224 research outputs found

    A survey of scheduling problems with setup times or costs

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    Author name used in this publication: C. T. NgAuthor name used in this publication: T. C. E. Cheng2007-2008 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalAccepted ManuscriptPublishe

    Application of nature-inspired optimization algorithms to improve the production efficiency of small and medium-sized bakeries

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    Increasing production efficiency through schedule optimization is one of the most influential topics in operations research that contributes to decision-making process. It is the concept of allocating tasks among available resources within the constraints of any manufacturing facility in order to minimize costs. It is carried out by a model that resembles real-world task distribution with variables and relevant constraints in order to complete a planned production. In addition to a model, an optimizer is required to assist in evaluating and improving the task allocation procedure in order to maximize overall production efficiency. The entire procedure is usually carried out on a computer, where these two distinct segments combine to form a solution framework for production planning and support decision-making in various manufacturing industries. Small and medium-sized bakeries lack access to cutting-edge tools, and most of their production schedules are based on personal experience. This makes a significant difference in production costs when compared to the large bakeries, as evidenced by their market dominance. In this study, a hybrid no-wait flow shop model is proposed to produce a production schedule based on actual data, featuring the constraints of the production environment in small and medium-sized bakeries. Several single-objective and multi-objective nature-inspired optimization algorithms were implemented to find efficient production schedules. While makespan is the most widely used quality criterion of production efficiency because it dominates production costs, high oven idle time in bakeries also wastes energy. Combining these quality criteria allows for additional cost reduction due to energy savings as well as shorter production time. Therefore, to obtain the efficient production plan, makespan and oven idle time were included in the objectives of optimization. To find the optimal production planning for an existing production line, particle swarm optimization, simulated annealing, and the Nawaz-Enscore-Ham algorithms were used. The weighting factor method was used to combine two objectives into a single objective. The classical optimization algorithms were found to be good enough at finding optimal schedules in a reasonable amount of time, reducing makespan by 29 % and oven idle time by 8 % of one of the analyzed production datasets. Nonetheless, the algorithms convergence was found to be poor, with a lower probability of obtaining the best or nearly the best result. In contrast, a modified particle swarm optimization (MPSO) proposed in this study demonstrated significant improvement in convergence with a higher probability of obtaining better results. To obtain trade-offs between two objectives, state-of-the-art multi-objective optimization algorithms, non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II), strength Pareto evolutionary algorithm, generalized differential evolution, improved multi-objective particle swarm optimization (OMOPSO) and speed-constrained multi-objective particle swarm optimization (SMPSO) were implemented. Optimization algorithms provided efficient production planning with up to a 12 % reduction in makespan and a 26 % reduction in oven idle time based on data from different production days. The performance comparison revealed a significant difference between these multi-objective optimization algorithms, with NSGA-II performing best and OMOPSO and SMPSO performing worst. Proofing is a key processing stage that contributes to the quality of the final product by developing flavor and fluffiness texture in bread. However, the duration of proofing is uncertain due to the complex interaction of multiple parameters: yeast condition, temperature in the proofing chamber, and chemical composition of flour. Due to the uncertainty of proofing time, a production plan optimized with the shortest makespan can be significantly inefficient. The computational results show that the schedules with the shortest and nearly shortest makespan have a significant (up to 18 %) increase in makespan due to proofing time deviation from expected duration. In this thesis, a method for developing resilient production planning that takes into account uncertain proofing time is proposed, so that even if the deviation in proofing time is extreme, the fluctuation in makespan is minimal. The experimental results with a production dataset revealed a proactive production plan, with only 5 minutes longer than the shortest makespan, but only 21 min fluctuating in makespan due to varying the proofing time from -10 % to +10 % of actual proofing time. This study proposed a common framework for small and medium-sized bakeries to improve their production efficiency in three steps: collecting production data, simulating production planning with the hybrid no-wait flow shop model, and running the optimization algorithm. The study suggests to use MPSO for solving single objective optimization problem and NSGA-II for multi-objective optimization problem. Based on real bakery production data, the results revealed that existing plans were significantly inefficient and could be optimized in a reasonable computational time using a robust optimization algorithm. Implementing such a framework in small and medium-sized bakery manufacturing operations could help to achieve an efficient and resilient production system.Die Steigerung der Produktionseffizienz durch die Optimierung von ArbeitsplĂ€nen ist eines der am meisten erforschten Themen im Bereich der Unternehmensplanung, die zur Entscheidungsfindung beitrĂ€gt. Es handelt sich dabei um die Aufteilung von Aufgaben auf die verfĂŒgbaren Ressourcen innerhalb der BeschrĂ€nkungen einer Produktionsanlage mit dem Ziel der Kostenminimierung. Diese Optimierung von ArbeitsplĂ€nen wird mit Hilfe eines Modells durchgefĂŒhrt, das die Aufgabenverteilung in der realen Welt mit Variablen und relevanten EinschrĂ€nkungen nachbildet, um die Produktion zu simulieren. ZusĂ€tzlich zu einem Modell sind Optimierungsverfahren erforderlich, die bei der Bewertung und Verbesserung der Aufgabenverteilung helfen, um eine effiziente Gesamtproduktion zu erzielen. Das gesamte Verfahren wird in der Regel auf einem Computer durchgefĂŒhrt, wobei diese beiden unterschiedlichen Komponenten (Modell und Optimierungsverfahren) zusammen einen Lösungsrahmen fĂŒr die Produktionsplanung bilden und die Entscheidungsfindung in verschiedenen Fertigungsindustrien unterstĂŒtzen. Kleine und mittelgroße BĂ€ckereien haben zumeist keinen Zugang zu den modernsten Werkzeugen und die meisten ihrer ProduktionsplĂ€ne beruhen auf persönlichen Erfahrungen. Dies macht einen erheblichen Unterschied bei den Produktionskosten im Vergleich zu den großen BĂ€ckereien aus, was sich in deren Marktdominanz widerspiegelt. In dieser Studie wird ein hybrides No-Wait-Flow-Shop-Modell vorgeschlagen, um einen Produktionsplan auf der Grundlage tatsĂ€chlicher Daten zu erstellen, der die BeschrĂ€nkungen der Produktionsumgebung in kleinen und mittleren BĂ€ckereien berĂŒcksichtigt. Mehrere einzel- und mehrzielorientierte, von der Natur inspirierte Optimierungsalgorithmen wurden implementiert, um effiziente ProduktionsplĂ€ne zu berechnen. Die Minimierung der Produktionsdauer ist das am hĂ€ufigsten verwendete QualitĂ€tskriterium fĂŒr die Produktionseffizienz, da sie die Produktionskosten dominiert. Jedoch wird in BĂ€ckereien durch hohe Leerlaufzeiten der Öfen Energie verschwendet was wiederum die Produktionskosten erhöht. Die Kombination beider QualitĂ€tskriterien (minimale Produktionskosten, minimale Leerlaufzeiten der Öfen) ermöglicht eine zusĂ€tzliche Kostenreduzierung durch Energieeinsparungen und kurze Produktionszeiten. Um einen effizienten Produktionsplan zu erhalten, wurden daher die Minimierung der Produktionsdauer und der Ofenleerlaufzeit in die Optimierungsziele einbezogen. Um optimale ProduktionsplĂ€ne fĂŒr bestehende Produktionsprozesse von BĂ€ckereien zu ermitteln, wurden folgende Algorithmen untersucht: Particle Swarm Optimization, Simulated Annealing und Nawaz-Enscore-Ham. Die Methode der Gewichtung wurde verwendet, um zwei Ziele zu einem einzigen Ziel zu kombinieren. Die Optimierungsalgorithmen erwiesen sich als gut genug, um in angemessener Zeit optimale PlĂ€ne zu berechnen, wobei bei einem untersuchten Datensatz die Produktionsdauer um 29 % und die Leerlaufzeit des Ofens um 8 % reduziert wurde. Allerdings erwies sich die Konvergenz der Algorithmen als unzureichend, da nur mit einer geringen Wahrscheinlichkeit das beste oder nahezu beste Ergebnis berechnet wurde. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigte der in dieser Studie ebenfalls untersuchte modifizierte Particle-swarm-Optimierungsalgorithmus (mPSO) eine deutliche Verbesserung der Konvergenz mit einer höheren Wahrscheinlichkeit, bessere Ergebnisse zu erzielen im Vergleich zu den anderen Algorithmen. Um Kompromisse zwischen zwei Zielen zu erzielen, wurden moderne Algorithmen zur Mehrzieloptimierung implementiert: Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II), Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm, Generalized Differential Evolution, Improved Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization (OMOPSO), and Speed-constrained Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization (SMPSO). Die Optimierungsalgorithmen ermöglichten eine effiziente Produktionsplanung mit einer Verringerung der Produktionsdauer um bis zu 12 % und einer Verringerung der Leerlaufzeit der Öfen um 26 % auf der Grundlage von Daten aus unterschiedlichen Produktionsprozessen. Der Leistungsvergleich zeigte signifikante Unterschiede zwischen diesen Mehrziel-Optimierungsalgorithmen, wobei NSGA-II am besten und OMOPSO und SMPSO am schlechtesten abschnitten. Die GĂ€rung ist ein wichtiger Verarbeitungsschritt, der zur QualitĂ€t des Endprodukts beitrĂ€gt, indem der Geschmack und die Textur des Brotes positiv beeinflusst werden kann. Die Dauer der GĂ€rung ist jedoch aufgrund der komplexen Interaktion von mehreren GrĂ¶ĂŸen abhĂ€ngig wie der Hefezustand, der Temperatur in der GĂ€rkammer und der chemischen Zusammensetzung des Mehls. Aufgrund der VariabilitĂ€t der GĂ€rzeit kann jedoch ein Produktionsplan, der auf die kĂŒrzeste Produktionszeit optimiert ist, sehr ineffizient sein. Die Berechnungsergebnisse zeigen, dass die PlĂ€ne mit der kĂŒrzesten und nahezu kĂŒrzesten Produktionsdauer eine erhebliche (bis zu 18 %) Erhöhung der Produktionsdauer aufgrund der Abweichung der GĂ€rzeit von der erwarteten Dauer aufweisen. In dieser Arbeit wird eine Methode zur Entwicklung einer robusten Produktionsplanung vorgeschlagen, die VerĂ€nderungen in den GĂ€rzeiten berĂŒcksichtigt, so dass selbst bei einer extremen Abweichung der GĂ€rzeit die Schwankung der Produktionsdauer minimal ist. Die experimentellen Ergebnisse fĂŒr einen Produktionsprozess ergaben einen robusten Produktionsplan, der nur 5 Minuten lĂ€nger ist als die kĂŒrzeste Produktionsdauer, aber nur 21 Minuten in der Produktionsdauer schwankt, wenn die GĂ€rzeit von -10 % bis +10 % der ermittelten GĂ€rzeit variiert. In dieser Studie wird ein Vorgehen fĂŒr kleine und mittlere BĂ€ckereien vorgeschlagen, um ihre Produktionseffizienz in drei Schritten zu verbessern: Erfassung von Produktionsdaten, Simulation von ProduktionsplĂ€nen mit dem hybrid No-Wait Flow Shop Modell und AusfĂŒhrung der Optimierung. FĂŒr die Einzieloptimierung wird der mPSO-Algorithmus und fĂŒr die Mehrzieloptimierung NSGA-II-Algorithmus empfohlen. Auf der Grundlage realer BĂ€ckereiproduktionsdaten zeigten die Ergebnisse, dass die in den BĂ€ckereien verwendeten PlĂ€ne ineffizient waren und mit Hilfe eines effizienten Optimierungsalgorithmus in einer angemessenen Rechenzeit optimiert werden konnten. Die Umsetzung eines solchen Vorgehens in kleinen und mittelgroßen BĂ€ckereibetrieben trĂ€gt dazu bei effiziente und robuste ProduktionsplĂ€ne zu erstellen und somit die WettbewerbsfĂ€higkeit dieser BĂ€ckereien zu erhöhen

    Heuristics and metaheuristics for heavily constrained hybrid flowshop problems

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    Due to the current trends in business as the necessity to have a large catalogue of products, orders that increase in frequency but not in size, globalisation and a market that is increasingly competitive, the production sector faces an ever harder economical environment. All this raises the need for production scheduling with maximum efficiency and effectiveness. The first scientific publications on production scheduling appeared more than half a century ago. However, many authors have recognised a gap between the literature and the industrial problems. Most of the research concentrates on optimisation problems that are actually a very simplified version of reality. This allows for the use of sophisticated approaches and guarantees in many cases that optimal solutions are obtained. Yet, the exclusion of real-world restrictions harms the applicability of those methods. What the industry needs are systems for optimised production scheduling that adjust exactly to the conditions in the production plant and that generates good solutions in very little time. This is exactly the objective in this thesis, that is, to treat more realistic scheduling problems and to help closing the gap between the literature and practice. The considered scheduling problem is called the hybrid flowshop problem, which consists in a set of jobs that flow through a number of production stages. At each of the stages, one of the machines that belong to the stage is visited. A series of restriction is considered that include the possibility to skip stages, non-eligible machines, precedence constraints, positive and negative time lags and sequence dependent setup times. In the literature, such a large number of restrictions has not been considered simultaneously before. Briefly, in this thesis a very realistic production scheduling problem is studied. Various optimisation methods are presented for the described scheduling problem. A mixed integer programming model is proposed, in order to obtaiUrlings ., T. (2010). Heuristics and metaheuristics for heavily constrained hybrid flowshop problems [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat PolitĂšcnica de ValĂšncia. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8439Palanci

    Serial-batch scheduling – the special case of laser-cutting machines

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    The dissertation deals with a problem in the field of short-term production planning, namely the scheduling of laser-cutting machines. The object of decision is the grouping of production orders (batching) and the sequencing of these order groups on one or more machines (scheduling). This problem is also known in the literature as "batch scheduling problem" and belongs to the class of combinatorial optimization problems due to the interdependencies between the batching and the scheduling decisions. The concepts and methods used are mainly from production planning, operations research and machine learning

    Theoretical and Computational Research in Various Scheduling Models

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    Nine manuscripts were published in this Special Issue on “Theoretical and Computational Research in Various Scheduling Models, 2021” of the MDPI Mathematics journal, covering a wide range of topics connected to the theory and applications of various scheduling models and their extensions/generalizations. These topics include a road network maintenance project, cost reduction of the subcontracted resources, a variant of the relocation problem, a network of activities with generally distributed durations through a Markov chain, idea on how to improve the return loading rate problem by integrating the sub-tour reversal approach with the method of the theory of constraints, an extended solution method for optimizing the bi-objective no-idle permutation flowshop scheduling problem, the burn-in (B/I) procedure, the Pareto-scheduling problem with two competing agents, and three preemptive Pareto-scheduling problems with two competing agents, among others. We hope that the book will be of interest to those working in the area of various scheduling problems and provide a bridge to facilitate the interaction between researchers and practitioners in scheduling questions. Although discrete mathematics is a common method to solve scheduling problems, the further development of this method is limited due to the lack of general principles, which poses a major challenge in this research field

    Two-machine flowshop scheduling with flexible operations and controllable processing times

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    Ankara : The Department of Industrial Engineering and the Graduate School of Engineering and Science of Bilkent University, 2011.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2011.Includes bibliographical references leaves 77-84.In this study, we consider a two-machine flowshop scheduling problem with identical jobs. Each of these jobs has three operations, where the first operation must be performed on the first machine, the second operation must be performed on the second machine, and the third operation (named as flexible operation) can be performed on either machine but cannot be preempted. Highly flexible CNC machines are capable of performing different operations as long as the required cutting tools are loaded on these machines. The processing times on these machines can be changed easily in albeit of higher manufacturing cost by adjusting the machining parameters like the speed of the machine, feed rate, and/or the depth of cut. The overall problem is to determine the assignment of the flexible operations to the machines and processing times for each job simultaneously, with the bicriteria objective of minimizing the manufacturing cost and minimizing makespan. For such a bicriteria problem, there is no unique optimum but a set of nondominated solutions. Using Ç« constraint approach, the problem could be transformed to be minimizing total manufacturing cost objective for a given upper limit on the makespan objective. The resulting single criteria problem is a nonlinear mixed integer formulation. For the cases where the exact algorithm may not be efficient in terms of computation time, we propose an efficient approximation algorithm.Uruk, ZeynepM.S

    Algorithms and Methods for Designing and Scheduling Smart Manufacturing Systems

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    This book, as a Special Issue, is a collection of some of the latest advancements in designing and scheduling smart manufacturing systems. The smart manufacturing concept is undoubtedly considered a paradigm shift in manufacturing technology. This conception is part of the Industry 4.0 strategy, or equivalent national policies, and brings new challenges and opportunities for the companies that are facing tough global competition. Industry 4.0 should not only be perceived as one of many possible strategies for manufacturing companies, but also as an important practice within organizations. The main focus of Industry 4.0 implementation is to combine production, information technology, and the internet. The presented Special Issue consists of ten research papers presenting the latest works in the field. The papers include various topics, which can be divided into three categories—(i) designing and scheduling manufacturing systems (seven articles), (ii) machining process optimization (two articles), (iii) digital insurance platforms (one article). Most of the mentioned research problems are solved in these articles by using genetic algorithms, the harmony search algorithm, the hybrid bat algorithm, the combined whale optimization algorithm, and other optimization and decision-making methods. The above-mentioned groups of articles are briefly described in this order in this book

    An investigation of transitional management problems for the NSTS at NASA

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    This quarterly report summarizes the ideas and concepts developed by the University of Houston team with the collaboration and support of the Management Integration Offices of NASA. In addition it is hoped that this report will help to stimulate the healthy problem solving process already present at NASA. This is the second report in the fourth year of the research contract. The main aim of the work is to assist the National Space Transportation System (NSTS) in finding ways and means of moving into a truly operational era in the sense of routine timely production of flights. The reader who seeks an understanding of the concepts presented is encouraged to read the reports of the last three years. The overall strategy of this effort is to: (1) search the literature for applications of transition management and other related issues, (2) conduct investigations into the experiences of the industries with the transition management, and (3) to adapt the information found in (1) and (2) above into a form useful to NASA while at the same time applying industrial engineering and engineering management expertise to problems and issues as they emerge

    Integrating sustainability into production scheduling in hybrid flow-shop environments

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    Global energy consumption is projected to grow by nearly 50% as of 2018, reaching a peak of 910.7 quadrillion BTU in 2050. The industrial sector accounts for the largest share of the energy consumed, making energy awareness on the shop foors imperative for promoting industrial sustainable development. Considering a growing awareness of the importance of sustainability, production planning and control require the incorporation of time-of-use electricity pricing models into scheduling problems for well-informed energy-saving decisions. Besides, modern manufacturing emphasizes the role of human factors in production processes. This study proposes a new approach for optimizing the hybrid fow-shop scheduling problems (HFSP) considering time-of-use electricity pricing, workers’ fexibility, and sequence-dependent setup time (SDST). Novelties of this study are twofold: to extend a new mathematical formulation and to develop an improved multi-objective optimization algorithm. Extensive numerical experiments are conducted to evaluate the performance of the developed solution method, the adjusted multi-objective genetic algorithm (AMOGA), comparing it with the state-of-the-art, i.e., strength Pareto evolutionary algorithm (SPEA2), and Pareto envelop-based selection algorithm (PESA2). It is shown that AMOGA performs better than the benchmarks considering the mean ideal distance, inverted generational distance, diversifcation, and quality metrics, providing more versatile and better solutions for production and energy efciency
