24 research outputs found

    High mobility in OFDM based wireless communication systems

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    Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) has been adopted as the transmission scheme in most of the wireless systems we use on a daily basis. It brings with it several inherent advantages that make it an ideal waveform candidate in the physical layer. However, OFDM based wireless systems are severely affected in High Mobility scenarios. In this thesis, we investigate the effects of mobility on OFDM based wireless systems and develop novel techniques to estimate the channel and compensate its effects at the receiver. Compressed Sensing (CS) based channel estimation techniques like the Rake Matching Pursuit (RMP) and the Gradient Rake Matching Pursuit (GRMP) are developed to estimate the channel in a precise, robust and computationally efficient manner. In addition to this, a Cognitive Framework that can detect the mobility in the channel and configure an optimal estimation scheme is also developed and tested. The Cognitive Framework ensures a computationally optimal channel estimation scheme in all channel conditions. We also demonstrate that the proposed schemes can be adapted to other wireless standards easily. Accordingly, evaluation is done for three current broadcast, broadband and cellular standards. The results show the clear benefit of the proposed schemes in enabling high mobility in OFDM based wireless communication systems.Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) wurde als Übertragungsschema in die meisten drahtlosen Systemen, die wir täglich verwenden, übernommen. Es bringt mehrere inhärente Vorteile mit sich, die es zu einem idealen Waveform-Kandidaten in der Bitübertragungsschicht (Physical Layer) machen. Allerdings sind OFDM-basierte drahtlose Systeme in Szenarien mit hoher Mobilität stark beeinträchtigt. In dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir die Auswirkungen der Mobilität auf OFDM-basierte drahtlose Systeme und entwickeln neuartige Techniken, um das Verhalten des Kanals abzuschätzen und seine Auswirkungen am Empfänger zu kompensieren. Auf Compressed Sensing (CS) basierende Kanalschätzverfahren wie das Rake Matching Pursuit (RMP) und das Gradient Rake Matching Pursuit (GRMP) werden entwickelt, um den Kanal präzise, robust und rechnerisch effizient abzuschätzen. Darüber hinaus wird ein Cognitive Framework entwickelt und getestet, das die Mobilität im Kanal erkennt und ein optimales Schätzungsschema konfiguriert. Das Cognitive Framework gewährleistet ein rechnerisch optimales Kanalschätzungsschema für alle möglichen Kanalbedingungen. Wir zeigen außerdem, dass die vorgeschlagenen Schemata auch leicht an andere Funkstandards angepasst werden können. Dementsprechend wird eine Evaluierung für drei aktuelle Rundfunk-, Breitband- und Mobilfunkstandards durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen den klaren Vorteil der vorgeschlagenen Schemata bei der Ermöglichung hoher Mobilität in OFDM-basierten drahtlosen Kommunikationssystemen

    Integration of hybrid networks, AI, Ultra Massive-MIMO, THz frequency, and FBMC modulation toward 6g requirements : A Review

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    The fifth-generation (5G) wireless communications have been deployed in many countries with the following features: wireless networks at 20 Gbps as peak data rate, a latency of 1-ms, reliability of 99.999%, maximum mobility of 500 km/h, a bandwidth of 1-GHz, and a capacity of 106 up to Mbps/m2. Nonetheless, the rapid growth of applications, such as extended/virtual reality (XR/VR), online gaming, telemedicine, cloud computing, smart cities, the Internet of Everything (IoE), and others, demand lower latency, higher data rates, ubiquitous coverage, and better reliability. These higher requirements are the main problems that have challenged 5G while concurrently encouraging researchers and practitioners to introduce viable solutions. In this review paper, the sixth-generation (6G) technology could solve the 5G limitations, achieve higher requirements, and support future applications. The integration of multiple access techniques, terahertz (THz), visible light communications (VLC), ultra-massive multiple-input multiple-output ( μm -MIMO), hybrid networks, cell-free massive MIMO, and artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learning (ML) have been proposed for 6G. The main contributions of this paper are a comprehensive review of the 6G vision, KPIs (key performance indicators), and advanced potential technologies proposed with operation principles. Besides, this paper reviewed multiple access and modulation techniques, concentrating on Filter-Bank Multicarrier (FBMC) as a potential technology for 6G. This paper ends by discussing potential applications with challenges and lessons identified from prior studies to pave the path for future research

    Investigation of Techniques for Reducing Mobile Communication Systems Harmful Out-Of-Band Emission

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    Electromagnetic compatibility in the newly designated Long-Term Evolution (LTE) mobile network in the 790–862 MHz frequency band from perspective of interference management between neighbouring services are analysed in the dissertation. Main focal point of this dissertation is on the problems that face LTE networks based on Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing (OFDM) due to the relatively strong side lobes around the active subcarriers in the main communication channel, which introduces interference effects between LTE stations and other services. The introductory chapter presents the investigated problem, objects of research, importance of the dissertation, describes research methodology, scientific novelty and the defended statements. The situation in the 790–862 MHz frequency band is overviewed regarding most sensitive challenges in the first chapter: LTE stations’ influence on Short-Range Devices (SRD), digital terrestrial TV broadcasting (DVB-T) and aeronautical radio navigation systems (ARNS). The noticeable lack of information is observed regarding SRD and LTE electromagnetic compatibility. The Filter Bank Multicarrier Transmission technique (FBMC) is pro-posed as means to minimize adjacent band interference in the 790–862 MHz frequency band. Main FBMC benefits are presented through comparison with reference case of OFDM. The key advantage of FBMC technique is derived from its low out-of-band leakage, which guarantees minimum harmful interference level between stations using adjacent channels. The harmful interference of LTE mobile stations’ influence on Short-Range Devices operating in the 863–870 MHz frequency band is analysed in the second chapter. Two analysis methods are used in this study: first applying theoretical analysis using Minimum Coupling Loss calculations, then statistical Monte-Carlo in order to verify results obtained in theoretical approach. The third chapter is focused on the experimental analysis to reproduce the situation that was investigated in theoretical analysis chapter. Verification of theoretical analysis by practical measurements confirmed that the LTE user equipment (UE) emissions may affect SRD devices and completely or partially disrupt their communications at distances of up to several meters from LTE UE. The obtained results are summarized and general conclusions are drawn

    Protocol for Extreme Low Latency M2M Communication Networks

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    As technology evolves, more Machine to Machine (M2M) deployments and mission critical services are expected to grow massively, generating new and diverse forms of data traffic, posing unprecedented challenges in requirements such as delay, reliability, energy consumption and scalability. This new paradigm vindicates a new set of stringent requirements that the current mobile networks do not support. A new generation of mobile networks is needed to attend to this innovative services and requirements - the The fifth generation of mobile networks (5G) networks. Specifically, achieving ultra-reliable low latency communication for machine to machine networks represents a major challenge, that requires a new approach to the design of the Physical (PHY) and Medium Access Control (MAC) layer to provide these novel services and handle the new heterogeneous environment in 5G. The current LTE Advanced (LTE-A) radio access network orthogonality and synchronization requirements are obstacles for this new 5G architecture, since devices in M2M generate bursty and sporadic traffic, and therefore should not be obliged to follow the synchronization of the LTE-A PHY layer. A non-orthogonal access scheme is required, that enables asynchronous access and that does not degrade the spectrum. This dissertation addresses the requirements of URLLC M2M traffic at the MAC layer. It proposes an extension of the M2M H-NDMA protocol for a multi base station scenario and a power control scheme to adapt the protocol to the requirements of URLLC. The system and power control schemes performance and the introduction of more base stations are analyzed in a system level simulator developed in MATLAB, which implements the MAC protocol and applies the power control algorithm. Results showed that with the increase in the number of base stations, delay can be significantly reduced and the protocol supports more devices without compromising delay or reliability bounds for Ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Communication (URLLC), while also increasing the throughput. The extension of the protocol will enable the study of different power control algorithms for more complex scenarios and access schemes that combine asynchronous and synchronous access

    Broadband wireless communication systems for high mobility scenarios

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Tecnoloxías da Información e Comunicación en Redes Móbiles. 553V01[Resumen] A lo largo de los últimos años el uso de servicios multimedia y, en general, basados en el acceso a información “en la nube”, experimentó un auge sin precedentes. A diferencia respecto del pasado, los usuarios no solamente acceden a los servicios desde una ubicación estática; por contra, navegan libremente entre distintos lugares al tiempo que acceden, desde sus dispositivos móviles, a servicios en la nube. Debido al ritmo de vida actual, el tránsito entre zonas rurales y ciudades también se incrementó de modo notable, al ubicarse la mayor parte de los lugares de trabajo en ciudades o en sus respectivos entornos. Durante los períodos de transporte, cada vez más, los pasajeros emplean sus dispositivos móviles para trabajar, acceder a redes sociales o como dispositivos de entretenimiento. En la actualidad, GSM for Railways (GSM-R) es el sistema de comunicaciones más empleado entre los trenes y el resto de elementos involucrados en la infraestructura ferroviaria. Sin embargo, GSM-R no es adecuado para proporcionar servicios avanzados, tales como el control de piloto automático, así como para sustentar transmisiones de banda ancha a los operadores ferroviarios o proporcionar servicios de valor añadido a los pasajeros. Centrándonos en el mercado de dispositivos de comunicaciones de ámbito general, la explosión de usuarios y servicios multimedia de los últimos años motivó la migración, primero a las redes de tercera generación y, seguidamente, a las de cuarta, con Long Term Evolution (LTE) a la cabeza. Así, parece natural plantear a LTE como la tecnología candidata para la sustitución de GSM-R. En el presente trabajo se lleva a cabo un completo estudio de las prestaciones de sistemas de comunicaciones inalámbricas de banda ancha en vehículos de alta velocidad basado en campañas de medidas llevadas a cabo en entornos reales. Se estudió especialmente el caso de comunicaciones LTE en trenes de alta velocidad. Se proponen técnicas de reducción del coste y complejidad en relación a las evaluaciones en entornos de alta velocidad y se prueba su funcionamiento de modo analítico, mediante simulación y empíricamente. De cara a validar los desarrollos presentados en esta tesis en relación a los últimos avances en materia comunicaciones, se consideraron también las más novedosas propuestas para sistemas de quinta generación, actualmente aún en fase de definición. Es más, se evaluaron, tanto mediante simulación como vía medidas en entornos de alta velocidad, las prestaciones brindadas por las propuestas para sistemas de comunicaciones de quinta generación. El código fuente del GTEC Testbed y del GTEC 5G Simulator está disponible públicamente bajo la licencia GPLv3 en https://bitbucket.org/tomas_bolano/gtec_testbed_public.git.[Resumo] Ao longo dos últimos anos o uso de servizos multimedia e, en xeral, baseados no acceso a información contida “na nube”, experimentou un auxe sen precedentes. A diferencia respecto do pasado, os usuarios non soamente acceden aos servizos dende unha ubicación estática; pola contra, navegan libremente entre distintos lugares ao tempo que acceden, dende os seus dispositivos móbiles, a servizos na nube. Debido ao ritmo de vida actual, o tránsito entre zonas rurais e cidades tamén se incrementou de modo notable, ao ubicarse a maior parte dos lugares de traballo nas cidades ou nas súas respectivas contornas. Durante os períodos de transporte, cada vez máis, os pasaxeiros empregan os seus dispositivos móbiles para traballar, acceder a redes sociais ou como ferramenta de entretemento. O factor común da maior parte dos servizos típicamente empregados é a súa dependencia respecto do acceso á rede. Na actualidade, GSM for Railways (GSM-R), baseado no xa vetusto GSM, é o sistema de comunicacións máis empregado entre os trens e o resto dos elementos involucrados na infraestrutura ferroviaria. Sen embargo, GSM-R non é axeitado para proporcionar servizos avanzados, tales como o control de piloto automático, así como para sustentar transmisións de banda ancha aos operadores ferroviarios ou proporcionar servizos de valor engadido aos pasaxeiros. Botando unha ollada ao mercado de dispositivos de comunicacións de ámbito xeral, a explosión de usuarios e servizos multimedia dos últimos anos motivou a migración, primeiro ás redes de terceira xeración e, seguidamente, ás de cuarta, con Long Term Evolution (LTE) á cabeza. Así, parece natural plantexar LTE como o candidato para a substitución de GSM-R. No presente traballo lévase a cabo un completo estudo das prestacións de sistemas de comunicacións sen fíos de banda ancha en vehículos de alta velocidade baseado en campañas de medidas levadas a cabo en contornas reais de alta velocidade. Estudouse especialmente o caso de comunicacións LTE en trens de alta velocidade. Propóñense técnicas de redución de custo e complexidade en relación ás avaliacións en contornas de alta velocidade e valídase o seu funcionamento de xeito analítico, mediante simulación e empíricamente. Os desenvolvementos presentados nesta tese foron validados para os sistemas de quinta xeración, aínda en fase de definición. Avaliáronse, mediante simulación e experimentalmente en contornas de alta velocidade, as prestacións brindadas polas propostas para sistemas de comunicacións de quinta xeración. O código fonte do GTEC Testbed e do GTEC 5G Simulator está dispoñible públicamente baixo a licenza GPLv3 en https://bitbucket.org/tomas_bolano/gtec_testbed_public.git.[Abstract] Over the last few years multimedia and data-based services experienced a non-stopping growth. Unlike before, people do not use the services only from a static location, but they are continuously on the move between different scenarios, using their mobile devices to access data-based services. In parallel, commuter traffic from rural areas is also rising, since most of work places are in and around cities. During transportation, people intensively employ mobile devices to work, access to social networks, or as an entertainment means. Internet access is required for most of these services. Currently, GSM for Railways (GSM-R), which is based on the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), is the most widely used communication system between trains and the elements involved in operation, control, and intercommunication within the railway infrastructure. However, GSM-R is not well suited for supporting advanced services such as automatic pilot applications or provisioning broadband services to the train staff and passengers. Besides trains, the increasing number of broadband services available for mobile devices motivated the migration from third-generation mobile networks to fourth generation ones, mainly Long Term Evolution (LTE). Therefore, LTE seems to be a good candidate to substitute the GSM as the fundamental technology for railway communications. In this work a complete study on the performance of high capacity broadband wireless communication systems for high speed vehicles is presented, based on measurement campaigns in actual high speed environments. Special attention is devoted to the case of LTE in high speed trains. Techniques to greatly reduce the cost and complexity of measurement-based evaluations in high speed scenarios are proposed and proven to work analytically, by means of simulations and by measurements in actual high speed environments. With the aim of checking the validity of the findings of this work for the latest advances in wireless communication systems, proposals for fifth generation (5G) communication systems, currently still under definition, were also considered. Moreover, the performance of the proposals for 5G communication systems was also evaluated by means of simulations as well as by measuring in high speed environments. The source code of both the GTEC Testbed and the GTEC 5G Simulator is publicly available under the GPLv3 license at https://bitbucket.org/tomas_bolano/gtec_testbed_public.git

    Técnicas de equalização iterativa para arquiteturas híbridas sub-conectadas na banda de ondas milimétricas

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e TelecomunicaçõesThe millimeter wave communications and the use of a massive number of antennas are two promising technologies that being combined allow to achieve the multi Gb/s required by future 5G wireless systems. As this type of systems has a high number of antennas it is impossible to use a fully digital architecture, due to hardware limitations. Therefore, the design of signal processing techniques for hybrid analog-digital architectures is a requirement. Depending on the structure of the analog part the hybrid analog-digital architectures may be fully connected or sub-connected. Although the fully connected hybrid architectures allow to connect all RF chains to any antenna element, they involve a high cost due to its structural and computational complexity. As such, the sub-connected hybrid architectures become more attractive, since either at the hardware level or from the computational point of view they are less demanding. In this dissertation, we propose a hybrid iterative block multiuser equalizer for sub-connected millimeter wave massive MIMO systems. The user terminal transceiver has low-complexity and as such employ a pure analog random precoder, with a single RF chain. For the base station, a sub-connected hybrid analog-digital equalizer is designed to remove the multiuser interference. The hybrid equalizer is optimized using the average bit-error-rate as a metric. Due to the coupling between the RF chains in the optimization problem the computation of the optimal solution is way too complex. To address this problem, we compute the analog part of the equalizer sequentially over the RF chains using a dictionary built from the array response vectors. The proposed sub-connected hybrid iterative multiuser equalizer is compared with a recently proposed fully connected hybrid analog-digital approach and with the fully digital architecture. The results show that the performance of the proposed scheme is close to the fully connected hybrid approach after just a few iterations.As comunicações na banda das ondas milimétricas e o uso massivo de antenas são duas tecnologias promissoras que, sendo combinadas permitem alcançar elevadas taxas de transmissão, na ordem dos multi Gb/s, exigidas pelos futuros sistemas sem fios da 5G. Como estes sistemas possuem um número elevado de antenas, torna-se impossível o uso de uma arquitetura totalmente digital devido às limitações de hardware. Desta forma, é necessário projetar técnicas de processamento de sinal para arquiteturas híbridas analógico-digitais. Dentro das arquiteturas híbridas, foram propostas duas formas de lidar com a parte analógica, que são, a forma totalmente conectada e a forma sub-conectada. Embora as arquiteturas híbridas totalmente conectadas permitam interligar todas as cadeias RF a qualquer elemento de antena, estas envolvem um elevado custo devido à sua complexidade estrutural e computacional. Assim sendo, as arquiteturas híbridas sub-conectadas tornam-se mais atraentes pois são menos exigentes do ponto de vista computacional, bem como ao nível do hardware. Nesta dissertação, é proposto um equalizador iterativo para um sistema com uma arquitetura hibrida sub-conectada, com múltiplos utilizadores e um número massivo de antenas a operar na banda das ondas milimétricas. Os terminais dos utilizadores têm baixa complexidade e utilizam pré-codificadores aleatórios analógicos puros, cada um com uma única cadeia RF. Para a estação base, projetou-se um equalizador híbrido analógico-digital de arquitectura sub-conectada, para remover a interferência multiutilizador. O equalizador híbrido é otimizado usando a taxa média de erro de bit como métrica. Devido ao acoplamento entre as cadeias de RF no problema de otimização, o cálculo das soluções ótimas possui elevada complexidade. Para ultrapassar este problema, calculou-se a parte analógica de cada cadeia de RF do equalizador de forma sequencial, usando um dicionário construído a partir da resposta do agregado de antenas. Compara-se o equalizador iterativo híbrido para sistemas multiutilizador de arquitectura sub-conectada proposto com uma abordagem híbrida analógica/digital totalmente conectada, recentemente proposta na literatura e com uma arquitetura totalmente digital. Os resultados mostram que o desempenho do esquema proposto aproximasse da abordagem híbrida totalmente conectada após apenas algumas iterações

    LTE Carrier Aggregation Deployment – From Standardization to Deployment

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    Purpose: The objective of this research was to investigate LTE Carrier Aggregation commercial deployment and how soon it happened after standardization finalization. Because LTE Carrier Aggregation feature was expected to be important feature there is good reason to expect its deployment for real commercial markets.   Theoretical framework: The literature at time when standardization was ongoing predicted and speculated Carrier Aggregation feature as promising deployment selection. However there is room to investigate whether Carrier Aggregation happened shortly after standard specification work finalized.    Design/methodology/approach: Used methodology was to gather network operators’ and equipment manufacturers’ intentions for LTE Carrier Aggregation commercial deployment purposes during and after standardization finalization. Information found from public sources where commercial deployment intentions launched by companies.      Findings: The research showed that after and already before standardization finalized there were immediate intentions for LTE Carrier Aggregation deployment. Commercial trials appeared within one year and real commercial deployments appeared within two years from standardization finalization. That means soon deployments in commercial markets when considering deployment in licensed band.   Research, Practical & Social implications: For future works there could be study why not LTE Carrier Aggregation solutions in unlicensed band was not successful and whether there will be changes when going towards 5G standard related deployments.   Originality/value: This article is an academic contribution for innovation feature commercial deployment in telecommunications industry and investigation whether LTE Carrier Aggregation feature deployment happened as soon as expected