10,976 research outputs found

    Externalising moods and psychological states in a cloud based system to enhance a pet-robot and child’s interaction

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    Background:This PATRICIA research project is about using pet robots to reduce pain and anxiety in hospitalized children. The study began 2 years ago and it is believed that the advances made in this project are significant. Patients, parents, nurses, psycholo- gists, and engineers have adopted the Pleo robot, a baby dinosaur robotic pet, which works in different ways to assist children during hospitalization. Methods: Focus is spent on creating a wireless communication system with the Pleo in order to help the coordinator, who conducts therapy with the child, monitor, under- stand, and control Pleo’s behavior at any moment. This article reports how this techno- logical function is being developed and tested. Results: Wireless communication between the Pleo and an Android device is achieved. The developed Android app allows the user to obtain any state of the robot without stopping its interaction with the patient. Moreover, information is sent to a cloud, so that robot moods, states and interactions can be shared among different robots. Conclusions: Pleo attachment was successful for more than 1 month, working with children in therapy, which makes the investment capable of positive therapeutic possibilities. This technical improvement in the Pleo addresses two key issues in social robotics: needing an enhanced response to maintain the attention and engagement of the child, and using the system as a platform to collect the states of the child’s progress for clinical purposes.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Designing a tangible interface for collaborative storytelling to access 'embodiment' and meaning making

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    This work presents an ongoing study of the design and development of a physical interface that addresses storytelling. The current prototype is the result of several design iterations with four to five years old preschoolers and six preschool teachers. The interaction model was motivated by findings from research on tangible user interfaces as well as embodied cognition. Although research in these areas has revealed potential benefits of the use of physical interfaces, until now no extended in depth study of a prolonged use in the classroom of such interfaces has been carried. This work proposes to carry such an investigation, observing a group of preschoolers interacting with the interface for a period of six months.(undefined

    Temporalidades presentes en las experiencias cinemáticas interactivas

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    En aquest article es presenten i discuteixen diverses obres interactives que mostren diferents representacions «d'imatges-temps» en què passat i present es fusionen en un mateix espai de representació. Les experiències cinemàtiques d'aquests treballs ofereixen relacions de percepció i consciència temporals singulars en relació amb el cinema, vinculades a la interacció física dels participants amb la imatge digital. A partir d'una aproximació fenomenològica i cognitiva del paper del cos en la construcció de la percepció, s’estudien les temporalitats vinculades a la manipulació de la imatge digital generada en temps real. Estudiar des d'aquesta perspectiva el temps ens apropa a noves comprensions de la nostra relació amb les imatges contemporànies. Aquestes representacions digitals s'allunyen de les estructures clàssiques seqüencials en què passat, present i futur són elements que no poden coexistir i oferint estructures més complexes de representació i vivència temporal.This article presents and discusses a selection of interactive works that use different representations of time-images in which past and present merge into a single space of representation. These cinematic experiences generate singular relationships of temporal perception and consciousness in relation to cinema, connected to the participant’s physical interaction with the digital image. Through a phenomenological and cognitive approach to the role of the body in the construction of perception, the article explores the temporalities involved in processing digital images generated in real time. This way of approaching the study of time leads us to new readings of our relationship with contemporary images. These digital representations are no longer tied to traditional sequential structures in which the elements of past, present and future cannot coexist and instead provide more complex structures for the representation and experience of time.En este artículo se introducen y discuten varias obras interactivas que muestran diferentes representaciones «de imágenes-tiempo» en las que pasado y presente se fusionan en un mismo espacio de representación. Las experiencias cinemáticas de estos trabajos ofrecen relaciones de percepción y conciencia temporales singulares en relación con el cine, vinculadas a la interacción física de los participantes con la imagen digital. A partir de una aproximación fenomenológica y cognitiva del papel del cuerpo en la construcción de la percepción, se estudian las temporalidades vinculadas a la manipulación de la imagen digital generada en tiempo real. Estudiar el tiempo desde esta perspectiva nos acerca a nuevas comprensiones de nuestra relación con las imágenes contemporáneas. Estas representaciones digitales se alejan de las estructuras clásicas secuenciales donde pasado, presente y futuro son elementos que no pueden coexistir y ofrecen estructuras más complejas de representación y vivencia temporal

    An Abstraction Framework for Tangible Interactive Surfaces

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    This cumulative dissertation discusses - by the example of four subsequent publications - the various layers of a tangible interaction framework, which has been developed in conjunction with an electronic musical instrument with a tabletop tangible user interface. Based on the experiences that have been collected during the design and implementation of that particular musical application, this research mainly concentrates on the definition of a general-purpose abstraction model for the encapsulation of physical interface components that are commonly employed in the context of an interactive surface environment. Along with a detailed description of the underlying abstraction model, this dissertation also describes an actual implementation in the form of a detailed protocol syntax, which constitutes the common element of a distributed architecture for the construction of surface-based tangible user interfaces. The initial implementation of the presented abstraction model within an actual application toolkit is comprised of the TUIO protocol and the related computer-vision based object and multi-touch tracking software reacTIVision, along with its principal application within the Reactable synthesizer. The dissertation concludes with an evaluation and extension of the initial TUIO model, by presenting TUIO2 - a next generation abstraction model designed for a more comprehensive range of tangible interaction platforms and related application scenarios

    Flowcuits: Crafting Tangible and Interactive Electrical Components with Liquid Metal Circuits

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    We present Flowcuits, a DIY fabrication method to prototype tangible, interactive and functional electrical components by manipulating liquid metal mechanisms. The generated prototypes afford both physical and visual interactions to demonstrate the inner working, underlying concepts and mechanics of fundamental electronic elements and circuits, which we propose as a method to support playful learning. The fabrication process follows simple imprinting and sealing of fluidic circuits with a 3D printed stamp on a commonly accessible and inexpensive moldable substrate such as 'blu tack'. Utilizing gallium-indium (Ga-In) liquid metal as the conductive element, we demonstrated our approach can create interactive and customizable electronic components such as switches, variable resistors, variable capacitors, logic gates and pressure sensors. In this paper, we present the design analogy of Flowcuits, DIY fabrication approach including a parametric 3D stamp design toolkit and results from a technical evaluation of the demonstrators. The stamps are printed with a low-cost 3D printer and all the materials are inexpensive and reusable, enabling Flowcuits to be easily used without any advance lab facilities

    Intangible Assets and Labor Productivity Growth

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    We examine the contribution to labor productivity growth in the manufacturing sector of investment in different intangible asset categories¿computerized information, innovative property, and economic competencies¿for a set of 18 European countries between 1995 and 2017, as well as whether this contribution varies between different groups of countries. The motivation is to go a step further and identify which single or combination of intangible assets are relevant. The main findings can be summarized as follows. Firstly, all the three different categories of intangible assets contribute to labor productivity growth. In particular, intangible assets related to economic competences together with innovative property assets have been identified as the main drivers; specifically, advertising and marketing, organizational capital, research and development (R&D) investment, and design. Secondly, splitting the sample of European Union (EU) member states into three groups¿northern, central and southern Europe¿allows for the identification of a significant differentiated behavior between and within groups, in terms of the effects of investment in intangible assets on labor productivity growth. We conclude that measures promoting investment in intangibles at EU level should be accompanied by specific measures focusing on each country's needs, for the purpose of promoting labor productivity growth. The obtained evidence suggests that the solution for the innovation deficit of some European economies consist not only of raising R&D expenditure, but also exploiting complementarities between different types of assets

    The role of urban living labs in a smart city

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    In a rapidly changing socio-technical environment cities are increasingly seen as main drivers for change. Against this backdrop, this paper studies the emerging Urban Living Lab and Smart City concepts from a project based perspective, by assessing a series of five Smart City initiatives within one local city ecosystem. A conceptual and analytical framework is used to analyse the architecture, nature and outcomes of the Smart City Ghent and the role of Urban Living Labs. The results of our analysis highlight the potential for social value creation and urban transition. However, current Smart City initiatives face the challenge of evolving from demonstrators towards real sustainable value. Furthermore, Smart Cities often have a technological deterministic, project-based approach, which forecloses a sustainable, permanent and growing future for the project outcomes. ‘City-governed’ Urban Living Labs have an interesting potential to overcome some of the identified challenges

    Traditional agricultural knowledge as a commons

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    Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu MdM-2015-0552In this chapter we explore the governance of traditional agricultural knowledge (TAK) under the commons framework, or the idea that knowledge can be governed as a commons, i.e., as a resource used by a group of people who have self-developed a set of rules to manage the social dilemmas derived from the resource collective use. To illustrate the governance of TAK under the commons framework, we present two case studies in which TAK is shared by communities of users who operate at different scales. The first case illustrates the local governance of TAK as commons by a close community with tight social bonds; the second case provides an example of how digitalized TAK could be governed by a peer-to-peer governance system and become part of the global digital commons. We conclude by exploring the degree to which a commons-based governance can be considered a contestation to commodification and enclosure movements that threaten the maintenance of TAK systems, and thus supports people's ability to sustain environmentally and culturally adapted food systems

    Auditory and haptic feedback to train basic mathematical skills of children with visual impairments

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    Physical manipulatives, such as rods or tiles, are widely used for mathematics learning, as they support embodied cognition, enable the execution of epistemic actions, and foster conceptual metaphors. Counting them, children explore, rearrange, and reinterpret the environment through the haptic channel. Vision generally complements physical actions, which makes using traditional manipulatives limited for children with visual impairments (VIs). Digitally augmenting manipulatives with feedback through alternative modalities might improve them. We specifically discuss conveying number representations to children with VIs using haptic and auditory channels within an environment encouraging exploration and supporting active touch counting strategies while promoting reflection. This paper presents LETSMath, a tangible system for training basic mathematical skills of children with VIs, developed through Design-Based Research with three iterations in which we involved 19 children with VIs and their educators. We discuss how the system may support training skills in the composition of numbers and the impact that the different system features have on slowing down the interaction pace to trigger reflection, in understanding, and in incorporation.Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Spain) through MIREGAMIS: 2018 LLAV 00009Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación - ANIIFundación CeibalCentro Interdisciplinario en Cognición para la Enseñanza y el Aprendizaje - CICEA, Universidad de la RepúblicaUniversitat Oberta de Catalunya (Spain) through Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities IJCI-2017-32162LASIGE Research Unit (Portugal) through FCT project mIDR (AAC02/SAICT/-2017, project 30347, cofunded by COMPETE/FEDER/FNR), the LASIGE Research Unit, ref. UIDB/00408/2020 and ref. UIDP/00408/2020
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