11 research outputs found

    Examples of multi-sensor determination of eruptive source parameters of explosive events at mount etna

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    International audienceMulti-sensor strategies are key to the real-time determination of eruptive source parameters (ESPs) of explosive eruptions necessary to forecast accurately both tephra dispersal and deposition. To explore the capacity of these strategies in various eruptive conditions, we analyze data acquiredby two Doppler radars, ground- and satellite-based infrared sensors, one infrasound array, visible video-monitoring cameras as well as data from tephra-fallout deposits associated with a weak and a strong paroxysmal event at Mount Etna (Italy). We find that the different sensors provide complementary observations that should be critically analyzed and combined to provide comprehensive estimates of ESPs. First, all measurements of plume height agree during the strong paroxysmal activity considered, whereas some discrepancies are found for the weak paroxysm due to rapid plume and cloud dilution. Second, the event duration, key to convert the total erupted mass (TEM) in the mass eruption rate (MER) and vice versa, varies depending on the sensor used, providing information on different phases of the paroxysm (i.e., unsteady lava fountaining, lava fountain-fed tephra plume, waning phase associated with plume and cloud expansion in the atmosphere). As a result, TEM and MER derived from different sensors also correspond to the different phases of the paroxysms. Finally, satellite retrievals for grain-size can be combined with radar data to provide a first approximation of total grain-size distribution (TGSD) in near real-time. Such a TGSD shows a promising agreement with the TGSD derived from the combination of satellite data and whole deposit grain-size distribution (WDGSD)

    A Hidden Eruption: The 21 May 2023 Paroxysm of the Etna Volcano (Italy)

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    On 21 May 2023, a hidden eruption occurred at the Southeast Crater (SEC) of Etna (Italy); indeed, bad weather prevented its direct and remote observation. Tephra fell toward the southwest, and two lava flows propagated along the SEC’s southern and eastern flanks. The monitoring system of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia testified to its occurrence. We analyzed the seismic and infrasound signals to constrain the temporal evolution of the fountain, which lasted about 5 h. We finally reached Etna’s summit two weeks later and found an unexpected pyroclastic density current (PDC) deposit covering the southern lava flow at its middle portion. We performed unoccupied aerial system and field surveys to reconstruct in 3D the SEC, lava flows, and PDC deposits and to collect some samples. The data allowed for detailed mapping, quantification, and characterization of the products. The resulting lava flows and PDC deposit volumes were (1.54 ± 0.47) × 106 m3 and (1.30 ± 0.26) × 105 m3, respectively. We also analyzed ground-radar and satellite data to evaluate that the plume height ranges between 10 and 15 km. This work is a comprehensive analysis of the fieldwork, UAS, volcanic tremor, infrasound, radar, and satellite data. Our results increase awareness of the volcanic activity and potential dangers for visitors to Etna’s summit area

    Volcanic Processes Monitoring and Hazard Assessment Using Integration of Remote Sensing and Ground-Based Techniques

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    The monitoring of active volcanoes is a complex task based on multidisciplinary and integrated analyses that use ground, drones and satellite monitoring devices. Over time, and with the development of new technologies and increasing frequency of acquisition, the use of remote sensing to accomplish this important task has grown enormously. This is especially so with the use of drones and satellites for classifying eruptive events and detecting the opening of new vents, the spreading of lava flows on the surface or ash plumes in the atmosphere, the fallout of tephra on the ground, the intrusion of new magma within the volcano edifice, and the deformation preceding impending eruptions, and many other factors. The main challenge in using remote sensing techniques is to develop automated and reliable systems that may assist the decision maker in volcano monitoring, hazard assessment and risk reduction. The integration with ground-based techniques represents a valuable additional aspect that makes the proposed methods more robust and reinforces the results obtained. This collection of papers is focused on several active volcanoes, such as Stromboli, Etna, and Volcano in Italy; the Long Valley caldera and Kilauea volcano in the USA; and Cotopaxi in Ecuador

    Modelling ash cloud dispersion and the impact of ash aggregation during volcanic eruptions

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    Improvements for characterizing eruption processes are made commonly through field or remote-sensing measurements, lab experiments and numerical models. However, the main volcanological parameters inter-dependency makes challenging the assessment of tephra dispersion and sedimentation, from which mass eruption rate, total erupted mass, and Total Grain-Size Distribution (TGSD) are typically estimated. This thesis aims at better constraining Eruption Source Parameters (ESP) and in particular the TGSD, usually derived from field sample analysis. The estimation of very fine ash (i.e. < 30 μm) fraction, within the TGSD, commonly suffers from the lack of distal field data, especially for basaltic eruptions. Besides, particle-particle aggregation affects ash dispersal and deposition. Although numerical simulations can account for ash aggregation, they need an accurate TSGD as input. Here, I report the use of the FALL3D model with airborne and ground-based data to quantify i) the very fine ash and the effect on the results and ii) the occurrence of ash aggregation during ash transport. I focus on the integration of field and satellite data to better estimate the TGSD and the PM10 fraction especially. The methodology, which integrates field, ground-based and satellite measurements to improve the TGSD characterization, is applied first to the 23rd February 2013 Etna paroxysm, then to the 23rd November 2013 Etna eruption. Indeed, these eruptions benefited from south-westerly winds dispersing tephra towards the Puglia region (southern Italy; ~410 km from the source), allowing collection of field samples to very distal areas. Then, I studied ash aggregation processes characterizing the explosive eruption of La Soufrière Saint Vincent on 26th April 1979. During this event, a significant aggregate fraction was observed contributing to premature tephra fallout from the vent to Bequia Island (36 km southwards). I investigated the effect of various TGSD together with different aggregation schemes on the resulting tephra loading and ash dispersal

    Joint exploitation of space-borne and ground-based multitemporal InSAR measurements for volcano monitoring: The Stromboli volcano case study

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    Abstract We present a joint exploitation of space-borne and ground-based Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR) and Multi Temporal (MT) InSAR measurements for investigating the Stromboli volcano (Italy) deformation phenomena. In particular, we focus our analysis on three periods: a) the time interval following the 2014 flank eruption, b) the July–August 2019 eruption and c) the following post-eruptive phase. To do this, we take advantage from an unprecedented set of space-borne and ground-based SAR data collected from April 2015 up to November 2019 along two (one ascending and one descending) Sentinel-1 (S-1) tracks, as well as, in the same period, by two ground-based systems installed along the Sciara del Fuoco northern rim. Such data availability permitted us to first characterize the volcano long-term 3D deformation behavior of the pre-eruptive period (April 2015–June 2019), by jointly inverting the space-borne and ground-based InSAR measurements. Then, the GB-SAR measurements allowed us to investigate the sin-eruptive time span (3rd July 2019 – 30th August 2019) which revealed rapid deformation episodes (e.g. more than 30 mm/h just 2 min before the 3rd July 2019 explosion) associated with the eruptive activity, that cannot be detected with the weekly S-1 temporal sampling. Finally, the S-1 measurements permitted to better constrain the post 2019 eruption deformations (31st August 2019 – 5th November 2019), which are mainly located outside the GB-SAR sensed area. The presented results demonstrate the effectiveness of the joint exploitation of the InSAR measurements obtained through satellite and terrestrial SAR systems, highlighting their strong complementarity to map and interpret the deformation phenomena affecting volcanic areas

    Variable magnitude and intensity of strombolian explosions: Focus on the eruptive processes for a first classification scheme for Stromboli volcano (Italy)

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    Strombolian activity varies in magnitude and intensity and may evolve into a threat for the local populations living on volcanoes with persistent or semi-persistent activity. A key example comes from the activity of Stromboli volcano (Italy). The “ordinary” Strombolian activity, consisting in intermittent ejection of bombs and lapilli around the eruptive vents, is sometimes interrupted by high-energy explosive events (locally called major or paroxysmal explosions), which can affect very large areas. Recently, the 3 July 2019 explosive paroxysm at Stromboli volcano caused serious concerns in the local population and media, having killed one tourist while hiking on the volcano. Major explosions, albeit not endangering inhabited areas, often produce a fallout of bombs and lapilli in zones frequented by tourists. Despite this, the classification of Strombolian explosions on the basis of their intensity derives from measurements that are not always replicable (i.e., field surveys). Hence the need for a fast, objective and quantitative classification of explosive activity. Here, we use images of the monitoring camera network, seismicity and ground deformation data, to characterize and distinguish paroxysms, impacting the whole island, from major explosions, that affect the summit of the volcano above 500 m elevation, and from the persistent, mild explosive activity that normally has no impact on the local population. This analysis comprises 12 explosive events occurring at Stromboli after 25 June 2019 and is updated to 6 December 2020

    The effect of wind and plume height reconstruction methods on the accuracy of simple plume models — a second look at the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption

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    Real-time monitoring of volcanic ash plumes with the aim to estimate the mass eruption rate is crucial for predicting atmospheric ash concentration. Mass eruption rates are usually assessed by 0D and 1D plume models, which are fast and require only a few observational input parameters, often only the plume height. A model’s output, however, depends also on the plume height data handling strategy (sampling rate, gap reconstruction methods and statistical treatment), especially in long-term eruptions with incomplete plume height records. Representing such an eruption, we used Eyjafjallajökull 2010 to test the sensitivity of six simple and two explicitly wind-affected plume models against 22 data handling strategies. Based on photogrammetric measurements, the wind deflection of the plume was determined and used to re-calibrate radar height data. The resulting data was then subjected to different data handling strategies, before being used as input for the plume models. The model results were compared to the erupted mass measured on the ground, allowing us to assess the prediction accuracy of each combination of data handling strategy and model. Combinations that provide highest prediction accuracies vary, depending on data coverage, eruptive strength, and fragmentation style. However, for this type of moderate to weak eruption, the most important factor was found to be the prevailing windspeed. When windspeeds exceed 20 m/s, most combinations of strategies and models provide predictions that underestimate the erupted mass by more than 40%. Under such conditions, the optimal choice of data handling strategy and plume model is of particularly relevance.The geo-referencing and photo analysis was conducted under the EU Framework 7 FutureVolc project (2012–2016). This work contributes to project MAXI-Plume, supported by the Icelandic Research Fund (Rannís), grant Nr. 206527-051. TD was supported by the IRF (Rannís) Postdoctoral project grant 206527–051.Pre-print (óritrýnt handrit

    Tephra Mass Eruption Rate From Ground-Based X-Band and L-Band Microwave Radars During the November 23, 2013, Etna Paroxysm

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    The morning of November 23, 2013, a lava fountain formed from the New South-East Crater (NSEC) of Mt. Etna (Italy), one of the most active volcanoes in Europe. The explosive activity was observed from two ground-based radars, the X-band polarimetric scanning and the L-band Doppler fixed-pointing, as well as from a thermal-infrared camera. Taking advantage of the capability of the microwave radars to probe the volcanic plume and extending the volcanic ash radar retrieval (VARR) methodology, we estimate the mass eruption rate (MER) using three main techniques, namely surface-flux approach (SFA), mass continuity-based approach (MCA), and top-plume approach (TPA), as well as provide a quantitative evaluation of their uncertainty. Estimated exit velocities are between 160 and 230 m/s in the paroxysmal phase. The intercomparison between the SFA, MCA, and TPA methods, in terms of retrieved MER, shows a fairly good consistency with values up to 2.4 x 10 6 kg/s. The estimated total erupted mass (TEM) is 3.8 x 10 9 , 3.9 x 10 9 , and 4.7 x 10 9 kg for SFA with L-band, X-band, and thermal-infrared camera, respectively. Estimated TEM is between 1.7 x 10 9 kg and 4.3 x 10 9 for TPA methods and 3.9 x 10 9 kg for the MCA technique. The SFA, MCA, and TPA results for TEM are in fairly good agreement with independent evaluations derived from ground collection of tephra deposit and estimated to be between 1.3 ± 1.1 x 10 9 and 5.7 x 10 9 kg. This article shows that complementary strategies of ground-based remote sensing systems can provide an accurate real-time monitoring of a volcanic explosive activity