96 research outputs found

    Elisa Bello (1960-2008). In memoriam

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    2 páginas.-- Necrológica.Peer reviewe

    ‘The painting can be fake, but not the feeling’: an overview of the Vietnamese market through the lens of fake, forgery and copy paintings

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    A work of Vietnamese art crossed a million-dollar mark in the international art market in early 2017. The event was reluctantly seen as a sign of maturity from the Vietnamese art amidst the many existing problems. Even though the Vietnamese media has discussed the issues enthusiastically, there is a lack of literature from the Vietnamese academics examining the subject, and even rarer in from the market perspective. This paper aims to contribute an insightful perspective on the Vietnamese art market, and hesitantly the Vietnamese art as well, through the lens of fake, forgery and copy artworks. 35 cases of fake, forgery and copy paintings were found on the news and from the experts' wisdom. Through the examples, we argue that the Vietnamese art market is a temporary reaction to the immaturely rising of the Vietnamese art and the economy. Therefore, the art market is unable to function healthily unless the Vietnamese art and the economy developed

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    Introduction. Viktor Shklovsky’s Heritage in Literature, Arts, and Philosophy

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    This book aims to examine the heritage of Victor Shklovsky in a variety of disciplines. To achieve this end, we drew upon colleagues from eight different countries across the world – USA, Canada, Russia, England, Scotland, the Netherlands, Norway, and Hong Kong – in order to bring the widest variety of points of view on the subject. But we also wanted this book to be more than just another collection of essays of literary criticism: we invited scholars from different disciplines – literature, cinematography, and philosophy – who have dealt with Shklovsky’s heritage and saw its practical application in their fields. Therefore, all these essays are written in a variety of humanist academic and scholarly styles, all engaging and dynamic

    "Yo digo que escribo historias de amor y me salen un montón de balazos" : Entrevista a Alejandro Páez Varela

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    "Jo dic que escric novel les d' amor i em surten un munt de trets". Entrevista amb Alejandro Páez Varela"I Say that I Write about Love Stories and it Turns Out a Lot of Bullets". Interview with Alejandro Páez Varela Entrevista al escritor y periodista mexicano Alejandro Páez Varel

    Blade Runner: The Final Cut

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    Which is the real version (final cut) of Blade Runner? The greatness of Blade Runner is that it has looked audiences in the eye over the years and offered the real empathy test – simply by testing our loyalties and sympathies

    Soinua fidagarritasunez gordetzeko erronka: musika-notazioa eta grabaketak

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    Musika batek luzaroan irauteko, musika-notazioa izan da euskarri bakarra soinua grabatzeko teknologien asmakuntzaren aurretik. Gaur egun, bi aukera hauek elkarrekin bizirauten dute modu eraginkor batetan, eta biak dira erabiliak ikerketa etnomusikologikoetan. Artikulu honetan, notazioa eta grabaketen inguruko azterketa eta gogoeta bat aurkezten da, gauden Aro Post-digitaletik atzera begira, modu kritiko batetan. Euskal Herriari erreparatuz eta aintzinako kantuaren ezaugarriak ia galdurik daudelarik, folkloristek XIX. mende bukaeran eta XX. mende hasieran kantutegietan bildutako musikaren irakurketa sakon eta kritiko bat egitea beharrezkoa da. Izan ere, zituzten helburuak eta metodologiak, ez dira egungo etnomusikologiarenak.Before the invention and development of sound recording technologies, musical notation was the only way to assure the durability of a musical composition. Nowadays, both means of music conservation coexist efficiently, and both are used in ethnomusicology research. This article presents a study and a reflection on musical notation and sound recording, looking back from our Post-digital Era in a critical way. In the Basque Country, traditional songs have barely left a footprint in the song compilations known as kantutegiak, therefore it is necessary to meticulously study the music compiled by 19th and 20th Century folklorists, with manifested different goals than the scientific canons of current ethnomusicology

    Android matters: Apocalyptic technology and hegelian dystopia in Ridley Scott’s Bladerunner (1982).

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    This essay critically evaluates the present moment of representation in social media of various subjects by looking back and interrogating past representations of technology and otherness in Hollywood cinema. Specifically, I argue that Ridley Scott’s cult classic film Bladerunner (1982) offers us a window into thinking about technology -as-other as portrayed in a historical moment that charted out the rise of neoliberalism under Ronald Reagan in the USA and Margaret Thatcher in the UK. I draw on G.W.F. Hegel’s theorization of human subjectivity and power relations in his master -slave dialectic to analyze the relationship between humans and synthetic androids, also known as replicants, in the film. In engaging Hegel’s analysis of power and servitude, I reveal myriad discourses of gazing that structure power not only within the narrative of the science fiction film, but moreover between the audience and the images. I conclude that the network of gazes between androids and humans highlight the ways in which human consciousness too is fabricated as well as mediated in and through the other(s)

    All the Park’s a Stage: Westworld as the Metafictional Frankenstein

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    This essay presents a literary analysis of the TV series Westworld (2016‒), created by Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy, who take Michael Crichton’s Westworld (1973) as its hypotext. In so doing, the paper will firstly trace the literary and film sources of the series, particularly Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, which is the myth informing the overall diegetic universe of the series as an architext. Secondly, it will comment on the reflexive elements present in the series, looking at certain key sequences that exemplify its metafictional dimension. The main contention will be that the series success lies in the combination of these two dimensions, the Frankensteinian and the metafictional, since both contribute to emphasise the postmodern philosophical questions posed by Nolan and Joy
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