21,850 research outputs found

    Identifying common problems in the acquisition and deployment of large-scale software projects in the US and UK healthcare systems

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    Public and private organizations are investing increasing amounts into the development of healthcare information technology. These applications are perceived to offer numerous benefits. Software systems can improve the exchange of information between healthcare facilities. They support standardised procedures that can help to increase consistency between different service providers. Electronic patient records ensure minimum standards across the trajectory of care when patients move between different specializations. Healthcare information systems also offer economic benefits through efficiency savings; for example by providing the data that helps to identify potential bottlenecks in the provision and administration of care. However, a number of high-profile failures reveal the problems that arise when staff must cope with the loss of these applications. In particular, teams have to retrieve paper based records that often lack the detail on electronic systems. Individuals who have only used electronic information systems face particular problems in learning how to apply paper-based fallbacks. The following pages compare two different failures of Healthcare Information Systems in the UK and North America. The intention is to ensure that future initiatives to extend the integration of electronic patient records will build on the ‘lessons learned’ from previous systems

    M-health review: joining up healthcare in a wireless world

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    In recent years, there has been a huge increase in the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to deliver health and social care. This trend is bound to continue as providers (whether public or private) strive to deliver better care to more people under conditions of severe budgetary constraint

    The Knowledge Grid: A Platform to Increase the Interoperability of Computable Knowledge and Produce Advice for Health

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    Here we demonstrate how more highly interoperable computable knowledge enables systems to generate large quantities of evidence-based advice for health. We first provide a thorough analysis of advice. Then, because advice derives from knowledge, we turn our focus to computable, i.e., machine-interpretable, forms for knowledge. We consider how computable knowledge plays dual roles as a resource conveying content and as an advice enabler. In this latter role, computable knowledge is combined with data about a decision situation to generate advice targeted at the pending decision. We distinguish between two types of automated services. When a computer system provides computable knowledge, we say that it provides a knowledge service. When computer system combines computable knowledge with instance data to provide advice that is specific to an unmade decision we say that it provides an advice-giving service. The work here aims to increase the interoperability of computable knowledge to bring about better knowledge services and advice-giving services for health. The primary motivation for this research is the problem of missing or inadequate advice about health topics. The global demand for well-informed health advice far exceeds the global supply. In part to overcome this scarcity, the design and development of Learning Health Systems is being pursued at various levels of scale: local, regional, state, national, and international. Learning Health Systems fuse capabilities to generate new computable biomedical knowledge with other capabilities to rapidly and widely use computable biomedical knowledge to inform health practices and behaviors with advice. To support Learning Health Systems, we believe that knowledge services and advice-giving services have to be more highly interoperable. I use examples of knowledge services and advice-giving services which exclusively support medication use. This is because I am a pharmacist and pharmacy is the biomedical domain that I know. The examples here address the serious problems of medication adherence and prescribing safety. Two empirical studies are shared that demonstrate the potential to address these problems and make improvements by using advice. But primarily we use these examples to demonstrate general and critical differences between stand-alone, unique approaches to handling computable biomedical knowledge, which make it useful for one system, and common, more highly interoperable approaches, which can make it useful for many heterogeneous systems. Three aspects of computable knowledge interoperability are addressed: modularity, identity, and updateability. We demonstrate that instances of computable knowledge, and related instances of knowledge services and advice-giving services, can be modularized. We also demonstrate the utility of uniquely identifying modular instances of computable knowledge. Finally, we build on the computing concept of pipelining to demonstrate how computable knowledge modules can automatically be updated and rapidly deployed. Our work is supported by a fledgling technical knowledge infrastructure platform called the Knowledge Grid. It includes formally specified compound digital objects called Knowledge Objects, a conventional digital Library that serves as a Knowledge Object repository, and an Activator that provides an application programming interface (API) for computable knowledge. The Library component provides knowledge services. The Activator component provides both knowledge services and advice-giving services. In conclusion, by increasing the interoperability of computable biomedical knowledge using the Knowledge Grid, we demonstrate new capabilities to generate well-informed health advice at a scale. These new capabilities may ultimately support Learning Health Systems and boost health for large populations of people who would otherwise not receive well-informed health advice.PHDInformationUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/146073/1/ajflynn_1.pd


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    Interruptions occur frequently in healthcare work systems. Hands-free Communication Devices (HCDs) were implemented in healthcare work systems to support the interruption process. However, from a sociotechnical systems perspective, HCDs may introduce new complications and unintended consequences to the work system. Research gaps exist in investigating the complexity of HCD interruptions in the real-world context. This dissertation aims to understand HCD interruption dynamics in the nursing work systems, using qualitative research methods. The first study examined the major differences between face-to-face and HCD-mediated interruptions, based on 30 hours of field observations in the acute care setting. Three major differences included: (1) The available cues to understand interruptee’s interruptibility, (2) The delivery of interruption content, and (3) The options to manage interruptions. The results uncovered facilitators and barriers that appeared to influence nursing work in the interruption process. The second study explored HCD interruption dynamics in more depth. It examined which system factors impact the interruption dynamics and how they influence nurses’ decisions and performance regarding the use of HCDs, based on 15 hours of field observations and 15 in-depth interviews with registered nurses in the pediatric intensive care units. This study was framed by the meso-ergonomics paradigm and activity theory. A descriptive model of HCD interruption dynamics was developed, comprising of five proximal system factors, 17 indicator and moderator system factors, and four distal system factors. These system factors interact and create integrated causal chains to impact interruption dynamics and influence the nurses’ decisions and performance regarding the use of HCDs. Specifically, the proximal system factors immediately impact interruption dynamics, the indicator or moderator system factors provide partial inputs and contextual circumstances of the proximal system factors, and the distal system factors are further down the causal chain. The results of the dissertation provided the basis for improving the design of interruption-mediating tools as well as the nursing work system, to better support the HCD-mediated interruption process, which may ultimately enhance the quality and safety of healthcare work systems

    Loss of a sense of aliveness, bodily unhomeliness and radical estrangement: A phenomenological inquiry into service users’ experiences of psychiatric medication use in the treatment of early psychosis

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    Quantitative research drawing on the disease-centred model of psychiatric drug action dominates research on psychiatric medication, while little is known about service users’ subjective, embodied experiences of taking psychiatric medication. This research explored service users’ felt, embodied and relational experiences of psychiatric medication use in the treatment of early psychosis using a multimodal, longitudinal research design. A more in-depth understanding of what it is like and what it means to take psychiatric medication from service users’ idiographic perspectives is needed to improve the clinical care and support service users receive and better understand the treatment choices they make. Ten participants between the age of 18 and 30 years were recruited from London-based NHS Early Intervention in Psychosis services and participated in in-depth idiographic interviews. Eight participants took part in a follow-up interview between six and nine months later. Visual methods were used to explore the verbal as well as the pre-reflective, embodied aspects of participants’ medication experiences. The data was analysed using a combination of interpretative phenomenological analysis and framework analysis. While taking psychiatric medication, participants reported the loss of a sense of aliveness, feelings of radical estrangement from themselves, the world and other people and a sense of being suspended in a liminal, time-locked dimension in which they felt unable to transition from past experiences of psychosis to future recovery. The findings of this study highlight the highly distressing and adverse iatrogenic effects of psychiatric medication use, including medication-induced coporealisation, disembodiment, estrangement and a loss of belonging. More holistic, human rights-based, recovery-oriented and body-centred ways of treating psychosis are needed

    Combining ontologies and rules with clinical archetypes

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    Al igual que otros campos que dependen en gran medida de las funcionalidades ofrecidas por las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones (IT), la biomedicina y la salud necesitan cada vez más la implantación de normas y mecanismos ampliamente aceptados para el intercambio de datos, información y conocimiento. Dicha necesidad de compatibilidad e interoperabilidad va más allá de las cuestiones sintácticas y estructurales, pues la interoperabilidad semántica es también requerida. La interoperabilidad a nivel semántico es esencial para el soporte computarizado de alertas, flujos de trabajo y de la medicina basada en evidencia cuando contamos con la presencia de sistemas heterogéneos de Historia Clínica Electrónica (EHR). El modelo de arquetipos clínicos respaldado por el estándar CEN/ISO EN13606 y la fundación openEHR ofrece un mecanismo para expresar las estructuras de datos clínicos de manera compartida e interoperable. El modelo ha ido ganando aceptación en los últimos años por su capacidad para definir conceptos clínicos basados en un Modelo de Referencia común. Dicha separación a dos capas permite conservar la heterogeneidad de las implementaciones de almacenamiento a bajo nivel, presentes en los diferentes sistemas de EHR. Sin embargo, los lenguajes de arquetipos no soportan la representación de reglas clínicas ni el mapeo a ontologías formales, ambos elementos fundamentales para alcanzar la interoperabilidad semántica completa pues permiten llevar a cabo el razonamiento y la inferencia a partir del conocimiento clínico existente. Paralelamente, es reconocido el hecho de que la World Wide Web presenta requisitos análogos a los descritos anteriormente, lo cual ha fomentado el desarrollo de la Web Semántica. El progreso alcanzado en este terreno, con respecto a la representación del conocimiento y al razonamiento sobre el mismo, es combinado en esta tesis con los modelos de EHR con el objetivo de mejorar el enfoque de los arquetipos clínicos y ofrecer funcionalidades que se corresponden con nivel más alto de interoperabilidad semántica. Concretamente, la investigación que se describe a continuación presenta y evalúa un enfoque para traducir automáticamente las definiciones expresadas en el lenguaje de definición de arquetipos de openEHR (ADL) a una representación formal basada en lenguajes de ontologías. El método se implementa en la plataforma ArchOnt, que también es descrita. A continuación se estudia la integración de dichas representaciones formales con reglas clínicas, ofreciéndose un enfoque para reutilizar el razonamiento con instancias concretas de datos clínicos. Es importante ver como el acto de compartir el conocimiento clínico expresado a través de reglas es coherente con la filosofía de intercambio abierto fomentada por los arquetipos, a la vez que se extiende la reutilización a proposiciones de conocimiento declarativo como las utilizadas en las guías de práctica clínica. De esta manera, la tesis describe una técnica de mapeo de arquetipos a ontologías, para luego asociar reglas clínicas a la representación resultante. La traducción automática también permite la conexión formal de los elementos especificados en los arquetipos con conceptos clínicos equivalentes provenientes de otras fuentes como son las terminologías clínicas. Dichos enlaces fomentan la reutilización del conocimiento clínico ya representado, así como el razonamiento y la navegación a través de distintas ontologías clínicas. Otra contribución significativa de la tesis es la aplicación del enfoque mencionado en dos proyectos de investigación y desarrollo clínico, llevados a cabo en combinación con hospitales universitarios de Madrid. En la explicación se incluyen ejemplos de las aplicaciones más representativas del enfoque como es el caso del desarrollo de sistemas de alertas orientados a mejorar la seguridad del paciente. No obstante, la traducción automática de arquetipos clínicos a lenguajes de ontologías constituye una base común para la implementación de una amplia gama de actividades semánticas, razonamiento y validación, evitándose así la necesidad de aplicar distintos enfoques ad-hoc directamente sobre los arquetipos para poder satisfacer las condiciones de cada contexto