22 research outputs found

    Awareness of Open Data among Researchers in Selected Public Universities in Tanzania

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    This study explored the extent of researchers’ awareness on open data (OD) in selected universities in Tanzania. Various scholars have highlighted several benefits that are associated with the adoption and use of Open Datathat include validation and accountability of research findings, minimization of duplication of studies, protectionof researchintegrity and increased visibility of both research results as well as the host institution.The study employed a crosssection research design which combined qualitative and quantitative approaches. A sample of 200 researchers was drawn from a sampling frame of 1846 using both probability and nonprobability sampling techniques.The findings of this study have revealed that majority of respondents lacked a deep understanding of OD concept.Based on the findings,the study recommends that open data weeks and open data days should be adopted and used by academic and research institutions to create awareness on OD. Academic institutions need to integrate OD and research data management in course of their degree programmes, especially at postgraduate level. Awareness creation mechanisms such as workshops should regularly be used to create OD awareness at all levels of academic institutions

    Recognition of expertise and orientation towards social problems: open science practices from the perspective of integrated research

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    En América Latina, la perspectiva de la investigación integrada propone una transformación del contrato social de la ciencia para que la producción de conocimiento sea un componente que contribuya a atender los problemas, los desafíos y las oportunidades de la región. Las prácticas de apertura de la ciencia, que se registran a partir de la utilización de tecnologías digitales para la coproducción de conocimientos, brindan posibilidades para alcanzar este objetivo. En este artículo exponemos las potencialidades de las prácticas de ciencia abierta para construir nuevos mecanismos de producción, validación, circulación y uso de conocimiento científico de calidad, considerando la convergencia de experticias en contextos situados. El enfoque metodológico es cualitativo y la técnica utilizada consiste en la revisión bibliográfica de naturaleza narrativa, que permite la identificación, el análisis y la interpretación de literatura científica sobre el tema en cuestión.In Latin America, the perspective of integrated research proposes a transformation of the social contract of science, so that the production of knowledge is a component that contributes to addressing the problems, challenges and opportunities of the region. Open science practices, which are recorded through the use of digital technologies for the co-production of knowledge, offer possibilities to achieve this goal. In this article we expose the potential of open science practices to build new mechanisms of production, validation, circulation and use of quality scientific knowledge, considering the convergence of expertise in situated contexts. The methodological approach is qualitative, and the technique used consists of the bibliographic review of a narrative nature, which allows the identification, analysis and interpretation of scientific literature on the subject in question.Fil: Isoglio, Antonela Paola. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad; ArgentinaFil: Echeverry Mejia, Jorge Andres. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad; Argentin

    Інновації в управлінні університетами як передумова розвитку конкурентоздатної економіки України в поствоєнний період

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    The purpose of the article is to determine the theoretical foundations of innovation in university management in the context of creating conditions for improving the competitiveness of Ukraine's economy during the post-war period. The theoretical significance of the article is that the model of introduction of Open Science as possible innovation in university management is substantiated, the principles of the introduction of Open Science in universities are supplemented, and innovative models of interaction of universities with stakeholders aimed at common R&D activities are singled out. The practical significance of the article is that the authors formulated recommendations for the effective implementation of the Open Science model in universities; criteria for choosing a model of interaction between universities and stakeholders are proposed. It is determined that the potential growth of the index of global competitiveness of Ukraine's economy lies, among other things, in the sphere of innovative university management. The necessity of introducing the concept of Open Science in universities as one of the innovations in management, which will increase the efficiency and impact of research on the development of Ukraine's competitive economy in the postwar period, is substantiated. The model of implementation of Open Science in Ukrainian universities is substantiated, which takes into account European practices of implementing the concept of Open Science in universities, its basic principles, components, and understanding of its key advantages in the context of increasing economic competitiveness. Recommendations for the effective implementation of the Open Science model in universities in the context of the introduction of new organizational and financial mechanisms, development of a culture of Open Science in the university environment, improvement of the research infrastructure, access of academic staff to institutional and external research infrastructures, supporting collaboration between academic and nonacademic sector to strengthen the role of universities as key actors in innovation ecosystems, promoting international and multi-stakeholder cooperation in the context of Open Science, is substantiated. The need for a broad partnership of universities with stakeholders aimed at common R&D activities is substantiated. Based on the study of international experience, three models of such cooperation have been identified - the regional consortium model, the professionalization model, and the cluster model.Метою статті є визначення теоретичних засад інноваційного управління університетами в контексті створення умов для підвищення рівня конкурентоспроможності економіки України в поствоєнний період. Теоретичне значення статті полягає в тому, що в ній обґрунтовано модель упровадження відкритої науки як одну з можливих інновацій в управлінні університетами, доповнено принципи впровадження відкритої науки в університетах, виокремлено моделі взаємодії університетів зі стейкхолдерами в аспекті спільної дослідницької діяльності. Практичне значення статті полягає в тому, що авторами сформульовано рекомендації щодо ефективного впровадження моделі відкритої науки в університетах і запропоновано критерії вибору моделі взаємодії університетів зі стейкхолдерами. Визначено, що потенційне зростання індексу глобальної конкурентоспроможності економіки України лежить у тому числі й у площині інноваційного управління університетами. Обґрунтовано необхідність запровадження в університетах концепції відкритої науки як однієї з інновацій в управлінні, яка сприятиме підвищенню ефективності та впливу досліджень на розвиток конкурентоспроможної економіки України в поствоєнний період. Обґрунтовано модель упровадження відкритої науки в університетах України, яка враховує відповідні європейські практики, її засадничі принципи, складові, розуміння її ключових переваг у контексті зростання рівня конкуренто- спроможності економіки. Сформульовано рекомендації щодо ефективного впровадження моделі відкритої науки в університетах у контексті запровадження нових організаційних та фінансових механізмів відкритої науки, формування культури відкритості науки в університетському середовищі, розвитку дослідницької інфраструктури, доступу академічного персоналу університету до інституційних і зовнішніх дослідницьких інфраструктур, підтримки взаємодії між науковими колами та неакадемічним сектором для посилення ролі університетів як центральних суб’єктів в інноваційних екосистемах, сприяння міжнародному співробітництву та співробітництву стейкхолдерів у контексті відкритої науки. Обґрунтовано необхідність широкого партнерства університетів зі стейкхолдерами в аспекті спільної дослідницької діяльності. На основі вивчення міжнародного досвіду виокремлено три моделі такого співробітництва: модель регіонального консорціуму, модель професіоналізації та кластерну модель

    Revista ORL en el Ecosistema de la Ciencia Abierta

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    [ES] Se considera Revista ORL como parte del ecosistema de la Ciencia Abierta. Se realiza una revisión del concepto de Ciencia Abierta, de sus herramientas y del ecosistema del que forma parte y se abordan cuestiones tales como: las motivaciones de los gobiernos para su impulso y promoción, los componentes que forman este ecosistema, los beneficios y las implicaciones que suponen para los agentes de la investigación científica y las repercusiones de este nuevo paradigma para la edición de la Revista ORL. Se ofrecen también respuestas que abren nue-vos escenarios con grandes posibilidades para la comunicación de la ciencia, en general, y en particular para la ciencia médica. Se extrae como conclusión que Revista ORL representa un modelo ejemplar de publicación para contribuir con el acceso abierto a la ciencia médica. [EN] It considers Revista ORL as part of the Open Science Ecosystem. It carries out a review of the concept Open Science, as well as its tools and the ecosystem of which it is part, and it ad-dresses issues such as: the motivations of governments for their impulse and promotion, the components that make up this ecosystem, the benefits and implications for the agents of sci-entific research and the repercussions of this new paradigm for the publication of Revista ORL. It also offers some answers that open new scenarios with great possibilities for the science communication, in general, and in particular for medical science. It concludes that Revista ORL represents an exemplary publication model to contribute with open access to medical science

    Revista ORL in the Open Science Ecosystem

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    It considers Revista ORL as part of the Open Science Ecosystem. It carries out a review of the concept Open Science, as well as its tools and the ecosystem of which it is part, and it addresses issues such as: the motivations of governments for their impulse and promotion, the components that make up this ecosystem, the benefits and implications for the agents of scientific research and the repercussions of this new paradigm for the publication of Revista ORL. It also offers some answers that open new scenarios with great possibilities for the science communication, in general, and in particular for medical science. It concludes that Revista ORL represents an exemplary publication model to contribute with open access to medical science.Se considera la Revista ORL como parte del ecosistema de la Ciencia Abierta. Se realiza una revisión del concepto de Ciencia Abierta, de sus herramientas y del ecosistema del que forma parte y se abordan cuestiones tales como: las motivaciones de los gobiernos para su impulso y promoción, los componentes que forman este ecosistema, los beneficios y las implicaciones que suponen para los agentes de la investigación científica y las repercusiones de este nuevo paradigma para la edición de la Revista ORL. Se ofrecen también respuestas que abren nuevos escenarios con grandes posibilidades para la comunicación de la ciencia, en general, y en particular para la ciencia médica. Se extrae como conclusión que Revista ORL representa un modelo ejemplar de publicación para contribuir con el acceso abierto a la ciencia médica

    Accelerating social science knowledge production with the coordinated open-source model

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    With the growing complexity of knowledge production, social science must accelerate and open up to maintain explanatory power and responsiveness. This requires redesigning the front-end of research to build an open and expandable knowledge infrastructure that stimulates broad collaborations, enables breaking down inertia and path dependencies of conventional approaches, and boosts discovery and innovation. This article discusses the coordinated open-source model as a promising organisational scheme that can supplement conventional research infrastructure in certain areas. The model offers flexibility, decentralization, and community-based development and aligns with open science ideas, such as reproducibility and transparency. Similar solutions have been successfully applied in natural science, but social science lags behind. I present the model's design, and consider its potential and limitations (e.g., regarding development, sustainability and coordination). I also discuss open-source applications in various areas, including the first open-source survey harmonization project in social science

    Open Science and Open Innovation in Socio-Political Context: Knowledge Production and Societal Impact in an Age of Populism

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    This conceptual paper traces the origins and progress of Open Science and proposes its generative coupling to Open Innovation in the contemporary socio-political context; where universities are re-imaging their civic missions in the face of anti-establishment populist politics. This setting is one of changing knowledge production regimes and institutional pressures that create contradictions identifiable through the prism of the series of scientific norms conceptualised by Robert K. Merton. This paper privileges a sociological perspective to proffer scientific knowledge production as a societally embedded process, which is well illustrated by scholarship in the Science and Technology Studies (STS) and Science in Society fields. In doing so, it identifies the co-evolution, co-existence and co-production of Open Science with Open Innovation; and notes how it shares the attributes of other recent diagnoses of changing knowledge production regimes; in particular Mode 2, post-normal science and the Quadruple Helix. It also argues that Open Science can be coupled with Open Innovation to catalyse positive societal change, but that the rise of a populist post-truth era opposed to objectivity, expertise and technocratic political solutions gives the demand for openness and participation a different complexion. Merton’s norms provide a useful lens to observe recent shifts in the delivery of science, knowledge and innovation in society towards more inclusive, ethical and sustainable outcomes; and expose the limited reflection on how the appropriation and exploitation of open scientific knowledge encounters industrial R&D and Open Innovation

    The neglect of equity and inclusion in open science policies of Europe and the Americas

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    National, international, and organizational Open Science (OS) policies are being formulated to improve and accelerate research through increased transparency, collaboration, and better access to scientific knowledge. Yet, there is mounting concern that OS policies—which are predicated on narrow understandings of openness, accessibility, and objectivity—do not effectively capture the ethos of OS and particularly its goal of making science more collaborative, inclusive, and socially engaged. This study explores how OS is conceptualized in emerging OS policies and to what extent notions of equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) and public participation are reflected in policy guidelines and recommendations. We use a qualitative document research approach to critically analyze 52 OS policy documents published between January 2020 and December 2022 in Europe and the Americas. Our results show that OS policies overwhelmingly focus on making research outputs publicly accessible, neglecting to advance the two aspects of OS that hold the key to achieving an inclusive and inclusive scientific culture—namely, EDI and public participation. While these concepts are often mentioned and even embraced in OS policy documents, concrete guidance on how they can be promoted in practice is overwhelmingly lacking. Rather than advancing the openness of scientific findings first and promoting EDI and public participation efforts second, we argue that incentives and guidelines must be provided and implemented concurrently to advance the OS movement's stated goal of making science open to all

    The Canadian Open Neuroscience Platform—An open science framework for the neuroscience community

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    ABSTRACT: The Canadian Open Neuroscience Platform (CONP) takes a multifaceted approach to enabling open neuroscience, aiming to make research, data, and tools accessible to everyone, with the ultimate objective of accelerating discovery. Its core infrastructure is the CONP Portal, a repository with a decentralized design, where datasets and analysis tools across disparate platforms can be browsed, searched, accessed, and shared in accordance with FAIR principles. Another key piece of CONP infrastructure is NeuroLibre, a preprint server capable of creating and hosting executable and fully reproducible scientific publications that embed text, figures, and code. As part of its holistic approach, the CONP has also constructed frameworks and guidance for ethics and data governance, provided support and developed resources to help train the next generation of neuroscientists, and has fostered and grown an engaged community through outreach and communications. In this manuscript, we provide a high-level overview of this multipronged platform and its vision of lowering the barriers to the practice of open neuroscience and yielding the associated benefits for both individual researchers and the wider community

    Social Big Data: challenges of open governments and collaborative processes in the construction of data : The case of health sector and its relevance

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    Nowadays, there are ways, such as open innovation or citizen innovation, to democratize access to data and provide solutions to the problems of civil society. In Latin America, it is encouraged to use models such as “the four helices” where one of the main actors is the citizenry. Including citizenship implies the recognition of the transformations offered by the open government policy, which requires open and public access to data and how its was constructed. In this way, social Big Data or the social aspects of Big Data offer an opportunity to improve public services.This work takes Health as a case study, analyzing the importance of social Big Data and how it can improve public services. This analysis is part of the work of an interdisciplinary research group, among professionals from the social sciences and information systems engineering.En la actualidad existen modalidades como open innovation o innovación ciudadana para democratizar el acceso a los datos y dar solución a problemáticas de la sociedad civil. En Iberoamérica se incentiva usar modelos como el de “las cuatro hélices” donde uno de los actores importantes es la ciudadanía. Incluir a la ciudadanía implica reconocer las transformaciones ofrecidas por la política de gobierno abierto, que requiere acceder de forma abierta y pЬblica a los datos y cómo fueron construidos. De esta manera, social Big Data o los aspectos sociales de Big Data ofrecen una oportunidad para mejorar los servicios públicos.Este trabajo toma a la Salud como caso de estudio, analizando la importancia de social Big Data y cómo puede mejorar los servicios públicos. Este análisis forma parte del trabajo de un grupo de investigación interdisciplinario, entre profesionales de las ciencias sociales y de la ingeniería en sistemas de la información.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ