
improving reading ability using students’ texts ( a classroom action research at the second year of SMK Farmasi Bina Farma Madiun in 2007/2008 Academic Year)


Regina Bayu Nirmala Dewi, S890906211, Improving Reading Ability Using Students’ Texts (A Classroom Action Research at the Second Year of SMK Farmasi Bina Farma Madiun in 2007/2008 Academic Year). A Thesis. Surakarta: Graduate School of English Department, Sebelas Maret University, 2008. The objective of this research is to improve the students’ reading ability using students’ texts. The problem revealed in this research is the low reading ability of the second year of SMK Farmasi Bina Farma Madiun in 2007/2008 academic year. The research was carried out at class 2C because they got the worst score of English test among two other classes. They were the laziest, the noisiest and the most inactive class. The procedures of the research consist of planning, action, observation, and reflection. In collecting the data the researcher used questionnaire, interview, observation, fields note, diaries, photographs, and test as the instruments. Qualitative and quantitative analysis were used to analyze the data. To analyze the qualitative data the researcher analyzed the improvement of the teaching learning process by describing the result of questionnaire, interview, and observation. To analyze the quantitative data the researcher applied a descriptive statistics. It was used to compare the score and means of pretest and posttest. The reading tests were in the form of pretest and posttest. The pretest was conducted in the pre research and posttests were conducted at the end of cycle 1 and the end of cycle 2. The results of the tests were used to know how well students comprehend the reading test. The results of the research reveal that giving freedom to the students to choose their own text can solve their problems in reading. Based on the observation, interview, the result of tests, and supported with the writer’s diaries and photograph, it can be seen: (1) the use of students’ texts can improve students’ motivation in learning English, vocabulary mastery, and reading ability; (2) learning English cooperatively can improve students’ bravery in using English; and (3) giving attention to the students intensively in group or individually outside the class can solve their problem in reading and create good atmosphere and close relationship between teacher and students. Based on the research findings above, at last the writer wants to propose some suggestions to English teachers. First the teacher should give the students a chance to choose what they want to learn. In reading class, the students were given a chance to choose their own text which they want to read. Second, the teacher should ask the students to learn English cooperatively. Third, the teacher should give their time to guide the students individually

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