1,756 research outputs found

    State-of-the-art on evolution and reactivity

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    This report starts by, in Chapter 1, outlining aspects of querying and updating resources on the Web and on the Semantic Web, including the development of query and update languages to be carried out within the Rewerse project. From this outline, it becomes clear that several existing research areas and topics are of interest for this work in Rewerse. In the remainder of this report we further present state of the art surveys in a selection of such areas and topics. More precisely: in Chapter 2 we give an overview of logics for reasoning about state change and updates; Chapter 3 is devoted to briefly describing existing update languages for the Web, and also for updating logic programs; in Chapter 4 event-condition-action rules, both in the context of active database systems and in the context of semistructured data, are surveyed; in Chapter 5 we give an overview of some relevant rule-based agents frameworks

    Web ontology reasoning with logic databases [online]

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    Incremental materialization of object-oriented views

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    We present an approach to handle incremental materialization of object-oriented views. Queries that define views are implemented as methods that are invoked to compute corresponding views. To avoid computation from scratch each time a view is accessed, we introduce some deferred update algorithms that reflect for a view only related modifications introduced into the database while that view was inactive. A view is updated by considering modifications performed within all classes along the inheritance and class-composition subhierarchies rooted at every class used in deriving that view. To each class, we add a modification list to keep one modification tuple per view dependent on that class. Such a tuple acts as a reference point that marks the start of the next update to the corresponding view. © 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    Erweiterung von Informationssystemen um Event-Handling - Ein Nicht-Invasiver Ansatz

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    Due to the immense advance of widely accessible information systems in industrial applications, science, education and every day use, it becomes more and more difficult for users of those information systems to keep track with new and updated information. An approach to cope with this problem is to go beyond traditional search facilities and instead use the users' profiles to monitor data changes and to actively inform them about these updates - an aspect that has to be explicitly developed and integrated into a variety of information systems. This is traditionally done in an individual way, depending on the application and its platform. In this dissertation, we present a novel approach to model the semantic interrelations that specify which users to inform about which updates, based on the underlying model of the respective information system. For the first time, a meta-model that allows information system designers to tag an arbitrary data model and thus specify the event-handling semantics is presented. A formal specification of how to interpret meta-models to determine the receivers of the events completes the presented concept. For the practical realization of this new concept, model driven architecture (MDA) shows to be an ideal technical means. Using our newly developed UML profile based on data-modelling standards, an implementation of the event-handling specification can automatically be generated for a variety of different target platforms, like e.g. relational databases, using triggers. This meta-approach makes the proposed solution ideal with respect to maintainability and genericity. Our solution significantly reduces the overall development efforts for an event-handling facility. In addition, the enhanced model of the information system can be used to generate an implementation that also fulfils non-functional requirements like high performance and extensibility. The overall framework, consisting of the domain specific language (i.e. the meta-model), formal and technical transformations of how to interpret the enhanced information system model and a cost-based optimizing strategy, constitutes an integrated approach, offering several advantages over traditional implementation techniques: our framework can be applied to new information systems as well as to legacy applications without having to modify existing systems; it offers an extensible, easy-to-use, generic and thus re-usable solution and it can be tailored to and optimized for many use cases, as the practical evaluation presented in this dissertation verifies.Bedingt durch die immer stĂ€rkere Durchdringung rechnergestĂŒtzter Informationssysteme in Industrie, Forschung, Ausbildung und anderen Bereichen des tĂ€glichen Lebens wird es fĂŒr Anwender immer schwieriger, fĂŒr sie relevante Änderungen an den dort gespeicherten DatenbestĂ€nden nachzuverfolgen. Dem wird hĂ€ufig dadurch begegnet, dass ĂŒber die FĂ€higkeiten traditioneller Suchmöglichkeiten hinaus gegangen wird und Profile der Anwender verwendet werden, um sie aktiv ĂŒber relevante Änderungen zu informieren. Dieser Aspekt muss fĂŒr unterschiedlichste Informationssysteme explizit entwickelt und integriert werden, zudem meist abhĂ€ngig von der fachlichen DomĂ€ne der Anwendung und deren Plattform. In dieser Dissertation prĂ€sentieren wir einen neuartigen Ansatz, mit dessen Hilfe die semantischen Vorgaben, welche Anwender ĂŒber welche Änderungen informiert werden sollen, ausgehend vom zugrunde liegenden Datenmodell der Anwendung des jeweiligen Systems modelliert werden können. Erstmalig wird ein Meta-Modell vorgestellt, das Entwicklern und Architekten ermöglicht, ein beliebiges Modell eines Informationssystems mit zusĂ€tzlichen Informationen auszuzeichnen und damit die Semantik der Event-Handling-Komponente vorzugeben. Zudem wird ein formales Konzept prĂ€sentiert, das spezifiziert wie diese Auszeichnungen fĂŒr die Bestimmung der InformationsempfĂ€nger zu interpretieren sind. Im Hinblick auf die Realisierung dieses Konzepts erweist sich Model Driven Architecture (MDA) als ideales technisches Mittel. Mit Hilfe eines eigens entwickelten UML Profils, das sich auf existierende Standards zur Datenmodellierung stĂŒtzt, kann automatisch eine Implementierung der Event-Handling-Komponenten fĂŒr eine Vielzahl unterschiedlichster Zielplattformen generiert werden. Als Beispiel wĂ€re die Verwendung relationaler Datenbanken zusammen mit Datenbanktriggern zu nennen. Dieser Ansatz stellt eine ideale Lösung im Hinblick auf Wartbarkeit und AllgemeingĂŒltigkeit dar, wodurch auch der Entwicklungsaufwand minimiert wird. Zudem bietet unser Ansatz auch die Möglichkeit, bei der Implementierung dieser Komponente auch nicht-funktionale Anforderungen - wie beispielsweise möglichst optimale Performanz und Erweiterbarkeit - zu erfĂŒllen. Das hier prĂ€sentierte Framework, bestehend aus der domĂ€nen-spezifischen Sprache (in Form des Meta-Modells), den formalen und technischen Transformationsvorschriften fĂŒr die Interpretation der Spezifikation sowie einer kostenbasierten Optimierungsstrategie, stellt einen integrierten Ansatz dar, der im Vergleich zu traditionellen AnsĂ€tzen einige Vorteile bietet: so kann dieser Ansatz ohne Modifikation existierender Systeme verwendet werden, stellt eine erweiterbare, einfach benutzbare, und zugleich wiederverwendbare Lösung dar und kann fĂŒr beliebige AnwendungsfĂ€lle maßgeschneidert und optimiert werden, wie die Evaluation unserer Lösung anhand echter Szenarien in dieser Dissertation zeigt

    Scalable Automated Incrementalization for Real-Time Static Analyses

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    This thesis proposes a framework for easy development of static analyses, whose results are incrementalized to provide instantaneous feedback in an integrated development environment (IDE). Today, IDEs feature many tools that have static analyses as their foundation to assess software quality and catch correctness problems. Yet, these tools often fail to provide instantaneous feedback and are thus restricted to nightly build processes. This precludes developers from fixing issues at their inception time, i.e., when the problem and the developed solution are both still fresh in mind. In order to provide instantaneous feedback, incrementalization is a well-known technique that utilizes the fact that developers make only small changes to the code and, hence, analysis results can be re-computed fast based on these changes. Yet, incrementalization requires carefully crafted static analyses. Thus, a manual approach to incrementalization is unattractive. Automated incrementalization can alleviate these problems and allows analyses writers to formulate their analyses as queries with the full data set in mind, without worrying over the semantics of incremental changes. Existing approaches to automated incrementalization utilize standard technologies, such as deductive databases, that provide declarative query languages, yet also require to materialize the full dataset in main-memory, i.e., the memory is permanently blocked by the data required for the analyses. Other standard technologies such as relational databases offer better scalability due to persistence, yet require large transaction times for data. Both technologies are not a perfect match for integrating static analyses into an IDE, since the underlying data, i.e., the code base, is already persisted and managed by the IDE. Hence, transitioning the data into a database is redundant work. In this thesis a novel approach is proposed that provides a declarative query language and automated incrementalization, yet retains in memory only a necessary minimum of data, i.e., only the data that is required for the incrementalization. The approach allows to declare static analyses as incrementally maintained views, where the underlying formalism for incrementalization is the relational algebra with extensions for object-orientation and recursion. The algebra allows to deduce which data is the necessary minimum for incremental maintenance and indeed shows that many views are self-maintainable, i.e., do not require to materialize memory at all. In addition an optimization for the algebra is proposed that allows to widen the range of self-maintainable views, based on domain knowledge of the underlying data. The optimization works similar to declaring primary keys for databases, i.e., the optimization is declared on the schema of the data, and defines which data is incrementally maintained in the same scope. The scope makes all analyses (views) that correlate only data within the boundaries of the scope self-maintainable. The approach is implemented as an embedded domain specific language in a general-purpose programming language. The implementation can be understood as a database-like engine with an SQL-style query language and the execution semantics of the relational algebra. As such the system is a general purpose database-like query engine and can be used to incrementalize other domains than static analyses. To evaluate the approach a large variety of static analyses were sampled from real-world tools and formulated as incrementally maintained views in the implemented engine

    Merging Queries in OLTP Workloads

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    OLTP applications are usually executed by a high number of clients in parallel and are typically faced with high throughput demand as well as a constraint latency requirement for individual statements. In enterprise scenarios, they often face the challenge to deal with overload spikes resulting from events such as Cyber Monday or Black Friday. The traditional solution to prevent running out of resources and thus coping with such spikes is to use a significant over-provisioning of the underlying infrastructure. In this thesis, we analyze real enterprise OLTP workloads with respect to statement types, complexity, and hot-spot statements. Interestingly, our findings reveal that workloads are often read-heavy and comprise similar query patterns, which provides a potential to share work of statements belonging to different transactions. In the past, resource sharing has been extensively studied for OLAP workloads. Naturally, the question arises, why studies mainly focus on OLAP and not on OLTP workloads? At first sight, OLTP queries often consist of simple calculations, such as index look-ups with little sharing potential. In consequence, such queries – due to their short execution time – may not have enough potential for the additional overhead. In addition, OLTP workloads do not only execute read operations but also updates. Therefore, sharing work needs to obey transactional semantics, such as the given isolation level and read-your-own-writes. This thesis presents THE LEVIATHAN, a novel batching scheme for OLTP workloads, an approach for merging read statements within interactively submitted multi-statement transactions consisting of reads and updates. Our main idea is to merge the execution of statements by merging their plans, thus being able to merge the execution of not only complex, but also simple calculations, such as the aforementioned index look-up. We identify mergeable statements by pattern matching of prepared statement plans, which comes with low overhead. For obeying the isolation level properties and providing read-your-own-writes, we first define a formal framework for merging transactions running under a given isolation level and provide insights into a prototypical implementation of merging within a commercial database system. Our experimental evaluation shows that, depending on the isolation level, the load in the system, and the read-share of the workload, an improvement of the transaction throughput by up to a factor of 2.5x is possible without compromising the transactional semantics. Another interesting effect we show is that with our strategy, we can increase the throughput of a real enterprise workload by 20%.:1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Summary of Contributions 1.2 Outline 2 WORKLOAD ANALYSIS 2.1 Analyzing OLTP Benchmarks 2.1.1 YCSB 2.1.2 TATP 2.1.3 TPC Benchmark Scenarios 2.1.4 Summary 2.2 Analyzing OLTP Workloads from Open Source Projects 2.2.1 Characteristics of Workloads 2.2.2 Summary 2.3 Analyzing Enterprise OLTP Workloads 2.3.1 Overview of Reports about OLTP Workload Characteristics 2.3.2 Analysis of SAP Hybris Workload 2.3.3 Summary 2.4 Conclusion 3 RELATED WORK ON QUERY MERGING 3.1 Merging the Execution of Operators 3.2 Merging the Execution of Subplans 3.3 Merging the Results of Subplans 3.4 Merging the Execution of Full Plans 3.5 Miscellaneous Works on Merging 3.6 Discussion 4 MERGING STATEMENTS IN MULTI STATEMENT TRANSACTIONS 4.1 Overview of Our Approach 4.1.1 Examples 4.1.2 Why Naïve Merging Fails 4.2 THE LEVIATHAN Approach 4.3 Formalizing THE LEVIATHAN Approach 4.3.1 Transaction Theory 4.3.2 Merging Under MVCC 4.4 Merging Reads Under Different Isolation Levels 4.4.1 Read Uncommitted 4.4.2 Read Committed 4.4.3 Repeatable Read 4.4.4 Snapshot Isolation 4.4.5 Serializable 4.4.6 Discussion 4.5 Merging Writes Under Different Isolation Levels 4.5.1 Read Uncommitted 4.5.2 Read Committed 4.5.3 Snapshot Isolation 4.5.4 Serializable 4.5.5 Handling Dependencies 4.5.6 Discussion 5 SYSTEM MODEL 5.1 Definition of the Term “Overload” 5.2 Basic Queuing Model 5.2.1 Option (1): Replacement with a Merger Thread 5.2.2 Option (2): Adding Merger Thread 5.2.3 Using Multiple Merger Threads 5.2.4 Evaluation 5.3 Extended Queue Model 5.3.1 Option (1): Replacement with a Merger Thread 5.3.2 Option (2): Adding Merger Thread 5.3.3 Evaluation 6 IMPLEMENTATION 6.1 Background: SAP HANA 6.2 System Design 6.2.1 Read Committed 6.2.2 Snapshot Isolation 6.3 Merger Component 6.3.1 Overview 6.3.2 Dequeuing 6.3.3 Merging 6.3.4 Sending 6.3.5 Updating MTx State 6.4 Challenges in the Implementation of Merging Writes 6.4.1 SQL String Implementation 6.4.2 Update Count 6.4.3 Error Propagation 6.4.4 Abort and Rollback 7 EVALUATION 7.1 Benchmark Settings 7.2 System Settings 7.2.1 Experiment I: End-to-end Response Time Within a SAP Hybris System 7.2.2 Experiment II: Dequeuing Strategy 7.2.3 Experiment III: Merging Improvement on Different Statement, Transaction and Workload Types 7.2.4 Experiment IV: End-to-End Latency in YCSB 7.2.5 Experiment V: Breakdown of Execution in YCSB 7.2.6 Discussion of System Settings 7.3 Merging in Interactive Transactions 7.3.1 Experiment VI: Merging TATP in Read Uncommitted 7.3.2 Experiment VII: Merging TATP in Read Committed 7.3.3 Experiment VIII: Merging TATP in Snapshot Isolation 7.4 Merging Queries in Stored Procedures Experiment IX: Merging TATP Stored Procedures in Read Committed 7.5 Merging SAP Hybris 7.5.1 Experiment X: CPU-time Breakdown on HANA Components 7.5.2 Experiment XI: Merging Media Query in SAP Hybris 7.5.3 Discussion of our Results in Comparison with Related Work 8 CONCLUSION 8.1 Summary 8.2 Future Research Directions REFERENCES A UML CLASS DIAGRAM

    ConceptBase.cc User Manual Version 7.3

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    State-of-the-art on evolution and reactivity

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    This report starts by, in Chapter 1, outlining aspects of querying and updating resources on the Web and on the Semantic Web, including the development of query and update languages to be carried out within the Rewerse project. From this outline, it becomes clear that several existing research areas and topics are of interest for this work in Rewerse. In the remainder of this report we further present state of the art surveys in a selection of such areas and topics. More precisely: in Chapter 2 we give an overview of logics for reasoning about state change and updates; Chapter 3 is devoted to briefly describing existing update languages for the Web, and also for updating logic programs; in Chapter 4 event-condition-action rules, both in the context of active database systems and in the context of semistructured data, are surveyed; in Chapter 5 we give an overview of some relevant rule-based agents frameworks
