6) system costs are estimated, both life cycle costs and user fees; and (7) technology developments are recommended, and a technology development plan is given. The most important results obtained are as follows: (1) a satellite designed for launch in 2007 is feasible and has 10 Gb/s capacity, 5.5 kW power, and 2000 kg mass; (2) DDS features include on-board baseband switching, use of Ku- and Ka-bands, multiple optical intersatellite links; and (3) system user costs are competitive with projected terrestrial communication costs

    Glosarium Politik

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    The BG News October 21, 1983

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    The BGSU campus student newspaper October 21, 1983. Volume 66 - Issue 32https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/5177/thumbnail.jp

    Is Canada back? Human security and national unity during the Governments of Jean Chrétien and Justin Trudeau

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Ciência PolíticaA search for national purpose has always played a central role throughout the several governments of Canada. Particularly after the end of World War II, the Golden Years of Canadian Foreign Policy were inaugurated, a broad slogan which Canadians assume as part of their existence as a political community, thus establishing a parallel between National Unity and Foreign Policy. Such approach brands Canada as a mediatory middle power, remarked by a permanent engagement and cooperative behavior, endorsing universal values through the promotion of a more institutionalized and just international world order: a vision with permanent presence in its processes of agenda setting and execution. Framed within the broad agenda of internationalism, different liberal governments have branded their political program in order to rescue the Golden Age and achieve their political interests may these be internal, external, or both. This thesis starts by analyzing how the Human Security Agenda emerged through the Government of Jean Chrétien during the 1990’s as a response to an internal crisis of national unity in the eve of the Quebec Referendum, calling for a sense of national unity among Canadians by increasing their sense of national pride and belonging, also being remarked as the last internationalist period in Canadian politics. In the eve of the 2015 federal election, Justin Trudeau has brought to discourse the so called Canadian liberal values after a decade of Conservative rule, offering a positive and even nostalgic vision of Canada by enhancing the need to return liberal internationalism to Canadian politics. Once in power, Trudeau announced that “Canada is back”, opening the door for an innovative, idealistic and very personal styled Foreign Policy agenda that Canadians identified with and even a likely possibility of rebuilding a new Human Security Agenda. However, much of Trudeau’s rhetoric has lost credibility as its actions and experiences as prime minister did not keep up with the promised idealistic brand for a too turbulent world.A busca por um sentido de unidade nacional desempenhou sempre um papel central nos vários governos do Canadá. Com o final da Segunda Guerra Mundial foram inaugurados os Anos Dourados da Política Externa Canadiana, um amplo slogan que os canadianos assumem como parte de sua existência enquanto comunidade política, estabelecendo um paralelo entre Unidade Nacional e Politica Externa. Tal abordagem demarca o Canadá como uma potência média moderadora, conhecida por um envolvimento permanente e um comportamento cooperativo na defesa de valores universais na promoção de uma ordem mundial internacional mais institucionalizada e justa: uma visão com presença permanente nos seus processos de definição e execução da agenda politica. Enquadrados na ampla agenda do internacionalismo, diferentes governos liberais rotularam o seu programa político para resgatar a Idade de Ouro e alcançar os seus interesses políticos, sejam estes internos, externos ou ambos. Esta tese começa por analisar de que forma a Agenda de Segurança Humana emerge através do governo de Jean Chrétien durante os anos 90 enquanto resposta a uma crise interna de unidade nacional na véspera do referendo do Québec que exigiu um novo sentido de unidade nacional entre os canadianos, aumentando o seu sentimento de orgulho e pertença, sendo também considerado como o último período internacionalista na política canadiana. Na véspera da eleição federal de 2015, Justin Trudeau discursou acerca dos chamados valores liberais canadianos após uma década de governo conservador, oferecendo uma visão positiva e até nostálgica do Canadá, aumentando a necessidade de retornar o internacionalismo liberal à política canadiana. Uma vez no poder, Trudeau anunciou que “o Canadá está de volta”, abrindo as portas para uma agenda de política externa, inovadora, idealista e muito pessoal, com a qual os canadianos se identificaram e até mesmo uma possibilidade de reconstruir uma nova agenda de segurança humana. No entanto, grande parte da retórica de Trudeau perdeu credibilidade uma vez que as suas ações e experiências como Primeiro-Ministro não acompanharam a prometida marca idealista para um mundo demasiado turbulento

    Georgiasta Ukrainaan : Venäjän sotataito ja taistelupotentiaali aseellisissa konflikteissa

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    Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tunnistaa Venäjän sotapotentiaalin ja sen asevoimien taistelupotentiaalin puolustajalle muodostama uhka aseellisen – sotaa alempiasteisen – konfliktin tilanteessa, tarkastelemalla Venäjän operatiivis-taktisen tason sotataidollisia toimia Georgian ja Ukrainan konflikteissa. Tutkimusaineisto jakautui kolmeen pääryhmään. Tutkimuksen teoria muodostettiin analysoimalla aseellisia konflikteja käsitteleviä venäläisiä artikkeleita. Varsinaiseen tutkimusongelmaan vastattiin tarkastelemalla Georgian ja Ukrainan tutkimustapauksia kuvailevaa aineistoa muodostettua teoriaa vasten. Venäjän sotataidon ja tastelupotentiaalin keskeisimpiä ominaisuuksia aseellisissa konflikteissa ovat voimaryhmän muodostaminen yhden johtoportaan alaisuuteen, pitkäaikaisen konfliktialueen muodostaminen sekä oppositioryhmien tukeminen, operatiivinen ketteryys ja joustava hyökkäystaktiikka, voiman näyttö, infrastruktuurin ja alueiden valtaaminen sekä määräaikainen pitäminen, vihollisen joukkojen sitominen ja tuhoaminen pysyvän valmiuden sekä erikois- ja maahanlaskujoukot, voiman projisoinnin ja tukeutumisen joukot sekä infrastruktuuri, informaatio- ja psykologiset operaatiota sekä strategista harhautus, kybersodankäynti ja sijaistoimijoiden käyttö. Aseellisissa konflikteissa Venäjä pyrkii horjuttamaan puolustajaa voimaryhmän monipuolisella taistelupotentiaalilla useissa maantieteellisissä suunnissa ja taistelutilan ulottuvuuksissa samanaikaisesti puolustaja heikkouden tunnistamiseksi tai virheeseen pakottamiseksi. Kyse on oikean asetelman etsimisestä ennen lamauttavan iskun antamista

    improving reading ability using students’ texts ( a classroom action research at the second year of SMK Farmasi Bina Farma Madiun in 2007/2008 Academic Year)

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    Regina Bayu Nirmala Dewi, S890906211, Improving Reading Ability Using Students’ Texts (A Classroom Action Research at the Second Year of SMK Farmasi Bina Farma Madiun in 2007/2008 Academic Year). A Thesis. Surakarta: Graduate School of English Department, Sebelas Maret University, 2008. The objective of this research is to improve the students’ reading ability using students’ texts. The problem revealed in this research is the low reading ability of the second year of SMK Farmasi Bina Farma Madiun in 2007/2008 academic year. The research was carried out at class 2C because they got the worst score of English test among two other classes. They were the laziest, the noisiest and the most inactive class. The procedures of the research consist of planning, action, observation, and reflection. In collecting the data the researcher used questionnaire, interview, observation, fields note, diaries, photographs, and test as the instruments. Qualitative and quantitative analysis were used to analyze the data. To analyze the qualitative data the researcher analyzed the improvement of the teaching learning process by describing the result of questionnaire, interview, and observation. To analyze the quantitative data the researcher applied a descriptive statistics. It was used to compare the score and means of pretest and posttest. The reading tests were in the form of pretest and posttest. The pretest was conducted in the pre research and posttests were conducted at the end of cycle 1 and the end of cycle 2. The results of the tests were used to know how well students comprehend the reading test. The results of the research reveal that giving freedom to the students to choose their own text can solve their problems in reading. Based on the observation, interview, the result of tests, and supported with the writer’s diaries and photograph, it can be seen: (1) the use of students’ texts can improve students’ motivation in learning English, vocabulary mastery, and reading ability; (2) learning English cooperatively can improve students’ bravery in using English; and (3) giving attention to the students intensively in group or individually outside the class can solve their problem in reading and create good atmosphere and close relationship between teacher and students. Based on the research findings above, at last the writer wants to propose some suggestions to English teachers. First the teacher should give the students a chance to choose what they want to learn. In reading class, the students were given a chance to choose their own text which they want to read. Second, the teacher should ask the students to learn English cooperatively. Third, the teacher should give their time to guide the students individually

    The Journal of ERW and Mine Action Issue 16.2 (2012)

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    SA/LW and Security | Organization Profiles | Urban Land Release in Libya | Notes from the Fiel