Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

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    9088 research outputs found

    Various Testing Methods to Diagnose Pediatric Hearing Loss

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    Throughout the 2023-2024 school year, I have had the opportunity to intern at a school for children with hearing loss and understand more about the methodology and function of various hearing tests. In a school setting, I worked with children ages 2 to 7 and consequently administered only specific tests relevant to their age group. Additionally, I also learned about the different devices that are used to aid hearing and the criteria to be considered for each. The methodology of the tests as well as working with the software was also something that I learned to do. Another aspect is patient care and troubleshooting which is exceedingly important while working in the pediatric field, as children can sometimes be unpredictable and uncooperative. Overall, this experience served as a fantastic first look into what the field of pediatric audiology entails and some of the nuances that are not discussed in formal settings

    Electronic Keyboard Instruments – Build and Play

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    Encouraging Careers in Special Education

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    Every child is deserving of an education that meets their individual needs, no matter whether they qualify for special education services or not. Many districts lack sufficient special education teachers to serve the number of special ed students they have adequately, and those that they do have may not all be specifically trained in special education. John Yang from PBS says 15% of students in the U.S. have disabilities that qualify them for special education and the U.S. Department of Education states “45% of schools reported vacancies in special education roles, and 78% reported difficulty in hiring,”. Issues with finding special education teachers have been around for a while and it has only worsened since the pandemic began. Increasing the amount of special education teachers is crucial because there needs to be a small teacher-to-student ratio since one-on-one time helps foster social skills and increases student’s attention span. Thus, we propose creating a nonprofit dedicated to providing a series of educational lectures at high schools, colleges, and universities from special education teachers or those in related fields to combat the lack of special education teachers. The lectures will explain the need for more special ed teachers and why the job is fulfilling and benefits those students who need it most. The goal is to encourage people to switch to special ed-related majors to relieve this staffing shortage. The intended audience is those about to enter or have already enrolled in education majors. These lectures will also be advertised through posts on social media such as Instagram and Facebook. These posts can reach an incredibly wide audience at little cost to the organization. Additionally, they will be shown more often to people who already have their feeds tailored to an interest in education, disability issues, and special education. The lack of teachers in special education puts students with disabilities at a disadvantage in education, post school transitions, and closes off future opportunities overall decreasing equity and life outcomes. By creating this non-profit organization, we strive to encourage current or aspiring educators to consider a career in an underserved demographic, special education

    The Math of Ranked Choice Voting

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    Heart Catcher

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    There is a stark difference in marketed prices for mortgages for the same worth of property when analyzing homes around the vicinity of Chicago compared to below it. These areas share “opposite addresses” in the sense they intersect on another location if folded on a map. This intentional pricing was meant to segregate Black people from white people, a phenomenon known as redlining. The purpose of this project seeks to remedy the effects of redlining. To do so, we seek to begin at a local community level. To build bridges between these separate communities into a welcoming environment, bringing both sides of Chicago and the area below, together. However, it is a focal point in shifting marketing prices to more fair and appropriate ones for the benefit of both communities. Interviewing and seeking aid by companies in charge of real estate and insurance will both be monumental in garnering support for the appropriation in mortgage prices and also help people of minorities who struggle with affording a home

    Techno-economic Analysis of Capacitive Deionization (CDI) Use for Separations of Biofuels in the Production Process

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    Biofuels play a critical role in transitioning towards a sustainable energy system. Affordable and low-carbon biofuels are especially important for hard- to-electrify transportation sectors, such as aviation. Cost and efficiency are the main challenges faced in the biofuel production process, with the separation of valuable organic acids from fermented broth accounting for 50% of the total energy use and up to 70% of overall costs. Capacitive Deionization (CDI), an electro-chemical separations method traditionally used in water desalination, is a promising technology that offers lower energy consumption compared to conventional, thermal-based separations. The application of CDI for biofuel production at an industrial scale remains underexplored. This research aims to provide a techno-economic analysis of using CDI for biofuel precursors, evaluating both the technical and economical feasibility of CDI on larger scales. The findings investigate the industrial architecture of CDI modules, and a comprehensive analysis of important costs, enhancing understanding of CDI\u27s potential and utilization in the transition to sustainable biofuels

    Effects of Sunscreen Chemicals on Freshwater Algae

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    An estimated 229.76 tons of sunscreens are used annually. While the active ingredients in sunscreens are effective in blocking harmful UV irradiation, they have recently been found to be harmful to coral reefs. Sunscreen active ingredients are released into bodies of water via direct human contact, runoff from beach sand, and effluent from wastewater treatment facilities. These chemicals have been found in cenotes of the Yucatan Peninsula, presenting a potential ecological hazard to marine and freshwater ecosystems in the area. The cenotes are also a source of drinking water and if contaminated, may pose significant health risks to human populations. Chlorella vulgaris algae is a species of green freshwater algae common in cenotes of the Yucatan peninsula. In this study, C. vulgaris was grown with varying concentrations of Oxybenzone and Octocrylene, two sunscreen active ingredients known to be harmful to aquatic life. The algae was allowed to grow for one week with a range of sunscreen concentrations. Algal growth was measured by spectrophotometry and compared to a control set containing no sunscreen. In this study, it was shown that the concentration of oxybenzone and octocrylene were statistically significant predictors of absorbance values, reflecting algal growth

    Synthesis of the Nanoscintilators and Characterization of the NanoparticlesInvolved in X-Ray Activated Therapy for Cancer Research

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    In cancer treatment, nano-scintillators have emerged as crucial for advancing X-ray-activated therapy. These innovative materials possess a unique ability to convert X-ray radiation into visible light, enhancing the effectiveness of treatment and reducing damage to healthy tissues. This paper provides an in-depth exploration of the synthesis and characterization of nano-scintillators designed explicitly for this purpose. It delves into various fabrication techniques to create nanoparticles with precise control over their size, shape, and composition, optimizing their light-emitting capacity and ensuring compatibility with the human body. The characterization process involves a multidisciplinary approach, utilizing spectroscopic, structural, and imaging analyses to gain a comprehensive understanding of the properties and performance of the nanoparticles when exposed to X-ray radiation. A thorough grasp of these nanoparticles\u27 physical and chemical characteristics is crucial for their successful integration into cancer therapy protocols. As a result, this study makes a significant contribution to the development of next-generation nanomaterials, ultimately improving targeted and efficient cancer treatment strategies and opening up new avenues for research in the field of oncology

    Experimental Paradigm for Studying Abnormal Hip Torque Coupling During Gait Initiation After Stroke

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    Post-stroke lower limb impairments cause significant challenges in balance during gait initiation. While studies have mainly focused on behavioral impacts of these impairments, the understanding of neutral constraints persist a significant gap. This study is aimed to investigate the abnormal hip extension- adduction coupling previously found in individuals with stroke. We hypothesize that when stepping with the non paretic limb, the reduced ability in the paretic standing limb to abduct while extending will impact frontal plane balance. To test our hypothesis, we propose to induce the abnormal hip extension-adduction coupling by increasing hip extension torque demand in the stance limb during gait initiation with a longer step and/or by applying resistance through a passive exosuit. Towards this end, here we present the initial development and validation of the proposed paradigm in one healthy participant, under two (normal and long) steps x (with and without) resistance conditions. Our experimental setup successfully increased hip extension torque demand, which is expected to induce abnormal hip extension- adduction coupling in individuals with stroke. The findings from this experiment will show the effects of neural constraints on the lower limb after stroke during tasks such as gait initiation which may be effective for future therapeutic interventions

    Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Business Operations

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    In my IMSA Internship/Independent Study, Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Business Operations, mentored by Steve Goldblatt, I delve into the transformative role of AI technologies across industries. This study explores AI applications, focusing on automation, workforce dynamics, decision-making processes, customer experience, ethics, and future trends. My goals include mastering AI concepts, refining research skills, and enhancing communication abilities. Through extensive research, case studies, and surveys sent to companies, I aim to understand the nuanced implications of AI integration in business operations. My outcomes comprise a research paper, executive summary, and presentation, synthesizing key insights for scholarly and practical audiences. By scrutinizing AI\u27s impact on businesses, I aspire to contribute valuable insights and recommendations for navigating the evolving AI landscape. Crucially, I highlight the ethical considerations and strategies imperatives essential for leveraging AI effectively in business operations


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