456 research outputs found


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    This study analyzed about racial discrimination topic reflected in The Help novel by Kathryn Stockett from Aibileen and Skeeter characters. In the past era, black people are the worst. They do not have rights like as white get. The purpose of this study was to show how the racial discrimination happens in Aibileen and her friend as a black help in the white people house. There are some data from the novel to be analyzed with this topic. They are monologues, dialogues, and narration. Those data use descriptive qualitative technique as the method of analyzing. Collecting the data has some steps, the first is reading the novel, indentifying the data, and the last classifying the data. This study shows that black people are the worst at that time, there were no one who can help the condition. Racial discrimination is the topic which portrayed by Aibileen and Skeeter character from The Help novel by Kathryn Stockett. In the pas era, black people have lot of limitation for their rights. As the result, they only can be a help as their profession for the black women. Aibileen is a black help in the white people house. She gets lot of racial discrimination in that house by her boss. In the other hand, there is Miss Skeeter. She is white people who want to help black people. She wants to change something. In the end of this study, Miss Skeeter can decrease racial discrimination that happen at that time through her book. In addition, she gets lot of bad treatment from her white friend because of her defends to black people.Keywords: Race, Discrimination, Black and white people


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    Project ini menganalisis tentang novel karya Kathryn Stockett yang berjudul The Help. Novel tersebut berisi tentang rasisme dan penjajahan secara tidak langsung oleh orang kulit putih. Di dalam The Help terdapat 3 tokoh yang menjadi pemeran utama yaitu Eugenia Phelan, Aibeleen Clark dan Minny Jackson. Pengarang menggambarkan setting tempat di Jackson, Mississipi, pada tahun 1960-an. Tujuan penulisan project ini untuk menjelaskan kelebihan dan kekurangan novel The Help. Untuk mendukung penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan unsur intrinsik novel. Kekuatan pada novel The Help terdapat pada tema, setting dan karakter, sedangkan kelemahannya pada bahasa dan alur cerita atau plot. Penulis mengumpulkan semua sumber data dengan buku-buku yang tersedia di perpustakaan maupun diakses melalui internet. Penulis menganjurkan untuk membaca novel tersebut, karena dari isi cerita kita dapat belajar tentang moral kehidupan yaitu pengampunan, keberanian, dan ketulusan

    The Help

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    Kathryn Stockett’s The Help focuses on the racism that was prominent in 1962 Jackson, Mississippi. Two black maids, Aibileen and Minny, and a white socialite, Skeeter, join together, in secret and risking their lives, to write a book that tells the stories of black domestic maids working in white Southern households. Specifically, Skeeter focuses on beginning a career as a journalist, instead of finding a husband and starting a family, which was not a norm amongst the Southern women. The Help not only addresses racism in the 1960s, it also focuses on the importance of a husband and a family to most of the Southern women. Kathryn Stockett uses Skeeter Phelan to break the norm of a husband and family being the top priority of women, an issue also addressed in The Feminine Mystique by Friedan. This allows readers to see how women’s priorities have evolved since the 1960s

    Representation Of Racism In The Novel "The Help" By Kathryn Stockett

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    Based on the findings and discussion in this thesis the writer found there are two types of racism in the novel The Help by Kathryn Stocket. The first type is individual racism and it has happened much more then in this novel than institutional racism as the second type


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    This research analyzed the oppression issue that happened in The Help novel. The oppression mostly happened to the two main black female characters in the novel, namely Aibileen Clark and Minny Jackson. The purpose of this research is to analyze how the kinds of oppression happened through the postcolonial feminism perspective. To provide deeper analysis, qualitative research is used as the research method. By the analysis, it was found that Aibileen got four kinds of oppression, which are exploitation, marginalization, powerlessness, and cultural imperialism. Whereas Minny Jackson got all the kinds of oppression towards her. These oppressions can be seen through the narration, dialogue, action, thoughts, and physical appearance of the characters. Both of them got the oppression because as the third world women, they were shaped to be inferior towards Miss Hilly, Miss Leefolt as their masters and Leroy as Minny’s husband. Based on the analysis, the researchers concluded that black women experienced double oppression than the first world women, considering not only through their gender but also race and class. Penelitian ini menganalisis masalah penindasan yang terjadi dalam novel The Help. Penindasan sebagian besar terjadi pada dua karakter perempuan kulit hitam utama dalam novel, bernama Aibileen Clark dan Minny Jackson. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa bagaimana jenis – jenis penindasan terjadi melalui sudut pandang feminism poskolonial. Untuk memberikan analisa yang lebih dalam, penelitian kualitatif digunakan sebagai metode penelitian. Melalui analisa, telah ditemukan bahwa Aibileen mendapatkan empat jenis penindasan, yakni eksploitasi, marginalisasi, ketidakberdayaan, dan imperialisme budaya. Sedangkan Minny Jackson mendapatkan semua jenis penindasan disebabkan. Penindasan ini dapat dilihat melalui narasi, dialog, aksi, pikiran, dan penampilan fisik karakter. Keduanya mendapatkan penindasan karena sebagai perempuan negara ketiga, mereka ditentukan untuk menjadi bawahan terhadap Miss Hilly dan Miss Leefolt sebagai majikan mereka dan Leroy sebagai suami Minny. Berdasarkan analisa, peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa perempuan kulit hitam mengalami penindasan ganda daripada perempuan negara pertama, menimbang tidak hanya melalui jenis kelamin tetapi juga melalui ras dan kelas mereka


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    The Help is a novel written by Kathryn Stockett and published in 2009. This novel tells about the lives of black maids who were discriminated by the white master around 1960s in Jackson, Mississippi. This research focused on analyzing the anti-racism of the main characters who are Skeeter, Aibileen and Minny. The purpose of this research was to analyze how the main characters’ anti-racism attitude in The Help novel and to analyze why the main characters become anti-racist people. This research is a qualitative research. This research used two theories, the first is Gordon Allport’s prejudice and discrimination theory and the second is social psychology theory. The result of this research showed that the main characters’ anti-racism attitude such as: verbal antagonism, avoidance and segregation. Meanwhile the factors in social psychology that influence the main characters become anti-racist people are identification factors in social psychology, motive, and social characteristic. Novel The Help adalah novel yang di tulis oleh Kathryn Stockett dan terbit pada tahun 2009. Novel ini bercerita tentang kehidupan para wanita pembantu rumah tangga kulit hitam yang didiskriminasi oleh majikan kulit putih sekitar tahun 1960-an di kota Jackson, Mississippi. Penelitian ini fokus pada menganalisa anti-rasisme dari para tokoh utama yaitu Skeeter, Aibileen dan Minny. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk menganalisa bagaimana sikap anti-rasisme dari para tokoh utama dalam novel The Help dan menganalisa mengapa para tokoh utama menjadi seorang yang anti-rasis. Penelitian ini adalah sebuah penelitian kualitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua teori, teori pertama yaitu  teori prasangka dan diskriminasi dari Gordon Allport dan yang kedua yaitu teori psikologi sosial. Hasil penelitian menunjukan sikap anti-rasisme dari para tokoh utama yang melawan sikap rasis yaitu: lisan antagonisme, penghindaran dan pemisahan. Sementara factor-faktor dalam psikologi sosial yang mempengaruhi para tokoh utama menjadi seorang yang anti-rasis yaitu faktor identifikasi dalam psikologi sosial, motif, dan karakteristik sosial.

    Racial Segregation And Inequality Over The Afro-American Community In Southern America Reflected In Kathryn Stockett’s The Help (Sociological Approach)

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    The objectives of the research are: 1) to describe the indicators of racial segregation and inequality over Afro-American community in South America in The Help; 2) to describe racial segregation and inequality over Afro-American community in South America depicted in The Help; and 3) to describe why the author specifically address the racial segregation and inequality in The Help. The type of the research that is used by the researcher is qualitative research.In this study, the researcher wants to describe systematically, factually, and accurately an interest of racial segregation and inequality over Afro-American community in South America reflected in the novel. The researcher uses the descriptive method to analyze racial segregation and inequality. The results of the research show that: first, the indicators of racial segregation and inequality over Afro-American community in South America in The Help involve 6 (six) indicators: separated housing, separated facilities, racial hierarchy / stereotyping, toiletry segregation as assumption that black people bring diseases, segregation in public services, and segregation in public policy. Second, racial segregation and inequality over Afro-American community in South America depicted in The Help through the characters in the novel is portrayed through the existence of while characters and black characters. The style used by the author to depict segregation is rhetorical. In events, racial segregation and inequality are portrayed in: African American maids were treated treated as ‘despicable human’ although they had been the whites children’s surrogate mothers; Punishment for people who promote racial equality; The growth of love feeling between white children and their nannies, but but is hindered by differences of skin colors; Love feeling as mother and daughter as portrayed in Aibeleen and Mae Mobley’s relationship; and the feeling as close friends as reflected in Constantine and Skeeter’s relationship.Third, the author specifically address the racial segregation and inequality in The Help because of some reasons: expression of regret of past experience and expressing affection towards others

    Characteristics of African-American literature in Kathryn StockettÂŽs The Help and Alice WalkerÂŽs The Color Purple

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    Discuto si la novela Señoras y Criadas, escrita por una norteamericana blanca, puede considerarse una novela afroamericana a pesar de la etnicidad de la autora. La novela trata sobre la vida de las criadas afroamericanas en los Estados Unidos en la Ă©poca de los 60, y se ha comparado con El Color PĂșrpura por su enfoque en el sufrimiento de la mujer negra. En este trabajo, primero establezco cuĂĄles son los elementos esenciales de la literatura afroamericana: la identidad, el rol de la mujer y la ira. Luego sigue un anĂĄlisis literario donde investigo hasta quĂ© punto estas caracterĂ­sticas se encuentran en Señoras y Criadas, comparĂĄndola con El Color PĂșrpura. TambiĂ©n incorporo una parte que compara Señoras y Criadas, La Cabaña del TĂ­o Tom y Matar a un Ruiseñor, todos casos similares en que las escritoras blancas escriben sobre personajes afroamericanos

    The Divided Reception of The Help

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    The reception of Kathryn Stockett’s The Help (2009) calls to mind the reception of two other novels about race relations by southern white writers: Margaret Mitchell’s Gone With the Wind (1936) and William Styron’s The Confessions of Nat Turner (1967). Like Gone With the Wind, The Help has been a pop culture phenomenon— prominent in bookstores and box offices, and the “darling of book clubs everywhere.” In January 2012 when I asked students in my Women in Modern Literature class what was the best book they had recently read by a woman, most named either The Help or The Hunger Games. And not surprisingly. The Help was number one on the New York Times bestseller list for over a year after its publication in 2009. Similarly, the movie held the number one spot in box offices for several weeks after it was released in August 2011, thereby propelling the trade paperback back up the New York Times bestseller list, where it remained a year later. By the time the movie was released, the book had sold 3 million copies, spent more than two years on the New York Times bestseller list, and been published in 35 countries and translated into three languages. Three months after the film’s release, it had grossed $160 million at the box office. Both novel and film have been discussed in likely television venues, such as The View, as well as in unlikely ones, such as Hardball (Chris Matthews loved it). Add to that, DVD purchases, Netflix rentals, and e-books (one of the most downloaded e-books of all time), and readership and viewership of The Help may someday surpass that of Gone With the Wind. Readers from coast to coast made it the most checked-out book in the country for 2010 and 2011. Both novel and film were nominated for awards. The novel won prizes at home (BookExpo America’s Indies Choice Award, the Southern Independent Booksellers Alliance Award for Fiction, the state of Georgia’s Townsend Prize) and abroad (the UK’s Orange Prize, South Africa’s Boeke Prize, and the International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award). And director Tate Taylor received the Writers Guild of America, West’s Paul Selvin Award for his adapted screenplay. While The Help did not win the Oscar for best picture or Viola Davis for best actress, Octavia Spencer did win for best supporting actress, and the film “walked away with the most kudos at the 43rd NAACP Image Awards, taking home the top prize for outstanding motion picture and nabbing actress and supporting actress honors for Davis and Spencer.”

    Dampak Jim Crow Laws Terhadap Orang-orang Kulit Hitam Yang Digambarkan Dalam Novel the Help Karya Kathryn Stockett

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    This skripsi which is entitled “Dampak Jim Crow Laws Terhadap Orang-Orang Kulit Hitam yang Digambarkan dalam Novel The Help Karya Kathryn Stockett” is a study about the social life of American People in 1960 through the characters in the novel. There are two questions to be answered in this research: Howis Jim Crow Laws reflected in the novel andwhat is the effect of the laws to black people. The aims of this research are to analyze the reflection of the Jim Crow Laws in the novel, and to analyze what the effect of Jim Crow Laws to black people in their social life is. The writer uses theory of Aristotle, George Lukacs and Taineto describe what happened in real life of black people is reflected in a literary work. The intrinsicand extrinsic approaches are applied and the descriptive method is used in this research. The result shows that Jim Crow Laws appears through the story and produces an effect like discrimination that causes black people got treated improperlyseparated and limited in using public facilities, either these laws made white people took a benefit to put blacks in a lower class of society
