48 research outputs found

    Tell me what they are like and I will tell you where they buy. An analysis of omnichannel consumer behavior

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    In the past, consumers used to go to brick-and-mortar stores to gather information and often concluded their shopping there, with the physical store probably being one of their few sources of product information. Nowadays, with the arrival of digital devices, the number of sources of information has grown. Consumers tend to combine these with brick-and-mortar establishments both to search and buy, leading to the emergence of omnichannel behavior. In this context, there is a lack of research which considers online and mobile devices separately. The aim of the present study is to analyze how two individual traits –impulsiveness and need for touch– influence the use of each device in the omnichannel decision-making process. Results from a sample of 284 real digital (online and/or mobile) shoppers of clothes confirm that personal traits influence omnichannel consumer behavior. Results show that impulsive shoppers make greater use of mobile devices whereas individuals with high need for touch are more predisposed to use online devices in their omnichannel process. Besides, the effect of individual demographics is taken into account. Finally, we discuss the paper's contributions and outline the actions which managers can engage in so as to succeed in omnichannel retail.Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (Research Projects ECO2012-36275 and ECO2014-53060-R

    Price consciousness as basis for Thai and Finnish young adults’ mobile shopping in retail stores

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    An increasing number of global consumers use their smartphones to shop for goods. This short paper aims to explore if a price-conscious decision-making style has a relationship with young adult consumers’ tendency to perform mobile shopping in retail stores. The study is conducted as a survey with a sample that includes two different nationalities. The results suggest interesting positive relationships between price consciousness and mobile shopping activities in retail stores. Furthermore, the results indicate that there are differences between the two markets studied. Price consciousness seems to have a stronger association with mobile shopping for the investigated Thai respondents than for the Finnish respondents. The findings are interesting for retailers who seek to engage with young adult consumers for mobile shopping purposes.publishedVersio

    Entendiendo las emociones y experiencias de los consumidores omnicanal. Un análisis multigrupo

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    El comportamiento del comprador ha evolucionado en los últimos años hacia el uso combinado de diferentes canales y dispositivos en su proceso de compra, desarrollándose así el comportamiento de compra omnicanal. En este contexto, el objetivo de este trabajo en curso es analizar las diferencias entre los individuos omnicanal en cuanto a emociones, valoración de la experiencia y predisposición a la compra. Para ello, y con una muestra de 284 compradores omnicanal, se pretende, por un lado, analizar la relación entre las emociones, la valoración hedónica y utilitaria de la experiencia de compra y, finalmente, la predisposición a la compra. Y, en segundo lugar, testar las diferencias en estas relaciones entre los compradores omnicanal, realizando para ello un análisis multigrupo en función de la frecuencia de realización del proceso de compra omnicanal. Con este trabajo se pretende contribuir a la literatura omnicanal con el estudio de las emociones.The consumer behavior has evolved in the last years towards the combined use of different channels and devices in the decision making process, developing the omnichannel consumer behavior. In this context, the aim of this work is to analyze the differences between the omnichannel consumers in terms of emotions, evaluations of their experiences and predisposition to purchase. With a sample of 284 omnichannel consumers, this work posits, on the one hand, the analysis of the relationship between emotions, the hedonic and utilitarian experience evaluation and, finally, the predisposition to purchase. And, secondly, we test the differences between the omnichannel consumers, performing a multi-group analysis based on their frequency of carrying out omnichannel processes. This work aims to contribute to the omnicanal literature with the study of emotions

    Integración, consistencia y transparencia de la experiencia Omnicanal del consumidor con relación a la intención de compra en tiendas departamentales en la categoría de prendas de vestir

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    Omnichannel retailers have received considerable attention from academics and professionals in recent years; however, its impacts on purchase intention and the results of the relationships between its variables are still unclear. Therefore, the objective of this study is to analyze the relationship of three components of the consumer's omnichannel shopping experience, such as integration, consistency and transparency, in respectant of purchase intention. The methodology of the study will be quantitative and the data will be collected through an online survey with 400 usable responses. The findings will indicate whether the components mentioned previously have a direct and significant impact on purchase intention. Finally, these findings will provide important scopes for theoretical discussions of future academics and research works.Omnichannel retailers have received considerable attention from academics and professionals in recent years; however, its impacts on purchase intention and the results of the relationships between its variables are still unclear. Therefore, the objective of this study is to analyze the relationship of three components of the consumer's omnichannel shopping experience, such as integration, consistency and transparency, in respectant of purchase intention. The methodology of the study will be quantitative and the data will be collected through an online survey with 400 usable responses. The findings will indicate whether the components mentioned previously have a direct and significant impact on purchase intention. Finally, these findings will provide important scopes for theoretical discussions of future academics and research works.Trabajo de investigació

    Towards preprocessing guidelines for neural network embedding of customer behavior in digital retail

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    Shopping transactions in digital retailing platforms enable retailers to understand customers’ needs for providing personalized experiences. Researchers started modeling transaction data through neural network embedding, which enables unsupervised learning of contextual similarities between attributes in shopping transactions. However, every study brings different approaches for embedding customer’s transactions, and clear preprocessing guidelines are missing. This paper reviews the recent literature of neural embedding for customer behavior and brings three main contributions. First, we provide a set of guidelines for preprocessing and modeling consumer transaction data to learn neural network embeddings. Second, it is introduced a multi-task Long Short-Term Memory Network to evaluate the guidelines proposed through the task of purchase behavior prediction. Third, we present a multi-contextual visualization of customer behavior embeddings, and its usefulness for purchase prediction and fraud detection applications. Results achieved illustrate accuracies above 40%, 60%, and 80% for predicting the next days, hours, and products purchased for some customers in a dataset composed of online grocery shopping transactions

    Pengaruh Webrooming terhadap Confident, Smart Shopping Feeling, User-generated Content, dan Search Process Satisfaction

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    Recently, many people are switching from conventional shopping to digital shopping. even so, people feel that online shopping is less secure. Finally, many consumers search for information through the internet before shopping at brick and mortar stores. This study investigates how webrooming affects consumers’ experience and determines the effect of webrooming on consumer confidence, smart shopping feeling, user-generated content, and search process satisfaction in the beauty industry. The population in this study were all the beauty industry consumers who experience webrooming in the shopping process. The total sample used in this study was 166 people using purposive sampling. The result obtained from this study finds that webrooming has a significant and positive effect on confidence, smart shopping feeling, user-generated content. Both factors, confidence and smart shopping feeling subsequently significant and have a positive effect on search process satisfaction

    The Interaction of Display Advertisement and E-Wom on Omnichannel Purchase Intention Using Sem: an Age Moderation Effect

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    Purpose: This study looks at how display advertisements affect customers' Omni-buy intentions and the impact of e-WOM in determining if this influence is reflected in their purchase intentions.   Theoretical framework: Consumers' daily lives have grown more reliant on display advertising. Consumers depend on the Internet as a source of readily accessible information regarding advertising and businesses. Consequently, a customer becomes linked and an omnichannel shopper, intending to purchase products both online and offline. Electronic word of mouth (e-WOM) has also emerged as a powerful force that must be understood in the context of the omnichannel buyer.   Design/methodology/approach: A survey was performed to confirm the study's assumptions. Consumers who purchase fashion products omnichannel were polled for information. A questionnaire of 28 questions was developed for the study. The questionnaire includes questions about the respondent's age, gender, and educational level.   Findings: The results of the study show that there is a link between display advertising, e-WOM, and Omni-Online Purchase Intention. Several suggestions are produced to assist managers in navigating their brand's online presence in a manner that fits their customers' Omni-purchase intention.   Research, Practical & Social Implication: Through this investigation, the prevalence of many display ads on consumer purchase intention on the omnichannel market is determined, which contributes to the literature on advertising efficiency.   Originality/value: This study would most likely propose a method for market communication to determine how different types of display advertisements influence consumer purchase intentions, allowing firms to better manage the customer experience


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    Pandemi COVID-19 yang terjadi sejak awal tahun 2019 membawa fenomena dimana berbagai sektor lumpuh sebab tidak diperbolehkan adanya kerumunan. Termasuk sektor pariwisata yang salah satunya ialah coffee shop. Penurunan kuantitas outlet atau gerai coffee shop yang terjadi dalam kurun waktu singkat dan jumlah yang signifikan, mendorong coffee shop yang masih bertahan untuk menemukan cara bagaimana usahanya tetap bertahan pada kondisi ini. Oleh karena itu, peneliti melalui temuan-temuan terdahulu mengidentifikasi mengenai inti permasalahan yang tengah dihadapi coffee shop beserta solusi yang dapat ditawarkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran pengaruh perceived value terhadap behavioral intentions pada coffee shop di Bandung pada era new normal, gambaran pengaruh store atmosphere terhadap behavioral intentions pada coffee shop di Bandung pada era new normal, dan gambaran pengaruh perceived value dan store atmosphere terhadap behavioral intentions pada coffee shop di Bandung pada era new normal. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dan verifikaif. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah kuesioner daring. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah generasi Z yang pernah mengunjungi coffee shop di Bandung pada era new normal dengan sampel sebanyak 200 responden. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah SEM (structural equational model) dengan bantuan aplikasi Amos 20.0 dan SPSS 25.0. Berdasarkan pengujian yang telah dilakukan diperoleh hasil bahwa perceived value dan store atmosphere berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap behavioral intentions. Sehingga peneliti merekomendasikan coffee shop di Bandung untuk mempertahankan nilai-nilai perceived value dan store atmosphere agar menciptakan behavioral intentions yang positif dari konsumen Keywords: Pandemi, COVID-19, New Normal, Coffee shop, Bandung, Behavioral intentions, Perceived Value, Store atmosphere, Generasi Z ABSTRACT Nurul Huda Ruminsyah, 1800917, "The Influence of Perceived Value and Store Atmosphere on Behavioral Intentions at Coffee Shops in Bandung in the New Normal Era" (Survey to Generation Z Who Have Visited Coffee Shops in Bandung) under the guidance of Mr. Dr. Bambang Widjajanta., MM. and Mr. Rijal Khaerani, S.Si., M.Stat. Pandemic COVID-19, which began in January 2019, resulted in a phenomena in which several areas were immobilized because no crowds were permitted. This includes the tourism industry, which includes a coffee shop. outlets or coffee shop outlets that occurred in a short period of time and in large numbers spurred coffee shops that were still surviving to develop ways to stay afloat in this situation. As a result, researchers use prior data to identify the main issues that coffee shops face and possible solutions. This study aims to describe the impact of perceived value on behavioral intentions in Bandung coffee shops in the new normal era, as well as the impact of store atmosphere on behavioral intentions in Bandung coffee shops in the new normal era. The descriptive and verification methodologies were utilized in the research. An online questionnaire was used to collect information. With a sample of 200 respondents, the demographic of this study was Generation Z who had visited a coffee shop in Bandung in the new normal. With the help of the Amos 20.0 and SPSS 25.0 software, the analysis technique employed was SEM (structural equational model). According to the findings of the experiments, perceived value and store atmosphere have a substantial impact on behavioral intentions. As a result, researchers advise coffee shops in Bandung to maintain perceived value and store atmosphere in order to elicit consumer behavioral intentions. Keyword: Pandemic, COVID-19, New Normal, Bandung, Coffee Shop, Behavioral intents, Perceived Value, Store Atmosphere, Generation

    Los factores de la experiencia del consumidor en un contexto omnicanal en relación con la intención de compra en el sector de tiendas por departamento en la categoría de electrodomésticos en Lima

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    El proceso de compra del consumidor es cambiante según sus necesidades y las nuevas tecnologías que aparecen constantemente. De ello provienen por ejemplo la multicanalidad y omnicanalidad, siendo esta última la evolución de la multicanalidad. La omnicanalidad se refiere a la presencia de una marca con el mismo mensaje, concepto y calidad de atención a través de todos los canales que tienen contacto con su público final. La omnicanalidad nace con el propósito de mejorar la experiencia del cliente sin interrupciones, dados los constantes desafíos para atender a los clientes de manera óptima. El propósito de este estudio es averiguar qué factores de la experiencia omnicanal son clave para impulsar la intención de compra. En esta investigación se usó el método cuantitativo. El instrumento de medición para medir las 5 dimensiones de la experiencia omnicanal (conectividad, integración, consistencia, flexibilidad, personalización) se desarrolló en base a la teoría propuesta por Hoehle & Venkatesh (2015). El instrumento fue validado por profesores y alumnos de doctorado que conocían el tema de investigación y un pre-test (Shi et al, 2020). Para realizar la encuesta se tomó una muestra de 400 personas pertenecientes a nuestro público objetivo. Estos deben ser hombres o mujeres de 20 a 45 años de edad del NSE A, B y C1, con un nivel de educación superior técnico o profesional.The consumer buying process is changing according to their needs and new technologies that appear constantly. For example, multichannel and omnichannel come from this, the latter being the evolution of multichannel. Omnichannel refers to the presence of a brand with the same message, concept and quality of service through all the channels that have contact with its final audience. Omnichannel was created with the purpose of improving the customer experience without interruptions, given the constant challenges to serve customers in an optimal way. The purpose of this study is to find out which omnichannel experience factors are key to driving purchase intent. In this investigation, the quantitative method was used. The measurement instrument to measure the five dimensions of the omnichannel experience (connectivity, integration, consistency, flexibility, personalization) was developed based on the theory proposed by Hoehle & Venkatesh (2015). The instrument was validated by professors and doctoral students who knew the research topic and a pretest (Shi et al, 2020). To carry out the survey, a sample of 400 people belonging to our target audience was taken. These must be men or women between 20 and 45 years of age from SES A, B and C1, with a technical or professional higher education level.Trabajo de investigació