23 research outputs found

    A lightweight authentication mechanism for M2M communications in industrial IoT environment

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    In the emerging Industrial IoT era, Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication technology is considered as a key underlying technology for building Industrial IoT environments where devices (e.g., sensors, actuators, gateways) are enabled to exchange information with each other in an autonomous way without human intervention. However, most of the existing M2M protocols that can be also used in the Industrial IoT domain provide security mechanisms based on asymmetric cryptography resulting in high computational cost. As a consequence, the resource-constrained IoT devices are not able to support them appropriately and thus, many security issues arise for the Industrial IoT environment. Therefore, lightweight security mechanisms are required for M2M communications in Industrial IoT in order to reach its full potential. As a step towards this direction, in this paper, we propose a lightweight authentication mechanism, based only on hash and XOR operations, for M2M communications in Industrial IoT environment. The proposed mechanism is characterized by low computational cost, communication and storage overhead, while achieving mutual authentication, session key agreement, device’s identity confidentiality, and resistance against the following attacks: replay attack, man-in-the-middle attack, impersonation attack, and modification attack

    Messenger Visual, a pictogram-based instant messaging service for individuals with cognitive disability

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    Along history disabled individuals have suffered from social exclusion due to the limitations posed by their condition. For instance, deaf people are not able to watch television programs because of their sensory limitation. Despite this situation has improved thanks to the efforts in adapting the different services —today the majority of television programs offer subtitles or simultaneous translation to sign language—, the arrival of the Internet, as well as the rest of the information and communication technologies, poses new risks to the inclusion of disabled individuals. Taking into account the present digital exclusion situation of disabled individuals this project presents Messenger Visual, an Instant Messaging service based on pictograms for individuals with cognitive disability. Messenger Visual is composed of two different parts. On the one hand, the Instant Messaging service has been designed considering the requirements of communication based on pictograms. On the other hand, the Instant Messaging client has been designed taking into account the user interface usability requirements of individuals with cognitive disability. Finally, the project presents the methodology that we have used to evaluate Messenger Visual with a group of individuals with cognitive disability, as well as the results we have obtained. The evaluation process has lasted for six months and one-hour fortnightly sessions have been held with two groups of individuals from Fundació El Maresme with different cognitive disability profiles. These sessions have allowed us to gain better understanding of the user interface accessibility requirements, as well as to know how individuals with cognitive disability communicate using pictograms

    Messenger Visual, a pictogram-based instant messaging service for individuals with cognitive disability

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    Along history disabled individuals have suffered from social exclusion due to the limitations posed by their condition. For instance, deaf people are not able to watch television programs because of their sensory limitation. Despite this situation has improved thanks to the efforts in adapting the different services —today the majority of television programs offer subtitles or simultaneous translation to sign language—, the arrival of the Internet, as well as the rest of the information and communication technologies, poses new risks to the inclusion of disabled individuals. Taking into account the present digital exclusion situation of disabled individuals this project presents Messenger Visual, an Instant Messaging service based on pictograms for individuals with cognitive disability. Messenger Visual is composed of two different parts. On the one hand, the Instant Messaging service has been designed considering the requirements of communication based on pictograms. On the other hand, the Instant Messaging client has been designed taking into account the user interface usability requirements of individuals with cognitive disability. Finally, the project presents the methodology that we have used to evaluate Messenger Visual with a group of individuals with cognitive disability, as well as the results we have obtained. The evaluation process has lasted for six months and one-hour fortnightly sessions have been held with two groups of individuals from Fundació El Maresme with different cognitive disability profiles. These sessions have allowed us to gain better understanding of the user interface accessibility requirements, as well as to know how individuals with cognitive disability communicate using pictograms

    Auto-Translation Instant Messenger using XMPP/Jabber Protocol

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    Effective communication is a vital component in decision making process. However, the language barrier established from the differences in culture and origin can interrupt the process of coming to an understanding. Various translation methods have been used to break this barrier. The traditional ways of using human translator or the usage of lingua franca imposed some problem and limitations. Auto-Translation Instant Messenger is an 1M program that aimed to provide instant translation to users when they communicate with people of different speaking language. It is developed under the XMPP protocol that provides standards and flexibilities at the same time. In the process of completing this project, Modified Waterfall methodology was chosen as guidance in the development of the working program. Important project activities and milestones are explained. As part of analysis process, a set of questionnaire have been distributed and its result will act as guidance in designing and developing the program. This project is aimed to learn in deep about XMPP, machine translation and instant messagin

    Auto-Translation Instant Messenger using XMPP/Jabber Protocol

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    Effective communication is a vital component in decision making process. However, the language barrier established from the differences in culture and origin can interrupt the process of coming to an understanding. Various translation methods have been used to break this barrier. The traditional ways of using human translator or the usage of lingua franca imposed some problem and limitations. Auto-Translation Instant Messenger is an 1M program that aimed to provide instant translation to users when they communicate with people of different speaking language. It is developed under the XMPP protocol that provides standards and flexibilities at the same time. In the process of completing this project, Modified Waterfall methodology was chosen as guidance in the development of the working program. Important project activities and milestones are explained. As part of analysis process, a set of questionnaire have been distributed and its result will act as guidance in designing and developing the program. This project is aimed to learn in deep about XMPP, machine translation and instant messagin

    Creating Metadata during Interception of Instant Messaging Communication

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá zákonnými odposlechy protokolů pro komunikaci v reálném čase a následným vytvářením metainformací (zprávy IRI) ze zachycené komunikace. Práce se podrobněji zabývá protokoly XMPP, IRC a OSCAR. U každého protokolu byl popsán formát zasílaných zpráv a byly uvedeny pro tuto práci důležité zprávy. Na základě studia protokolů byla vyvinuta aplikace vytvářející zprávy IRI jako součást zákonných odposlechů. Vytvořená aplikace byla otestována v testovacím prostředí a na základě provedených testů jsou diskutovány problémy, které mohou nastat.This thesis deals with the lawful interception of instant messaging communication and meta-information construction (IRI reports) during an interception. This thesis deals with XMPP, IRC, and OSCAR protocols. Format of messages has been described for each protocol. An application that is able to create IRI messages has been developed and tested in proposed testbed. The work also deals with possible problems that may happen during interceptions.

    Practical Implementation of the Virtual Organization Cluster Model

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    Virtualization has great potential in the realm of scientific computing because of its inherent advantages with regard to environment customization and isolation. Virtualization technology is not without it\u27s downsides, most notably, increased computational overhead. This thesis introduces the operating mechanisms of grid technologies in general, and the Open Science Grid in particular, including a discussion of general organization and specific software implementation. A model for utilization of virtualization resources with separate administrative domains for the virtual machines (VMs) and the physical resources is then presented. Two well-known virtual machine monitors, Xen and the Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM), are introduced and a performance analysis conducted. The High-Performance Computing Challenge (HPCC) benchmark suite is used in conjunction with independent High-Performance Linpack (HPL) trials in order to analyze specific performance issues. Xen was found to introduce much lower performance overhead than KVM, however, KVM retains advantages with regard to ease of deployment, both of the VMM itself and of the VM images. KVM\u27s snapshot mode is of special interest, as it allows multiple VMs to be instantiated from a single image located on a network store. With virtualization overhead shown to be acceptable for high-throughput computing tasks, the Virtual Organization Cluster (VOC) Model was implemented as a prototype. Dynamic scaling and multi-site scheduling extensions were also successfully implemented using this prototype. It is also shown that traditional overlay networks have scaling issues and that a new approach to wide-area scheduling is needed. The use of XMPP messaging and the Google App Engine service to implement a virtual machine monitoring system is presented. Detailed discussions of the relevant sections of the XMPP protocol and libraries are presented. XMPP is found to be a good choice for sending status information due to its inherent advantages in a bandwidth-limited NAT environment. Thus, it is concluded that the VOC Model is a practical way to implement virtualization of high-throughput computing tasks. Smaller VOCs may take advantage of traditional overlay networks whereas larger VOCs need an alternative approach to scheduling

    Remote M2M healthcare : applications and algorithms

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    Tese de mestrado. Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Informática e Computação. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201