242 research outputs found

    Extended Differential Aggregations in Process Algebra for Performance and Biology

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    We study aggregations for ordinary differential equations induced by fluid semantics for Markovian process algebra which can capture the dynamics of performance models and chemical reaction networks. Whilst previous work has required perfect symmetry for exact aggregation, we present approximate fluid lumpability, which makes nearby processes perfectly symmetric after a perturbation of their parameters. We prove that small perturbations yield nearby differential trajectories. Numerically, we show that many heterogeneous processes can be aggregated with negligible errors.Comment: In Proceedings QAPL 2014, arXiv:1406.156

    A modest approach to Markov automata

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    A duplicate of https://zenodo.org/record/5758839. Reason: The submitter forgot to indicate the DOI before publishing, so it got another one assigned automatically, which is unchangeable

    The Benefits of Sometimes Not Being Discrete

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    The strong Malthusian behavior of growth-fragmentation processes

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    Growth-fragmentation processes describe the evolution of systems of cells which grow continuously and fragment suddenly; they are used in models of cell division and protein polymerisation. Typically, we may expect that in the long run, the concentrations of cells with given masses increase at some exponential rate, and that, after compensating for this, they arrive at an asymptotic profile. Up to now, this question has mainly been studied for the average behavior of the system, often by means of a natural partial integro-differential equation and the associated spectral theory. However, the behavior of the system as a whole, rather than only its average, is more delicate. In this work, we show that a criterion found by one of the authors for exponential ergodicity on average is actually sufficient to deduce stronger results about the convergence of the entire collection of cells to a certain asymptotic profile, and we find some improved explicit conditions for this to occur

    Contextual Lumpability

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    Quantitative analysis of computer systems is often based on Markovian models. Among the formalisms that are used in practice, Markovian process algebras have found many applications, also thanks to their compositional nature that allows one to specify systems as interacting individual automata that carry out actions. Nevertheless, as with all state-based modelling techniques, Markovian process algebras suffer from the well-known state space explosion problem. State aggregation, specifically lumping, is one of the possible methods for tackling this problem. In this paper we revisit the notion of Markovian bisimulation which has previously been shown to induce a lumpable relation in the underlying Markov process. Here we consider the coarser relation of contextual lumpability, and taking the specific example of strong equivalence in PEPA, we propose a slightly relaxed definition of Markovian bisimulation, named lumpable bisimilarity, and prove that this is a characterisation of the notion of contextual lumpability for PEPA components. Moreover, we show that lumpable bisimilarity induces the largest contextual lumping over the Markov process underlying any PEPA component. We provide an algorithm for lumpable bisimilarity and study both its time and space complexity. 1

    A fluid analysis framework for a Markovian process algebra

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    Markovian process algebras, such as PEPA and stochastic π-calculus, bring a powerful compositional approach to the performance modelling of complex systems. However, the models generated by process algebras, as with other interleaving formalisms, are susceptible to the state space explosion problem. Models with only a modest number of process algebra terms can easily generate so many states that they are all but intractable to traditional solution techniques. Previous work aimed at addressing this problem has presented a fluid-flow approximation allowing the analysis of systems which would otherwise be inaccessible. To achieve this, systems of ordinary differential equations describing the fluid flow of the stochastic process algebra model are generated informally. In this paper, we show formally that for a large class of models, this fluid-flow analysis can be directly derived from the stochastic process algebra model as an approximation to the mean number of component types within the model. The nature of the fluid approximation is derived and characterised by direct comparison with the Chapman–Kolmogorov equations underlying the Markov model. Furthermore, we compare the fluid approximation with the exact solution using stochastic simulation and we are able to demonstrate that it is a very accurate approximation in many cases. For the first time, we also show how to extend these techniques naturally to generate systems of differential equations approximating higher order moments of model component counts. These are important performance characteristics for estimating, for instance, the variance of the component counts. This is very necessary if we are to understand how precise the fluid-flow calculation is, in a given modelling situation

    Trend-based analysis of a population model of the AKAP scaffold protein

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    We formalise a continuous-time Markov chain with multi-dimensional discrete state space model of the AKAP scaffold protein as a crosstalk mediator between two biochemical signalling pathways. The analysis by temporal properties of the AKAP model requires reasoning about whether the counts of individuals of the same type (species) are increasing or decreasing. For this purpose we propose the concept of stochastic trends based on formulating the probabilities of transitions that increase (resp. decrease) the counts of individuals of the same type, and express these probabilities as formulae such that the state space of the model is not altered. We define a number of stochastic trend formulae (e.g. weakly increasing, strictly increasing, weakly decreasing, etc.) and use them to extend the set of state formulae of Continuous Stochastic Logic. We show how stochastic trends can be implemented in a guarded-command style specification language for transition systems. We illustrate the application of stochastic trends with numerous small examples and then we analyse the AKAP model in order to characterise and show causality and pulsating behaviours in this biochemical system

    07101 Abstracts Collection -- Quantitative Aspects of Embedded Systems

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    From March 5 to March 9, 2007, the Dagstuhl Seminar 07101 ``Quantitative Aspects of Embedded Systems\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    A tool for model-checking Markov chains

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    Markov chains are widely used in the context of the performance and reliability modeling of various systems. Model checking of such chains with respect to a given (branching) temporal logic formula has been proposed for both discrete [34, 10] and continuous time settings [7, 12]. In this paper, we describe a prototype model checker for discrete and continuous-time Markov chains, the Erlangen-Twente Markov Chain Checker EÎMC2, where properties are expressed in appropriate extensions of CTL. We illustrate the general benefits of this approach and discuss the structure of the tool. Furthermore, we report on successful applications of the tool to some examples, highlighting lessons learned during the development and application of EÎMC2