11 research outputs found

    VLSI implementation of a multi-mode turbo/LDPC decoder architecture

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    Flexible and reconfigurable architectures have gained wide popularity in the communications field. In particular, reconfigurable architectures for the physical layer are an attractive solution not only to switch among different coding modes but also to achieve interoperability. This work concentrates on the design of a reconfigurable architecture for both turbo and LDPC codes decoding. The novel contributions of this paper are: i) tackling the reconfiguration issue introducing a formal and systematic treatment that, to the best of our knowledge, was not previously addressed; ii) proposing a reconfigurable NoCbased turbo/LDPC decoder architecture and showing that wide flexibility can be achieved with a small complexity overhead. Obtained results show that dynamic switching between most of considered communication standards is possible without pausing the decoding activity. Moreover, post-layout results show that tailoring the proposed architecture to the WiMAX standard leads to an area occupation of 2.75 mm2 and a power consumption of 101.5 mW in the worst case

    Domain specific high performance reconfigurable architecture for a communication platform

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    VLSI decoding architectures: flexibility, robustness and performance

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    Stemming from previous studies on flexible LDPC decoders, this thesis work has been mainly focused on the development of flexible turbo and LDPC decoder designs, and on the narrowing of the power, area and speed gap they might present with respect to dedicated solutions. Additional studies have been carried out within the field of increased code performance and of decoder resiliency to hardware errors. The first chapter regroups several main contributions in the design and implementation of flexible channel decoders. The first part concerns the design of a Network-on-Chip (NoC) serving as an interconnection network for a partially parallel LDPC decoder. A best-fit NoC architecture is designed and a complete multi-standard turbo/LDPC decoder is designed and implemented. Every time the code is changed, the decoder must be reconfigured. A number of variables influence the duration of the reconfiguration process, starting from the involved codes down to decoder design choices. These are taken in account in the flexible decoder designed, and novel traffic reduction and optimization methods are then implemented. In the second chapter a study on the early stopping of iterations for LDPC decoders is presented. The energy expenditure of any LDPC decoder is directly linked to the iterative nature of the decoding algorithm. We propose an innovative multi-standard early stopping criterion for LDPC decoders that observes the evolution of simple metrics and relies on on-the-fly threshold computation. Its effectiveness is evaluated against existing techniques both in terms of saved iterations and, after implementation, in terms of actual energy saving. The third chapter portrays a study on the resilience of LDPC decoders under the effect of memory errors. Given that the purpose of channel decoders is to correct errors, LDPC decoders are intrinsically characterized by a certain degree of resistance to hardware faults. This characteristic, together with the soft nature of the stored values, results in LDPC decoders being affected differently according to the meaning of the wrong bits: ad-hoc error protection techniques, like the Unequal Error Protection devised in this chapter, can consequently be applied to different bits according to their significance. In the fourth chapter the serial concatenation of LDPC and turbo codes is presented. The concatenated FEC targets very high error correction capabilities, joining the performance of turbo codes at low SNR with that of LDPC codes at high SNR, and outperforming both current deep-space FEC schemes and concatenation-based FECs. A unified decoder for the concatenated scheme is subsequently propose

    Architectures multi-Asip pour turbo récepteur flexible

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    Rapidly evolving wireless standards use modern techniques such as turbo codes, Bit Interleaved coded Modulation (BICM), high order QAM constellation, Signal Space Diversity (SSD), Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) Spatial Multiplexing (SM) and Space Time Codes (STC) with different parameters for reliable high rate data transmissions. Adoption of such techniques in the transmitter can impact the receiver architecture in three ways: (1) the complex processing related to advanced techniques such as turbo codes, encourage to perform iterative processing in the receiver to improve error rate performance (2) to satisfy high throughput requirement for an iterative receiver, parallel processing is mandatory and finally (3) to allow the support of different techniques and parameters imposed, programmable yet high throughput hardware processing elements are required. In this thesis, to address the high throughput requirement with turbo processing, first of all a study of parallelism on turbo decoding is extended for turbo demodulation and turbo equalization. Based on the results acquired from the parallelism study a flexible high throughput heterogeneous multi-ASIP NoC based unified turbo receiver is proposed. The proposed architecture fulfils the target requirements in a way that: (a) Application Specific Instruction-set Processor (ASIP) exploits metric generation level parallelism and implements the required flexibility, (b) throughputs beyond the capacity of single ASIP in a turbo process are achieved through multiple ASIP elements implementing sub-block parallelism and shuffled processing and finally (c) Network on Chip is used to handle communication conflicts during parallel processing of multiple ASIPs. In pursuit to achieve a hardware model of the proposed architecture two ASIPs are conceived where the first one, namely EquASIP, is dedicated for MMSE-IC equalization and provides a flexible solution for multiple MIMO techniques adopted in multiple wireless standards with a capability to work in turbo equalization context. The second ASIP, named as DemASIP, is a flexible demapper which can be used in MIMO or single antenna environment for any modulation till 256-QAM with or without iterative demodulation. Using available TurbASIP and NoC components, the thesis concludes on an FPGA prototype of heterogeneous multi-ASIP NoC based unified turbo receiver which integrates 9 instances of 3 different ASIPs with 2 NoCs.Les normes de communication sans fil, sans cesse en Ă©volution, imposent l'utilisation de techniques modernes telles que les turbocodes, modulation codĂ©e Ă  entrelacement bit (BICM), constellation MAQ d'ordre Ă©levĂ©, diversitĂ© de constellation (SSD), multiplexage spatial et codage espace-temps multi-antennes (MIMO) avec des paramĂštres diffĂ©rents pour des transmissions fiables et de haut dĂ©bit. L'adoption de ces techniques dans l'Ă©metteur peut influencer l'architecture du rĂ©cepteur de trois façons: (1) les traitement complexes relatifs aux techniques avancĂ©es comme les turbocodes, encourage Ă  effectuer un traitement itĂ©ratif dans le rĂ©cepteur pour amĂ©liorer la performance en termes de taux d'erreur (2) pour satisfaire l'exigence de haut dĂ©bit avec un rĂ©cepteur itĂ©ratif, le recours au parallĂ©lisme est obligatoire et enfin (3) pour assurer le support des diffĂ©rentes techniques et paramĂštres imposĂ©es, des processeurs de traitement matĂ©riel flexibles, mais aussi de haute performance, sont nĂ©cessaires. Dans cette thĂšse, pour rĂ©pondre aux besoins de haut dĂ©bit dans un contexte de traitement itĂ©ratif, tout d'abord une Ă©tude de parallĂ©lisme sur le turbo dĂ©codage a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tendue aux applications de turbo dĂ©modulation et turbo Ă©galisation. Partant des rĂ©sultats obtenus Ă  partir de l'Ă©tude du parallĂ©lisme, un rĂ©cepteur itĂ©ratif unifiĂ© basĂ© sur un modĂšle d'architecture multi-ASIP hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšne intĂ©grant un rĂ©seau sur puce (NoC) a Ă©tĂ© proposĂ©. L'architecture proposĂ©e rĂ©pond aux exigences visĂ©es d'une maniĂšre oĂč: (a) le concept de processeur Ă  jeu d'instruction dĂ©diĂ© Ă  l'application (ASIP) exploite le parallĂ©lisme du niveau de gĂ©nĂ©ration de mĂ©triques et met en oeuvre la flexibilitĂ© nĂ©cessaire, (b) les dĂ©bits au-delĂ  de la capacitĂ© d'un seul ASIP dans un processus itĂ©ratif sont obtenus au moyen de multiples ASIP implĂ©mentant le parallĂ©lisme de sous-blocs et le traitement combinĂ© et enfin (c) le concept de rĂ©seau sur puce (NoC) est utilisĂ© pour gĂ©rer les conflits de communication au cours du traitement parallĂšle itĂ©ratif multi-ASIP. Dans le but de parvenir Ă  un modĂšle matĂ©riel de l'architecture proposĂ©e, deux ASIP ont Ă©tĂ© conçus oĂč le premier, nommĂ© EquASIP, est dĂ©diĂ© Ă  l'Ă©galisation MMSE-IC et fournit une solution flexible pour de multiples techniques multi-antennes adoptĂ©s dans plusieurs normes sans fil avec la capacitĂ© de travailler dans un contexte de turbo Ă©galisation. Le deuxiĂšme ASIP, nommĂ© DemASIP, est un dĂ©mappeur flexible qui peut ĂȘtre utilisĂ© dans un environnement multi-antennes et pour tout type de modulation jusqu'Ă  MAQ-256 avec ou sans dĂ©modulation itĂ©rative. En intĂ©grant ces ASIP, en plus des NoC et TurbASIP disponibles Ă  TĂ©lĂ©com Bretagne, la thĂšse conclut sur un prototype FPGA d'un rĂ©cepteur itĂ©ratif unifiĂ© multi-ASIP qui intĂšgre 9 coeurs de 3 diffĂ©rents types d'ASIP avec 2 NoC

    Techniques d'exploration architecturale de design à usage spécifique pour l'accélération de boucles

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    RÉSUMÉ De nos jours, les industriels privilĂ©gient les architectures flexibles afin de rĂ©duire le temps et les coĂ»ts de conception d’un systĂšme. Les processeurs Ă  usage spĂ©cifique (ASIP) fournissent beaucoup de flexibilitĂ©, tout en atteignant des performances Ă©levĂ©es. Une tendance qui a de plus en plus de succĂšs dans le processus de conception d’un systĂšme sur puce consiste Ă  spĂ©cifier le comportement du systĂšme en langage Ă©voluĂ© tel que le C, SystemC, etc. La spĂ©cification est ensuite utilisĂ©e durant le partitionement pour dĂ©terminer les composantes logicielles et matĂ©rielles du systĂšme. Avec la maturitĂ© des gĂ©nĂ©rateurs automatiques de ASIP, les concepteurs peuvent rajouter dans leurs boĂźtes Ă  outils un nouveau type d’architecture, Ă  savoir les ASIP, en sachant que ces derniers sont conçus Ă  partir d’une spĂ©cification dĂ©crite en langage Ă©voluĂ©. D’un autre cĂŽtĂ©, dans le monde matĂ©riel, et cela depuis trĂšs longtemps, les chercheurs ont vu l’avantage de baser le processus de conception sur un langage Ă©voluĂ©. Cette recherche a abouti Ă  l’avĂ©nement de gĂ©nĂ©rateurs automatiques de matĂ©riel sur le marchĂ© qui sont des outils d’aide Ă  la conception comme CapatultC, Forte’s Cynthetizer, etc. Ainsi, avec tous ces outils basĂ©s sur le langage C, les concepteurs ont un choix de types de design Ă©largi mais, d’un autre cĂŽtĂ©, les options de designs possibles explosent, ce qui peut allonger au lieu de rĂ©duire le temps de conception. C’est dans ce cadre que notre thĂšse doctorale s’inscrit, puisqu’elle prĂ©sente des mĂ©thodologies d’exploration architecturale de design Ă  usage spĂ©cifique pour l’accĂ©lĂ©ration de boucles afin de rĂ©duire le temps de conception, entre autres. Cette thĂšse a dĂ©butĂ© par l’exploration de designs de ASIP. Les boucles de traitement sont de bonnes candidates Ă  l’accĂ©lĂ©ration, si elles comportent de bonnes possibilitĂ©s de parallĂ©lisme et si ces derniĂšres sont bien exploitĂ©es. Le matĂ©riel est trĂšs efficace Ă  profiter des possibilitĂ©s de parallĂ©lisme au niveau instruction, donc, une mĂ©thode de conception a Ă©tĂ© proposĂ©e. Cette derniĂšre extrait le parallĂ©lisme d’une boucle afin d’exĂ©cuter plus d’opĂ©rations concurrentes dans des instructions spĂ©cialisĂ©es. Notre mĂ©thode se base aussi sur l’optimisation des donnĂ©es dans l’architecture du processeur.---------- ABSTRACT Time to market is a very important concern in industry. That is why the industry always looks for new CAD tools that contribute to reducing design time. Application-specific instruction-set processors (ASIPs) provide flexibility and they allow reaching good performance if they are well designed. One trend that gains more and more success is C-based design that uses a high level language such as C, SystemC, etc. The C-based specification is used during the partitionning phase to determine the software and hardware components of the system. Since automatic processor generators are mature now, designers have a new type of tool they can rely on during architecture design. In the hardware world, high level synthesis was and is still a hot research topic. The advances in ESL lead to commercial high-level synthesis tools such as CapatultC, Forte’s Cynthetizer, etc. The designers have more tools in their box but they have more solutions to explore, thus their use can have a reverse effect since the design time can increase instead of being reduced. Our doctoral research tackles this issue by proposing new methodologies for design space exploration of application specific architecture for loop acceleration in order to reduce the design time while reaching some targeted performances. Our thesis starts with the exploration of ASIP design. We propose a method that targets loop acceleration with highly coupled specialized-instructions executing loop operations. Loops are good candidates for acceleration when the parallelism they offer is well exploited (if they have any parallelization opportunities). Hardware components such as specialized-instructions can leverage parallelization opportunities at low level. Thus, we propose to extract loop parallelization opportunities and to execute more concurrent operations in specialized-instructions. The main contribution of this method is a new approach to specialized-instruction (SI) design based on loop acceleration where loop optimization and transformation are done in SIs directly, instead of optimizing the software code. Another contribution is the design of tightly-coupled specialized-instructions associated with loops based on a 5-pattern representation

    Flexible scheduling of turbo decoding on a multiprocessor platform

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    Basic concepts and literature review -- Universal mobile telecommunication system (UMTS) -- The vocallo architecture -- Performance modeling -- Mapping the system level models into MPSoC platforms -- Multiprocessor scheduling and synchronization -- Worst case execution time (WCET) based design -- Scheduling flexible applications -- Mapping and scheduling of turbo decoding in MPSoC platforms -- Performance modeling -- Steps to create a performance model -- Detailed description of the performance model -- One performance model example -- Scheduling of turbo decoding -- Mapping the uplink WCDMA processing on an MPSoC platform -- Processing variability of the studied turbo decoder -- BER performance of the studied turbo decoder -- Proposed methods for scheduling the turbo decoding -- Simulation results -- Validating investigation -- Elapsed simulation time

    Embedded electronic systems driven by run-time reconfigurable hardware

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    Abstract This doctoral thesis addresses the design of embedded electronic systems based on run-time reconfigurable hardware technology –available through SRAM-based FPGA/SoC devices– aimed at contributing to enhance the life quality of the human beings. This work does research on the conception of the system architecture and the reconfiguration engine that provides to the FPGA the capability of dynamic partial reconfiguration in order to synthesize, by means of hardware/software co-design, a given application partitioned in processing tasks which are multiplexed in time and space, optimizing thus its physical implementation –silicon area, processing time, complexity, flexibility, functional density, cost and power consumption– in comparison with other alternatives based on static hardware (MCU, DSP, GPU, ASSP, ASIC, etc.). The design flow of such technology is evaluated through the prototyping of several engineering applications (control systems, mathematical coprocessors, complex image processors, etc.), showing a high enough level of maturity for its exploitation in the industry.Resumen Esta tesis doctoral abarca el diseño de sistemas electrĂłnicos embebidos basados en tecnologĂ­a hardware dinĂĄmicamente reconfigurable –disponible a travĂ©s de dispositivos lĂłgicos programables SRAM FPGA/SoC– que contribuyan a la mejora de la calidad de vida de la sociedad. Se investiga la arquitectura del sistema y del motor de reconfiguraciĂłn que proporcione a la FPGA la capacidad de reconfiguraciĂłn dinĂĄmica parcial de sus recursos programables, con objeto de sintetizar, mediante codiseño hardware/software, una determinada aplicaciĂłn particionada en tareas multiplexadas en tiempo y en espacio, optimizando asĂ­ su implementaciĂłn fĂ­sica –área de silicio, tiempo de procesado, complejidad, flexibilidad, densidad funcional, coste y potencia disipada– comparada con otras alternativas basadas en hardware estĂĄtico (MCU, DSP, GPU, ASSP, ASIC, etc.). Se evalĂșa el flujo de diseño de dicha tecnologĂ­a a travĂ©s del prototipado de varias aplicaciones de ingenierĂ­a (sistemas de control, coprocesadores aritmĂ©ticos, procesadores de imagen, etc.), evidenciando un nivel de madurez viable ya para su explotaciĂłn en la industria.Resum Aquesta tesi doctoral estĂ  orientada al disseny de sistemes electrĂČnics empotrats basats en tecnologia hardware dinĂ micament reconfigurable –disponible mitjançant dispositius lĂČgics programables SRAM FPGA/SoC– que contribueixin a la millora de la qualitat de vida de la societat. S’investiga l’arquitectura del sistema i del motor de reconfiguraciĂł que proporcioni a la FPGA la capacitat de reconfiguraciĂł dinĂ mica parcial dels seus recursos programables, amb l’objectiu de sintetitzar, mitjançant codisseny hardware/software, una determinada aplicaciĂł particionada en tasques multiplexades en temps i en espai, optimizant aixĂ­ la seva implementaciĂł fĂ­sica –àrea de silici, temps de processat, complexitat, flexibilitat, densitat funcional, cost i potĂšncia dissipada– comparada amb altres alternatives basades en hardware estĂ tic (MCU, DSP, GPU, ASSP, ASIC, etc.). S’evalĂșa el fluxe de disseny d’aquesta tecnologia a travĂ©s del prototipat de varies aplicacions d’enginyeria (sistemes de control, coprocessadors aritmĂštics, processadors d’imatge, etc.), demostrant un nivell de maduresa viable ja per a la seva explotaciĂł a la indĂșstria

    Dependable Embedded Systems

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    This Open Access book introduces readers to many new techniques for enhancing and optimizing reliability in embedded systems, which have emerged particularly within the last five years. This book introduces the most prominent reliability concerns from today’s points of view and roughly recapitulates the progress in the community so far. Unlike other books that focus on a single abstraction level such circuit level or system level alone, the focus of this book is to deal with the different reliability challenges across different levels starting from the physical level all the way to the system level (cross-layer approaches). The book aims at demonstrating how new hardware/software co-design solution can be proposed to ef-fectively mitigate reliability degradation such as transistor aging, processor variation, temperature effects, soft errors, etc. Provides readers with latest insights into novel, cross-layer methods and models with respect to dependability of embedded systems; Describes cross-layer approaches that can leverage reliability through techniques that are pro-actively designed with respect to techniques at other layers; Explains run-time adaptation and concepts/means of self-organization, in order to achieve error resiliency in complex, future many core systems

    Speech Recognition

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    Chapters in the first part of the book cover all the essential speech processing techniques for building robust, automatic speech recognition systems: the representation for speech signals and the methods for speech-features extraction, acoustic and language modeling, efficient algorithms for searching the hypothesis space, and multimodal approaches to speech recognition. The last part of the book is devoted to other speech processing applications that can use the information from automatic speech recognition for speaker identification and tracking, for prosody modeling in emotion-detection systems and in other speech processing applications that are able to operate in real-world environments, like mobile communication services and smart homes

    Stopping-free dynamic configuration of a multi-ASIP turbo decoder

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    International audienceThe multiplication of wireless standards is introducing the need of ïŹ‚exible and reconfigurable multistandard baseband receivers. At the physical layer, multiprocessor turbo decoders have been recently developed in order to provide an answer to the increasing throughput requirement of emerging standards. However these solutions do not sufficiently address reconfiguration performance issues which can be a limiting factor in the future. This work focuses on the design of a reconfigurable multiprocessor architecture for turbo decoding achieving very fast reconfiguration without compromising decoding performances. Dynamic reconfiguration can be performed within a single frame decoding duration opening new perspective for reconfigurable multistandard baseband receivers. For that purpose, optimizations at the processing element level and a novel bus-based configuration infrastructure are proposed. Results show that up to 64 processings elements can be dynamically configured in 5.352 ”s. This low configuration latency corresponds to a single frame decoding duration when performing 6 decoding iterations for a throughput up to 666 Mbps