618 research outputs found

    A global 3-D CTM evaluation of black carbon in the Tibetan Plateau

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    We systematically evaluate the black carbon (BC) simulations for 2006 over the Tibetan Plateau by a global 3-D chemical transport model (CTM) (GEOS-Chem) driven by GEOS-5 assimilated meteorological fields, using in situ measurements of BC in surface air, BC in snow, and BC absorption aerosol optical depth (AAOD). Using improved anthropogenic BC emission inventories for Asia that account for rapid technology renewal and energy consumption growth (Zhang et al., 2009; Lu et al., 2011) and improved global biomass burning emission inventories that account for small fires (van der Werf et al., 2010; Randerson et al., 2012), we find that model results of both BC in surface air and in snow are statistically in good agreement with observations (biases < 15%) away from urban centers. Model results capture the seasonal variations of the surface BC concentrations at rural sites in the Indo-Gangetic Plain, but the observed elevated values in winter are absent. Modeled surface-BC concentrations are within a factor of 2 of the observations at remote sites. Part of the discrepancy is explained by the deficiencies of the meteorological fields over the complex Tibetan terrain. We find that BC concentrations in snow computed from modeled BC deposition and GEOS-5 precipitation are spatiotemporally consistent with observations (<i>r</i> = 0.85). The computed BC concentrations in snow are a factor of 2–4 higher than the observations at several Himalayan sites because of excessive BC deposition. The BC concentrations in snow are biased low by a factor of 2 in the central plateau, which we attribute to the absence of snow aging in the CTM and strong local emissions unaccounted for in the emission inventories. Modeled BC AAOD is more than a factor of 2 lower than observations at most sites, particularly to the northwest of the plateau and along the southern slopes of the Himalayas in winter and spring, which is attributable in large part to underestimated emissions and the assumption of external mixing of BC aerosols in the model. We find that assuming a 50% increase of BC absorption associated with internal mixing reduces the bias in modeled BC AAOD by 57% in the Indo-Gangetic Plain and the northeastern plateau and to the northeast of the plateau, and by 16% along the southern slopes of the Himalayas and to the northwest of the plateau. Both surface BC concentration and AAOD are strongly sensitive to anthropogenic emissions (from China and India), while BC concentration in snow is especially responsive to the treatment of BC aerosol aging. We find that a finer model resolution (0.5° × 0.667° nested over Asia) reduces the bias in modeled surface-BC concentration from 15 to 2%. The large range and non-homogeneity of discrepancies between model results and observations of BC across the Tibetan Plateau undoubtedly undermine current assessments of the climatic and hydrological impact of BC in the region and thus warrant imperative needs for more extensive measurements of BC, including its concentration in surface air and snow, AAOD, vertical profile and deposition

    Cosmogenic ³⁵S measurements in the Tibetan Plateau to quantify glacier snowmelt

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    The cosmogenic radionuclide ³⁵S (t₁/₂ ~ 87 days) is a unique tracer for high-altitude air mass and has been used extensively to understand stratospheric air mass mixing. In this paper, we investigate if ³⁵S can be utilized as an independent tracer to quantify glacier melt. We report the first measurements of ³⁵S in samples collected from the Tibetan Plateau during 2009–2012 with an aim to interpret ³⁵S in atmospheric particles and their deposition over glacier and snowmelts. Our measurements show that ³⁵S activity in the aerosol phase varies from 116 ± 13 to 2229 ± 52 atoms/m³ resulting in higher values during winter–spring and lower values during summer–autumn. This seasonality is likely due to higher mixing of ³⁵S-rich stratospheric air masses during winter–spring and ³⁵S-poor air masses from the Bay of Bengal during the Asian summer monsoon. The average ³⁵S activity in the Zhadang glacier was found to be 3–8 times higher relative to the nearby lake water. The main source of ³⁵S activity in the Zhadang glacier is atmospheric deposition, whereas both atmospheric deposition and glacier snowmelt are the primary sources in the Nam Co Lake. The focus of this study is to quantitatively determine the spatial and temporal variations in glacier snowmelt. In the future, extensive sampling of aerosols and snow is required for determining ³⁵S in combination with stable oxygen isotopes in sulfate to better understand the glacier melt process and hydrological cycle on the Tibetan Plateau

    Climatic effect of light-absorbing impurities on snow : experimental and field observations

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    Snow and ice are essential components of the Earth system, modulating the energy budget by reflecting sunlight back into the atmosphere, and through its importance in the hydrological cycle by being a reservoir for fresh water. Light-absorbing impurities (LAI), such as black carbon (BC) and mineral dust (MD), have a unique role in influencing the reflectance of the cryosphere. Deposition of the anthropogenic and natural LAI constituents onto these bright surfaces initiates powerful albedo feedbacks that will accelerate melt. This is important globally, but especially for regions such as the Arctic and the Himalaya. In this thesis, observations from both ambient and laboratory experiments are presented. The overarching research goal has been to better understand the climatic effect of LAI on snow. More specifically, an emphasis has been placed on exploring the process-level interactions between LAI and snow, which will enable better comprehension of LAI affecting the cryosphere. Key findings in this thesis involves the investigations on the horizontal variability of BC concentrations in the surface snow that indicate a larger variability on the order of meter scale at a pristine Arctic site compared to a polluted site nearby a major urban area. In outdoor experiments, where LAI were used to artificially dope natural snow surfaces, the snow albedo was observed to decrease following LAI deposition. The albedo decrease was on the same order as in situ measurements of LAI and albedo conducted elsewhere. As snow melted during the experiment, the snow density was observed to decrease with increasing LAI concentration, while this effect was not observed in non-melting snow. The water retention capacity in melting snow is likely to be decreased by the presence of LAI. Measurements examining the absorption of BC indicate that BC particles in the snow have less absorbing potential compared to BC particles generated in the laboratory. The LAI content of snow pit investigations from two glaciers in the Sunderdhunga valley, northern India, an area not previously examined for LAI, presented high BC and MD content, affecting the radiative balance of the glacier snow. At different points, MD may be greater than BC in absorbing light at the snow surface. A continued monitoring of LAI in the cryosphere, both on the detailed scale explored here, as well as on the larger modelling perspective is needed in order to understand the overall response of the cryosphere to climate change

    Carbonaceous matter in the atmosphere and glaciers of the Himalayas and the Tibetan plateau: An investigative review

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    Carbonaceous matter, including organic carbon (OC) and black carbon (BC), is an important climate forcing agent and contributes to glacier retreat in the Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau (HTP). The HTP – the so-called “Third Pole” – contains the most extensive glacial area outside of the polar regions. Considerable research on carbonaceous matter in the HTP has been conducted, although this research has been challenging due to the complex terrain and strong spatiotemporal heterogeneity of carbonaceous matter in the HTP. A comprehensive investigation of published atmospheric and snow data for HTP carbonaceous matter concentration, deposition and light absorption is presented, including how these factors vary with time and other parameters. Carbonaceous matter concentrations in the atmosphere and glaciers of the HTP are found to be low. Analysis of water-insoluable organic carbon and BC from snowpits reveals that concentrations of OC and BC in the atmosphere and glacier samples in arid regions of the HTP may be overestimated due to contributions from inorganic carbon in mineral dust. Due to the remote nature of the HTP, carbonaceous matter found in the HTP has generally been transported from outside the HTP (e.g., South Asia), although local HTP emissions may also be important at some sites. This review provides essential data and a synthesis of current thinking for studies on atmospheric transport modeling and radiative forcing of carbonaceous matter in the HTP

    Aerosol-cloud-precipitation interaction based on remote sensing and cloud-resolving modeling over the Central Himalayas

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    The Central Himalayan region experiences pronounced orographic precipitation related to the South Asian summer monsoon, typically occurring from June to September. Atmospheric aerosols can influence regional and global climate through aerosol-radiation (ARI) and aerosol-cloud interactions (ACI). The study of the aerosol-precipitation relationship over the Central Himalayan region during the summer monsoon season is important due to extreme pollution over the upwind Indo-Gangetic Plains, enhanced moisture supply through monsoonal flow, and steep terrain of the Himalayas modulating the orographic forcing. This dissertation aims to study the impact of atmospheric aerosols, from natural and anthropogenic sources, in modulating the monsoonal precipitation, cloud processes, and freezing isotherm over the central Himalayas. The long-term (2002 – 2017) satellite-retrieved and reanalysis datasets showed regardless of the meteorological forcing, compared to relatively cleaner days, polluted days with higher aerosol optical depth is characterized by the invigorated clouds and enhanced precipitation over the southern slopes and foothills of the Himalayas. The mean freezing isotherm increased by 136.2 meters in a polluted environment, which can be crucial and significantly impact the hydroclimate of the Himalayas. Due to the limitations of satellite-retrieved observational data, these results underlined the need for state-of-the-art Weather Research and Forecasting model coupled with Chemistry (WRF-Chem) in a cloud-resolving scale to better represent and study the impact of the aerosols from different sources through radiation and microphysics pathways over the complex terrain of the Central Himalayas. A cloud-resolving WRF-Chem simulation is performed to assess the impact of anthropogenic and remotely transported dust aerosols on the convective processes and elevation-dependent precipitation. Long-range transported dust aerosols significantly impacted cloud microphysical properties and enhanced the precipitation by 9.3% over the southern slopes of the Nepal Himalayas. The mid-elevation of the Central Himalayas, generally between 1000 and 3000 meters, acted as the region below and above which the diurnal variation and precipitation of various intensities (light, moderate, and heavy) responded differently for ARI, ACI, and the combined effect of aerosols. Due to the ARI effect of aerosols, the light precipitation is suppressed by 17% over the Central Himalayas. The ACI effect dominated and resulted in enhanced heavy precipitation by 12% below 2000 m ASL, which can potentially increase the risk for extreme events (floods and landslides). In contrast, above 2000 m ASL, the suppression of precipitation due to aerosols can be critical for the regional supply of water resources. The overview of the study suggests that the natural and anthropogenic aerosols significantly modulate the convective processes, monsoonal precipitation, and freezing isotherm over the Central Himalayan region, which could pose significant consequences to the changing Himalayan hydroclimate

    effects of climate changes on dust aerosol over east asia from regcm3

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    Abstract In order to understand impacts of global warming on dust aerosol over East Asia, a regional climate model (RegCM3) coupled with a dust model is employed to simulate the present (1991–2000, following the observed concentration of the greenhouse gases) and future (2091–2100, following the A1B scenario) dust aerosol. Three experiments are performed over East Asia at a horizontal resolution of 50 km, driven by the outputs from a global model of the Model for Interdisciplinary Research on Climate (MIROC3.2_hires), two without (Exp.1 for the present and Exp.2 for the future) and one with (Exp.3 for the future) the radiative effects of dust aerosols. Effects of climate changes on dust aerosols and the feedback of radiative effects in the future are investigated by comparing differences of Exp.2 and Exp.1, Exp.3 and Exp.2, respectively. Results show that global warming will lead to the increases of dust emissions and column burden by 2% and 14% over East Asia, characterized by the increase in December–January–February–March (DJFM) and the decrease in April–May (AM). Similar variations are also seen in the projected frequencies of high dust emission events, showing an advanced active season of dust in the future. The net top-of-atmosphere (TOA) radiative forcing is positive over the desert source regions and negative over downwind regions, while the surface radiative forcing is negative over the domain, which will lead to a reduction of dust emissions and column burden